?DVD9? Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch Online
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?DVD9? Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch Online

?DVD9? Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch Online


Publisher: Asif Shaikh

India &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDJiMDQyYTItZTA0NC00NmVlLTg3NGItMjQwOWI2ZjY0MmE5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTAzMTc2MjA@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) writers Aniruddha Guha Tomatometers 7,4 of 10 Action 135 Min.

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I was never really a fan of Disha & Aditya but this movie was really really good! Coming from South Africa and paying a high ticket price to watch this on the big screen was well worth it. The film goes back and forth and the director, Mohit Suri has done a job well done. Also song placement was perfect. Ignore all the crap reviews you see from Indian sites as those reviewers dont know what the hell they saying. Movie was top notch. Anil Kapoor and Aditya really did well together as well as Kunal Khemu. If you in the mood to watch a full on masala entertainer with love, drama and action as well as emotion at play, Go and watch this movie. Also the whole of 2019 was full of remakes of songs which was really irritating. Malang has a fresh soundtrack with some amazing songs and also the 'EDM' vibe is just so amazing. Go and buy a ticket and watch Malang today.
Although its story has been shown in many films, a good screenplay adds its effect. Some of the dialogues in the movie are very impressive.
There are also some offensive things in the Malang movie that make it dramatic and light. Most of these belong to the latter part of the interval. The real thriller of the movie begins in the second part. The end of the film is unexpected, but it also decreases the impact of the film. The hard work that Aditya Roy Kapoor has put on the bodybuilding for this film is visible. He has also done acting well in the role of Advait. Disha Patani looked glamorous, and she was average in acting. Anil Kapoor is the most exciting character of the film. Kunal Kemmu was quite shocked, and he reached out in some scenes. Not forgetting Elli Avram, she plays the radical character correctly and plays a vital role in the Malang. Mohit Suri's direction was excellent, but in some places in the film, the editing could have been a little better and also the dialogues. For the first time, it has happened in a movie by Mohit Suri that almost every character has a dark side. Malang movie is primarily made, keeping in mind the audience of single-screen cinemas. Those who like masala entertainment movies will like this film.
Category: Bollywood Movies, HD Movies, Hindi Movies, New Movies, Watchseries Genre: Action, Romance Release: 2020 IMDb 6. 2 ? ?135 Views: 686.









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