Dark Waters gomovies

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Rating=8,4 of 10 stars Scores=28372 vote duration=2H 6 Min director=Todd Haynes info=Dark Waters is a movie starring Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, and Tim Robbins. A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODQ0M2Y5M2QtZGIwMC00MzJjLThlMzYtNmE3ZTMzZTYzOGEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) A trailer just dropped for Mark Ruffalo 's upcoming drama Dark Waters, in which he stars opposite Anne Hathaway as Robert Bilott, a crusading lawyer intent on bringing down the chemical company DuPont for leaking acid into West Virginian water. Source: Photo by Maddie McGarvey/ For The Washington Post via Getty Images The Washington Works DuPont plant in Parkersburg, WV on October 28, 2015. Dark Waters tells the chilling true story of DuPont. Remember Erin Brockovich? Played by Julia Roberts in an award-winning performance in a movie by the same name, the film told the story of Erin, who despite her lack of formal legal education, was instrumental in building a case against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California in 1993. Dark Waters feels like it exists in the same universe, though it follows a lawyer this time, who similarly brings DuPont to task in West Virginia in a 20-year legal battle. In 1998, Wilbur Tennant, the farmer we see in the trailer, contacted Robert when he believed that poison in the water his cattle was drinking was responsible for killing 190 of his cows. "They're hiding something, " the two begin to suspect. "What if whatever is killing those cows is in the drinking water? " Although Robert had been working as a successful lawyer in Cincinnati, he accepted this case because he had spent time in Parkersburg, as a child, since that's where his grandmother lived. Soon, Robert discovered that DuPont had been dumping chemical waste ? including an unregulated chemical compound ? near the site where Wilbur was raising his cattle. During his research, Robert learned that DuPont had been engaging in this practice since at least 1951. Source: focus features And it turned out that not only was Wilbur right in that DuPont had been indirectly killing his cattle, but Robert also realized that DuPont was concealing evidence in the case, particularly as it regarded the unregulated chemical. As a consequence, an angered Robert decided to make this case public and get justice not only for the cattle, but for the Parkersburg residents whose lives were put at danger through the consumption of the poisoned water. Thus began an extremely long and contentious battle between Robert and the people of Parkersburg he was defending, and the chemical mogul known as DuPont. According to Salon, which published a long-form article about the case that we recommend reading, the Environmental Protection Agency got involved in the suit as well. In 2004, the EPA "filed a lawsuit against DuPont, charging it with concealing evidence about C8's risks for more than two decades. " The following year, DuPont agreed to pay $16. 5 million as part of a settlement with EPA, which was "the largest civil penalty ever in the agency's history. " But that's not even where the story ends. After that success, Robert continued his pursuit of taking DuPont to task and getting justice for the 70, 000 Parkersburg residents that the company poisoned. Eventually, DuPont "put $70 million into a community health and education project, " according to Salon. "In a rather unusual move, the company also agreed to fund a multimillion dollar health study, overseen by independent, court-appointed scientists, to determine whether exposure to C8 had actually harmed people, " the piece continues. "Moreover, DuPont agreed that if the study did prove that the C8 had caused certain diseases, those who suffered from diseases connected to C8 would be entitled to sue individually for personal injury. " We can't wait to see how this riveting legal case is brought to life by Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway, who are already receiving Oscar buzz for their performances. Dark Waters will be released in select theaters Nov. 22, and across America on Nov. 29. More From Distractify.
This is one scary movie because it's something that stretched into recent times. and really happened. It's about self-regulation, big-business, medical disasters and cover-ups on a scale that just doesn't seem possible in today's world.
I had no idea this movie was about one of the most well-known brands in the world (that DuPont owns. and the terrible secret behind it. Since the name is not advertised in the previews, I won't spoil it here. but everyone has heard of it and. ugh. been somewhat contaminated by it. This is not really an "action" movie. it's a bit of a slow-burn as developments take place over stretches of time. Mark Ruffalo's performance is fine. though it's fair to say there are other actors who could have put in more compelling and watchable performances. I'd have to admit that if the movie wasn't about real events, it would be so-so. However, because it is based on actual events. you can't help but want to know how the movie unfolds. While there are some unexplained issues relating to the main character's law firm and boss (who inexplicably seem to side with an underdog case. it's not enough to derail the story. because the main plot really did transpire. It's a good movie to remind us that we're not as protected by our systems, institutions and government as we'd like to think.
How could a fish that's been there for 1000s of year be invasive. &ref(https://www.pastposters.com/cw3/assets/product_full/R/dark-water-cinema-quad-movie-poster-(2).jpg) 7:26 You can see he didn't mess up. The puck hit something and flipped over his stick. His reaction is completely normal. Great story as usual. when did this story take place? keep up the good work. Ok dupont ?. Great movie. It was very serious but i found it engaging the whole time. It makes you think about the world around us, the large corporations that are everywhere in it and the possible coruption that goes on with them. Its a powerful story that literally effects all of us. It definitely makes me think about all the stuff we surround ourselves with.
Everyone should watch it.
