Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words |HD 720P|

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writed by=Michael Pack
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Michael Pack
Thomass testimony made me realize how much hes right! Dont forget that democrats were the party of slavery! They want blacks to be faithful blue voting slaves and dont much appreciate it when they go rouge and start talking all conservative! Hey dems, WE DONT BUY YOUR BS ANYMORE. Walkaway. Repulsive. Should have never been confirmed; neither should kavanaugh. ???♀?.
One of the worst judges on the bench in modern history. Clarence Thomas is a TRAITOR go see the truth for yourself, he denied HIS OWN WORDS.

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Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length album. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length 1. Those remarks were better, more insightful, more eloquent than anything any Hollywood screenwriter could have written. An under qualified Uncle Tom. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length 2017.
Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length full. Justice Clarence Thomas is is a great man. GLAD I HEARD THIS. ?YOU ARE LEVEL HEADED. Love you Thomas. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length episodes. This just proves that the people in charge are demons. Pulling the Race card. is the ignorant indivuals way to lose an arguement. All the adults in the room recognize the sound of ignorance. it sounds like 're a Racist. Its as if 't accomplished a thing. God Rest His Soul.
Men must be believed.

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So honor and respect you,Judge Thomas. We need so many like you. Wisdom,goodness, so lacking. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length season.

I believe the judge then and I believe the judge now

Thank You Clarence Thomas for your years of public service. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length episode. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length free. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length 2016. Clarence Thomas was the black replacement for the legendary Thurgood Marshall. Playing the race card caused sympathetic Democrats to approve Bush's choice. Expect Silent Thomas to remain the angry, bitter, black man until the end. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length songs.
Hey, great production. A great judge. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Watch Full lengthy. They put him through hell during his confirmation hearing but good prevailed over evil. His autobiography is excellent. A very fine man. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length youtube. Mann has no case. Simple as that. Tort reform should be enacted so that claimants like Mann should be required to pay legal defense costs of the National Review. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length chart.

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It's ok to like Kanye and Clarence Thomas. 1. The Vatican is an Absolute Monarchy form of government, boasting amongst many the privilege of no other jurisdiction overruling it in any way, shape or form 2. Masonic lodges totally deny access to women, the catholic church keeps them at distance 3. The US is built and owned to the bone by the elite such as the Rothschilds through the freemasonry network, the Catholic Church is run by the elite through their biggest net, the stone workers that is. 4. Both the US and the catholic church are corrupt to death since the day they were born 5. In present days seems like the pharaoh wants to shut down the Vatican and replace it with the annunachi and extraterrestrial bioengineering cult. Just part of the NWO agenda, neoliberism is greatly achieving that so far 6. While equal rights are being consistently fed to the masses and families are falling apart, strangely enough they don't apply to the Pharaoh's sorroundings. That's because we're not equal, we're complementary, part of the whole. 7. Which makes this movie total trash from start to finish, like any other garbage american movie.
Respect. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length 2. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length song. He will always be Uncle Ruckus in my book. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length movie. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length online. Well-spoken. ?. President George Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court to replace Thurgood Marshall, who had retired but those racist whites on Capitol Hill did not want another black judge replacing a black judge. so they concocted a despicable lie about Clarence Thomas.
Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Watch Full length. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length movies. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch full length hd. He's still denying the truth. Shameful.

Clarence made a mistake in hiring a woman

?? Thank You ??. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Watch full length. What a fine man. Good old Uncle Thomas. He does not disappoint. The one thing he is. is consistently disappointing. Zionist puppet.









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