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Cast=Paul Walter Hauser, Ryan Boz; Writed by=Billy Ray; 2Hours, 11 m; Year=2019; movie info=Richard Jewell is a movie starring Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, and Brandon Stanley. American security guard Richard Jewell saves thousands of lives from an exploding bomb at the 1996 Olympics, but is vilified by journalists; User Rating=8 / 10 stars. Richard jewell bio. Richard jewell true story. Full of worthy performances, infuriatingly poignant plot points, and sleek direction from Clint Eastwood, Richard Jewell is one of the best films of the year (and probably the best Eastwood film since (maybe) Mystic River? and should be getting more recognition because of it. A heartbreaking story about a man whose life was ruined because of false reports and accusations of his involvement in the 1996 Olympic bombing. It's terrifyingly real when it needs to be, incredibly devastating when it should be, and even funny when it can be. Controversy aside, this film is fantastic.
Richard jewell trailer. Richard jewell interview. Richard jewell behind the scenes. If you like that means Richard Jewell is a hero ?.
Richard jewellers. Richard jewell attorney. Richard jewell recenze. Richard jewell. Richard jewell cast. This man was wronged and his name publicly dragged through the sewers all because the of FBI and the Media. Richard jewell 60 minutes. Of course the news reporters are going to be pissed about the truth coming out, they new that they did the worst thing ever, blame anyone to close a case fast instead of doing their jobs right and actually investigate. This is why you can't trust the news and police cause they're freaking lier's that doesn't care if they destroyed an innocent man's name. Ричард Джуэлл ( Пол Уолтер Хаузер, сыгравший одну из лучших ролей года) ? не слишком далёкий парень, живущий с мамой ( Кэти Бейтс) и помешанный на желании вернуться к работе полицейским, чтобы героически помогать людям (когда-то давно его выгнали из полиции как раз за излишний и временами опасный энтузиазм). Но пока он устраивается работать охранником на Олимпийских играх в Атланте 1996 года ? там, в одно из своих дежурств, Ричард случайно обнаруживает бомбу. Находка Джуэлла спасает множество жизней, но ФБР не очень-то уверено в искренности его действий: Ричард идеально попадает в профиль человека, способного самостоятельно заложить бомбу, чтобы потом самому героически её и найти. Журналистка местной газеты ( Оливия Уайлд) подхватывает их идею, и вот Ричард из национального героя в секунду превращается в главного подозреваемого: помочь ему берётся только давний друг-юрист ( Сэм Рокуэлл). Кадр из фильма ?Дело Ричарда Джуэлла? Клинт Иствуд ? вероятно, один из последних американских режиссёров, который может снимать громкое и важное кино, при этом совершенно выпадая из дискурса, а то и откровенно ему противореча. Пока весь Голливуд пел оды демилитаризации и открытым границам, он превозносил военный героизм ? Снайпера ? или морпехов из ? Поезда в Париж ?. Пока Твиттер ныл о расизме и дайвёрсити, он устами своего героя из ?Наркокурьера? нагло говорил запретное слово на ?н?, издевательски декларируя отсутствие связи между моральными ориентирами старого и нового поколений. И вот в ?Деле Ричарда Джуэлла?, прямо посреди эпохи MeToo, когда принято снимать кино о героизме журналистов, открывающих миру страшную правду о чём бы то ни было (? В центре внимания ?, ? Секретное досье ?, ? Отчёт о пытках ?), он вдруг рассказывает историю, в которой пресса ? главное зло. Историю о том, как легко СМИ в погоне за дешёвой сенсацией, руководствуясь предрассудками и даже не попытавшись проверить свои тезисы, могут сломать жизнь хорошему человеку. Да, это очень наивный посыл, но Иствуд никогда и не стеснялся своей наивности ? на закате девятого десятка жизни было бы странно чего-либо стесняться в принципе. Он рассказывает о Ричарде Джуэлле на языке, которым владеет лучше всего, ? языке классической голливудской драмы, такого очень правильного академического кино, где люди не боятся длинных монологов (одна речь Кэти Бейтс в финале легко могла бы принести ей ?Оскар?, но, к сожалению, не принесёт) и где мораль уверенно высекается автором, минуя всякую иносказательность. ?