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93 min director: Drew Mylrea Release Date: 2020 Comedy &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZmEwNTA3YTItMzM1Ni00ZTI0LTg2MjAtMzEwNjNmZjZjOWE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk0MTU5NDM@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Watch online spy intervention free. Watch online spy intervention online. ITS BEEN TWO YEARS THIS BETTER BE WORTH IT. Welcome to 2020! It's gonna be great. Meanwhile, here's a trailer for the worst movie ever made... I still can't believe this is Marvel.

Is this movie a rip off of the Korean cult movie Mother that was released in 2009? hurmm

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Watch online spy intervention center. How many times have you heard the statement “I would love to see something like that” or “wow your so lucky, I would give anything to see one up close” Or my favourite “why didn't you take a picture to prove what you saw” Being a witness to something impossible is not the lovely spiritual meeting most imagine. In this book I will explain what it is really like being a child witness to something nobody could explain away or smooth over quickly, or a hurried explanation given by a parent who wants to help their child but doesn't know how to. Children have vivid imaginations or flights of fancy and it's something we encourage in them, but that can be a double edge sword, it was for me and in writing this book I'm hoping I can express how it feels to spend your whole life trying to prove to others that you are in fact not mad or in need of medical intervention. You simply saw something one day that has an effect on your entire life. As children we don't ask to see “them” or set out equipped like a researcher hoping for a glimpse of said creature or monster, it happens by happenstance, a fleeting moment frozen in time, that face etched in your memory and for most of us it was a horrifying traumatic experience that's refuses to go away. The fear contained within these encounters can leave some witnesses with an almost PTSD condition affecting them through life, and although the fear may lesson as we look at it with adult eyes, it never really leaves. To be honest deep down we will always be that child frozen in those seconds of time. I struggled for decades with my encounter and I know many of the witnesses in this book did the same. Hopefully we have now set in place somewhere people can report these events too and receive validation that we are not alone, as I show each witnesses a validation account in the same area they encountered their “creature” or where the “monsters” description fits with what they saw too, it gives the person involved a feeling of “companionship” a feeling of being believed by others who understand. Sometimes these validation reports can take decades to be reported, or are future sightings that have not yet taken place. But each new reports fits like a cog into this huge puzzle we have, sometimes that cog enables a door to open or a screen to slide and we suddenly understand a small pattern of behaviour or a match in description or habitat. In this book you will notice the term “green belt” mentioned in most of the accounts, there does seem to be a pattern to all of these experiences regardless of what County the event took place. Children playing on disused land, old crofts and scrubland, building swings and playing in the woods along these routes. If I could start my research career from this point rather than 30 something years ago, I would probably have used the term “Green Belt Creatures” the words are used so often. The witnesses I encounter are not only children, they are aged between 6 - 83, from all walks of life, sensible people doing everyday tasks who see something impossible to explain. Many of the adult accounts start with “I was out with the dog” or “I was just taking my usual walk” but that’s for another book and another time, and I need to take you back to 1982 when everything changed for me and the world has never been the same since. I grew up in an ordinary town, my Mum worked for the Local Authority and my Dad worked at the famous Boddingtons Brewery, my Family have worked the Docks and Mines of Salford for generations. My Grandfather owned the local scrap yard or (tatters) as they were called then, a Man with a horse and cart who collected any metal you didn't want or any junk that was of no use and he would reward you with a “dolly blu” a “donkey stone” or a balloon in return. Simple hardworking folk who lived in this very ordinary mill town in the North West of England. Salford is a working class town, bombed heavily in the second World War due to the Manchester Ship Canal that runs through our town, the River Irwell rolls down from the North and out to sea and the Valley it rolls along was my playground as a child, back then there were limited restrictions on fun, riding the cart horses or catching sticklebacks in jam jars and frogspawn carried home in your welly. We would build wooden “dens” that were guarded by fierce children with stones and “duckers” at the ready to defend these forts. Ideal times and fond memories. As a child of the town I was very lucky in the sense that my family would take off for weekends and school holidays to the countryside or the beach, my Grandfather Ged would take us to the horse fairs and fetes where hundreds of families from the towns and countryside would meet, sell livestock and share tall tales. My