Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle openload


USA; runtime - 2Hour, 30Min; &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle Movie watches. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle movie watch trailer.
PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE RED SEA MIRACLE ? PART 1 is a feature-length documentary that explores the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea in the Exodus from the viewpoint of modern-day scholars. Filmmaker Tim Mahoney tours some of the proposed paths where Moses could have led the Israelites through the wilderness. During his interviews with scholars, Mahoney discovers they generally fall within two models of thought: the Egyptian model and the Hebrew model. The Egyptian model purports that the Exodus took place on a smaller scale while the Hebrew model posits that the Exodus took place on a larger scale. The production quality of the re-created scenes for story-telling purposes are very good yet not excellent; however, the storyline, explanatory graphics, and interviews on location are very well done. This movie has a strong biblical, Christian worldview and invites the viewer to consider the different possibilities regarding the Exodus story. This is the first part of a two-part series, so there is a cliff hanger at the end. PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE RED SEA MIRACLE ? PART 1 is acceptable for all audiences. Content: (BBB, CCC, V): Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements: Very strong biblical, Christian worldview Foul Language: No foul language Violence: Very mild violence includes Moses smiting an Egyptian Sex: No sexual content Nudity: No nudity Alcohol Use: No alcohol use Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse: No smoking or drugs; and, Miscellaneous Immorality: Nothing objectionable. PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE RED SEA MIRACLE ? PART 1, a feature-length documentary, explores the stage setting for the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus from the viewpoint of modern-day scholars. Filmmaker Tim Mahoney’s quest to follow the patterns of evidence regarding this miracle takes him on a journey around the world to tour some of the proposed paths where Moses could have led the Israelites through the wilderness. During his interviews with scholars, Mahoney discovers the scholarship generally falls within two models of thought: The Egyptian Model and the Hebrew Model. The Egyptian Model purports that the Exodus took place on a smaller scale while the Hebrew model posits that the Exodus took place on a larger scale, reaching across the Sinai Peninsula into Midian (which is Northwestern Saudi Arabia). Mahoney uses an overarching outline to research the patterns of evidence for the Exodus journey including Departure Point, Direction, Desert, Detour to a Dead End, and Deep Sea. He interviews scholars from both the models to explain and theorize the possibilities on each of these points. In addition to interviewing scholars, Mahoney takes viewers us to numerous sites to examine the conditions. He also interviews additional experts to answer questions such as, “How far could people and their animals walk on a daily basis? ” Dr. Temple Grandin, whose story was told in the 2010 television movie TEMPLE GRANDIN starring Claire Danes, shares her professional opinion on the logistics regarding animals. Interspersed with the modern-day scholars, Mahoney hearkens back to the portrayal of the Exodus in the larger-than-life movie, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, produced, directed and narrated by Cecil B. DeMille. Mahoney cites the research DeMille utilized in order to make an accurate depiction of the epic story. Mahoney expresses his appreciation as a filmmaker and includes several clips from DeMille’s 1923 silent version written by Jeanie MacPherson and the 1956 drama starring Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner, which was nominated for seven Academy Awards including Best Picture and won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE RED SEA MIRACLE ? PART 1 has a very good production quality. The production quality of the re-created scenes for storytelling purposes are very good but not excellent. However, the storyline, explanatory graphics, and interviews on location are all very well done. Mahoney keeps true to his word to give a balanced, non-biased approach as he searches for patterns of evidence. This information-rich documentary may require more than one viewing to fully appreciate and retain all the material. The release of this documentary is well timed since access to some of the areas mentioned in the movie are slated to become more accessible for tourists. Viewers must also keep in mind that this is the first part of a two-part series, so there is a cliff hanger at the end. PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE RED SEA MIRACLE ? PART 1 is acceptable for all audiences, though children of junior high age or younger may not connect with the high scholarly level.

Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle movie watch full

This Bible-affirming investigation is so large that two films were required. It’s one of the greatest miracles in the Bible; Moses and the Israelites trapped at the sea by Pharaoh’s army when God miraculously parts the waters, rescuing the Israelites and destroying Pharaoh and his chariots. But is there any evidence that it really happened and if so, where? That’s what investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney set out to discover 18 years ago and now he is ready to share what’s been uncovered; a controversy between two dramatically different approaches in reading the biblical text. One approach is Egyptian, the other is Hebrew. Both will lead to two very different conclusions on the location of the Exodus crossing site and the cause of the miraculous parting of the sea. What do these different approaches tell us about miracles ? and what do they tell us about God? Run Time: 2 hours 30 minutes #PatternsOfEvidence #RedSeaMiracle Categories: Inspirational.

