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Creators Riko Sakaguchi, Isao Takahata Japan &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTcwODI0MzEwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjkyNTEwMTE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) director Isao Takahata 2013 An old man makes a living by selling bamboo. One day, he finds a princess in a bamboo. The princess is only the size of a finger. Her name is Kaguya. When Kaguya grows up, 5 men from prestigious families propose to her. Kaguya asks the men to find memorable marriage gifts for her, but the 5 men are unable to find what Kaguya wants. Then, the Emperor of Japan proposes to her. Anime kaguya-hime no monogatari. Kaguya hime no monogatari watch movie. Kaguya-hime no monogatari rotten tomatoes. Kaguyahime no monogatari. Kaguya-hime no monogatari eng sub.
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Isao Takahata has always been a so-so director in my opinion. Grave of the Fireflies remained his grand achievement throughout his whole career and his other films have been rather hard to sell to non-Japanese audiences because of their heavy reliance on Japanese culture, tradition and most especially humour. Which is why I was so pleasantly surprised by this film, which in my mind easily takes place as his new magnum opus.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya faithfully retells a classic Japanese folktale about a princess, send from the heavens, who is found by a humble bamboo cutter from within a bamboo stalk. Said bamboo cutter is given gold, cloth and everything else he needs to raise the princess as his own and to give her the kind of life she deserves. The films doesn't really deviate from the tale, but that shouldn't count against it, especially because any non-Japanese viewer is unlikely to know the tale intimately. Plus, it's a really well-told tale, smoothly flowing from one scene to another, from the early days in a small cabin to grand feasts and noble suitors. Aki Asakura, the voice actor of Kaguya-hime, gives her a really likable personality and the film excels in showing both the humanity and otherworldly grace of the character. I also really like the animation style, which mimics the drawings that were used to illustrate the tale in the ancient times. It's simplistic yet beautiful most of the time, but can be very expressive when the scene calls for it. There are also couple segments which utilize a more experimental, almost abstract style, and they are easily the best parts of the film aesthetically. As a whole The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is an amazing experience. The story is universal enough to be appreciated by any viewer, yet it remains intimately Japanese at its roots. The animation style is beautiful in its bleakness, the characters are enjoyable and as a whole the film is one of the finest Studio Ghibli has ever released. Definitely worth a watch.
Kaguya hime no monogatari movie. I wish to be the audience to witness the orchestra by him. Kaguya hime no monogatari koto. Kaguya-hime no monogatari torrent. Kaguya hime no monogatari sub indo. I totally loved this film! The music was so beautiful that I even got the soundtrack. The story was wonderful and the animation such a unique style. I've seen it several times. Beautiful motion in the animation. I can't wait to see it. Kaguya hime no monogatari warabe uta. I'm not crying Y O U ' R E C R Y I N G. The movie Song of the Sea reminded me of these movies the most: Tales of Princess Kaguya Wolf Children It has a combination of good vibes and feeling from each movie. The antagonist of this movie reminded me of Yubaba from Spirited Away. The producers may have borrowed something from Atlantis too in this movie about that girl. Although this movie had a certain depth and deep feeling and empathy as when I watched a show called Mushishi throughout the whole entire film.
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This is a furry's wet dream of a movie. Kaguya hime no monogatari transcript. Access has been restricted for this account and/or IP address. If you are using a VPN or proxy IP, please disable it while using MAL. If you feel this ban is an error, you may have encountered a spambot's IP ban. Please contact a moderator at MAL's IRC channel: web client. Once you have connected, please private message a moderator who has an & symbol before their nick (double-click). Account ban evasions will only result in your ban becoming successively longer - and possibly permanent.  Do not attempt to evade account bans by creating new accounts.  Please contact a moderator (details above) to discuss the reasons for your ban and/or if the ban has been longer than expected. While banned you will be able to see your bookshelf and read purchased items, but you will be unable to access the store or purchase any new items.