Grandad had Horses and Ducks, Geese and Chickens, we raised Jack Russell Terriers and my Dad raised some of the best Greyhounds to come out of Ireland in the 80’s and 90’s and we travelled to race them at every Dog track across the North West, my Dad was also an avid fisherman and my Sisters and I grew up on the banks of the Rivers that flow here. The Severn and the Trent have some of my most treasured memories growing up, getting up at 4am to load the car or van, lunches packed and flasks filled, bait and rods and kids in the back, every trip a different woodland or copse. But in 1982 all that stopped for me, the places I used to play had another connotation that year, where I had never experienced fear there was now a hidden danger in every bush, an enemy behind every tree, hidden down in every ditch. It was an ordinary day, those perfect days between Spring and Summer when it's not too hot and the breeze blows easily with no hint of rain or a cloud in the sky. Days when school seemed like a punishment and School Jumpers were compulsory and thousands of hot tired teenagers would be taking their “mock” exams heads nodding and sweat building, myself included. The school I attended was an old victorian mansion owned by the SummerHill family, the grounds that surrounded it were nice but a little left to the wild, the park was directly across from the school, the new school building was added a few decades before and was a square concrete assault on the eyes with a thousand windows or so it seemed, really easy for a teacher to spy you skipping school, or school kid wishing they had also skipped would point out the window and dob you in. I had skipped the odd day before (Mum if you're reading this it's too late to ground me) I found the academic side of school easy and I would get bored so quickly, most of my days spent staring out the window daydreaming, the social side was a complete puzzle to me and I just winged it most days hoping I had used the correct response or had not shouted out inappropriately when I found something exciting or it held my interest. I had lot of friends back then, all in a similar position no doubt, you just don't realise as a child most of your friends have the same fears and peer pressure. So I was never one to say no to a new adventure. I did have one particular friend back then I spent most of my time with, my partner in crime so to speak, much braver than I and usually to be found smoking round the back of the gym or in smokers corner as we called it. I had gone in to my lessons in the morning and had only two study periods after lunch, so I wasn't missing anything other than revision and it was too nice of a day to be stuck indoors. Lunch would be two sittings between 12 noon and 1. 30 pm I can’t remember what sitting I was on that week but I remember being in 4 year and we had a rotation because the walk between the two buildings could take 15 minutes and we could do that walk 4 times a day. I don't remember much “before I saw “him” or for about an hour and a half (the time it took me to get home) after the event. Theres is an old Edwardian House in the middle of the park, country gardens, golf course and meadow, animal enclosures with goats, Rabbits, Horses and a menagerie of birds, there was a fantastic “glass house” with tropical plants from all across the world, like a huge rain forest within a glass dome. The “glass house” was always hot, steam would rise from the huge Koi pond in the centre, there was also a screened Butterfly house which was like a steamy bath, most folks called it the “hot house. ” The “hot house” was open to the public and could be visited for free, there was also a sensory garden for the blind. Lots of tactile and heavily scented plants and herbs with Braille metal plaques beneath each flower or shrub. Everytime I smell Lavender or Wild Garlic I’m transported right back to warm childhood days. The gardens in the 70’s were beautifully tended, one of my family members worked there and My Dad would take me everytime he had the chance. I have many pictures of myself as a kid in Buile Hill until that day in 82. By 1982 the park was in a rougher state, many of the groundsmen had been laid off, the old house was in the process of being turned into an Art Gallery or a mining museum, it has changed so many times over the decades and now stands broken deserted and vandalised. It's a very sorry sight indeed. Between the House and the Sensory garden was an old victorian flower bed, which sound delightful but it was a tangle of weeds by this point, Laurel and Box Privet all intertwined with the Rhododendrons and Ivy left to grow to around 25 ft high and in between all of that was an flattened down area almost like a bed of some kind and we would climb in through the brambles and nettles and from your position in there you could see out, but people passing by would have no idea you were in there at all. So if you stayed quiet and kept yourself hidden in there till around 3. 20 pm you could walk home with the other kids and it looked like you had been to school all along. That was the plan for the afterno
I'm gonna try to watch this movie without even a giggle and somehow I know that I am gonna lose. Better than sharknado tho. Watch online spy intervention 2017. Watch online spy intervention 2. Watch online spy intervention games. But Eminem is the Greatest of all times though. Watch Online Spy intervention sur le site. Watch online spy interventions. Watch Online Spy intervention militaire.