Дело Ричарда Джуэлла?, по сути, такая ? Зеленая книга ? этого года ? ещё одно старомодное примирительное кино, которое лет двадцать назад выглядело бы ?одним из?, но сейчас смотрится очень выгодно на фоне эстетствующих и вечно всё деконструирующих молодых работ. К тому же режиссёрски Клинт, как всегда, безошибочен ? даже самые, казалось бы, банальные вещи он проговаривает так, что критиковать его за нарративную простоту не получается совершенно. Пока другие на почве мультикультурализма пытаются нащупать новую ?американскую идею?, Иствуд не по своим годам бодро реконструирует старые смыслы. ?Дело Ричарда Джуэлла?, по сути, кино, которое реанимирует отжившее себя понятие ?героя?, издевается над общественным скепсисом относительно людей, которые действительно горят желанием делать что-то ради других. Причём Клинт явно не просто так для своего высказывания выбрал именно эту историю. Сам Ричард Джуэлл ? герой совершенно нетипичный: странноватый, нелепый, живущий с мамой почти реднек и гомофоб, одержимый желанием работать в полиции. Происходи действие фильма сейчас, он был бы из тех, кого левомыслящие критики так яростно обзывают ?инселами? и ?альт-райтами?. И всё же симпатия режиссёра на его стороне, для Иствуда этот человек, мыслящий старыми категориями храбрости, доблести и чести, ? последний оплот абсолютного добра. Для него ? и поспорить с этим на самом деле сложно ? в мире, где прочие категории живут не дольше года и вечно проваливаются в своём желании объединить людей, только консервативные ценности и имеют смысл. Они, по крайней мере, вечные. Оставайтесь с нами на связи и получайте свежие рецензии, подборки и новости о кино первыми Яндекс Дзен | Твиттер Telegram Instagram.
Awesome movie. I remember when this happened. Great actors, a real tragedy. Richard jewell interviews. Richard jewell cause of death. Government and media. And none of them are held accountable for anything they do wrong when they ruin lives. See this movie? The question is how many times will I see this movie.

Richard jewell olympic bombing case

Richard jewell atlanta bombing. Richard jewell kathy bates. Richard jewell snl. Richard jewell movie. It's really sad that I never heard his name or his story. Thank you Clint and everyone who made this movie. Richard jewell story. Richard jeweller. Richard jewell trailer cz. 2019: Look how far the tradecraft of journalism has fallen. We no longer have reporters, we have sensationalists, opinionators, and conspiracy theorists. Print journalism is dying, and television/cable news has become the modern iteration of a Sally Jesse Raphael, Geraldo, and Jerry Springer. The internet and social media has become the platform for extremists of every persuasion who cultivate a collection of nutters and wage war with each other 24/7. Bias is neither a good nor bad thing, journalists are human beings and have the right to form opinions. But, there was a time when all journalists at least made an effort to keep their personal feelings out of straight news. The protected and sparingly used editorials were carefully labeled as such and generally were limited to experienced professionals. I think there's still a desire for straight reporting in this modern world. Bring back the dignified and respected art of reporting, assuming any schools still teach such antiquated notions.
Does anyone know the names of the books that were shown in the movie? There was one being flipped through by one of the FBI agents during the search and seizure. It had a black cover and Id like to know the title and author if anyone can advise. TIA. Richard jewellery uk. Richard jewell movie cast. Richard jewell csfd. "Richard Jewell" proves that director Clint Eastwood is still in fighting form and at the top of his game. An intriguing and frustrating film that will burn in your memory.
In this drama based on a true story, security guard Richard Jewell is investigated as the bomber of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Eastwood has put together a sensational all-star cast and has made one of his best films in many years. Paul Walter Hauser is fantastic as Jewell, and has a way of playing a certain type of character to a tee (see "I, Tonya. Richard Jewell" is a frustrating story and you are pinned to the edge of your seat throughout. Eastwood creates this aura of tenseness that you will feel in the pit of your stomach. I really enjoyed this film.