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Tomorrow (February 18) is your only opportunity to see the incredible documentary Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle Part I in theaters. This powerful film about the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea is only in US theaters one night, and you don’t want to miss it! With this new documentary, filmmaker Tim Mahoney explores the historicity of this incredible miracle as he seeks to discover if it really happened. Many view the crossing of the Red Sea as a great story, and the fodder for some great films. However, they might not see it a historical event. And yet Scripture refers to it over and over again as not only real history but as a powerful miracle that saved God’s people and destroyed their enemies. With this new documentary, filmmaker Tim Mahoney explores the historicity of this incredible miracle as he seeks to discover if it really happened. Did the exodus really happen? How many people were involved? Where did they cross the Red Sea? Is there any archaeological evidence of this event? And we have a special treat for you immediately after the film. Todd Starnes will be moderating a post-movie panel discussion featuring Kay Arthur, Jeremy Lyons, Janet Mefferd, and me. This discussion was filmed before a live audience at the 2, 500-seat Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. You won’t want to miss it! And The Red Sea Miracle, Part II will be in US theaters May 5, 2020, so be sure to mark your calendars and reserve tickets for that showing?you don’t want to catch part one and miss part two! I encourage you to go and see this film tomorrow. Find all the details, and a theater near you, at. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle movie watch series. Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle Movie watching. Patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle movie watch songs. “Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle” will be in theaters Feb. 18, 2020. | Patters of Evidence “Patterns of Evidence” filmmaker Tim Mahoney is gearing up to release the next installment in his series of archaeological and scientific investigations into historical biblical accounts. His latest film looks at the Exodus miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. The biblical account of the parting of the Red Sea is found in Exodus 14 and details the Israelites' escape from slavery led by Moses as the Egyptian army pursued them. Following the success of Mahoney's previous award-winning "Patterns of Evidence" projects, he believes this film, like the others, will refute secular scholars’ claims that the Bible is mere fiction and do so in a way that is understood by people worldwide. “ Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle, ” a?Thinking Man Films production, will be in select?theaters nationwide for one day only on Feb. 18 through Fathom Events. The following is an edited transcript of The Christian Post's interview with Mahoney who has been investigating biblical accounts for over 20 years. In the interview he detailed what it was like to retrace the steps of Moses and the Israelites as he searched for archaeological evidence to create “Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle” Part 1 and 2. The Christian Post: In the film you describe the Egyptian and Hebrew accounts of the parting of the Red Sea. Most Christians visualize the Charlton Heston version of that account, which you said you have also done. Can you explain the two positions? Mahoney: When we make a “Patterns of Evidence” film we look for a way to explain the different viewpoints that are being used to explain biblical events such as the Red Sea miracle. In this new film, we identified what we termed an Egyptian Approach which believes that the Exodus account borrowed Egyptian words to describe the crossing location. And they believe these words point to the crossing at one of the reedy lakes near the border of Egypt. The other viewpoint we call the Hebrew Approach disagrees with a near Egypt location. They believe that the words used to describe the location where Moses and the Israelites crossed are Hebrew words and do not have a connection to Egypt. They also point to other biblical references that place the sea of the Exodus at the Gulf of Aqaba. CP: In the film you also explain the importance of the Hebrew and Egyptian translations of individual words when discussing the parting of the sea account. How revealing was the actual translation in your research? Mahoney: What we know is that the sea was first called “Yam Suph" in Hebrew. Centuries later it is translated into Greek as “Red Sea. ” Over time people also called the location “Sea of Reeds. ” What we would learn is that reeds don’t grow in saltwater, they grow in freshwater. The Egyptian approach believes that the word “Suph” might be a translation from the Egyptian word “Pa Tufy” which means “place of reeds. ” Yet, the Hebrew Approach challenges this connection claiming that Moses was writing an eyewitness account to Hebrews using Hebrew words and Hebrew meanings, not Egyptian. CP: What were you most surprised to find out about the parting of the sea? Mahoney: This is the first film of a two-part film event. The Red Sea Miracle part 1 (in theaters on Feb. 18) really lays out two distinctly different ways people see God working in a miracle. The Egyptian Approach sees the parting as a naturalistic event where wind was the agent and it moved water naturally. The miracle would be in the timing. The Hebrew Approach primarily believes that the miracle was not only caused by wind but that God miraculously parted the water. The depth of the water would not be a problem for the God of the Bible who created the universe. CP: What would you like for others to take from this new installment of Patterns of Evidence? Mahoney: We all are faced with difficult times in our lives, when we think we are not going to make it. We are trapped at the sea with the Egyptians behind us. But God wants us to call on Him and trust Him for the solution to our dilemma. CP: Have your discoveries impacted historians' beliefs about these biblical accounts? Mahoney: I have learned that many historians don’t change their minds once they declare a position. But I am OK with that. I enjoy hearing what they believe and why they believe it. I couldn’t make these films without them. I do think I have help raise the awareness of these questions about the historical credibility and have shown a pattern of evidence that matches the biblical events. At the end of the day, it’s up to the viewer to decide if these films make sense. But it will give them a lot to think about. That’s why we call our company Thinking Man Films. CP: What's next for the "Patterns of Evidence" series? Mahoney: The "Red Sea Miracle" part 2 (in theaters on May 5), that’s when we look closer at the locations for the sea's parting. We will look at how the sea was parted [and] was it naturalistic or supernatural, which depends [on] where you place the crossing. We will also look to see if claims of chariot wheels on the bottom of the seafloor have any merit. And finally, we will explore the question of miracles. What is a miracle and do they still happen today?
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Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle - by kunidzutsu,
March 11, 2020

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