Honestly, I'm concerned for those two, especially him, considering that hot tub image. The graphics and acting make it feel like it's one big joke. Watch online spy intervention full. Watch spy intervention online free. Watch online spy interventional. Watch online spy intervention videos. Does anyone know the book series the darkest powers because this reminds me a lot of that book but with the X-Men universe. Well damn! why should be watch it they done gave away the whole damn movie. Watch online spy intervention program.
Watch online spy intervention movie. Watch online spy intervention movies. Watch Online Spy intervention en séance. YOOOOO JONATHAN BYERS IS HERE. Spy intervention watch online. But wheeere is Kitty Pryde. Watch online spy intervention game. I'm guessing this is in another universe with the x men and mutants. and soon marvel will introduce the multiverse where avengers and x men/ fantastic four will team up for an epic movie. its all about the build up and i cant wait. Is the house hunted by the people who were killed there. One of the best actor of our generation. Watch Online Spy intervention sociale. Watch online spy intervention video.
Who is waiting this movie like me ? press like. Watch online spy intervention app. We'll see what comes out of this upcoming meeting between Kim Jong Un and the orange menace. Two of the men held by Juche Korea (and recently released) were detained under the orange menace, not Obama. The orange menace " ruled out the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separating the two Koreas as the site for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, " saying the date and place of the meeting would be announced "within three days, " with an article adding that "Trump on Wednesday continued to express high hopes for the historic summit, which is aimed at denuclearizing North Korea, but also warned it could be called off at a moment’s notice" and quoting him as saying "Everything can be scuttled. Lot of good things can happen. Lot of bad things can happen. I think we have a really good shot at making it successful, but lots of things can happen. " The article noted that many countries have been considered for the meeting, "including Singapore and Mongolia, " but Kim is known to have "traveled outside North Korea just once since becoming the rogue nation’s leader in 2011, traveling to China in March, " with the orange menace "expected to meet with Kim sometime later this month or in June. " [1] "Three American men who had been imprisoned by North Korea are on their way to the United were freed after Pompeo met for 90 minutes with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on his second trip to Pyongyang ahead of a planned summit between Trump and Kim that could happen by next month. Trump hailed their release in a tweet after Pompeo had left the country with the three Americans aboard his U. S. government House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement that Trump “appreciates leaders Kim Jong Un’s action” and views it as “a positive gesture of goodwill. ” She said all three Americans, Kim Dong-chul, Tony Kim and Kim Hak-song, boarded the plane without assistance. Pompeo told reporters traveling with him that the three were given a quick medical exam by a physician who was accompanying the secretary and that their health “is as good as could be, given what they’ve been through”.. three men were turned over to U. custody after Pompeo’s meeting with Kim. According to a U. official who briefed reporters in Pyongyang, a North Korean official came to the Koryo Hotel to inform Pompeo that Kim had granted the three men “amnesty” on charges of espionage and hostile acts against the Risch, assistant secretary of state for consular affairs, and a U. doctor then went to another hotel to pick them up and brought them to the airport, according to a senior U. official present for the exchange... "We’re granting amnesty to the three detained Americans, ” the official quoted the North Korean emissary as telling Pompeo. “We issued the order to grant immediate amnesty to the detainees. ” “You should make care that they do not make the same mistakes again, ” the North Korean added, according to the U. official. “This was a hard decision. ” The two American reporters traveling with Pompeo, including one from The Washington Post [possibly Anna Fifield], spotted the three released Americans walking from a van onto Pompeo’s plane, where they were seated near medical personnel. The release of the men coincided with additional discussions between the Trump administration and the Kim regime in preparation