Free Burma Rangers (Without Signing Up)


  • description The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry
  • countries USA
  • Chris Sinclair
  • release Year 2020

True Jesus love. I would like to be on site with you. Blessings to you all.
It's hard to watch Shaheen on here. May God keep blessing ? you all and protecting my brothers in Christ. May God keep and protect Shaheen and his family and may he finally rest knowing his job is done. Well done guys, what a great work. Free burma rangers watch online movies.
Thanks for your service. You are a wonderful people... Nice rescue... I salute you ?... God bless you. A real HERO. May Godbless him, his family & the little girl he saved risking his life ?.

Nice song, FBI is also KNU strengths.

I wish I was the guy with the PKM machine gun that help fired 100 round cross fire Death before dishonor. FREE BURMA RANGERS is a gut-wrenching documentary about an American family, the Eubanks, who serve as missionaries in the face of foreign civil wars. The Eubanks tell their story starting from the 1990s in Burma to the present day, where they are currently serving in Syria. Aided by his wife and three children, Dave Eubank uses his prior military experience to help those in need in Burma and Iraq. Through their efforts, the Eubank family shares the love of Jesus. FREE BURMA RANGERS is an extremely well-made documentary. The interviews are beautifully woven together with onscreen action and heartfelt memories. FREE BURMA RANGERS has a strong Christian, biblical worldview. Dave Eubank highlights how the Lord has worked within his missionary group to bring glory to His name. Dave also doesn’t shy away from confessing his anger and desire for vengeance at the injustice around him. However, God convicts him that vengeance is God’s to dish out. FREE BURMA RANGERS also contains instances of depicted prayer, kindness and service to those in need. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for descriptions and depictions of violence. Content: (CCC, BBB, VV, N, D): Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements: Very strong Christian, biblical worldview about following God’s calling to serve others in need, the value of forgiving those who hurt you, loving your enemy even though it’s hard, surrendering the desire for vengeance to God, submitting oneself to God’s will when crisis comes into play, prayer depicted, a bold declaration that “Jesus is love, ” several instances where characters bless others in the name of Jesus and rebuke demonic forces at work, character recounts a dream of Jesus coming to help protect, hope in Jesus mentioned, Jesus depicted, baptism depicted, Bible verses mentioned and lived out, plus a quick mention of one Muslim when the rangers are in Iraq Foul Language: No foul language, one heck Violence: Strong violence, terrorists attack unarmed people with guns (not always depicted), people get injuries that last for several days and must be taken care of by medics, graphic descriptions of war violence, character tells a story about men slitting pregnant women’s throats and killing their children, terrorist organization tries to blow up a family as they evacuate, weapons seen firing, tanks used as both protection and a means of destruction, and it’s implied that terrorists rape innocent women and then beat them to death (not depicted), but photos are shown of their corpses in order to motivate the rangers to end the injustice Sex: No sex but a married couple kisses on the lips Nudity: Young boy and girl depicted without their shirts, one young girl seen jumping into a body of water in only her underwear Alcohol Use: No alcohol Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse: Teenage boy smokes a cigarette during a stressful situation; and, Miscellaneous Immorality: Nothing else objectionable. FREE BURMA RANGERS is a gut-wrenching documentary about an American family, the Eubanks, who serve as missionaries in the face of foreign civil war. The movie beautifully captures how the saving love of Jesus Christ can lead Christians to serve those in need, even when the circumstances seem insurmountable. In short, FREE BURMA RANGERS is excellent and will invigorate Christians with the power of the Gospel. However, for