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The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and their companions from planet Earth. duration - 45 M. User Rating - 8,8 / 10 Star. genre - Sci-Fi, Mystery. release Date - 2005. Doctor who. Bit of a confession, I sometimes go into toy stores when I visit Norwich on my own even though I'm 30 now. However, there was no staff known simply as the Doctor. There may have been a Cybermat, but actually for sale and not lethal. Wait wtf why a littl girl regenerate i thought only time lords can do this and the doc is the last one. FANDOM If you're going to watch the 2018 series of Doctor Who, you need to be prepared to make some new friends. Because this year, the adventure of travel in time and space is all about the value of friendship. Here's who's on board for the journey: It's easy to get into Doctor Who this year! Not only is there a new cast, there's a ton of new blood behind the scenes, too! We Doctor Who fans are unusually attached to the people who make their favourite programme, so you might as well get to know this new crew along with us! Official Trailer for the 2018 Series of Doctor Who New Doctor Who, New Friends, New Adventures Jodie Whittaker Surprises Doctor Who Fans Doctor Who 2018 Series Sneak Peek Intimidated by the long history of Doctor Who? Don't be. Just jump right in at this year's first story and enjoy it as a brand new show. These four concepts are probably all you'll actually need. But if you get curious about the rest, take a look here at some specially-designed landing pages that'll help you get accustomed to the worlds of Doctor Who. Slowly. One bite at a time. Doctor Who is a "family franchise", which means there's something in it for all ages. It does not mean that all content is appropriate for all ages. Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Class, K9 and Company, K9, "the TARDIS", the sonic screwdriver, psychic paper, the Daleks, the Cybermen, the K9 prop ??and all characters, concepts and situations described and displayed on this wiki? are © and or ™ the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC Worldwide, Metal Mutt Productions and/or their individual creators and licensees. No infringement of any entity's legal rights is intended. Strenuous effort is made to ensure that only low-resolution still images ? and videos released by copyright holders in their public social media channels ? are uploaded here, so as to protect the copyright holders' legitimate interests. In simpler language: we're just fans doing our best to catalogue the franchise we love, without hurting the financial position of any of its owners. You can certainly choose to enjoy Doctor Who as purely a television series. But did you know that there are far more stories told in the comic and audio form than exist in the whole television catalogue? Luckily, there's no such thing as canon in this fandom. So you can enjoy exactly the kind of Doctor Who you prefer. And we'll be here to cover it all! Languages: Български Česky Cymraeg Deutsch Español Suomi Français ????? Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Remember when the eleventh Doctor cured a random woman's Brain tumour, with a space drug from the future that he had laying around the TARDIS? I guess Doc 13 gives no f*cks to do the same for Graham. Aint afraid of no ghosts ?. The crazy thing here is I'd say this season so far has actually been marginally better than the previous. Just think about how low the bar has to be for that to happen.

0:23 The moment Capaldi was the Doctor 0:35 The moment the Doctor and Peter Capaldi became one

