Apollo 13 |megavideo|

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  1. Creator: Joseph Gruber
  2. Info: Spaceflight software manager. Formerly DoD & NASA ?? (GOES-R, Aqua/Aura/Terra, TDRSS/SGSS), now Blue Origin ?. HI-SEAS Mars team. ??? Puppies too. ?

&ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjEzYjJmNzgtNDkwNy00MTQ4LTlmMWMtNzA4YjE2NjI0ZDg4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) / Brief - It had been less than a year since man first walked on the Moon, but as far as the American public was concerned, Apollo 13 was just another "routine" space flight--until these words pierced the immense void of space: "Houston, we have a problem." Stranded 205,000 miles from Earth in a crippled spacecraft, astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert fight a desperate battle to survive. Meanwhile, at Mission Control, astronaut Ken Mattingly, flight director Gene Kranz and a heroic ground crew race against time--and the odds--to bring them home / genre - Drama / cast - Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton / Year - 1995 / 254193 Vote.
Apollo 13 simulator scene. Apollo 13 mission. Apollo 13 houston we got a problem. Thats how leaders speak. Apollo 13 is a 1995 American space docudrama?film directed by Ron?Howard and starring Tom?Hanks, Kevin?Bacon, Bill?Paxton, Gary?Sinise, and Ed?Harris. The screenplay by William?Broyles?Jr. and Al?Reinert dramatizes the aborted 1970 Apollo?13 lunar mission and is an adaptation of the book Lost?Moon:?The?Perilous?Voyage?of?Apollo?13 by astronaut Jim?Lovell and Jeffrey?Kluger. The film depicts astronauts Lovell, Jack?Swigert, and Fred?Haise aboard Apollo 13 for America's third Moon landing mission. En route, an on-board explosion deprives their spacecraft of most of its oxygen supply and electric power, forcing NASA 's flight controllers to abort the Moon?landing, and turning the mission into a struggle to get the three men home safely. Howard went to great lengths to create a technically accurate movie, employing NASA 's technical assistance in astronaut and flight controller training for his cast, and obtaining permission to film scenes aboard a reduced?gravity?aircraft for realistic depiction of the " weightlessness " experienced by the astronauts in space. Released to cinemas in the United States on June 30, 1995, [3] Apollo 13 was nominated for nine Academy?Awards, including Best?Picture (winning for Best?Film?Editing and Best?Sound). [4] In total, the film grossed over $355 million worldwide during its theatrical releases. The film was very positively received by critics. Plot In July 1969, astronaut Jim?Lovell hosts a house?party where guests watch Neil?Armstrong 's televised first human steps on the Moon. Afterwards Lovell, who had orbited the Moon on Apollo?8, tells his wife Marilyn that he intends to return to the Moon to walk on its surface. Three months later, as Lovell conducts a VIP tour of NASA's Vertical?Assembly?Building, his boss Deke?Slayton informs him that because of problems with Alan?Shepard 's crew, his crew will fly Apollo 13 instead of 14. Lovell, Ken?Mattingly, and Fred?Haise train for their new mission. A few days before launch, Mattingly is exposed to German?Measles, and the flight surgeon demands his replacement with Mattingly's backup, Jack?Swigert. Lovell resists breaking up his team, but relents when Slayton threatens to bump his crew to a later mission. As the launch date approaches, Marilyn has a nightmare about her husband getting killed in space, but goes to the Kennedy?Space?Center the night before launch to see him off. On April 11, 1970, Flight Director Gene?Kranz gives the go-ahead from Houston's Mission?Control?Center for the Apollo 13 launch. As the Saturn?V rocket climbs through the atmosphere, a second stage engine cuts off prematurely, but the craft reaches its Earth parking orbit. After the third stage fires to send Apollo 13 to the Moon, Swigert performs the maneuver to connect the command?module Odyssey to the Lunar?Module Aquarius and pull it away from the spent rocket. Three days into the mission, the