for the historic summit, which would be the first between a sitting U. president and a North Korean their freedom has offered Trump new momentum in his high-stakes diplomatic gambit aimed at curtailing North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. An administration official said the two sides made “substantial progress” on summit planning and agreed to meet again before the leaders’ meeting. Trump has said officials have worked out a time and location for the meeting, but he has not disclosed details... “I think we have a really good shot at making it successful, ” Trump said of the summit, “but lots of things can happen. ” Yet even as Trump projected optimism, other administration officials sounded notes of caution. Vice President Pence vowed that the United States “will not let off the pressure until we achieve full denuclearization. ” The news of the Americans’ release came as a huge relief to the families of the longest-held prisoner was Kim Dong-chul, a 64-year-old who once lived in Fairfax, Va., and was arrested in October 2015. He had been based in the Chinese city of Yanji, near the border with North Korea, and traveled back and forth to the special economic zone of Rajin-Sonbong, where he managed a hotel business. But on his last visit, he was accused of spying for South Korea’s intelligence agencies, seeking to obtain details of the North’s military programs and trying to spread “religious” ideas ? a serious crime in the North. He was sentenced in April 2016 to 10 years in prison after a sham trial. Then, a year ago, two men associated with the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, or PUST, a private institution run by Korean American Christians, were detained. Tony Kim, a 59-year-old accountant, had made at least seven trips to Pyongyang, usually for a month at a time, to teach international finance and management to students at was stopped at Pyongyang’s airport in April 2017 and arrested for “committing criminal acts of hostility aimed to overturn” North Korea. Two weeks later, Kim Hak-song, an agricultural consultant who was also living in Yanji and working at PUST, was detained. He was also arrested on suspicion of “hostile acts” against North Korea, the official Korean Central News Agency said. Kim Dong-chul and Tony Kim were both born in South Korea, while Kim Hak-song is believed to have been born in China, although he is ethnically Korea’s presidential Blue House welcomed the release, both for the men and their families and for the signals it sends about North Korea’s Pompeo touched down in Pyongyang shortly before 8 a. m. local time, he was greeted by Kim Yong Chol, a former North Korean intelligence chief, and Ri Su Yong, the influential former foreign minister. Ri is close to Kim Jong Un, having served as ambassador to Switzerland while the young leader attended school there. Kim Yong Chol, who is in charge of relations with South Korea, and Ri, responsible for international relations, had just returned from the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian, where Kim Jong Un held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, their second meeting in China in 40 days. Both also attended the inter-Korean summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in late last month... “For decades, we have been adversaries, ” Pompeo told Kim Yong Chol... “Now we are hopeful that we can work together to resolve this conflict, take away threats to the world and make your country have all the opportunities your people so richly deserve, ” Pompeo said before lunch at the Koryo Hotel, a large, double-towered building in central Pyongyang. “There are many challenges along the way. But you have been a great partner in working to make sure our two leaders will have a summit that is successful, ” the new secretary of state said. Pompeo and Kim Yong Chol met behind closed doors at the Koryo Hotel for about an hour Wednesday morning, before a lunch complete with poached fish, duck and red wine on the 39th floor. Kim Yong Chol was in an effusive mood, telling Pompeo and the dozen or so staffers traveling with him that this was a good time to be in Pyongyang because it was spring and because a good atmosphere had been established between North and South. This echoed remarks that both Korean leaders have made about a new spring arriving on the peninsula. “So everything is going well in Pyongyang now, ” he said, adding that from now on, North Korea would be concentrating all its efforts on “the economic progress of our country. ” “This is not a result of sanctions that have been imposed from outside, ” Kim Yong