Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker ∈english subtitle

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Creator: The Games Nexus

&ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) / description The surviving members of the resistance face the First Order once again, and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the Skywalker saga to its end / Directed by J.J. Abrams / USA / Year 2019 / Writed by Colin Trevorrow.
Cant wait to see Kylo's helmet repaired, the red lines will give it a very Kintsugi look. What was that? OK so. Rey is palpatines daughter, they just said that, and no explanation after, also no explanation as to how palpatine survived return of the jedi. My god I really thought after the train wreck that was the last jedi this would be redeemed, not even a sign of anakin skywalker who would have been perfect to walk in as an all powerful force ghost to defeat palpatine when he took down rey and Ben solo. Absolute horrid writing. I'm afraid there are only 6 star wars films once again in the skywalker story. Hang your heads in shame writers, they done a game of thrones on our special saga. A trilogy, even though force awakens set up an epic last 2 films, will be forgotten about in a year or 2.
Star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker reaction. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker (2019) full movie online. Star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker status. 16:49 has a lot of swearing. A good start to the movie would have been Luke Skywalker waking up and saying Oh what a terrible nightmare that was.

Luke would have only known Rey was a Palpatine once he reconnected with the the force

This happens soon. Star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker the ending. Star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker hd.

Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker (2019

This made me tear up fr. Emotional as hell to see the entire storyline in the span of half an hour. Amazing video. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie. Si je comprends bien. Rey a eu le temps de devenir Jedi Palpatine revient Ils chevauchent des animaux sur un destroyer Plusieurs années ont passé Mais. LES STORMTROOPERS VISENT ENCORE AUSSI MAAAL ????.
Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker rotten tomatoes. Now I realize something. This channel has 100 mill.

