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summary A man in his thirties travels to a remote cabin to reconnect with his estranged father
Director Ant Timpson
Duration 96minute
casts Madeleine Sami
Writer Toby Harvard

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Elijah Wood stars in Ant Timpson's darkly comic thriller about a father-son reunion that goes very, very wrong. Elijah Wood has been forging an interestingly quirky career path since his starring role in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He seems to be emulating Nicolas Cage in his offbeat acting choices, and has even produced two of the actor's recent films, Mandy and Color Out of Space. Now comes the supremely weird, hard-to-categorize Come to Daddy, in which Wood delivers the sort of gonzo starring turn that could easily have been turned in by Cage in his younger years. The film marks the directorial debut of Ant Timpson, whose creative leanings can be easily discerned by the titles of two of his previous producing efforts, The Greasy Strangler and The ABCs of Death. He also provided the idea for this film scripted by Toby Harvard, based on a real-life experience involving Timpson spending a week alone in a house with the embalmed body of his recently deceased father. That gives you just a hint of the weirdness of this pic in which Wood plays Norval, a thirtysomething hipster sporting a medieval monk haircut and a cellphone "designed by Lorde. " As the story begins, Norval arrives at the impressive coastal home, perched over a rocky shore, of his father Gordon (Stephen McHattie). It seems that Gordon, who abandoned his family decades earlier when Norval was a child, had sent a letter summoning him for a reunion. Gordon seems confused by the arrival of his son, who seems desperate for an emotional connection. Nonetheless, he invites him to stay at the unique house, which Norval accurately describes as looking like "a UFO from the 1960s. " Unfortunately for Norval, what ensues turns out not to be the father-son reunion he was hoping for. The frequently inebriated Gordon proves belligerent, needling and belittling Norval and engaging in macho one-upmanship. Norval, who says he's a big shot in the music industry, makes a big deal of his friendships with various stars, including Elton John, whose real name, he informs Gordon, is Reginald Dwight. His father isn't impressed. "Reginald and I, we go way back, " responds Gordon, claiming that he worked as John's chauffeur for 10 years. He even suggests calling the pop star on the phone so the three of them can have a chat. Things only deteriorate from there, to the point where Gordon attempts to kill his son with a meat cleaver (the proper term for what he's doing is "filicide, " he helpfully informs Norvel) only to drop dead from a heart attack in the process. If you think that's too much of a spoiler, rest assured that there are plenty more plot twists to come. Indeed, Come to Daddy starts out as one kind of film, a darkly comic psychological thriller, before becoming something completely different and far more bizarre. By the time the ultra-violent and twisted proceedings reach their conclusion, we've been introduced to several more characters, including a sympathetic coroner (Madeline Sami, delivering a slyly comic deadpan turn) and a pair of warring criminals (Martin Donovan, Michael Smiley). Unfortunately, the movie is far more effective in its first half than its second, which degenerates into cheap shocks, absurd plot contrivances and vulgarism for its own sake (including an excrement-covered pen). It's a shame, because the opening section proves deliciously unsettling, thanks to the screenplay that keeps you off-balance and the terrific performances. McHattie tears into his villainous role with the sort of gusto earned by decades of being a hard-working character actor (most moviegoers will recognize his weathered face and voice, if not his name), and Wood brings delicate shadings, both comic and dramatic, to his compelling turn as the emotionally confused man-child. Their scenes together sizzle with an electricity that becomes sadly fizzled out the more outlandish the film gets. Production companies: Firefly Films, Blinder Films, Nowhere, Scythia Films Distributor: Saban Films Cast: Elijah Wood, Stephen McHattie, Martin Donovan, Michael Smiley, Madeleine Sami, Simon Chin Director: Ant Timpson Screenwriter: Toby Harvard Producers: Mette-Marie Kongsved, Laura Tunstall, Daniel Bekerman, Katie Holly, Emma Slade, Toby Harvard Executive producers: Tim Headington, Lia Buman, Ant Timpson, Hussain Amarshi, Michelle Craig Director of photography: Daniel Katz Production designer: Zosia Mackenzie Editor: Dan Kircher Composer: Karl Steven Costume designer: Angela Ganderton Casting: Emma Gunnery, Tiffany Mak Rated R, 95 minutes.