He was presumed Guilty. Richard jewell movie release date. Richard jewell trailer music. First Hit: Outstanding film and portrayal of a man who went through hell because of the FBI and the malfeasance of a newspaper reporter.
I so bought into Richard Jewell's character as portrayed by Paul Walter Hauser. He was terrific and gave me a real sense of a man who really tried hard to follow the rule of law and be someone people could count on to protect them. This is based on a true story about Richard Jewell, who was pretty much a loner, lived with his mother Bobi (Kathy Bates) and wanted to be part of the law enforcement community all his life. When we first engage with Jewell, he's a supply clerk in a company and we see that he is thoughtful and careful about his work. We are shown this as he overhears a loud, aggressive telephone conversation by Watson Bryant (Sam Rockwell) and a client of the company they work for. Apologizing for overhearing the conversation (there's no way he couldn't hear) he tells Watson to look in a drawer because Jewell has filled it with the pens Watson uses in his work. Also, asking Bryant to open another drawer, it is filled with Snickers candy bars, the snack food Bryant eats when stressed. Through this interchange, hey become acquaintances and chat from time to time. One day Jewell gets a job offer to be a security guard at a local college campus. Saying goodbye to Bryant is very sweet. Bryant caught off guard, gives him a 100 bill in case he might need anything during the transition between jobs. Jewell is touched, and for him, their friendship is now rock-solid. At his new job, he has a run-in with some students who are breaking campus rules and he gets fired for this and because he's overstepping his bounds by stopping cars on the highway near the campus looking for drugs. These things highlight a couple of things about Jewell, he believes in following the rules, and he can and will step outside the bounds of his authority. Getting a job as a security guard for AT&T at their sponsorship of events at Centennial Park as part of the celebrations for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in Atlanta, GA. His thoughtfulness and kindness are highlighted here, as well. Providing water or Coca Cola to pregnant women so that they do not become dehydrated, and he also supplies the lighting and filming crew in the nearby tower with food or other things they need. He wants to be helpful. He's also looking for suspicious items and people. When he discovers a backpack that has been left under a bench where he was sitting, he tells the police. The police team brings in some experts and they realize it is a bomb. While moving the crowd back, the bomb explodes, and two people are killed, and many others are injured. At first, he's seen as a hero and is on television. He's proud of his work, and his mother is especially pleased because her favorite newscaster, Tom Brokaw, spoke glowingly about her son. FBI Agent Tom Shaw (Jon Hamm) was also stationed at the park and is disappointed that he was stationed there, and even worse, something happened on his watch, and he didn't prevent it. After interviewing Jewell's past records and after meeting with the college who fired Jewell, Richard becomes a suspect. What does Jewell do when he realizes the FBI is considering him a suspect, he calls Bryant. Local newspaper columnist Kathy Scruggs (Olivia Wilde) who only wants to make a name for herself, uses her sexuality towards Shaw to extract this FBI probe about Jewell. She writes an unconfirmed expose front-page article in the newspaper, and in a New York minute, it jumps up to become national headlines. Now Jewell is seen as the vilified criminal, not the hero, all in a span of about a week. The film then tells the story of how his friendship with Bryant and the undying support of his mom, and longtime friend Brandon Walker (Mike Pniewski) help him through the onslaught of the rush to judgment people - the FBI and Media. I did find it interesting that this film has come out when both the FBI and the Media are under a public spotlight and scrutiny. Hauser needs to receive an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Jewell. He was terrific in bringing this confused, caring man to life. His sincerity, thoughtfulness, and helpfulness (even at the wrong times) are excellently portrayed. Rockwell gives yet another robust and stunning performance as Jewell's friend and attorney. His sarcasm and pointed jabs at the FBI's flawed work were excellent. Hamm was good, but it would be nice to see him in a role where drinking and sex are not his only motivation. Wilde was all over the place and enjoyable as Scruggs, who clearly had only one thing on her mind, fame. Bates was terrific as Jewell's mother. Her demonstration of faith in her son and that he wasn't who people were making him out to be, was sublime. Nina Arlanda, as Watson Bryant's office manager and friend, Nadya Light, brought a beautiful blend of humor and persistence to Bryant's actions. Billy Ray wrote an outstanding screenplay that was crisp and painted each character entirely. Clint Eastwood did an excellent job of directing this story. He is usually efficient in telling stories and here he stepped it up a notch. Overall: This was a wonderfully entertaining film and brought to life a story I read about some twenty-three years ago.