Chol told Pompeo, contradicting the administration’s line that Trump’s “maximum pressure” approach had brought North Korea to the negotiating table. “I hope the United States also will be happy with our success. I have high expectations the U. will play a very big role in establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula, ” he said. Then he toasted Pompeo. Pompeo stood and said the American delegation was “equally committed to working with you to achieve exactly” that. [2] 38 North, bourgeois analyst: "A few months ago, the possibility of a direct meeting between US President Donald Trump and DPRK Chairman Kim Jong Un seemed as remote as North Korean denuclearization. The verdict is still out on how plausible achieving the latter really is, but the summit has been announced and now awaits more biggest mystery concerns possible outcomes. How much will Kim Jong Un really offer in exchange for the lifting of sanctions, a peace treaty to end the Korean War, diplomatic normalization with the United States and other concessions he may be seeking? The broad agreement between most North Korea analysts is: not very much, if anything substantial at are fears that the upcoming Kim-Trump summit will fail. Such an outcome could be used by Washington to declare the futility of diplomacy and as an excuse for launching a military strike against North forward to 2018, the scenario for a new version of Taft-Katsura could look something like this: China promises to remain neutral in the case of a US military intervention in North Korea and a subsequent unification under South Korean leadership, in return for America’s acquiescence in the PRC’s “reunification” with Taiwan. A closer look at the involved interests reveals that this scenario might not be the complete nonsense that it seems to be at first ’s interest in Taiwan and US interests in Korea are undisputed. What is less apparent is if and why th
Saving my money itll release online Ill be bored and watch it for free. Michael Scheuer | rightpedia (the un-wikid-pedia, a stub page, more at:) also at (not the same, but even more at:) Ex-CIA Official Michael Scheuer Calls For Killing of Trump’s Political and Media Opponents | MEDIAite MS America and Islam After Iraq; World Affairs Council address Mar. 18. 18 1 hr | FORA-TV M Scheuer On the C-SPAN Networks (index) | c-span Scheuer's Literary Opus (index) | goodreads My Internet provider blocks access to Scheuer's website, It shows the site in an index page, but does not redirect to it, only recycles to itself. More specifically, and but any link to goes to this: Conversations With History interviews Michael Scheuer 2008 55 min I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress 9 min Interviews with John Fredericks (radio) Show Dr Scheuer: Too Much Kissing Derrière: It's All Coming Unravelled Jul. 17. 18 20 min Dr Scheuer: MAGA, EU & NATO Jul. 13. 18 19. 8 min Dr Scheuer Blasts HuLu for Producing Fake News TV Series, & A Complete False Depiction of Him Jul. 11. 18 18. 5 min Dr Scheuer: Enough Is Enough! Jul. 9. 18 15. 4 min Dr Scheuer: Close The Border Now Jun. 26. 18 17. 8 min Dr Scheuer: The President Needs To Release The Unredacted Report From Horowitz Jun. 15. 3 min Dr Scheuer: The Longer This Investigation Goes On... Jun. 5. 3 min Dr Scheuer: Non-Intervention Out Of Iran May. 14. 5 min Dr Scheuer: I Hope POTUS Withdraws From The Iran Deal May. 8. 5 min Dr Scheuer: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speech, Emmanuel Macron & More May. 1. 18 16. 5 min Dr Scheuer: Syria, President Trump, Failed Voters Apr. 16. 18 17 min Dr Scheuer: Cohen Raid, Syria &etc. Apr. 3 min Dr Scheuer: The EU Is Falling Apart Mar. 27. 3 min Dr Scheuer: APAC, Shootings in America & More... Mar. 18 18 min Dr Scheuer Addresses North Korea, Iran Deal & More... Nov. 28. 17 15 min Dr Scheuer: 4 US Soldiers Killed In Niger Oct. 17 8. 8 min Dr Scheuer: President Trump's U. N. Speech; Sep. 21. 17 18 min Ex-CIA Dr Scheuer: "Obama Was Behind Fisa Warrant On Trump" Mar. 6. 17 16. 2 min Dr Scheuer: The Important Thing To Do Is To Kill Obamacare Jul. 17 18. 1 min Dr Scheuer: SpyGate Wouldn't Have Happened Without The British Permission Jul. 1 min Dr Scheuer: Another 2000 Troops Going To Afghanistan... For What? May. 3. 17 22. 3 min Dr Scheuer Addresses Susan Rice & Erik Prince Allegations Apr. 4. 7 min Dr Scheuer Discusses President-Elect Donald Trump's Picks Nov. 16 13. 5 min Dr Scheuer: President Trump's Travel Ban Feb. 7. 17 15 min Author Michael Scheuer: Sen. John McCain is bad for America! Jul. 20. 15 13. 6 min Michael Scheuer: Obama's plan to destroy America Jul. 14 16 min.