Doctor who twice upon a time streaming. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 1 1 Posted by 1 month ago Who like,, Doktor Who"? 0 comments 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/gogollviy Karma 1 Cake day February 25, 2020 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved. Do I use Hr und Fr (Man’s First Name & Last Name)? No, definitely don't do that! Just like calling an unmarried woman "Fräulein", calling a wife "Frau [husband's name]" would be old-fashioned to the point of coming across as demeaning. The formal way to address a married couple on an envelope would be: Frau Anne Brown, Herrn Thomas Brown ( Herrn in accusative because it's short for " an Herrn... ") That is, with the wife first if you know them both equally well. If e. g. the husband is your business partner, then you would put him in first place. If you don't know the wife's first name I would just get in touch with them and ask, alternatives like "Herrn Thomas Brown, Frau Brown" would be acceptable, but not really that great. University degrees and titles go usually abbreviated between the Herr/Frau and the first name, others like or M. A. go after the name. But besides Prof. and Dr. it usually depends on the person whether they care about it or not. (in Austria they tend to be more important in this context, and if I'm not wrong "Mag. " is mainly the Austrian version of Magister). Frau Mag. Anne Brown, Herrn Dr. Thomas Brown Or, again, the other way around if you know him better. Instead of a comma you can also use "und" between the names, depending on the lengths of the names it's totally fine or even better to put them in different lines of course.
Doctor who asmr. No Doctor does speeches like 12. 11 is my favourite, but 12 is a close second and my god was Peter phenomenal in the role. When Jodie said 1 death will change history in a ' blink I immediately thought of weeping angels. Turning the doctor into a woman wasn't bad. It's what they chose to do with her and the show that's the problem. I always expected the doc to be a woman or a ginger at some point. I initially published this on r/metalgear, but I think it'd be a good idea to also post it here, for those who haven't seen it, as I think it's a pretty interesting new perspective on the character of Raiden that could explain his otherwise thematically inconsistent transformation from a walking identity crisis in MGS2 into a complete badass in MGS4 and Revengeance. Alright, so a friend of mine and I were joking around about the (in our opinion, pretty dumb) twist ending of "The Phantom Pain", coming up with joke theories about how none of the main characters of Metal Gear are who they think they are (the Solid Snake they found in Alaska was just a random dog breeder they hypnotized, Naked Snake was replaced in between Virtuous Mission and Snake Eater, etc). It was mostly just for good fun, and while none of the theories were as ridiculous as the twist ending from MGSV, they were all intentionally meant to make no sense at all... Except for one, which turned out to actually make a whole lot of sense. According to the theory, the Raiden we know from MGS4 and Rising isn't actually the same Raiden from MGS2. Hear me out. So following the Arsenal Gear incident we know that Raiden tried to infiltrate Area 51 in order to rescue Sunny, but was ultimately captured and underwent a head transplant surgery that placed his head above the jaw onto a completely cybernetic body (as opposed to the more traditional method of cybernetic conversion that involves merely enhancing a completely human body with technology and nanomachines, such as what happened to Gray Fox and most of the cyborgs from Rising). But what if technology wasn't advanced enough for such a surgery at that point? Sure, mechanical technology is so advanced that gigantic, fluently moving robots capable of launching a nuke were possible in the 80s, but what about biological science? Literally the only biologically-impressive things that we've seen outside of gameplay (where rations heal bullet wounds) are nanomachines, and those won't exactly help when transferring a head. Sure, there's always the nanomachines that regenerate tissue instantly, but for all we know Vamp is the only one they work on (remember - he had crazy survival skills even before he got injected with the nanomachines). Bottom line is that perhaps the Patriots wanted a fully cybernetic soldier with a human brain, but the researchers at Area 51 didn't quite know how to achieve that at the time. So they did the next best thing - they copied Raiden's brain patterns onto a positronic brain, recreating his thoughts, personality, how he saw right on wrong, and of course, his memories. For all intents and purposes, this newly created AI thought of itself as Raiden and believed itself to be Raiden. After all, we know for a fact that the procedure of recreating a real person as an AI was possible as far as the 70s, with the only thing changing being the size of the artificial brain (from a 2-meter tall pod to roughly the size of a real human brain, if not smaller). So, to recap, the Raiden in MGS4 and Revengeance isn't the real Raiden - he's just an android with Raiden's memories. A piece of evidence that would support this theory is that Raiden's fighting styles with a sword from 2 and 4/Revengeance are absolutely nothing alike, with Human! Raiden being generally very practical and pragmatic while Cyborg! Raiden going all out - this could be attributed to the fact that he's no longer using his own fighting style (that was taught to him by Solidus and as such wouldn't be "self-taught", as Sam commented), but rather a custom-made program created by the scientists who created him that's designed to take full advantage of his abilities (and since the fighting style has been customized specifically for him and his body, Sam's comment makes more sense). "But wait", you might be asking yourself, "Raiden was examined by multiple people - the scientists who gave him his human-like body at the end of 4 and also Doktor, who gave him his upgrades in Revengeance, and not to mention Dr. Madnar. One of them must have noticed! " And yeah, you'd be right, I'm sure that they noticed, but honestly, if you were in their position, would you tell the pissed-off guy that can cut you in a million pieces before you blink that he's not actually human? Yeah, I wouldn't either - and even if we put that aside, we could always just assume that they're not telling him for his own protection, like how some parents don't want to know the gender of their children. Perhaps Rose has been told about this, with the doctors placing the choice of whether Raiden should be informed in her hands. That would make all kinds of implications about MGS4's ending, some of which are heartwarming and some - depressing. As for Doktor, the reason why he didn't tell him was because they had use for him - this barely mentally stable guy was working for them. There was literally no reason to tell him that and risk him going AWOL on them. But now that Raiden has gone off the deep end following the ending of Revengeance, perhaps Doktor can drop the bomb in Rising 2? Now that we've established that Raiden may have been an android this whole time, the next logical question is what happened to the original Raiden? Is he still chilling in Area 51 to this day, sipping a Margarita and enjoying his ability to masturbate? Well, not quite. You see, even though the first attempt at a human-head-on-cyborg-body failed, research continued. Raiden was kept in a cell where he gradually began to lose his mind. I mean, imagine spending at least 6-7 years in a 5x5x5 cell, with literally the only thing that ever happens to you being constant experimentation. As time went on, Raiden began obsessing over his last mission, more importantly, about memes. Remember the entire point of the SSS Program from MGS2 - it was to pass on Solid Snake's memes to Raiden, to turn him into someone else. So it probably didn't help that now there was another Raiden running about, which would further reinforce the idea in the original Raiden that humans are just pawns, just pieces of flesh defined by memes. Eventually, the procedure proved to be a success, and Raiden's head was placed in a fully cybernetic body, but by this time he was completely lost in his own mind, no longer even able to comprehend his own identity, instead living by the memes that had been passed on to him. Yes - the original Raiden is Monsoon from Metal Gear Rising. Think about it - aside from the fact that they look completely identical (even down to the fact that Monsoon's haircut is more accurate to Human! Raiden's than Cyborg! Raiden's is), and the fact that Monsoon seems completely obsessed with memes, he also speaks about war being hell, stripping away humanity. As we all know, Raiden was just a child when he was introduced to war, where his viciousness earned him the name Jack the Ripper. And it was also war that placed him in his current predicament in the first place, taking away his family, his body and his very identity. And sure, Monsoon dies quite uneventfully in Metal Gear Rising... But then again, so did a certain someone in Metal Gear 1, so it's not like every important character needs to be given a deep and dramatic death. Not to mention, who says that he's dead? Raiden did cut his body to pieces, but considering the nature of Monsoon's abilities, maybe his head can survive for a while without the body, and was later picked up and reconstructed. What do you guys think?
I think what Aaron is missing about mental health is that he thinks it's mainly there's something seriously wrong with me and I need a psychiatrist to make me ok again, but taking care of your mental health can just be saying things like why am I so tired and irritable lately? I should make some time for myself to unwind and think about where my life's at and how I've been feeling or I've been really down lately, I should make an effort to see my friends more and do the things that make me happy or just generally being aware of your emotions and talking about them with the people close to you. A lot of people go to therapists to maintain their mental health, or to deal with minor problems, before it becomes a mental health crisis. It's like seeing your family doctor about a weird mole before you end up in the ER with late-stage skin cancer. Everyone needs mental health care, it's just part of your general health.
Waistcoat! And it may be shallow but I'm enjoying the greater variety in the Doctor's wardrobe this series. Doctor who 2020. Remember when you did videos that weren't Dr who related ?. Doctor who regeneration.