crew makes a television transmission, which the networks decline to broadcast live. After Swigert turns on the liquid?oxygen tank stirring fans as requested, one of the tanks explodes, emptying its contents into space and sending the craft tumbling. The other tank is soon found to be leaking. They attempt to stop the leak by shutting off fuel cells #1 and #3, but to no avail. With the fuel cells closed, the Moon landing must be aborted, and Lovell and Haise must hurriedly power up Aquarius to use as a "lifeboat" for the return home, as Swigert shuts down Odyssey before its battery power runs out. In Houston, Kranz rallies his team to come up with a plan to bring the astronauts home safely, declaring "failure is not an option". Controller John?Aaron recruits Mattingly to help him invent a procedure to restart Odyssey for the landing on Earth. As Swigert and Haise watch the Moon pass beneath them, Lovell laments his lost chance of walking on its surface, then turns their attention to the business of getting home. With Aquarius running on minimal electrical power, the crew suffers freezing conditions, and Haise contracts a urinary infection and resulting fever. Swigert suspects Mission Control is withholding their inability to get them home; Haise angrily blames Swigert's inexperience for the accident; and Lovell quickly squelches the argument. When carbon?dioxide approaches dangerous levels, ground control must quickly invent a way to make the command module's square?filters?work?in?the?Lunar?Module's?round?receptacles. With the guidance systems on Aquarius shut down, the crew must make a difficult but vital course correction by manually igniting the Lunar Module's engine. Mattingly and Aaron struggle to find a way to turn on the command module systems without drawing too much power, and finally transmit the procedure to Swigert, who restarts Odyssey by transferring extra power from Aquarius. When the crew jettisons the service module, they are surprised to see the extent of the damage. As they release Aquarius and re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, no one is sure that Odyssey ' s heat?shield is intact. The tense period of radio silence due to ionization?blackout is longer than normal, but the astronauts report all is well and splash down in the Pacific Ocean. As helicopters bring the three men aboard the recovery ship USS? Iwo?Jima for a hero's welcome, Lovell's voice-over describes the subsequent investigation into the explosion, and the careers of Haise, Swigert, Mattingly, and Kranz. He wonders if and when mankind will return to the Moon. Cast Apollo Flight Crew: Tom?Hanks as Apollo 13 Commander Jim?Lovell: Jim Lovell stated that before his book Lost?Moon was even written, the movie rights were being shopped to potential buyers [5] and that his first reaction was that Kevin?Costner would be a good choice to play him. [5] However, by the time Howard acquired the director's position, Costner's name never came up in serious discussion, and Hanks had already been interested in doing a film based on Apollo 13. When Hanks' representative informed him that a script was being passed around, he had the script sent to him. [5] John?Travolta was initially offered the role of Lovell, but declined. [7] Kevin?Bacon as Apollo 13 backup Command Module Pilot Jack?Swigert [8] Bill?Paxton as Apollo 13 Lunar Module Pilot Fred?Haise Mission Control: Gary?Sinise as Apollo 13 prime Command Module Pilot Ken?Mattingly: Sinise was invited by Howard to read for any of the characters, and chose Mattingly. [5] Ed?Harris as White Team Flight?Director Gene?Kranz: Harris described the film as "cramming for a final exam. " Harris described Gene Kranz as "corny and like a dinosaur", but respected by the crew. [5] Apollo 13 would be Harris' second space travel-themed movie; he had starred as pioneering astronaut John?Glenn in 1983's The?Right?Stuff. Chris?Ellis as Director of Flight Crew Operations Deke?Slayton Joe?Spano as "NASA Director", a composite?character loosely based on Chris?Kraft Marc?McClure as Black Team Flight Director