Watch online spy intervention programs. Watch Online Spy intervention chirurgicale. This is literally the longest recap. Ever. Total 5200 words, about 14 pages. I tried my best to pick out the most important parts for the summary at the end - Got it down to about 600 words. But it puts the total over the 40k character limit. So the TL;DR summary is in a comment stickied on this post. It's the week before finals, so I didn't have time to thoroughly proofread the whole thing. Let me know if you find any typos or errors, please. Due to the many developments last week, I divided the Mueller section into different parts: There’s a subsection for Trump, Manafort, Corsi and Stone, Cohen, and Other. This one may be my masterpiece:) Housekeeping: The list of Trump admin departures (398) is now a website:. The spreadsheet is still live though if you prefer it. There’s a mailing list for notifications when this review is posted plus a link. To be added, send me PM with your email address. If you signed up already, check the spam folder just in case If you’d like to donate a dollar a month, I’d appreciate it: patreon. Recaps will continue regardless. On to the review... Week of Nov 25 - Dec 1: What We Learned in the Russia Probe MUELLER INVESTIGATION Mueller: Trump Trump’s answers. CNN reported on two answers Trump gave in his written response to Mueller’s questionnaire: He apparently stated that (1) Roger Stone did not tell him about Wikileaks, and (2) he did not know about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Also included in the response, Trump “made clear he was answering to the best of his recollection. ” See the paragraph below titled “Analysis” in the Manafort section for some insight into how Manafort may have influenced Trump’s answers. RNC change. Sources familiar with Trump's responses said one of Mueller’s questions was about the RNC's convention platform change watering down its formal position on whether the US should help protect Ukraine from Russian incursions. The move, which occurred under Paul Manafort's management, was seen as a "surprising concession to the Russian government. " Reportedly, Trump told Mueller he was not aware of the platform change to the best of his recollection. Rosenstein meme. Following the news of Manafort’s plea deal falling apart, Trump went on a tweet storm of angry anti-Mueller tweets. On Wednesday, he retweeted a meme of Rod Rosenstein and various Trump critics behind bars, with the text “NOW THAT RUSSIA COLLUSION IS A PROVEN LIE, WHEN DO THE TRIALS FOR TREASON BEGIN? ” Asked why he shared an image of Rosenstein behind bars, Trump said, “He should have never picked a special counsel. ” The other people in the image include Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former President Bill Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Vox: Minutes before he retweeted the meme and a number of other wildly inaccurate tweets from “The Trump Train” Twitter account, the president posted a tweet baselessly accusing special counsel Mueller of “viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts” in exchange for “relief. ” It would take too long to list all of the anti-Mueller tweets Trump sent last week. Reading through them, I think he feels trapped and is more scared than he’s been so far during Mueller’s investigation. Mueller: Manafort Manafort deal. On Monday, Mueller filed the much-anticipated status report on Manafort's case... and revealed that Manafort breached his plea agreement by repeatedly lying to them. Mueller thus asks for sentencing to begin immediately, as Manafort already pleaded guilty to the crimes. Note that Mueller would not have caught Manafort in lies unless his team already knew the truth. We do not yet know the full extent of Manafort's lies. Prosecutors told the court they will describe "the nature of the defendant’s crimes and lies” in an upcoming sentencing memo. The Wall Street Journal reported later in the week that some of Manafort's lies had to do with payments he received related to his lobbying work in Ukraine. Mueller is reportedly considering new charges against Manafort for lying to them, again. The cooperation agreement stipulated Manafort be truthful and not commit any further crimes - both conditions he did not respect. Double agent. After agreeing to cooperate, Manafort's attorney, Kevin Downing, repeatedly briefed Trump's lawyers on Manafort's discussions with Mueller's team. A cooperator is expected not to share information with other suspects or persons of interest, so this only inflamed tensions with Mueller's team. Giuliani, Trump's attorney, has confirmed Downing briefed them and defended the arrangement as "a source of valuable insights into the special counsel’s inquiry. " Experts believe Mueller could use Giuliani's statement as evidence of obstruction. Giuliani stated Downing told him prosecutors pressed Manafort on whether