all its praiseworthy elements, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for conversations and depictions of war violence. FREE BURMA RANGERS begins with a sweet introduction from the founders of the Free Burma Rangers, Dave and Karen Eubank. The movie then showcases the rangers as they grapple with how to save a young girl behind enemy lines in Iraq. Cut to a talking head of Dave Eubank. Dave narrates his life story while archival footage and photographs show his humble beginnings in Texas, then his move to Thailand when his parents became missionaries. In the 1990s, Dave left the military after serving for 10 years to pursue a calling to go to Burma and help with the civil war chaos there. Dave proposed to Karen, and after seeking wisdom from God, the pair got married and started their missionary work. At first, Dave didn’t know where to begin. One day, he just followed a prompting and went to where some gunfire could be heard. There, he met Eilya who was a medic. The two men and Karen gather support and begin to train men for combat and organize teams to rescue the Burmese people who are under attack by the government’s dictators. At the same time, Dave and his team stress the importance of documenting all their findings to share with the world for help and awareness. Dave and Karen call themselves and their teams, the Free Burma Rangers. According to their specifications, a ranger can be of any religious background but needs to have a courageous attitude and be willing to leave no man behind. While Dave and Karen grow their mission work, they also grow their family and raise their three children, Sahale, Suuzanne [sic] and Peter. Dave and Karen take their children with them around the country, teaching them how to serve others in need, although there are risks. The three Eubank children speak about their parent’s ministry with adoration. It’s clear that Dave and Karen raised them to honor their parents and disciplined them because they love them. Karen and the children don’t go on any rescue missions but genuinely enjoy supporting Dave and the calling the Lord put on their family. The portion on the Eubanks’ work in Burma ends when Dave and Karen fell a calling to go and help out the people of Iraq suffering from Isis. After praying about their decision, an hour later God confirms that it’s the right move for their family. The Eubanks know that Iraq is different from Burma, but even so, they face similar troubles. The movie continues to build off their story by showing the real dangers overseas that have affected their teams with loss. Minutes later, filmmakers pick back up where the movie began with Dave and his team. A young Iraqi child is alive but blocked from an easy rescue due to her position. Through prayer and sheer willpower, Dave and his team make it to this young girl and save two others too. The movie ends with optimism in Jesus Christ and an encouragement that people can only conquer fear and evil with love. FREE BURMA RANGERS is an extremely well-made documentary. The talking head interviews are beautifully woven together with onscreen action and heartfelt memories of the events. The music is also ethereal and transports audiences to the gravity of each sequence. Finally, Dave and Karen Eubank are extremely well-spoken and articulate when communicating their story. FREE BURMA RANGERS maintains a very strong Christian, biblical worldview. Positively, Dave Eubank highlights how the Lord has worked within his group to bring glory to His name. Dave also doesn’t shy away from confessing his angry desire for vengeance at the injustice around him. God, however, convicts him that vengeance is God’s to dish out, not Dave’s. These sequences create a profound foundation for the documentary along with the movie’s examples of depicted prayer, kindness and service to those in need. FREE BURMA RANGERS merits some caution for descriptions and depictions of violence.
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The 13 seconds of shooting chokes me up. So heroic. Free burma rangers watch online now. Free burma rangers watch online games. Free Burma Rangers Watch online ecouter. TÜRK 'ün önünde duramazsınız sizde ölmeden suriyeden çekilin. Watch free burma rangers online.