Glynn?Lunney Clint?Howard as White Team Electrical,?Environmental?and?Consumables?Manager (EECOM) Sy?Liebergot Ray?McKinnon as White Team Flight?Dynamics?Officer Jerry Bostick Todd?Louiso as White Team Flight?Activities?Officer Loren?Dean as EECOM John?Aaron Jim?Meskimen as White Team Telemetry, Electrical, EVA Mobility Unit Officer (TELMU) David?Andrews as Apollo 12 Commander Pete?Conrad Christian?Clemenson as Flight?Surgeon Dr. Charles Berry Ben Marley as Apollo 13 backup Commander John?Young Brett?Cullen as Capsule?Communicator (CAPCOM) 1 Ned?Vaughn as CAPCOM 2 Carl?Gabriel?Yorke as SIM (Simulator) 1 Arthur Senzy as SIM 2 Civilians: Kathleen?Quinlan as Marilyn Gerlach Lovell, Jim's wife Xander?Berkeley as Henry Hurt, a fictional NASA Office of Public Affairs staff member [9] Tracy?Reiner as Haise's wife Mary Mark Wheeler as Neil?Armstrong, Apollo 11 Commander Larry Williams as Buzz?Aldrin, Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot Mary?Kate?Schellhardt as Lovell's older daughter Barbara Max?Elliott?Slade as Lovell's older son James (Jay), who attended military school at the time of the flight Emily?Ann?Lloyd as Lovell's younger daughter Susan Miko?Hughes as Lovell's younger son Jeffrey The real Jim Lovell appears as captain of the recovery ship USS? Iwo?Jima; Howard had intended to make him an admiral, but Lovell himself, having retired as a captain, chose to appear in his actual rank. Horror film director Roger?Corman, a mentor of Howard, appears as a congressman being given a VIP tour by Lovell of the Vehicle?Assembly?Building, as it had become something of a tradition for Corman to make a cameo appearance in his protégés' films. [10] The real Marilyn Lovell appeared among the spectators during the launch sequence. CBS News anchor Walter?Cronkite appears in archive news footage and can be heard in newly recorded announcements, some of which he edited himself to sound more authentic. In addition to his brother, Clint Howard, several other members of Ron Howard's family appear in the movie: Rance?Howard (his father) appears as the Lovell family minister. Jean?Speegle?Howard (his mother) appears as Lovell's mother Blanch. Cheryl Howard (his wife) and Bryce?Dallas?Howard (his daughter) appear as uncredited background performers in the scene where the astronauts wave goodbye to their families. Brad?Pitt was offered a role in the film, but turned it down to star in Se7en. [12] Reportedly, the real Pete Conrad expressed interest in appearing in the film. Jeffrey?Kluger appears as a television reporter. Production Preproduction and props The screenplay by William Broyles Jr. and Al Reinert was rewritten by John?Sayles after Hanks had been cast and construction of the spacecraft sets had begun. [13] While planning the film, director Ron Howard decided that every shot of the film would be original and that no mission footage would be used. [14] The spacecraft interiors were
Apollo 13 movie in hindi. Apollo 13 astronauts. The Carmelengo's speech is by leaps and bounds much better in the book than this poorly truncated version in the film. Kubrick is one of the greatest film artists of all time. Apollo 13 reentry. You owe me no apologies. The fact that you put your effort into doing this is at all COOL enough! It's fantastic already, my friend. Apollo 13 pictures. Forrest gump in space. The 50th anniversary of the moon landing brought me here in part. This is weird but creepy Because 13 is an unlucky number. Apollo 13 cast. Apollo 13 trailer.
I am going to be an aerospace engineer and I LOVE F-18s for some reason! I also LOVE space. Apollo 11 coins. Them just shaking is just so funny. Apollo 11. 43:10 It think it was your best work. Ron Howard's best film is by far 'Willow... I rent it in the year of 2020. Apollo 13 lem. Apollo 13 csfd. Apollo 13 movie. Watch Apollo full movie watch online in hindi #WatchApolloOnlineThevideo [Download Apollo 13 Youtube. Oh hey look, it changed back to “we have” again. This is exact video has said “weve had” and “we have” multiple times back and forth. Mandela Effect is real guys. Apollo 13 online.

