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7,7 of 10
rating 4609 votes
Directors Federico Fellini
release Year 1952
Federico Fellini
Resume The first two days of a marriage. Ivan, a punctilious clerk brings his virginal bride to Rome for a honeymoon, an audience with the Pope, and to present her to his uncle. They arrive early in the morning, and he has time for a nap. She sneaks off to find the offices of a romance magazine she reads religiously: she wants to meet "The White Sheik," the hero of a soap-opera photo strip. Star-struck, she ends up 20 miles from Rome, alone on a boat with the sheik. A distraught Ivan covers for her, claiming she's ill. That night, each wanders the streets, she tempted by suicide, he by prostitutes. The next day, at 11, is their papal audience. Can things still right themselves?
Nino Rota è un genio. Î? Î?Î?Ï?κÏ?Ï? Ï?Î?Î?Ï?ici pour visiter le site.
Szeretem. Mint Rota szinte valamennyi filmzenéjét <3. Î? Î?Î?Ï?κÏ?Ï? Ï?Î?Î?Ï?ici pour visiter. R a r o. ma un casanova romanesco (anche se parla veneto) non poteva essere. Grande Alberto. sei stato un grande. R.I.P. When most people think of Fellini, they think of his films La Strada or La Dolce Vita and 8 1/2, but the director's vast catalogue of films is worth checking out just to see a genius at work. Fellini's early and little known film, The White Sheik proves to be a cinematic gem that not only hints at the director Fellini would become, but also stands on its own as an achievement.
Part soap opera (read Mexican soaps) and part romantic comedy, The White Sheik leans towards surrealism and comic book camp (over 30 years before Kevin Smith created DOGMA. The premise of the story is that two newly weds, Vanda Giardino (Bruenella Boro) and her husband Ivan Cavelli (Leopoldo Trieste) honeymoon in Rome where Ivan hopes to make a good impression of his relations. Unfortunately for him, his wife sneaks out of the hotel room so that she can meet her comic book hero, The White Sheik (Alberto Sordi. Shot in black and white, this film is gorgeous and surreal. The actors on the set of The White Sheik come across as gypsy or circus like. They sport tough attitudes and this makes a nice contrast to Vanda's wide-eyed innocence. The White Sheik is technically Fellini's second film, but the first one in which he did not share directing credits. However, he did share writing credits with Michelangelo Antonioni, Ennio Flaiano and Tullio Pinelli. If you are a fan of La Strada and Nights of Cabiria then you must see this film.
The realism of this is hard hitting and it can be bleak and depressing, and comical in parts, but the imagery is strong and memorable. For me, it shows the failure of self in trying to save oneself. We build our own cages and stay trapped in them even when the door is can be redemption in the realisation of our failures and a surrender to something greater than this limited me. It takes breakdowns and in the end, life has broken him is it enough to crack the hard shell open so that he can be redeemed or does it finish him off.
Î? Î?Î?Ï?κÏ?Ï? Ï?Î?Î?i s i t.
Great song,great movie. I know it's a stupid point, but I can't help but to enjoy the fact that so far no idiot has come around disliked this video. Love it! Here is the stupid-free neighborhood of youtube.
Î? Î?Î?Ï?κÏ?Ï? Ï?Î?Î?Ï?ici pour voir la video. Intermezzo. YouTube. Likable early Fellini told in a sprightly farcical vein, with good-natured jabs against hypocritical family honour, marital disharmony and the hokeyness of pulp kitsch.
The situations are a tad too low-key to work as premium farce, but the humanity and naturalness that are invested in the story and the characters, despite all tendencies to rely on stereotypes, render this pic highly watchable, if not as memorable as later films made by the master director. And in an age when satire is often equated with a misanthropic attitude it's nice to witness a more empathic way to get one's knuckles rapped. 7 out of 10 pitying prostitutes.
Ma la fate finita de scrive le vostre misere opinioni quà sotto. Dovete scrive solo GRAZIE ALBERTO! Basta! Lui era Lui, e voi nun sete ne sarete mai un cazzo.
Fantastic composer. Great musics. Thank you. Mooie compilatie. Albertone c'e' e ci sara' sempre. Î? Î?Î?Ï?κÏ?Ï? Ï?Î?Î?Ï?ici pour voir. 「ラ ストラーダ」 「道」は「人生」を意味していると思う.

Very enjoyable! Love it! <3.

Chef d œ pour cette compilation

Unico grande insuperabile albertone nostro. This song reminds me of the animation 'Galaxy Express 999. Maybe the scorer on that series was affected by Rota's style. Î? Î?Î?Ï?κÏ?Ï? Ï?Î?Î?i.t.i.o.n... 2. Nino rota???????. Yes, and moving, too, for the soursweet melancholy it's imbued with. At least such is my opinion.

Tanti auguri maestro Fellini. Oggi avrebbe compiuto 100 anni ma di fatto non è mai scomparso. Grazie alle sue opere vivrà, per fortuna, in eterno.
Kojima Brought me here. Frase proferida pelo irmão do alto da árvore naquele belo almoço no campo. This is some of the most beautiful music I've heard in my entire life. Nights of Cabiria, 8 1/2, Amarcord... Skip to main content Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Only 10 left in stock - order soon. Only 16 left in stock - order soon.

The film is titled ‘The White Sheik and is in black and white; but the man who plays the Sheik is clearly not white, hes olive-skinned; It is the young lady who is white, not the Sheik. I wonder if Fellini thought about this when making this film. Contentissimo di rivedere questa publicità per il semplice motivo che la macchina da caffè presente nello spot la costruii per l'occasione e frencis ford coppala ne fù entisiasta e mi fece un sacco di complimentie poi ne feci una uguale che gli fù regalata dalla illy per il suo compleanno.

Coauthor - Guia Soncini
Bio: Her voice is full of tortellini









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