Kaguya hime no monogatari ??????. "Tale of the Princess Kaguya", "かぐや姫の物語", and "Kaguya-hime no Monogatari" redirect here. For the Studio Ghibli film, see The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. "Taketori Monogatari" and "竹取物語" redirect here. For the 1987 film, see Princess from the Moon. Discovery of Princess Kaguya (depiction from the Edo period, late 17th century) The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter ( 竹取物語, Taketori Monogatari) is a 10th-century Japanese monogatari (fictional prose narrative) containing Japanese folklore. It is considered the oldest extant Japanese prose narrative [1] [2] although the oldest manuscript dates to 1592. [3] The tale is also known as The Tale of Princess Kaguya ( かぐや姫の物語, Kaguya-hime no Monogatari), after its protagonist. [4] It primarily details the life of a mysterious girl called Kaguya, who was discovered as a baby inside the stalk of a glowing bamboo plant. Narrative [ edit] Taketori no Okina takes Kaguya-hime to his home, Drawn by Tosa Hiromichi, c. 1600 One day, while walking in the bamboo forest, an old, childless bamboo cutter called Taketori no Okina ( 竹取翁, "the Old Man who Harvests Bamboo") came across a mysterious, shining stalk of bamboo. After cutting it open, he found inside it an infant the size of his thumb. He rejoiced to find such a beautiful girl and took her home. He and his wife raised her as their own child and named her Kaguya-hime (かぐや姫 accurately, Nayotake no Kaguya-hime, "Shining princess of the supple bamboo"). Thereafter, Taketori no Okina found that whenever he cut down a stalk of bamboo, inside would be a small nugget of gold. Soon he became rich. Kaguya-hime grew from a small baby into a woman of ordinary size and extraordinary beauty. At first, Taketori no Okina tried to keep her away from outsiders, but over time the news of her beauty spread. Eventually, five princes came to Taketori no Okina's residence to ask for the beautiful Kaguya-hime's hand in marriage. The princes eventually persuaded Taketori no Okina to tell a reluctant Kaguya-hime to choose from among them. Kaguya-hime concocted impossible tasks for the princes, agreeing to marry the one who managed to bring her his specified item. That night, Taketori no Okina told the five princes what each must bring. The first was told to bring her the stone begging bowl of the Buddha Shakyamuni from India, the second a jeweled branch from the mythical island of Hōrai, [5] the third the legendary robe of the fire-rat of China, the fourth a colored jewel from a dragon 's neck, and the final prince a cowry shell born of swallows. Realizing that it was an impossible task, the first prince returned with an expensive stone bowl, hoping that Kaguya-hime would believe it to be real, but after noticing that the bowl did not glow with holy light, Kaguya-hime saw through his deception. Likewise, two other princes attempted to deceive her with fakes, but also failed. The fourth gave up after encountering a storm, while the final prince lost his life (severely injured in some versions) in his attempt. After this, the Emperor of Japan, Mikado, came to see the strangely beautiful Kaguya-hime and, upon falling in love, asked her to marry him. Although he was not subjected to the impossible trials that had thwarted the princes, Kaguya-hime rejected his request for marriage as well, telling him that she was not of his country and thus could not go to the palace with him. She stayed in contact with the Emperor, but continued to rebuff his requests and marriage proposals. That summer, whenever Kaguya-hime saw the full moon, her eyes filled with tears. Though her adoptive parents worried greatly and questioned her, she was unable to tell them what was wrong. Her behaviour became increasingly erratic until she revealed that she was not of this world and must return to her people on the Moon. In some versions of this tale, it is said that she was sent to the Earth, where she would inevitably form material attachment, as a temporary punishment for some crime, while in others, she was sent to Earth for her own safety during a celestial war. The gold that Taketori no Okina had been finding had in fact been a stipend from the people of the Moon, sent down to pay for Kaguya-hime's upkeep. Kaguya-hime goes back to the Moon As the day of her return approached, the Emperor sent many guards around her house to protect her from the Moon people, but when an embassy of "Heavenly Beings" arrived at the door of Taketori no Okina's house, the guards were blinded by a strange light. Kaguya-hime announced that, though she loved her many friends on Earth, she must return with the Moon people to her true home. She wrote sad notes of apology to her parents and to the Emperor, then gave her parents her own robe as a memento. She then took a little of the elixir of life, attached it to her letter to the Emperor, and gave it to a guard officer. As she handed it to him, her feather robe was placed on