8.9/ 10stars

Black Christmas Full Movie

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Author: Queer No Evil
Resume: all things horror, just a little gayer.

New Zealand / movie info Hawthorne College is quieting down for the holidays. One by one, sorority girls on campus are being killed by an unknown stalker. But the killer is about to discover that this generation's young women aren't willing to become hapless victims as they mount a fight to the finish / Runtime 1 h 32 Minute / 2019 / director Sophia Takal / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzczYzk4NWUtY2I0NC00OWEzLTgxYzAtOGM3NGU1ZjZlOGQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDA4NzMyOA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg)

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Am I the only one who think this and Krampus are perfect films for both Halloween and Christmas. The puger 5: black christmas. IM jAmEs A jAnIsE. Genuinely horrifying and creepy. Navidad sangrienta free online play. I typically do not judge whether I should see a movie based on user and critic reviews. Some of my favorite movies have been given 1 star reviews. I wasn't even worried about the PG-13 rating. All I was hoping for was a decent slasher film.
This film was not good, at all. It wasn't scary (not even a good jump thrill) the storyline was less than interesting, the kills were not original, and the acting was pretty terrible. This was a "Lifetime" movie that Blumhouse tried to dress up as a slasher. I get the message of feminism, and rape culture in frats; that didn't bother me. I just don't know why the plot or character building was so shallow. Everyone is a critic; I'm sure there are those who really enjoyed this movie. For me, this is one movie where I wish I would have trusted the critics.
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