Pretty confident this is gonna end in not just the Master destroying Gallifrey in angry response to what he learns, but also us destroying the fandom when we learn that William Hartnell isn't actually the First Doctor... I cannot fathom why I do this to myself. It ain't baby schizophrenia either?been committed 25+ times, got electroshock 16 times. I seriously need to unravel the mysteries of psychopharmacology. Don't need a Doktor, I need a damn PhD. Maybe anybody can offer literature on chronic antipsychotic use + chronic (meth-)amphetamine use and the unholy uninterpretable labyrinth of consequences to D2 + D3 (and other) receptors. Side note: I take Vraylar now. I snort that shit. Railar the Vraylar. Gets me feeling absolutely wildly high?potentially from dopamine receptor upregulation / supersensitivity. Helps me potentiate & prolong speed. But here's the thing?on Vraylar, I was able to get sober for long periods. Yet I only became a visibly discernable tweaker once I started Vraylar. And I am still tweaked the fuck out all the time EVEN if I'm not on meth, & I've noticed a relationship with the Vraylar dose & ROA. Facial/finger tics, i. e. tardive dyskinesia & akathisia is one thing. But my mind just seriously works on another fucking strung out level now. I literally am not even a heavy meth user. There's been times where I've tried to quit & got like three months down. But I still hardly ever fucking sleep or eat. It's like the Vraylar changed my whole personality & demeanor. I am very high strung. Always working restlessly on projects like writing. So yeah tell me why I subject myself to methamphetamine as someone who lost their mind a looooong time before even starting this, & also tell me what kind of shit I may have done to my dopaminergic system to make me such a tweak from combining antipsychotics & amphetamines for years and years. It's 4:23 AM I've been up for three days & I should get ready for work @ 9 because I have nothing else to do. Thanks huns.
Doctor who spyfall. Doctor of physical therapy 06460.

Doctor who captain jack harkness

I'm amazed there are still viewers left after so many massive audience loss. I bet the only left are BBC staff, their family and some weirdos who still think Dr Who is still a thing.
Doctor who on demand. Got bored one night didn't you i love how quickly Clara always calls out the doctor. her best trait. Doctor who jack harkness. Doctor who review. As a child I used to love the Dr Who series and apparently I used to hide behind the sofa whenever the Daleks appeared. I think it must have been the voice. But over time the whole idea lost so much of its charm that it became a real pain to watch.
Well all that has changed, Every nostalgic moment I ever had about the doctor has come flooding back with this highly enjoyable reanimation of a childhood favourite, even though I am now well into my thirties. Christopher Eccleston is great in the lead and Billy Piper makes the archetypal sidekick. This new incarnation is full of the humour and tongue in cheek appeal that I hoped it would be. I just hope it keeps going as it started. I have to give this a ten even if it's just because it's filmed in my home town of Cardiff, If not for the fact that is gives me a glimmer of what I liked in this series from when I was a very small child. Thanks to everyone involved and keep it coming.
The fear in the eyes of the First Doctor when they show him his future, wow. They couldn't choose a better actor. Love this show Love the Thirteenth Doctor ??. This has being the best season in a long time. First guy in interview is wearing his mask upside down. Doctor who csfd.









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