Rey is actually a female death star

Daisy Ridley is Rey and Adam Driver is Kylo Ren in STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER What happened at the end of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker? We’re here to break it all down for you. WARNING! This story contains major spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. So much went down in the thrilling Skywalker saga conclusion, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. And while fans and critics might be split, J. J. Abrams certainly gave it his all to wrap up the 40-year saga in the span of less than three hours. So, about that ending. (Last chance to run now if you’re not keen on spoilers. ) The end of the movie had a few different beats and loose ends to tie up. First, we got the epic showdown between Emperor Palpatine and Rey. Earlier in the film, Kylo Ren revealed to Rey that her true lineage was in Darth Sidious himself, Emperor Palpatine. Unbeknownst to audiences, Emperor Palpatine had a son, who went on to have a daughter, Rey ? effectively making Rey a Palpatine, the Emperor’s granddaughter. Despite wanting to rule the galaxy, the Emperor found it best that Rey should kill him and take his place as the Empress of the Final Order. She would fully embrace the Dark Side and leave the Light behind. Of course, Rey understands the true power of the Light and ended up killing Palpatine by deflecting his lightning blasts back at him using two lightsabers. That feat alone killed her. But Kylo Ren, our Prince Charming of the film, used his Force healing powers to bring her back to life. (Not before the two exchanged a heated kiss from one another with the act of restoring her life killing him. How Shakespearean. ) In Kylo Ren’s sacrificial act, restoring life to Rey, this marked the final step to restore balance back to the Force. In the typical sequel trilogy fashion, this is parallel to what we saw in the original trilogy. In Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader saves Luke by “killing” the Emperor, giving his life in the process. Kylo Ren, like Vader, was redeemed in his last few moments as he finally gave himself to the Light. With this will done, we finally see him and Leia do what can only be described as “Force die, ” where their bodies are quietly raptured away to the other side. (We first saw this from Obi-Wan in Episode IV during his final battle with Vader. ) With Kylo redeemed in his death and Rey alive, the Resistance goes on to celebrate ? no Ewoks or yub-nubbing involved (thank goodness). But Rey has one final act of business. Finally, we return to where it all began, Anakin and Luke’s home planet of Tatooine. Rey visits the old abandoned place carrying two lightsabers with her: one Luke’s, the other Leia’s. To honor them both, she wraps the sabers up and buries them in the sandy desert ground. (We suppose Leia’s lightsaber could have been buried in Alderaan. You know, if only…) Then, we also see that Rey has made her own lightsaber that shines the surprising color yellow (which apparently isn’t new in the?Star Wars universe. ) When Rey is approached by a local, she’s asked what’s her name. In the beginning of the movie, a local at the ancestors festival asks Rey her name, and Rey is unable to give the little one an answer about her family name. On Tatooine, Rey finally gets the chance to answer the question with full pride. Before declaring who she is, she sees the Force ghosts of Luke and Leia one last time, looking at them fondly. In that moment, you can almost anticipate what she was about to say next. It’s clear that both Skywalker twins had a profound impact on her life, and they became the family she never had. Even though the siblings knew who she was (a Palpatine), that didn’t stop them from having hope that she would be the one to save the galaxy. And so, she declares that she’s Rey Skywalker. Yes,?Rey of the Skywalker House, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Lightsabers and Mother of Porgs. For the surviving characters, this wraps up the series with a typical “happily ever after. ” Evil lost, the good prevailed, and balance was brought back to the Force. What happens after that, we may never know ? at least for the time being. With this movie marked as the “end” of the Skywalker saga, some fans (and probably George Lucas) may be happy to give this narrative a rest once and for all. Still, this doesn’t mark the end of Star Wars as a whole. With more movies planned, some Disney+ spinoffs, and books, comics and video games galore, we know that there are more stories to tell in the world that George Lucas created. Some characters may return, others may not. But at least we can rest well knowing that peace has been restored to the galaxy once again.
Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker budget. Star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker (2019) trailer. Star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker wallpaper. Critique ? Star Wars: Episode IX ? The Rise of Skywalker Star Wars: Episode IX ? The Rise of Skywalker, la fin d’une trilogie Doté de la petite note de 6, 9/10 sur IMDB, Star Wars: Episode IX ? The Rise of Skywalker ou Star Wars: L’ascension de Skywalker en français divise les fans. Pourtant, il règne encore en maître sur le box-office un peu partout dans le monde, avec notamment 500 millions de dollars en moins d’une semaine d’exploitation. Ce dernier volet signe la fin de cette nouvelle trilogie, mais vient également clôturer la saga des Skywalker. Alors, comment faut-il prendre ce dernier opus? Tentons de démêler tout ça. Fan absolue depuis ma plus tendre enfance, je ne peux décemment pas haïr, ni détester en tout point un Star Wars. J’essaie néanmoins de rester impartiale (autant que faire se peut) à chaque nouveau film. Avec The Rise of Skywalker, il ne s’agit pas seulement ici de terminer la nouvelle trilogie, mais bien l’ensemble de l’oeuvre de George Lucas, commencée il y a plus de 40 ans maintenant. Eh oui, rien que ça. Autant vous dire que ce film était d’entrée de jeu très très casse-gueule… Et qu’il aurait fallu un réel miracle pour mettre tout le monde d’accord. Vous vous en doutez bien, il y aura du bon et du mauvais dans cette critique, car on ne peut évidemment pas tout mettre à la poubelle. J’étais donc très excitée à l’idée de voir enfin ce nouveau film au cinéma, ayant réussi à éviter les spoils. Il m’a fallu deux semaines pour aller le voir, et en version française ce qui entre nous, m’a pas mal dérangé. J’attends de pouvoir retourner au cinéma, cette fois-ci en VO pour l’apprécier un peu mieux. Attention, cette critique va spoiler! Ce neuvième opus prend place peu de temps après la mort de Luke Skywalker, la Résistance tente de survivre face au Premier Ordre, désormais mené par un nouveau Suprême Leader, Kylo Ren, ne pouvant compter que sur eux-mêmes, depuis que leur dernier appel à l’aide était tombé dans l’oreille d’un sourd. Une rumeur agite cependant toute la galaxie: l’Empereur Palpatine serait de retour (il ne serait donc jamais réellement parti). Tandis que Rey s’entraîne, guidée par la Générale Leia Organa. De son côté, Kylo Ren cherche à défier Palpatine, qu’il considère comme une menace à son pouvoir, tout en cherchant à localiser Rey. Le retour de Palpatine donc, oui, sans grande surprise vu toutes les théories qui fleurissaient pendant des mois sur internet. Malheureusement, on aurait aimé que cela soit bien plus développé! Ici, on a devant les yeux un film où ça pète de partout: scènes d’actions, effets spéciaux en veux-tu en voilà, lumière partout, si bien qu’un petit message au début du film vous rappelle de faire attention car il y a eu des cas de crises d’épilepsie! Avec The Rise of Skywalker, vous n’aurez pas le temps de vous ennuyer, même avec un film de 2h22, car s’enchaîne et tout va vite. Trop vite! Décidément, je fais partie de ceux qui pensent que découper le film en deux morceaux aurait été bien plus judicieux, enlevant ainsi très probablement ce sentiment de bâclage quasi du début à la fin car encore une fois, tout est allé trop vite. J’avais même parfois un peu de mal à suivre… Et encore! Vous, vous n’étiez pas entre ma mère et ma sœur, qui ont passé le film à me dire: ? Mais Luke, il était pas mort? ? ? Ben Solo, ça a un rapport avec Ben de la première trilogie? ? ? Mais comment Kylo Ren a pu partir des ruines de l’Étoile Noire? ? Bonne question ça! Je n’ose pas parler non plus des Chevaliers de Ren, dont j’attendais beaucoup, voire carrément trop. Je voulais en connaître d’avantages sur eux, eux qu’on nous tease depuis The Force Awakens! Eh bien non, les Chevaliers de Ren font quelques apparitions ici et là, tous ayant un masque différent, évidemment. Mais nous n’en saurons pas plus… Le fan service est également bien présent, si bien qu’on a ? gardé en vie ? la Générale Organa, incarnée par Carrie Fisher, et décédée en 2016. Il faut cependant saluer la prouesse technique de la CGI ici car c’était rudement bien fait! On assistera également au retour, furtif certes, de Han Solo (et c’est là que j’ai commencé à pleurer sans m’arrêter jusqu’à la fin) et de Luke. C’est aussi pour ça que j’ai aimé ce film, car il est satisfaisant! J’ai aimé ces passages, ce fan service, j’ai aimé voir la complexité se peindre sur le visage de Kylo Ren a. k. a Ben Solo; personnage que j’adore très profondément, incarné par Adam Drive, un acteur que je trouve excellent. J’ai aussi aimé le twist final, uniquement car je ne l’ai pas vu venir. Mais sur le moment uniquement, car à bien y réfléchir maintenant, la mort de Ben Solo n’a rien ajouté, si ce n’est des larmes. Nous n’en saurons pas réellement plus sur ce lien qu’il entretenait avec Rey, et toute la théorie selon laquelle ils ne faisaient qu’un, amenant l’équilibre dans la Force, est réduite à néant. Il ne s’agit donc clairement pas du pire Star Wars ( hello La Menace Fantôme), mais nous sommes passés très proche d’être dans le top 3 des meilleurs! Il aurait juste fallu plus de temps, un meilleur développement, et surtout une fin un peu plus travaillée, car tuer un personnage fort histoire de dire ? bah on a tué quelqu’un parce qu’il fallait tuer quelqu’un ?, ça n’a pas trop de sens selon moi… Nous attendons évidemment en commentaire vos avis sur The Rise of Skywalker! Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker 0 La communauté ( 0 votes) Scénario Musique Personnages Interprétation Réalisation Ce qu'on en dit Connectez-vous pour noter Classé par: Soyez le premier à donner votre avis {{{ review. rating_title}}} {{{review. rating_comment | nl2br}}} Voir plus.
Plot twist: Luke gets resurrected as the Joker. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie 2019. Star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker movie.