her shoulders, and all of her sadness and compassion for the people of the Earth were apparently forgotten. The heavenly entourage took Kaguya-hime back to Tsuki no Miyako (月の都; lit. "the Capital of the Moon"), leaving her earthly foster parents in tears. The parents became very sad and were soon put to bed sick. The officer returned to the Emperor with the items Kaguya-hime had given him as her last mortal act, and reported what had happened. The Emperor read her letter and was overcome with sadness. He asked his servants, "Which mountain is the closest place to Heaven? ", to which one replied the Great Mountain of Suruga Province. The Emperor ordered his men to take the letter to the summit of the mountain and burn it, in the hope that his message would reach the distant princess. The men were also commanded to burn the elixir of immortality since the Emperor did not wish to live forever without being able to see her. The legend has it that the word immortality, 不死 ( fushi), became the name of the mountain, Mount Fuji. It is also said that the kanji for the mountain, 富士山 (literally "Mountain Abounding with Warriors"), are derived from the Emperor's army ascending the slopes of the mountain to carry out his order. It is said that the smoke from the burning still rises to this day. (In the past, Mount Fuji was much more volcanically active and therefore produced more smoke. ) Literary connections [ edit] Elements of the tale were drawn from earlier stories. The protagonist Taketori no Okina, given by name, appears in the earlier poetry collection Man'yōshū (c. 759; poem# 3791). In it, he meets a group of women to whom he recites a poem. This indicates that there previously existed an image or tale revolving around a bamboo cutter and celestial or mystical women. [6] [7] A similar retelling of the tale appears in the c. 12th century Konjaku Monogatarishū (volume 31, chapter 33), although their relation is under debate. [8] Banzhu Guniang [ edit] In 1957, Jinyu Fenghuang (金玉鳳凰), a Chinese book of Tibetan tales, was published. [9] In early 1970s, Japanese literary researchers became aware that "Banzhu Guniang" (班竹姑娘), one of the tales in the book, had certain similarities with The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. [10] [11] Initially, many researchers thought that "Banzhu Guniang" must be related to Tale of Bamboo Cutter, although some were skeptical. In 1980s, studies showed that the relationship is not as simple as initially thought. Okutsu provides extensive review of the research, and notes that the book Jinyu Fenghuang was intended to be for children, and as such, the editor took some liberties in adapting the tales. No other compilation of Tibetan tales contains the story. [12] A Tibet-born person wrote that he did not know the story. [13] A researcher went to Sichuan and found that, apart from those who had already read "Jinyu Fenghuang", local researchers in Chengdu did not know the story. [14] Tibetan informants in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture did not know the story either. [14] Legacy [ edit] The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter has been identified as proto- science fiction. Some of its science fiction plot elements include Kaguya-hime being a princess from the Moon who is sent to Earth for safety during a celestial war, an extraterrestrial being raised by a human on Earth, and her being taken back to the Moon by her real extraterrestrial family. A manuscript illustration also depicts a round flying machine that resembles a flying saucer. [15] See also [ edit] Big Bird in Japan The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Notes [ edit] ^ "Japan: Literature", Windows on Asia, MSU, ^ "17. A Picture Contest". The Tale of Genji. the ancestor of all romances) ^ Katagiri et al. 1994: 95. ^ Katagiri et al. 1994: 81. ^ McCullough, Helen Craig (1990). Classical Japanese Prose. Stanford University Press. pp.?30, 570. ISBN 978-0-8047-1960-5. ^ Horiuchi (1997:345-346) ^ Satake (2003:14-18) ^ Yamada (1963:301-303) ^ 田海燕, ed. (1957). 金玉鳳凰 (in Chinese). Shanghai: 少年兒童出版社. 百田弥栄子 (1971). 竹取物語の成立に関する一考察. アジア・アフリカ語学院紀要 (in Japanese). 3. 伊藤清司 (1973). かぐや姫の誕生―古代説話の起源 (in Japanese). 講談社. ^ 奥津 春雄 (2000). 竹取物語の研究: 達成と変容 竹取物語の研究 (in Japanese). 翰林書房. ISBN 978-4-87737-097-8. ^ テンジン・タシ, ed. (2001). 東チベットの民話 (in Japanese). Translated by 梶濱 亮俊. SKK. ^ a b 繁原 央 (2004). 日中説話の比較研究 (in Japanese). 汲古書院. ISBN 978-4-7629-3521-3. ^ Richardson, Matthew (2001). The Halstead Treasury of Ancient Science Fiction. Rushcutters Bay, New South Wales: Halstead Press. ISBN 978-1-875684-64-9. ( cf. "Once Upon a Time". Emerald City (85). September 2002. Retrieved 2008-09-17. ) References [ edit] Katagiri Yōichi, Fukui Teisuke, Takahashi Seiji and Shimizu Yoshiko. 1994. Taketori Monogatari, Yamato Monogatari, Ise Monogatari, Heichū Monogatari in Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshū series. Tokyo: Shogakuka
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