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Come to daddy watch online tv. Come to Daddy Watch online. Come to daddy watch online hindi. Me: shocked at the Antlers trailed YouTube ads M O I S T U R E. Come to daddy watch online free. 3 wins & 5 nominations. See more awards ? Edit Storyline Norval's life has been, to put it lightly, difficult. Currently living home with his mother, the troubled young man is coming off alcohol-related struggles. So when he receives an unexpected letter from his estranged father requesting a visit, Norval catches a bus up to his dad's secluded and scenic waterfront home. Maybe reconnecting with his father will give Norval the emotional fulfillment he's been lacking. Before long, though, he notices something off about his dad, an uneasy feeling triggered by inappropriate comments and a possible over-dependence on booze. Norval quickly realizes that his hope of father/son bonding is doomed. Instead of a family reunion, he finds himself in waking nightmare. Written by Mongrel Media Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for strong violence, language throughout, sexual content and graphic nudity See all certifications ? Details Release Date: 7 February 2020 (USA) See more ? Also Known As: Come to Daddy Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $57, 998, 9 February 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $111, 326 See more on IMDbPro ? Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ? Did You Know? Trivia The origin of the movie came when Ant Timpson's father passed away, his father's partner thought it was best to bring him home after embalmment as a way to spend time with the grieving family, which the week was spent with the corpse in an open coffin. Then, people that he didn't knew came to pay their respects to his father, sharing stories of a man that does not seem like his father. See more ? Quotes Jethro: I fucked her. I fucked her in an abandoned factory, to be precise. But I lost my erection. Because from certain angles, she reminded me of Michael Heseltine. Michael Heseltine, if you're wondering, is a British politician from the 1980s. Connections Featured in Conan: Elijah Wood/Ty Barnett (2020) See more ?.
| Mark Dujsik February 7, 2020 His father left when he was five years old. 30 years later, Norval Greenwood ( Elijah Wood) receives a letter from his old man, hoping that the son will visit the father. That's the setup for "Come to Daddy, " a film that keeps changing direction so often that it's almost a miracle the filmmakers don't give us tonal and narrative whiplash. Instead, screenwriter Toby Harvard and director Ant Timpson (making his feature debut) have crafted a film that's as clever as it is strange. It's pretty strange, especially after the floor almost literally drops from beneath Norval, revealing how much of a lie his current situation is and, indeed, his entire life has been. Advertisement Before that moment, though, we follow Norval as he arrives at a remote location via bus, walks through the woods, and finds his absentee father's beach-side home. His father drew him a map so that Norval could find his way. This isn't just a man who has left his family behind. He seems determined to leave the entire world behind. After some hesitation, Norval knocks on the door. After a long pause, Gordon ( Stephen McHattie) answers it. There's the quick introduction, which seems odd under the circumstances, although we?and Norval, for that matter?easily can dismiss that on account of the three-decade separation. Norval doesn't remember what his father looked like, and the father surely won't recognize his son, especially if his sudden departure and choice of home are any indication of how well Gordon has kept up with his family in the intervening decades. The two men hug?a good start and, well, the only good moment between these two characters for the rest of the story. Over the next couple of days, the two men never connect. Norval tells his story, how he has had problems with alcohol dependence, almost committed suicide, and currently lives with his mother in her fancy Beverly Hills home. Things seems to be working out now, though. He has stopped drinking, and he's something of a big deal in the music industry. He even has a gold cellphone designed by a famous singer?one of only 20 in the whole world. Gordon, meanwhile, hears about his son's alcohol problem, and he responds by making a show of a long pour from a wine bottle at dinner?moaning in delight as he takes a big sip from his glass. He makes a big game out of calling Norval's bluff when the son says he knows Elton John. Gordon doesn't just have to call out his son's lies. He has to embarrass his own kid to make some kind of point. As for that cellphone, it ends up in the water, and Gordon jokes that, now, there are only 19 of them in the whole world. Some other weird things happen, too. Gordon is often on the phone at night, whispering about some kind of deal with an unknown caller. When father and son agree to go for a swim, Gordon stays behind, and while floating in the ocean, Norval is startled by a rock that comes quite close to hitting his head. The son chalks up all of this to the fact that Gordon is an alcoholic, who was probably drunk when he wrote the letter and now resents the presence of a son with whom he wants nothing to do. Even then, though, something is seriously off about this reunion. The verbal conflicts suddenly turn physical in one key moment, and at this point in describing the characters and the plot, there is really nothing to do but to stop. Describing more would be unfair, because Harvard has almost nothing but surprises left in his narrative arsenal. Here's what can be said: The film takes this father-son dynamic to increasing extremes, and the rest of the plot mirrors that snowball-down-a-hill effect. The house has a couple of secrets to discover, including some hidden mementos that at first suggest the father whom Norval meets was a very different man at some point in the long-ago or very recent past, as well as a hatch in the floor in the middle of the living room. Norval's visit becomes even less amiable, which would have seemed impossible given Gordon's descent from passive-aggressive resentment to flat-out homicidal rage. The sudden appearance of a group of goons from not-so-dear, old dad's past, though, can force that kind of re-evaluation on how bad a situation can become. The vital thing is that Harvard's screenplay never cheats. There's a twisted sense of logic to everything that unfolds (and sometimes, such as Norval's extra-effort but unnecessary attempts to free someone bound in chains, a warped humor within that twisted logic). There are fights (including one that showcases how tough the cardboard rolls holding plastic wrap really are) and plenty of instances of sneaking around, outside the house and at a nearby motel, where Norval has to maneuver quietly past some people sleeping peacefully after an orgy. Timpson stages each of these scenes with straightforward efficiency. He's smart enough to know both that the humor comes from the assorted scenarios, without any extraneous directorial playfulness, and that there's still tension to be mined in even the most absurd situations. The mixture of demented humor and thrills works in "Come to Daddy"?not only because each complication logically follows from a previously defined complication or scenario, but also because there is sincere pain, longing, and desperation at the heart of Norval's situation. He just wants to know why, and the universe chuckles at thinking something so complicated could be that simple. Reveal Comments comments powered by.