Richard jewell real interview. Richard Jewell Born Richard White [1] December 17, 1962 Danville, Virginia [1] Died August 29, 2007 (aged?44) Woodbury, Georgia Other?names Richard Allensworth Jewell Occupation Security guard, Georgia law enforcement officer (Police Officer & Deputy Sheriff, at the time of his death). Known?for July 1996: discovered pipe bomb at Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, helped evacuate people from the area before the bomb exploded three days later: falsely implicated by media and FBI of planting the bomb himself October 1996: exonerated by an FBI investigation Richard Allensworth Jewell (born Richard White; [1] December 17, 1962 ? August 29, 2007) was an American security guard and police officer famous for his role in the events surrounding the Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. While working as a security guard for AT&T, in connection with the Olympics, he discovered a backpack containing three pipe bombs on the park grounds. [1] Jewell alerted police and helped evacuate the area before the bomb exploded, saving many people from injury or death. Initially hailed by the media as a hero, Jewell was later considered a suspect, before ultimately being cleared. Despite never being charged, he underwent a " trial by media ", which took a toll on his personal and professional life. Jewell was eventually exonerated, and Eric Rudolph was later found to have been the bomber. [2] [3] In 2006, Governor Sonny Perdue publicly thanked Jewell on behalf of the State of Georgia for saving the lives of people at the Olympics. [4] Jewell died on August 29, 2007, at age 44 due to heart failure from complications of diabetes. Personal life [ edit] Jewell was born Richard White in Danville, Virginia, the son of Bobi, an insurance claims coordinator, and Robert Earl White, who worked for Chevrolet. [1] Richard's birth-parents divorced when he was four. When his mother remarried to John Jewell, an insurance executive, his stepfather adopted him. [1] Olympic Bombing Accusation [ edit] Centennial Olympic Park was designed as the "town square" of the Olympics, and thousands of spectators had gathered for a late concert and merrymaking. Sometime after midnight, July 27, 1996, Eric Robert Rudolph, a terrorist who would later bomb a lesbian nightclub and two abortion clinics, planted a green backpack containing a fragmentation-laden pipe bomb under a bench. Jewell was working as a security guard for the event. He discovered the bag and alerted Georgia Bureau of Investigation officers. This discovery was nine minutes before Rudolph called 9-1-1 to deliver a warning. During a Jack Mack and the Heart Attack performance, Jewell and other security guards began clearing the immediate area so that a bomb squad could investigate the suspicious package. The bomb exploded 13 minutes later, killing Alice Hawthorne and injuring over one hundred others. A cameraman also died of a heart attack while running to cover the incident. Investigation and the media [ edit] Early news reports lauded Jewell as a hero for helping to evacuate the area after he spotted the suspicious package. Three days later, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed that the FBI was treating him as a possible suspect, based largely on a "lone bomber" criminal profile. For the next several weeks, the news media focused aggressively on him as the presumed culprit, labeling him with the ambiguous term " person of interest ", sifting through his life to match a leaked "lone bomber" profile that the FBI had used. The media, to varying degrees, portrayed Jewell as a failed law enforcement officer who may have planted the bomb so he could "find" it and be a hero. [5] A Justice Department investigation of the FBI's conduct found the FBI had tried to manipulate Jewell into waiving his constitutional rights by telling him he was taking part in a training film about bomb detection, although the report concluded "no intentional violation of Mr. Jewell's civil rights and no criminal misconduct" had taken place. [6] [7] [8] Jewell was never officially charged, but the FBI thoroughly and publicly searched his home twice, questioned his associates, investigated his background, and maintained 24-hour surveillance of him. The pressure began to ease only after Jewell's attorneys hired an ex-FBI agent to administer a polygraph, which Jewell passed. [5] On October 26, 1996, the investigating US Attorney, Kent Alexander, in an extremely unusual act, sent Jewell a letter formally clearing him, stating "based on the evidence developed to date... Richard Jewell is not considered a target of the federal criminal investigation into the bombing on July 27, 1996, at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta". [9] Libel cases [ edit] After his exoneration, Jewell filed lawsuits against the media outlets which