Movies123 The Dark Knight Download Full

score 2202791 vote
Actor Michael Caine
Genre Thriller
writed by Christopher Nolan
Release Date 2008
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Imagine what that room looked like after tryouts were over. Harvey Dent. Can we trust him.

Batman vs Joker coming out Saturday. The Dark Knight Rises is without doubt my favourite one from the Trilogy. Logan was too gritty for me. The Dark Knight had the PERFECT balance imo. The Dark Knight (2020) Available 1080p Full Movies Stream HD ??? '1. I'm just happy that Alfred can live his life knowing that Bruce is alive and happy. 0:59 that music, that movement, the i love that scene.
Late Heath Ledger acted the Joker's role to the max, there is no actor that can attain it, period. 0:12 oh you thought you'd be safe with the police? Nope once the joker theme plays you know whats up. This trilogy = Goosebumps every time. You see joker is not at all a villain. He just showed that even Batman is no exception from basic human instincts and every human has to lose their shit at the precipice of their life. At 0:28 the music, synchronized with the screeching tires makes this scene more badass. I could see this a million times. Ill never forget watching this film in theaters for the first time when Fox learn that the autopilot had been fixed and hearing Hans Zimmers score begins to swell. Fucking perfect ending to this masterpiece trilogy.
We lost him How could you lose him? He's got alot of fire power ??.

22:15 Best one ever in Bat Man seris. The beginning of the scene is a nod to the Dark Knight Returns. Funny @ 3:57 Would U Please give me Minute. LoL. 2:29 when your dad gets home. “As children we love the heroes, as adults we understand the villains.”. The dark knight is unmatched. I've never been so hooked throughout a film. I even felt bored on some parts of the Lord of the Rings, even though are my favourite movies. TDK just glued me to the screen, cause I was hooked on to what would happen next throughout the movie. Also never gets old.

I get goosebumps every time I hear that first 0:01

4:08 The smoking brunette in the tall leg stockings strokes her violin. My favorite part of the symphony. The way Alfred cries, its like hearing Marcus yell DOM! So heartfelt n meaningful.









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