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Elijah Wood gives his all as an abandoned son seeking closure in Ant Timpson’s endearingly nutty comic thriller. Credit... Jamie Leigh Gianopoulos/Saban Films Come to Daddy Directed by Ant Timpson Comedy, Horror, Thriller R 1h 33m More than one set of male genitals appears to be savaged in “Come to Daddy” (others, happily, are displayed without penalty), but not until the midpoint of this dementedly comic thriller do we recognize the means of reproduction as its driving force. Of course, any movie that features the line “Semen contains more protein and nutrients than an ear, ” and opens with paired quotations from Shakespeare and Beyoncé, might not be entirely on the level. So thinks Norval (Elijah Wood), a music-industry poseur, of his out-of-the-blue summons to the isolated shoreside home of his long-estranged father. His misgivings only deepen when the drunken, mercurial man who greets him (Stephen McHattie) provokes a confrontation that leaves Norval facing more mayhem and mounting gore than his sensitive soul can comprehend. The first feature from the New Zealand director Ant Timpson, “Come to Daddy” initially exhibits an endearing strangeness that’s reinforced by Daniel Katz’s quirky camera angles and airily elegant framing. As the action narrows to an underground cell and, later, a series of swinger-stuffed motel rooms, the atmosphere becomes more claustrophobic and the plot substantially more nutty. Enjoyable performances from Wood and Martin Donovan (whose character prefers to remain unidentified) hold the film to its redemptive goals, even as it descends into what can only be described as bloody bedlam. Absurd yet bold, lurid yet a tiny bit touching, “Come to Daddy” drags poor Norval from hopefulness to horror to a wickedly literal form of closure. More than a few audience members might even be happy to accompany him. Come to Daddy Rated R for foul language, a feces-smeared pen and a lethal roll of plastic wrap. Running time: 1 hour 33 minutes.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Come to Daddy may refer to: Come to Daddy (song), 1997 song by Aphex Twin Come to Daddy (EP), 1997 extended play by Aphex Twin Come to Daddy (film), 2019 film This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Come to Daddy. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Retrieved from " " Categories: Disambiguation pages Hidden categories: Disambiguation pages with short description All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages. Come to daddy watch online full. I love Mozart. Come to daddy watch online movies.
The movie setting reminds me of a webtoon called “DEAD DAYS”. Come to daddy watch online store. The fact that this film exists makes my heart happy. "Come to Daddy" is the directorial debut of celebrated producer Ant Timpson (Turbo Kid, Deathgasm. The initial idea came from Timpson and then was masterfully written by Toby Harvard (The Greasy Strangler. I'm obsessed with the dialogue in the film. Part of the beauty of "Come to Daddy" is that it eases effortlessly between genres. It is intensely macabre, cartoonishly gory, but it's also insanely hilarious and sweetly emotional and tender. "Come to Daddy" is about a man in his thirties named Norval (Elijah Wood) who goes to see his long-lost father Gordon (Stephen McHattie) in his remote home. That's really all you should know about the plot. Within the beautiful insanity & mania of "Come to Daddy, the core of this screwed up dynamic between Norval and Gordon is actually very relatable and authentic. I cannot imagine anyone but Elijah Wood playing Norval. There is something in his gaze that perfectly captures the nuances of the character, and Stephen McHattie is just so good as his father, Gordon. Michael Smiley appears in the film almost unrecognizable and is just incredible.
I am so tempted to write specifics on scenes and lines and why they resonate so much, but this film is way too magical to spoil. There's so much mediocrity in film, music, when you see the horror/family-drama/black comedy film of your dreams, it's special. Thank you, Ant and Toby, for expanding the ranges of horror. "Come to Daddy" is genius and I genuinely hope both of them keep on creating for years and years and years on end.
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