THAT FIRST TRAILER HAD ME WEEPING. Freaky story. Youre doing a great job of delivering these stories. Please keep doing this. I hope to never encounter a dangerous cryptid, but encounters seem to be increasing. My Brother. Keep On Shining Dark Waters. 1 hands down! God Bless You and ur family DW! ?. People: stop racing its dangerous Ken: hold my tea. Love your videos! Keep it up and God bless. Did DuPont test chemicals on its own employees? Did they send a helicopter to frighten a farmer? We break down the new movie. Mark Ruffalo as Robert Bilott in Dark Waters and Robert Bilott at the movie’s premiere. Photo illustration by Slate. Photos by Focus Features and Mike Coppola/Getty Images. Todd Haynes’ new film Dark Waters wades into some of the most complicated topics in public health, chemistry, and the law to dramatize the story of environmental attorney Robert Bilott and his nearly two decades of civil actions against DuPont. Late in the film, a disillusioned Bilott (Mark Ruffalo), up against a wall, imagines that the multinational corporation, the likes of which he once defended, might be setting him up to be a cautionary tale for all their would-be litigants: “Look, everybody, even he can’t crack the maze, ” Bilott says, “and he’s helped build it. ” How accurately does Dark Waters depict the twists and turns of this maze? We consulted a variety of sources, including Nathaniel Rich’s 2016 New York Times Magazine feature “ The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare ” (upon which the movie is based), Bilott’s own book, other longform articles, and attorney Harry Deitzler (the personal-injury lawyer played in the movie by Bill Pullman), to help sort out what’s true and what’s embellished. Robert Bilott In real life as in the film, Bilott’s earliest professional experiences after law school were working on behalf of chemical companies for his employer, Taft Stettinius & Hollister, providing the firm’s corporate clients with guidance on how best to comply with the so-called Superfund law passed by Congress in 1980 to regulate sites tainted with hazardous substances. As in the movie, he at first had a cozy relationship with DuPont, though some of the details of the relationship in the movie are invented. For example, the DuPont executive played by Victor Garber, “Phil Donnelly, ” seems to be a composite, and the scene where he turns on Bilott, hissing at him, “Fuck you, hick, ” appears to be invented. Like the movie, Rich’s article portrays Bilott as an unassuming and understated man driven by an innate sense of decency. As one of Bilott’s colleagues told the New York Times, ‘‘To say that Rob Bilott is understated is an understatement. ’’ It’s also true that Bilott did not have the same Ivy League pedigree of many of his colleagues at Taft, having been raised on Air Force bases across the continental United States and West Germany, and it was through these working-class connections that he was introduced to the Tennant family farm case. Bilott did marry a fellow lawyer, Sarah Barlage, who left her career defending corporations against worker’s compensation claims to raise their sons. Anne Hathaway as Sarah Bilott and the real-life Sarah Bilott. Photo illustration by Slate. Photos by Focus Features and EPK. The film’s portrayal of the physical toll that the excruciating, decadeslong legal battle against DuPont seems to have had on Bilott’s health is also accurate. As he does in the film, the real Bilott did begin to experience strange symptoms in 2010 similar to the strokelike transient ischemic attack seen in the movie. In his memoir, Exposure: Poisoned Water, Corporate Greed, and One Lawyer’s Twenty-Year Battle Against DuPont, published earlier this year, Bilott says that doctors could only really diagnose the issue as “ unusual brain activity ” after an MRI similar to the one he undergoes in the film. Trial lawyer Harry Deitzler, who’s played by Bill Pullman in the film, told Slate in a telephone interview that while Dark Waters captured Bilott’s sense of “commitment” and “general modesty, ” it was less accurate in its depiction on one particular issue: Robert Bilott has not been known to be an especially big fan of Mai Tais, either in general or on special occasions. “I don’t recall him drinking, ” Deitzler says. “I noticed that in at least one of the scenes where I was portrayed. Bill Pullman was portraying me, and he’s taller and younger, and everyone appeared to be drinking. That’s Hollywood, I guess. ” (Bilott has not yet responded to my email and telephone inquiries about whether he has ever enjoyed a celebratory Mai Tai or any other tropical, rum-based cocktail. ) The Tennant Family Farm As a linchpin bolstering Dark Waters ’ case as a message movie, the events depicted on the Tennant cattle farm in Parkersburg, West Virginia, really ought to be accurate, and for the most part, they are. Wilbur Tennant’s brother Jim really was a DuPont employee plagued with a serious ailment his doctors could not diagnose, and the chemical company did buy his 66 acres of the family’s 600-some-acre property in the 1980s. DuPont then really did proceed to turn that plot into a dumping ground for sludge that it knew to be toxic, going so far as to quietly conduct tests for perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, in the nearby river and expressing concern for the health of the Tennants’ livestock in internal documents nearly a decade before they would be denying culpability and blaming the Tennants in court. The symptoms shown in the movie?including such discolorations as blackened teeth?are also similar to the ones that Tennant really did videotape before sending the tapes to Bilott. The sometimes contentious tenor of Bilott’s relationship with Wilbur Tennant is also true to life. As Bilott recollected in a panel discussion with the Washington Post, it was