I was waiting for the Jedi ghosts to appear

Star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker online

FANDOM " The saga will end. The story lives forever. " ―Final trailer [src] Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, marketed as Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, is a 2019 film directed by J. J. Abrams from a script by Abrams and Chris Terrio. It is the third and final film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The film, produced by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, is a continuation of 2015 's The Force Awakens, which Abrams also directed and co-wrote, and 2017 's The Last Jedi. Lucasfilm has referred to The Rise of Skywalker as the final installment of the Skywalker saga. The film stars Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Naomi Ackie, Domhnall Gleeson, Richard E. Grant, Lupita Nyong'o, Keri Russell, Joonas Suotamo, Kelly Marie Tran, with Ian McDiarmid and Billy Dee Williams. Fisher, who passed away in 2016 prior to the film's production, appeared via unused footage from The Force Awakens. The film was first announced after The Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm Ltd. in 2012. Colin Trevorrow was initially announced as the director and writer of the film, but he and Lucasfilm parted ways in September 2017, with Lucasfilm citing "creative differences" over the project. On September 12, 2017, Abrams and Terrio were announced as the new director and writers. Principal photography began in 2018, and filming wrapped in 2019. Footage from The Rise of Skywalker was first made public on April 12, 2019 at Celebration Chicago. The film was released on December 20, 2019. It received mixed reviews from critics. The Rise of Skywalker received three nominations at the 92nd Academy Awards: Best Original Score, Best Visual Effects, and Best Sound Editing. It has grossed over $1 billion worldwide, making it the forty-sixth highest-grossing film of all time. Opening crawl Edit Episode IX THE RISE OF SKYWALKER The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE. GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER. Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power.... Synopsis Edit Darkness rises... Edit " At last. Snoke trained you well. " ―Emperor Palpatine, to Kylo Ren [src] A year after the battle of Crait, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren leads a vicious assault against Alazmec colonists on Mustafar, seeking a wayfinder owned by Ren's grandfather, Darth Vader; he requires the device as a guide in his hunt for the returned Sith Emperor Palpatine, who he perceives as a threat to his power. The Leader slaughters many colonists alongside his stormtroopers before retrieving the device and slotting it into his ship, allowing its dark power to lead him through the crimson energy storms that surround the fabled Sith vastness of Exegol. Landing at the foot of an enormous citadel, Ren ignites his blade and enters, eventually reaching a vast chamber lined with worn statues of Sith legends. As he descends into its depths, he hears the Emperor mocking him; Ren's declaration that he had killed Snoke is dismissed: "I made Snoke. " Lightning dances around the young dark side adept as he listens to the taunting words, spoken in a voice transitioning from that of the Emperor himself to that of Snoke and, finally, to that of Vader: "I have been every have ever your head. " Ren, unshaken, proceeds further into the citadel, walking for some time among the towering effigies. His path lit by his blade, the young man eventually wanders into a maze of unfamiliar equipment tended by robed acolytes. Tall cylinders filled with a sickly golden liquid hold motionless, incomplete bodies with the mutilated visage of the dead Snoke; the Emperor's earlier words that he created the previous Supreme Leader are confirmed. Among these machines, bound by innumerable tubes and wires to machines of support and sustenance, is the emaciated figure of Palpatine himself. Ren raises his blade, but the Emperor speaks and stays his hand, explaining that the First Order was merely a harbinger of what he could bring about. A threat from the Supreme Leader seems to amuse Palpatine, who assures the Supreme Leader that he has died before, and issues a familiar promise: the dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Ren asks what Palpatine would give him; the Dark Lord replies simply: "Everything. " At the surface, the ice cracks and yields as innumerable Star Destroyers ascend from the frozen sea into the tempestuous sky. With this, an ominously smiling Palpatine orders Ren to kill Rey and so end the Jedi Order, in the act becoming what his legendary grandfather could not, and so that the younger man will take his place as Emperor when the Resistance ends. However, he also issues a warning: that Rey is not who he expects. A vital mission Edit " He's definitely cheating. " ―Finn, on Chewbacca's playing of dejarik [src] Meanwhile, on the Millennium Falcon, ex-stormtrooper Finn and Resistance pilot Poe Dameron engage the Wookiee Chewbacca in an intense game of dejarik. The Wookiee takes some time considering his next move, and his human opponents jokingly suggest that he may be cheating. The implication infuriates Chewbacca, forcing Finn and Poe to calm him. Before their game can resume, an alarm sounds from the cockpit. Passing Klaud, a Resistance technician, in the corridor, the trio arrive in their seats just as the Falcon exits hyperspace. The Falcon arrives at the Sinta Glacier Colony to meet a Resistance informant, the Ovissian Boolio, who tells them about a spy and gives them a message in the form of a data encoder, ordering them to give it to Leia. Finn proceeds to insert the message into R2-D2. Before more can be said, several squadrons of TIE fighters scream into the system, prepared to take down the Falcon. As Finn prepares for the action and heads to the gunner cockpit, Boolio tells him to win the war before heading off. Forced to head into the depths of the colony by a wall of TIEs, the Falcon destroys a number of its pursuers before jumping to hyperspace through one of the colony's walls. The remaining fighters pursue them regardless, and Poe begins lightspeed skipping through a number of systems, whose dangers the First Order pilots are unable to evade. Poe is able to outmaneuver the enemy, though his reckless trick-flying heavily damages the Falcon. A Jedi rises Edit " Be with me. Be with me. They're not with me. " ―Rey, as she meditates [src] On the jungle world of Ajan Kloss, which serves as the hidden base of the Resistance, Rey meditates solemnly, floating in the air alongside a number of rocks. She tries to maintain her composure and balance, but ultimately fails and, with a sigh, lowers herself to the ground. General Leia Organa, who had been watching nearby, comforts the discouraged acolyte, assuring her that nothing is impossible and that she will be able to commune with the Jedi who came before her, as she hopes to. Reinvigorated, Rey accepts Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber and takes off running on another bout with her training course. She expertly runs and leaps through the obstacles, imbuing her actions with the Force. She blocks every bolt from her hovering training droid, but pauses and stares as it is revealed that Kylo Ren, to whom she is bound through the Force, is communing with his grandfather's helmet and speaking to her from his chambers far across the galaxy. A vision, induced by Ren, terrifies the Jedi: the ascensions of the Sith Eternal fleet above Exegol; the face of her murdered mentor and Ren's father, Han Solo; the pained words of her master, Luke Skywalker, as she tapped into the dark side; her duel with and alongside Ren against the Praetorian Guards of Snoke; the departure of her parents from Jakku, leaving her behind in the grip of Unkar Plutt. In a rage, she ultimately batters the training remote with her staff, but damages BB-8 in the process. Rescuing the droid from beneath the tree that had collapsed on him, Rey returns to the base and concedes to Leia that she feels tired and unready to wield the saber of her master. BB-8 excitedly volunteers to take up the mantle, which Rey dismisses; smiling, Leia kindly reminds her never to underestimate a droid. Some time later, in the midst of Rey's studies of the ancient texts she retrieved from the First Jedi Temple, the Falcon returns. It has been, however, severely damaged in the course of its escape from the First Order squadrons; Rey berates a fatigued Dameron for this, but he rebuffs her by noting that BB-8 is in similarly poor condition due to her earlier training accident. Rey dismisses the pilot, quipping that he's a difficult man, before hugging Finn, who jokingly joins her in condemning his companion. Although Rey is further angered by the revelation that Poe lightspeed skipped with the Falcon, a maneuver that the aging freighter cannot support, but the pilot admits the true cause of his concern: Rey is "the best fighter [the Resistance] has, " but she has spent her time since Crait training and furthering her knowledge of the Force rather than participating in the war against the First Order. "We need you out there, not here, " Dameron says before stalking off to begin briefing the Resistance on the information his group had obtained. Poe cheerlessly informs those gathered that the message sent across the galaxy is confirmed: Palpatine has returned, heading an unprecedented fleet, with ambitions of vengeance and conquest. Rose Tico is dubious that the Emperor has truly risen again; Beaumont Kin raises the point of cloning and that the dark side held secrets only the Sith knew. Dameron further exposits that the designs of Palpatine have led to the creation of the Final Order, true successor to the Empire. In sixteen hours, the arm
I can not believe that palpatine has returned I'm so speechless about that when I heard the laugh I was in shock and this is really bad now the emperor is back this is not good. Jar Jar Abrams. Lmao! ??. Star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker wikipedia. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker trailer. At 1:27:38, that was some pretty bad CGI. TBH.