God Bless you Dave and everyone risking their lives to fight evil itself

Nice circus you got going on there. I cried at moment I saw the guy rescuing the girl. God bless u. This made cry so much, tears of happiness, i thought all amaricans were bad because they destroyed and killed my fellow nations and brothers and sisters, but now i see i was blinded by anger and hate, god bless them and angels like them, God,Allah whatever save us from evil as a whole. God bless you all.
Free burma rangers watch online 2017. 3:55 what thailand flag. Chris Sinclair Writer - Brent Gudgel duration - 1hours 45minute Free Burma Rangers watches. Free Burma Rangers watch now. Free burma rangers watch dogs 2. Free Burma Rangers watching. Dean Hartman closed his eyes mid conversation. Barely a pause and then his voice rang out, full of confidence and conviction, God, I ask you to change the hearts and lives of those men and help me to love them. He opened his?steely, battle-hardened eyes, and returned his attention to the interview. "Thank you for your question because it's helped me realize that I need to learn to love those men. The men in Hartman's prayer were the brutes who, on January 19?this year, tortured, raped and beat to death two female Kachin teachers in Myanmar. The atrocity has been blamed on rogue soldiers in the Myanmar army. The Kachin people are one of several ethnic groups who have been fighting the government in its various incarnations since independence was declared in 1948 ? a?conflict which?has been dubbed "the world's longest civil war. Hartman's voice, with its non-specific American accent and clipped military intonation,?remained calm as he described the horrors of the?crime scene, his unflinching expression showing no trace of the anger his words conveyed.?"Their fingers were all twisted and broken where they had raised their hands to protect themselves. he told VICE News. "Man, it makes me mad just talking about it. I'd kill them myself if it wasn't for God's love. If you've aligned yourself with evil then at the minimum I'm going to help those you hurt.?I might even stop you myself. Dean Hartman is a pseudonym. The secretive founder of the Free Burma Rangers ? a group which has been described as Doctors Without Borders with guns ??won't share his real name or let himself be photographed. "Every year the Burmese government tries to get us evicted from our base. he explained, preferring, like the ethnic armies, to use the country's old name ? to them, the moniker "Myanmar" is a tool of tyranny. "I need to keep a low profile because I don't want to cause problems for our hosts. When he was seven, Hartman's diminutive stature attracted the taunts and fists of boarding school bullies. He says he?quickly learned to "hit hard, hit first" and soon dispatched his tormentors into the care of the school nurse. By the age of 23, he was leading a battalion of 40 soldiers on missions in the Panamanian jungle. After a distinguished career in the US Special Forces, he left the army and enrolled in seminary school to become a Christian missionary. Now 54, Hartman has combined his two passions in the FBR, a group of Jesus-inspired warriors on a mission to help the victims of the Burmese civil war. "I'm the ruler of righteousness with God's authority. he said, eyes blazing. "If you've aligned yourself with evil then at the minimum I'm going to help those you hurt. he paused, becoming quieter. "I might even stop you myself. After leaving the army, Hartman's days were filled with theological lectures at seminary school. Until he got a phone call from his father, a well-known missionary in Thailand, who told him that the leader of the Wa people, an ethnic group native to northern Burma, had seen a picture of him in his green beret and asked for him to come and teach them survival and military skills. Hartman prayed and boarded a plane. The roots of the Free Burma Rangers unfurled that day. FBR medics work to save a wounded person. (Photo by Nathan Thompson) The conflict between the Burmese government and various Ethnic Armed Groups (EAGs) has burned and waned for over six decades. Hopes were high in 2013 when ceasefires were agreed across the board but lasting peace has proved elusive. "The top level of the army and government recognizes the legitimacy of the EAGs as political entities. said Ashley South, an expert in Burma and co-author of a recent report for the UN Refugee Agency. "They are not sympathetic but they are willing to negotiate. The report paints a stark picture. "The implementation of a [ceasefire] has slowed significantly since mid-2014. it reads. "It remains to be seen whether and how a political settlement can be achieved. " While the situation for many ethnic groups has improved since the negotiations, fighting is still common in the Kachin and northern Shan states, where an estimated 98, 000 people have been displaced by violence since June 2011. In his role as a medic for the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Eliya Samson treated everyone from bloody landmine victims to children infested with parasites. He met Hartman in 1997 while searching for his wife in an Internally Displaced People (IDP) camp after their village had been torched. Samson and Hartman formed the Free Burma Rangers together. "Right now the KNLA and the Burmese army have a ceasefire. Samson said in?between spits of bright red betel nut and tobacco juice. "The government wants to beat us down and control us but we want a federal system ? part of Burma but autonomous. Hartman and Samson developed the FBR program together. Training lasts two months and covers everything from dentistry to swimming. "We give activists the skills to live and move in the jungle. explained Hartman. "We teach them to avoid contact with the Burmese army and head to the worst areas and provide humanitarian assistance. Today, FBR