Black Christmas |Dailymotion|


Creator Lucifer Sam
Bio: romeo + juliet shot my wife and kidnapped my dog

2019 92 Minutes genre Thriller, Horror &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Sophia Takal Actor Lily Donoghue. Black christmas download torrent files. I was 7 when this movie came out, I remember the first time I watched it. I absolutely loved it and ever since then I always sharpen my candy canes ??. Ummm it's 2019. Not even white girls be answering unknown numbers. Come on now. Black Christmas Download torrent download. Black Christmas Download torrent freak. Black christmas download torrent 2016. Black christmas download torrent free. Black Christmas Download torrent search.
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Black christmas download torrent online. I wanted to see "Black Christmas" because I really liked "Black Christmas" 1974. It was a thriller that also dealt with contemporary issues in a clever way. "Black Christmas" 2019 had none of the brilliance of its predecessor. With all the subtlety of an anvil it was an all out assault on all things masculine. If I wanted to attend a political rally I would have. I didn't go to see a remake of a classic just to see it butchered and turned into a #metoo event. I can't stand heavy-handed movies no matter what the subject matter. The idea that the founder of the college was so afraid of women one day usurping power from men that he used the dark arts to put his very masculine essence inside his bust is so inane and daft. And then that the members of a "yeah bro" fraternity would tap into that masculinity to reveal their inner "alpha" and kill outspoken women. ludicrous. My own daughters were put off by this ham-fisted attempt to give power to women. In the 1974 version the main character is in a committed relationship and she reveals to her boyfriend that she's pregnant and she doesn't want to keep the baby. Furthermore, when her beau insists that they get married and keep the baby, she stiff arms him saying that she doesn't want to marry him and she still doesn't want the baby. She doesn't do any of this in an aggressive feminazi way. She is very rational about the whole matter and not the least bit condescending. I think when writer and director Sophia Takal saw this (if she ever saw it) she interpreted it as all men want to subjugate all women, even though the original movie wasn't remotely about that. There is totally a basis for attacking juvenile fraternities vis-a-vis their attitudes towards women, but have some tact. There were no subtleties, no nuances, no gray area within Black Christmas 2019, it was completely in your face dogma. Listen, I'm Black, yet it was completely preposterous when one of the heroines, the most radical and annoying of them, suggested that the bust of the college founder should be removed because he owned slaves. Dude, George Washington owned slaves and probably every author of the Constitution. Did you not know that about the guy before you attended the school? Sophia Takal used this movie as a sledgehammer to bash people over the head with her message- a message that needs to be heard, but couldn't because it was deafeningly loud. Is your goal to kill or convert? Look, the movie wasn't intelligent, it wasn't scary, and it wasn't entertaining. It was probably the worst movie of 2019. Thank you Hollywood for remaking another classic and turning it to s.
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