Trump knew of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting. It is important to note that once an agreement to cooperate is reached, a witness has "agreed contractually to a full, no-holds-barred provision of information... The universal understanding is that the witness will not run back and reveal the government’s case to potential suspects. " Thus, Mueller's team expected any joint defense agreements to be ended with the cooperation agreement. Last month, Giuliani stated Trump's lawyers have joint defense agreements with 32 witnesses of suspects of Mueller's investigation. Manafort’s lawyers denied intentional dishonesty, stating that Manafort “ believes he has provided truthful information…” A former federal attorney wrote for NBC News that “this language suggests that even Manafort’s attorneys recognize their client has been lying to Mueller’s team. ” Further, the defense would “have demanded an evidentiary hearing to prove Manafort did not breach his agreement. Their failure to do so is another sign that Manafort lied to prosecutors. ” Analysis. Marcy Wheeler articulated Mueller’s play here perfectly. In sum, Mueller appears to have no doubt that Manafort was lying, which means they didn’t really need his testimony. But they kept him on the line. Why? Perhaps so they could keep giving Manafort the impression that he was tricking them, all while Manafort reported misleading information to Trump that was used to respond to Mueller’s questionnaire. “Which increases the likelihood that Trump just submitted sworn answers to those questions full of lies. ” Further, the upcoming court filing in which Mueller will detail Manafort’s crimes and lies will act as a report on Mueller’s investigation that Whitaker cannot suppress. Pardon? In an interview with the New York Post, Trump said a pardon for Manafort was still a possibility. “It was never discussed, but I wouldn’t take it off the table. Why would I take it off the table? ” He continued, “You know this flipping stuff is terrible... But I had three people: Manafort, Corsi ? I don’t know Corsi, but he refuses to say what they demanded. Manafort, Corsi and Roger Stone... It’s actually very brave. ” Meeting Assange. The Guardian revealed that Manafort secretly met with Julian Assange three times inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London - in 2013, 2015, and 2016. The most recent rendezvous, in spring 2016, is "likely to come under scrutiny" from Mueller as it took place during Trump's campaign, around the time Manafort was named as Trump's convention manager, and just a few months before Wikileaks published the hacked DNC emails (see below for timeline). Edit: While the Guardian stands by their reporting, other news agencies have not been able to independently confirm the meeting(s). Contrary to normal procedure, Manafort's visits were not logged by security guards. The Guardian also mentions an internal Ecuadorian intelligence document that lists not only Manafort as a visitor, but also "Russians. " Manafort responded: “I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to WikiLeaks, either directly or indirectly. I have never reached out to Assange or WikiLeaks on any matter. ” Timeline. The Washington Post put Manafort’s meetings with Assange in context. The whole thing is worth reading, but I want to point out one detail in particular: The same month Manafort and Assange met “off the books, ” March 2016, was the same month Russian hackers began probing the DNC network for vulnerabilities AND when Podesta’s email was penetrated. Not to mention, at the end of March 2016 Manafort was hired by the Trump campaign as convention manager (recommended by Roger Stone). Then on April 6th 2016, Russian hackers gained credentials for the DCCC from “an unwitting employee. ” Ecuador meeting. Mueller has also been looking into a meeting between Manafort and Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno in May 2017. The meeting was originally revealed by Moreno, who said the two discussed a Chinese business deal. However, he did not state if any other issues came up in conversation. Mueller: Corsi and Stone Rejected deal. Jerome Corsi, a right wing conspiracy theorist and friend of Roger Stone, has rejected a plea agreement with Mueller. The proposed deal involved Corsi pleading guilty to perjury for lying to investigators about his interactions with Wikileaks - he said he did not comply with Stone’s request to contact Julian Assange (see below). Mueller stated this was a lie and Corsi seems to agree, but claims it was unintentional and he simply forgot the events of a couple of years ago. Mueller alleges Corsi deleted all of his emails before October 11, 2016, including the Wikileaks emails. Instead of cooperating, Corsi plans to file "a criminal complaint against Mueller’s Special Counsel and the DOJ fo
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