has 75 teams of five people working in the conflict zones in Myanmar. Each team of five consists of a team leader, medic, videographer, photographer and counsellor. The group is not without controversy, however. Questions have been raised over the fact that some Rangers carry guns ? though the organization does not arm them, weapons are not forbidden. And over the fine line the group often seems to tread between humanitarian work and providing military support ? offering training and logistical help to the ethnic armies. The FBR denies that it is its mission to fight the Burmese army, however, insisting that most of its members are unarmed. But it acknowledges that carrying weapons enables teams to defend internally displaced people or themselves if they come under attack. Hartman told VICE News: We don't encourage the teams to carry guns and we advise them to avoid the Burmese army, but we're not pacifists and we understand that our teams may need to defend themselves. Asked what the FBR's view was if its military support ? for example, training in orienteering ? was used to attack the enemy, he said: We just train them, what they do with the training is their issue. " But that alliance also makes them a target. The FBR website carries an "In Memoriam" section, dedicated to those who have died in the course of their work. Some of them were killed by the Myanmar army. One of their most important roles, however, is to document human rights abuses visited upon the people in IDP camps. The inhabitants exist with no employment, education and basic healthcare and are vulnerable to exploitation, even slavery. "Forced labor is huge problem for people in Shan state. said Kya Bon La Hi, a leader in the Wa resistance army and Free Burma Ranger. "The government doesn't recognize our right to exist and when they burn a village the people there become like ghosts with no official existence; the army scoops them up and uses them as beasts of burden. FBR member?Thi Naing shows off his "Never Surrender"?finger tattoo. (Photo by Nathan Thompson) Thi Naing, a staff sergeant in the Arakan State Army, has been seconded to FBR. "I want my people to be free from fear and have self-determination. he said. "We have no human rights, the government openly abuses villagers and they are trying to build a gas pipeline through our land with no consultation or offer of compensation. Ethnic armies from around the world are now being drawn to FBR's flame. In the scorched Nuba Mountains of Sudan, FBR-trained teams serve the people in IDP camps. "We were invited by the Nubans to go to Sudan last year. said Hartman. "We gave them training, equipment and inspired them to fight for good in the world. Now the peshmerga army of Kurdistan wants a piece of the FBR program. Hartman recently returned from Kurdistan and happily showed pictures of his trip, naming the heavy artillery and pointing out the black flag of the Islamic State. He plans to return later in the year to do a full training session. It was dinner time at FBR headquarters. Some of the ethnic fighters had changed into traditional dress - bright red and blue woven shirts and sarongs. Hartman and FBR staff discussed the case of the brutalized girls with a human rights organization over speaker-phone. Behind them, a friend nursed a baby monkey rescued from forest poachers. Hartman's wife, Peg loaded the table with vats of chilli and salsa. Before eating, Hartman bowed his head and prayed. "God please bless us and let us enjoy the food and help our journalist friend to tell the truth. " Follow Nathan A Thompson on Twitter: NathanWrites. Free burma rangers watch full. I am a Kurd and I want to thank you and all members of the Free Burma Rangers from my heart. I always believed in America as the leader of the free world but unfortunately, I lost that because of what President Trump did to us, such a betrayal not only to us as Kurds but also to the US Army! I may lost my faith in the US government but thanks to you and other brave Americans who still stood with us I didn't lose my believe in the American people! God bless you all. Want to see it soon. Free burma rangers watch dogs. Free Burma Rangers watchers. Free burma rangers watch series. It's makes me feel warm in my heart. To see Ametican people helping the karen people. I am also from a place of violence and crime. I am thankful for all the folks that has helped myself and my family. I will pay or forward. Thank you and God bl
Jono- they do this because of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. God has been using the whole family to bring love, hope, and relief to the ethnic people inside the war zones of Burma for many years. God has given each one of them special gifts of His mercy, and love. For the wife and the come beside the women and children to show them they are not forgotten, they are loved. ?You have no idea how this encourages, and gives hope to those who feel scared and abandoned. ?I know this because I worked with them for many years. Their lives are in God's hands and care. Nothing can happen to them outside of God's will. Not all are called to, Dave, his family, and the Karen men and women in the FBR simply follow God where He leads them. Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked. Psalm 82:3-4 Thank you Dave, Karen, Sahale, Suu, Peter, Eliya, Monkey and all for going where few will go, and doing what few would do. Shalom - Alex.

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TM + © 2020 Vimeo, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms Privacy CA Privacy Copyright Cookies Made with in NYC. David Eubank, God bless you! What you do none else could do. We, Kurds and Christians owe you a lot. We call honourable Americans to rescue us from massacres of revenge by ISIS in Turkish military uniform. God bless you.

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