Wilbur’s obstinate refusal to simply take his monetary settlement and walk away that compelled Bilott to keep pursuing new legal avenues to hold DuPont to account. “ He knew his neighbors and his community was being poisoned, ” Bilott told the Post. “It was really his dedication to bringing that out that really inspired me to try to find a way to address the bigger problem. ” Amazingly, the Pakula -esque paranoid thriller scene, in which Wilbur Tennant spots a low-level helicopter hovering ominously over his property, uses the scope of his hunting rifle to better examine the vehicle, and scares it off in the process, did in fact occur. As Bilott details in Exposure, the April 23, 2001, incident was eventually confirmed between his legal team and DuPont’s. According to the book, DuPont had commissioned a photographer to take aerial photos of the property as part of its defense. DuPont’s lawyers had a different perspective on the incident, however, writing in an email, “It is a federal offense to threaten violence against an aircraft carrying passengers” and “Please be advised that the helicopter pilot has indicated that he will pursue today’s incident with federal authorities. ” While DuPont did also conduct walk-throughs and physical searches of the Tennant’s belongings, deeply alienating some of the family’s renters, the movie depicts some of Tennant’s evidence going mysteriously missing. I could find no record of any such incident taking place. DuPont As unbelievable as it may sound, DuPont really did, in the 1960s, offer some of its staff Teflon-laced cigarettes as a human experiment into the potential side effects of the PFOA-produced nonstick material, as the movie recounts. As company scientists noted in internal documents, “Nine out of ten people in the highest-dosed group were noticeably ill for an average of nine hours with flu-like symptoms that included chills, backache, fever, and coughing. ” Similarly, DuPont’s presence in the Ohio and West Virginia “ Chemical Valley ” regions really did resemble the company town vibe portrayed in Dark Waters, with citizens frequently too enthralled by the multinational’s economic benefits to question its impact on their health and safety. Taft Stettinius & Hollister Tim Robbins as Tom Terp. Focus Features While the character of the hand-wringing Taft lawyer James Ross, portrayed by The Good Place ’s William Jackson Harper, seems to have been invented, along with the scene where Ross suggests that Bilott’s class-action suit might read to the public as nothing more than “a shakedown of an iconic American company, ” Bilott did tell the New York Times that he “perceived that there were some ‘What the hell are you doing? ’ responses” within the firm. Deitzler suggests it would have been a historic first for no partners at a firm of Taft’s size and corporate client base to express qualms about a class-action suit of this kind. Similarly, Bilott’s boss, Tom Terp (Tim Robbins), is not on the record as ever having threatened to cut Bilott’s balls off “and feed them to DuPont himself” if his subordinate were to ever again unilaterally send internal documents found via discovery to a federal regulatory agency or speak on his findings to Congress. Of Bilott’s “Famous Letter” to the EPA, Terp told the Times that he didn’t recall if there was any particular reaction internally and that the partners at Taft were “proud of the work that he has done. ’’ The Lubeck Letter Joseph and Darlene Kiger in Park City, Utah, in 2018. Ernesto Distefano/Getty Images The Kiger family, teacher Joseph Kiger and his wife, Darlene, really did receive a cagey and curiously worded letter from the local Lubeck water district in October 2000 notifying them that an unregulated chemical named PFOA was present in their drinking water at ‘‘low concentrations. ” And, as the film intimates, this letter, delivered on the public utility’s letterhead, was first reviewed by DuPont and started the clock on the “statute of limitations. ” Much of the biographical informati
Man, you're an outstanding storyteller??. Thats some good eating right there. Quality music. Nowhere near as good as river monsters? Still great programing but Cain road etck. The person who killed him, probabably know who is the killer. Great acting but really, we've ALL seen this story before.
This is for the generation who never saw this story before because they weren't around. For those of us who HAVE seen the story before this becomes tired and frankly, the movie is too long. Mark does an amazing job but Anne Hathaway's wig was comical.

Born in Texas, but grew up in a small town in Honduras, grandpa use to tell me and cousins stories about a huge large dog that at points looks like a human. guns would not work or do any damage to this thing. growing up I think it was just bedtime stories. until I came back to Texas, working in the family ranch I saw and heard things that I couldn't explain. ps. Bigfoot is called cicimite in Latin America. Watch Full Aguas oscura. You're telling me that corporations don't care about people. The killer is. Go to watch this film, it good. As bad as it may seem to add his name to this conversation. The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, was right about technology. And mans rush to move forward at all costs. And they called him crazy? Humans are now totally reliant on a system & way of life, that will kill them. Technology.
Incredible presentation and narration! I'm subscribing.
Vic Cundiff sent me over i am now a sub. ty for your work. DuPont's are Delaware royalty. Whatever they say, DE does. And that's without throwing their money around. So WV is no different.
????. Cristian Bale was robbed at golden globes. just like Ken Miles?. THIS MOVIE WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUDGING GOOD.
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