Yo, at 5:00 whos theme is that? Its amazing *Edit: you made it amazing

Ian Mcdarmind comes out. ”April Fools”. They made bittersweet endings as the new cliche. No creativity? Fight scene was better than episode 8. Almost as good as any of the first 3 episodes fight scenes. I don't mean the classic. Thumbs down Abrams sucks. Palpatine version Ça : Pendant 34 ans. J'ai rêvé de vous. J'ai eu faaaim de vous ! Vous m'avez tant manqué. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Альтернативные названия Star Wars: Episode IX Звёздные войны: Эпизод IX Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker Сюжет Легендарная сага, покорившая миллионы поклонников в самых разных странах, возвращается на большие экраны! Девятый эпизод космического эпоса ?Звёздные Войны? завершает невероятную историю семьи Скайуокеров, длящуюся уже более сорока лет, и обещает дать ответы на все загадки из предыдущих серий. Нас ожидают старые и новые герои, уникальные миры, увлекательные путешествия на край Галактики и грандиозный финал фантастической саги! Дата выхода Россия: 19 декабря 2019 года США: 20 декабря 2019 года Жанры боевик, приключения, научная фантастика Режиссёр Дж. Дж. Абрамс Актёры Дэйзи Ридли, Адам Драйвер, Джон Бойега, Оскар Айзек, Лупита Нионго, Донал Глисон, Доминик Монаган, Энтони Дэниелс, Керри Фишер, Марк Хэмилл Сценарий Музыка Джон Уильямс Продюсеры Кэтлин Кеннеди, Дж. Абрамс, Кэллам Грини, Джейсон М. МакГатлин, Мишель Рейван Компании Lucasfilm Бокс-офис $ 515 029 813.
WAS THAT IAN AT THE END. And we never learned y c3po has a red arm. There was also Anthony Daniels as a rebel pilot. George: Yep, I think it should end now. I want to finish the story.
Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker ( 2019). Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker - official teaser trailer.
Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker online. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie online. 6.6k like and dislikes Perfectly balanced, as all thing should be. When he actually gets one right. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker download. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker premiere. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker. Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker ending. Star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker box office. When watching the film I had the bad reviews in the back of my mind constantly And understood these reviews completely when watching. The film is a mess as a film but it did, for me, evoke emotion. Fundamentally the film is so poorly made, and I couldn't help but notice the bang average script, poor acting and the basic and hole-ridden plot. Yet this amalgamation of what was cinema rubbish managed to bring a tear to multiple eyes in the cinema.
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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
4.8 (95%) 339 votes
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker









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