he said had libeled him, primarily NBC News and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and insisted on a formal apology from them. In 2006, Jewell said the lawsuits were not about money, and that the vast majority of the settlements went to lawyers or taxes. He said the lawsuits were about clearing his name. [5] Richard Jewell v. Piedmont College [ edit] Jewell filed suit against his former employer Piedmont College, Piedmont College President Raymond Cleere and college spokesman Scott Rawles. [10] Jewell's attorneys contended that Cleere called the FBI and spoke to the Atlanta newspapers, providing them with false information on Jewell and his employment there as a security guard. Jewell's lawsuit accused Cleere of describing Jewell as a "badge-wearing zealot" who "would write epic police reports for minor infractions". [11] Piedmont College settled for an undisclosed amount. [12] Richard Jewell v. NBC [ edit] Jewell sued NBC News for this statement, made by Tom Brokaw, "The speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case. " [13] Even though NBC stood by its story, the network agreed to pay Jewell $500, 000. [10] Richard Jewell v. New York Post [ edit] On July 23, 1997, Jewell sued the New York Post for $15 million in damages, contending that the paper portrayed him in articles, photographs and an editorial cartoon as an "aberrant" person with a "bizarre employment history" who was probably guilty of the bombing. [14] He eventually settled with the newspaper for an undisclosed amount. [15] Richard Jewell v. Cox Enterprises (d. b. a. Atlanta Journal-Constitution) [ edit] Jewell also sued the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper because, according to Jewell, the paper's headline ("FBI suspects 'hero' guard may have planted bomb") "pretty much started the whirlwind". [16] In one article, the Atlanta Journal compared Richard Jewell's case to that of serial killer Wayne Williams. [13] [17] The newspaper was the only defendant that did not settle with Jewell. The lawsuit remained pending for several years, having been considered at one time by the Supreme Court of Georgia, and had become an important part of case law regarding whether journalists could be forced to reveal their sources. Jewell's estate continued to press the case even after his death in 2007, but in July 2011 the Georgia Court of Appeals ruled for the defendant. The Court concluded that "because the articles in their entirety were substantially true at the time they were published?even though the investigators' suspicions were ultimately deemed unfounded?they cannot form the basis of a defamation action. " [18] CNN [ edit] Although CNN settled with Jewell for an undisclosed monetary amount, CNN maintained that its coverage had been "fair and accurate". [19] Aftermath [ edit] In July 1997, U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno, prompted by a reporter's question at her weekly news conference, expressed regret over the FBI's leak to the news media that led to the widespread presumption of his guilt, and apologized outright, saying, "I'm very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak. " [20] The same year, Jewell made public appearances. He appeared in Michael Moore 's 1997 film, The Big One. He had a cameo in the September 27, 1997 episode of Saturday Night Live, in which he jokingly fended off suggestions that he was responsible for the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. [21] In 2001, Jewell was honored as the Grand Marshal of Carmel, Indiana's Independence Day Parade. Jewell was chosen in keeping with the parade's theme of "Unsung Heroes". [22] On April 13, 2005, Jewell was exonerated completely when Eric Rudolph, as part of a plea deal, pled guilty to carrying out the bombing attack at Centennial Olympic Park, as well as three other attacks across the southern U. Just over a year later, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue honored Jewell for his rescue efforts during the attack. [23] [24] Jewell worked in various law enforcement jobs, including as a police officer in Pendergrass, Georgia. He worked as a deputy sheriff in Meriwether County, Georgia until his death. He also gave speeches at colleges. [5] On each anniversary of the bombing until his illness and eventual death, he would privately place a rose at the Centennial Olympic Park scene where spectator Alice Hawthorne died. [25] Death and legacy [ edit] Jewell died on August 29, 2007, at the age of 44. He was suffering from serious medical problems that were related to diabetes. [4] Richard Jewell, a biographical drama film, was released in the United States on December 13, 2019. [26] The film was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood. It was written by Billy Ray, based on the 1997 article "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell, " by Marie Brenner, and the book The Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught
Richard jewell rotten tomatoes. Richard jewell wiki. Richard jewell movie review. If you see something say something, and this is what you get for it. Richard jewell real story. Critics Consensus Richard Jewell simplifies the real-life events that inspired it -- yet still proves that Clint Eastwood remains a skilled filmmaker of admirable economy. 76% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 266 96% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 6, 114 Richard Jewell Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. Richard Jewell Videos Photos Movie Info Directed by Clint Eastwood and based on true events, "Richard Jewell" is a story of what happens when what is reported as fact obscures the truth. "There is a bomb in Centennial Park. You have thirty minutes. " The world is first introduced to Richard Jewell as the security guard who reports finding the device at the 1996 Atlanta bombing-his report making him a hero whose swift actions save countless lives. But within days, the law enforcement wannabe becomes the FBI's number one suspect, vilified by press and public alike, his life ripped apart. Reaching out to independent, anti-establishment attorney Watson Bryant, Jewell staunchly professes his innocence. But Bryant finds he is out of his depth as he fights the combined powers of the FBI, GBI and APD to clear his client's name, while keeping Richard from trusting the very people trying to destroy him. Rating: R (for language including some sexual references, and brief bloody images) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 13, 2019 wide On Disc/Streaming: Mar 3, 2020 Runtime: 129 minutes Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Cast News & Interviews for Richard Jewell Critic Reviews for Richard Jewell Audience Reviews for Richard Jewell Richard Jewell Quotes Movie & TV guides.
Richard jewell (2019. Why is it that this may be one of the best films of the year and IMDb really none is promoting or supporting this film. How do we know that she DIDN'T sleep with her sources? Maybe the film makers had a source that said she DID! They can't be expected to name their sources can they? Also, how do we know she even HAD a source for her juiced up libel against Richard Jewell? She was an experienced reporter and knew how the FBI operated. She would have known how the FBI operate. She would have known about profiling. She would have known that Jewell was a suspect (not Prime suspect as AJC dishonestly claimed. There is no evidence that she had a source. No one has self-identified as her source and she refused to name her alleged source. If so, the truth could be worse than the prostitution innuendo. It could be that Kathy Scruggs simply invented her source to get AJC to run the story. Then again, could AJC really have been that naive? Or did they just decide to play along with the ruse.
Richard jewell mom speech. So the media doesnt like it when theyre called out. Hypocrisy. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2019 Format: DVD This film is based on the story of Richard Jewell, a security guard at the Centennial Olympic Park who during a concert discovered a suspicious bag with a bomb, which resulted in an evacuation. Though it wasn't completed before the bomb blew, the evacuation at least lessened the number of casualties. Unfortunately for Jewell, he fit the criminal profile. The FBI initially tried to trick him when being interviewed and their suspicions were leaked to the press, which caused him to be blamed by the media though there were no charges. The film follows Jewell's sad tale and how he and his lawyer fought it. This was a really well made film. This is a gripping, well-written tale. This is largely a film about dealing with the law and media, which has a lot of scenes of just talking, plus it runs at two hours and eleven minutes. Yet, the movie never feels slow. The setup to the finding of the bomb is just excellently paced and leaves you hooked. The dialogue is really good; for a movie about a serious subject it lightens the film with a little bit of dry humor. Casting is really good in this. The main triumvirate of Paul Walter Hauser as Jewell, Kathy Bates as his mother, and Sam Rockwell as his lawyer all work so well together. Now, I know a lot of critics have already mentioned this, but it's difficult not to address. The reporter Kathy Scruggs (Olivia Wilde), who first reported on Jewell is portrayed as super insensitive and obsessed with success over anything and everything else. From what I've read, the late Scruggs' colleagues disagree with her portrayal. It's a little uncomfortable that a film about the dangers of the media being used to vilify someone, is itself doing the same thing. (To her credit, Wilde does a good job selling the role she is given. ) The Scruggs thing aside, I highly recommend this. It's especially impressive considering that director Clint Eastwood is 89. The movie hasn't been doing great in the box office right now and that is a shame. Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase This movie had me in tears early. Especially when I recalled that every year until Richard died, that he left a rose I believe, in Centennial Park on the spot where Alice Hawthorne had died and on the anniversary. That was the real Richard Jewell. I think if I had been Eastwood, I would've added that as the ending somehow versus what struck me as being an unfinished ending that was somewhat awkward. The actor who portrayed Jewell was a physical dead ringer even if he underplayed him as a bit too bungling or too much of a momma's boy or pawn. He was those things but much more as a human. Better had Victor Hugo directed I think. If one watches the famed 60 Minutes interviews with Jewell, and others, he had a strength to himself, and a confidence that I'm not sure the actor brought to the role but within the film context, can see why they were following to show a man being used by the system he idolized and wished to be more part of. I personally think the irony of Jewell's lawman vision of himself was that it was truer to old world values and lawman actions that police were permitted to be in his own lifetime. And far less dubious that those afforded to The FBI. Mr. Jewell also had 2 definitive lawyers and not sure why he's only shown with the early friend, Bryant and not the later Lin Wood who was a force to be reckoned with. If I had my druthers, I'd loved to have seen Eastwood tackle their retribution hours against the media and subsequent retractions and payouts. Actor Sam Rockwell was a decent version of Watson Bryant and brought some comic relief that worked well in his interactions with the press and Jewell. All in all Eastwood was faithful but it was one of those films that one wished had a larger budget to really bring the depth to the story that this budget could not. But its an outsider film and think Eastwood, and DiCaprio surprisingly, felt was historically important. For what reasons you'd have to ask them obviously. But I presume Eastwood either consciously or unconsciously understood that the bombing was a signaling event much like an ocean earthquake can be to a tsunami. It showed the growing influence of the shadow government, foreshadowing events like 9/11 and media as a player or an arm of such players with an agenda to dismantle individual freedoms. To make Americans "suspects" for being nothing more than being patriotic. Jewell was an unwitting victim of these hours. But also a heroic American who through his honesty, his beliefs in right and wrong, and with the help of some similar in mind, became an unexpected cog in their plans. A sort of natural force of its own right, exposing the corruption like light to darkeness. Thank God for that and thank God for Eastwood and this film. Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase We see how time and time again law enforcement can be overzealous in trying to blame people for a crime they didn't commit and without even having proper evidence. As a result, it devastates peoples' lives forever. I am thrilled that Clint Eastwood made this movie because it gets a message out to the world that Richard Jewell is a hero who saved many people's lives. It is also a shame that Richard Jewell passed so early in his life. Rest in Peace Hero. Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Great movie! Just another person trying to do the right thing and gets punished for it. Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase The only part of the movie that didn't ring true was the remorse shown by the reporter. Everything else felt authentic and gives you a sense of what it like to be on the other side of the camera when they need to forge a narrative. Reviewed in the United States on December 24, 2019 Format: DVD Well developed characters. You forget that they are actors... it seems so real and sad at the same time. Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I liked how it challenged the media’s responsibility to make sure it has facts.
I really love this film
Clint Eastwood is still a great director. the movie has great performnces and it is very well directed I want to watch it again. Richard jewell scene. Richard jewell 2019. Thank you Clint Eastwood for showing the evil in our government. Richard jewell lawyer. Can smell another supporting role Oscar with this performance. Great bio movie. Richard jewell settlement. YouTube. Why is there no clips of these MEDIA FRAUDS speaking on this from real news clips. Richard jewell sam rockwell. Richard jewel box.
Columnist - Pat Conlon
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