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Author: Vince Williams
Brooklynn Prince / duration=94 minute / Creators=Henry James / release Date=2020 / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BY2ZiMzVkNzktZjlmMy00MWE1LWJkMjgtZTFiMWYyYTU3M2FjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDM2NDM2MQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) / directed by=Floria Sigismondi. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2016 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase The extended version of this movie is far, FAR superior to the regular version. It's almost like watching a completely different movie. Now that I've seen this, I wish that Columbus had directed more of these movies, as this extended version is truly satisfying and shows a real regard for and commitment to the book on which it is based. All of the Harry Potter movies would benefit from added scenes (except perhaps Deathly Hallows, which is already pretty perfect and also significantly long), as all of them left out beloved parts of their respective books. "Goblet of Fire" in particular comes to mind, as it left out huge portions of the book and in so doing made the movie itself one of the less successful ones of the series. I don't understand why these extended versions are being held hostage the way they are, apparently they exist but we just aren't allowed to see them. I wish Rowling would get involved and force them onto the market so we could have access to them. Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Of coarse the movie was great, it's harry potter! However we couldn't watch the very end of the movie because amazon app comes up with this stupid "hit back" to remove other movies to buy when the credits are rolling. However when you hit the back button it stops the movie from playing. And when I go to tell Amazon of this issue, the only, THE ONLY thing I can do is write a review. So here I am writing a review. Movie is 5 stars, BUT DONT RENT IT ON AMAZON. Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2017 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase I have watched this second film in the "Harry Potter" franchise over a dozen latest viewing was in BluRay, which I highly recommend. Can't believe I've never written a several of my reviews have suspiciously disappeared and that could be the case here. Anyway, this is a worthy successor to "The Sorcerer's Stone" and a great fantasy actioner in its own right. Not only did the audiences love it in the theaters, the critics also loved it... a rare combination. The principle young actors - Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson - are a year older here and I've always loved being able to watch them in these movies as they mature. Richard Harris made his last appearance as Albus Dumbledore in this he had lived long enough to do them all! Look for the Hogwarts staff regulars, Alan Rickman as Professor Snape, Maggie Smith as Professor McGonagall; and Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid. Kenneth Branagh makes a wonderful one-off appearance as the bumbling, chicken-hearted Professor Guillory Lockhart and Jason Isaacs makes his first appearance as the evil Lucius Malfoy. The plot is a good one too and Chris Columbus is back behind the camera to craft a memorable highest recommendation! Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2018 Verified Purchase Worked great came in time expected Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2017 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I fell in love with Harry Potter, the moment I read the very first book when I was in middle school and from there on, I was totally addicted! To this day, I watch all 7 movies, all the time!! i even put them on to go to sleep to, when I'm having trouble sleeping! lol! My favorite ones to watch for when I'm trying to go to bed are, the first movie, "The Sorcerers Stone" and this one, movie number two, "Chamber Of Secrets. " Because, they aren't quite as "dark"... "deep" and not too crazy full of action. So, better to go to sleep to, at least in my opinion! I discovered Amazon Prime movies by mistake one day & I couldn't be happier ever since! I live out in the boondocks on a bunch of land in SC and I have HORRIBLE WiFi and internet connection. I've tried iTunes- it would no lie, take DAYS to download ONE movie to watch! Then I signed up for Netflix and Hulu and they were definately 10x faster downloading movies! But Amazon, OMG! It literally downloads any and all movies I want in SECONDS!!! Amazon is the absolute fastest movie downloading/playing app I have EVER used! I don't know how I lived without it now! haha! Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2018 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase My granddaughter and I watch a Harry Potter movie whenever she visits so this was #2 in our viewing. The movie holds up well over time. She was totally enchanted although some parts were frightening to her. I expect in another 6 mos. when we watch the next one, she won't be so frightened by certain scenes. She remembers so many details from both the first and this movie so I know she's invested. She even dressed as Hermoine Granger for Halloween. We are making memories!! Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase What can I say? This is Harry Potter! Call me a Slytherin but I am one of those fans where I will take Harry Potter in any form I can get it! The quality of this digital download is, of course, superb. If you are a die hard book fan, then this movie will upset you since it doesn't follow the book exactly. If you have not seen Harry Potter and the Sorcerors/Philosophers Stone, then do not start with this one. I am introducing my toddler to Harry Potter by listening to the books on tape while we drive. When we start a new book, we watch the movie first so he can picture the characters in the car. Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2018 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase I love that with this BluRay version of the film you can watch it with the deleted scenes put back in - same as with Sorcerer's Stone! Once again, the picture and sound quality are great. The bonus feature on the characters was enjoyable to watch, too. I was slightly disappointed that there weren't more characters included, but overall they covered all the main characters and secondary characters. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars Absoluter Klassiker Reviewed in Germany on July 1, 2018 Verified Purchase Zum Thema Harry Potter muss ich vermutlich nicht schreiben, ich gebe euch dennoch einen kurzen Überblick. Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens ist der 2. Teil der Harry Potter Saga. Insgesamt gibt es 7 Bücher, aber 8 Filme, da der letzte Teil zweigeteilt wurde. Harry Potter ist im 2ten Teil ein Junge von 12 Jahren, der auf die Zaubererschule Hogwarts geht. Als er ein Baby war, wurden seine Eltern von dem bösen Schwarzenmagier Lord Voldemort getötet, der von der ganzen Zaubererwelt befürchtet ist. Als er versuchte Harry zu töten, überlebte dieser auf wundersame Weise und Lord Voldemorts Macht brach in sich zusammen. Harry wusste bis er 11 war und seinen Brief aus Hogwarts bekam nicht, dass er ein Zauberer ist. Denn er wurde von der Schwester seiner Mutter und deren Familie großgezogen, die Muggel sind und von Zauberei nichts wissen wollen und auf Teufel komm raus versuchen diese zu unterbinden. In seinem ersten Jahr in Hogwarts traf Harry dann wieder auf Lord Voldemort, der aber nur ein Schatten seiner selbst war und verhinderte, dass dieser an den Stein der Weisen kam, um seine Macht wiederzuerlangen. Im Zweiten Teil beginnt Harrys 2tes Schuljahr in Hogwarts, das mit einigen mysteriösen Vorfällen und einer Warnung, er solle nicht nach Hogwarts gehen, denn es würden schreckliche Dinge geschehen. Mich selbst versetzt der Film immer wieder in meine Kindheit zurück. Ich habe die Bücher und Filme geliebt und tue es immer noch. Es ist einfach mittlerweile ein Alltimeclassic und darf in keiner guten DVD-Sammlung fehlen 22 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try again Report abuse 4. 0 out of 5 stars Stars shine again in more adventurous sequel Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 6, 2009 Verified Purchase Harry Potter's (Radcliffe) second year at Hogwarts is affected by the opening of a legend known only as the Chamber of Secrets. The second instalment of the series brings more adventure and more imagination to the now infamous adaptations of J. K Rowling's wondrous world. Rowling's first novel broke barriers for the concept of magic and a different world and the film broke numerous records all around the world with a stunningly entertaining and enjoyable family make over. Chamber of Secrets follows in its footsteps by targeting family viewing again with humour for the young (Errol the Owl) and comedy for the old (Kenneth Branagh as Gilderoy Lockhart) and never underestimating the significance of magic relating to serious issues. The question of friendship, the treatment of children under adoptive parents and the importance of blood relations are all points that become even bigger in the sequels and here we again see another wonderful build up and get to see where they all began. Like Philosopher's Stone, this has a mystery all set up for the students to figure out and there are subtle hints being dropped along the way with laughs, drama not to mention twists and turns but ultimate fun and great family viewing. All the stars reprise their roles from the Philosopher's Stone with the younger stars like Radcliffe and Grint noticeably more sophisticated and mature in their approach to their respective protagonists. Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy is perhaps one of the finest pieces of casting that have been implemented into the series. Branagh, Rickman and Richard Harris' last major film role are all stand outs once again but like the first, these films
Why was the insidious and other horror movies used instead of the real stuff.
Tree: cut me down but just you wait my mates will get you later. Him: Bike wheel hits tree and he is sprawled on the ground.
I have no friends smiles I felt that I too have no friends apart from my best friend from who I've know since we were in yr6. Well they are making the book this movie is based on into the second season of haunting of hill house so maybe they will do it better hopefully lol. Tbh Finn is just vibing and Im here for it. Is that pepto bismol in a plastic bag? Finn smiles proudly. To everyone that reads this: if you find a doll buried under ground it was probably put there for a reason & no matter what your CONSCIENCE is telling you maybe you should just leave it. Just saying. INCREDIBLE. Just 1 hit at the like button is so inadequate. I'm sharing with all my near and dear ones. Aah my head.
What channel is it on? nEtFlIx. 1:24 I actually jumped. And I knew it was coming. sigh. THIS IS OUTSTANDING SHE DESERVES WAY MORE RECOGNITION.
Rated 3.9/5 based on 611 customer reviews









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