The best movie of the 20th century. 1:56 - The very celestial body that every single human being that has ever lived has gazed upon Except, ya know. people who can't see.

Apollo 13 square peg in round hole

I can't understand what this is about.??. I loved Apollo 13. It was one of the best movies about space travel ever made. It is on Bravo so many times, but I never get tired of watching it. It's one of those rare movies that you know the ending and yet, are still enthralled, enchanted and pulls you in each time. Each viewing is great. I think there's a gaffe at the end of the movie where mission control is awaiting the splash down. I think there is a space shuttle patch on the wall behind them at one angle and if that's the case well. the shuttle was 10 plus years after Apollo 13. But that's minor. Tom Hanks is a perfect choice for Jim Lovell. The mix of real footage and the redone is seamless. It earned the praise. With the Right Stuff, and Apollo 13, the movie Marooned doesn't do much anymore.
Apollo 13 avril. Apollo 13 deaths. Apollo 13 juin. Apollo 13 strain. Apollo 13 online cz. Apollo 13 wiki. Apollo 137. It's just a typical feel good gung ho men together flick. a true story though in this case. some of the technical jargon gets a little frustrating. how are we supposed to know what a thingymabobianelectrodesnappitycricket is? well i dont. but it's acted well, it's heart is in the right place and it's all goes to make a nice heart warming film about overcoming the odds and succeeding. it's nice. Apollo 13 song. I can't imagine the fear they must have felt when they knew it was possible the heat shield could have been damaged. These guys made it through A LOT during this mission, it was truly a miracle they survived. John is smart. Watch APOLLO 13 Online Streaming.
A successful failure.? A true American triumph!? God bless those men. I've seen Apollo 13 dozens of times, but I?always tear up at the ending when they make it back safely.? It's weird.? I can't?control it no matter how often I see it.? I'm just a sucker for happy endings. Apollo 13 mission astronauts. Apollo 13 ending.

Apollo 13 in real time. Apollo 13 seedfinder. I am old now, but I still feel a sense of wonder at the awesome majesty of a saturn 5 coming off the pad. This was my childhood, and Mars is now your dream. Apollo 13 commander. Wow! Amazing video. Apollo 13 vpx. Apollo 13 imdb. Apollo 13 soundtrack. Apollo 13 behind the scenes. Did i actually just watch a 50 min video and not even realize. Wow, they must have filmed that last scene in a anti-gravity chamber to get those floating effects. Apollo 13 juillet. Apollo 13 original crew. I cAn AdD. 51 mistakes ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (9 votes) All mistakes 1 character mistake 13 continuity mistakes 2 deliberate mistakes 27 factual errors 1 other mistake 2 revealing mistakes 5 visible crew/equipment mistakes Order by popularity Order chronologically Significant dates Titles starting with A Factual error: When Lovell's daughter is complaining that the Beatles have broken up, she slams the album Let It Be into her rack. The scene takes place on the day of the initial explosion aboard Apollo 13, April 13 1970 - immediately prior to the Lovell family attending the screening of a television broadcast from the spacecraft. Let It Be was not released as an album until May 9th, 1970. In April Ringo was still recording drum tracks, not even possible for an advance copy to get out. Factual error: Technician John Aaron states that the damaged ship will need to use "less amps than this" as he points to a vintage 'Mr. Coffee' coffee-maker on his desk. Mr. Coffee was not introduced until 1972. Factual error: Moments before and during the lift-off of the Saturn V, Ken Mattingly is shown to be watching from a somewhat private grassy field. Wherever he is supposed to be, he is far too close to the launch pad. No unauthorized persons were allowed to be that close, and certainly not in an undisclosed and unsupervised area, not the least of which was for security reasons. The fact that Mattingly is an astronaut would not give him carte blanch to do this, and his training and discipline would prevent his ever attempting doing so in the first place. In reality, Mattingly was in Houston at Mission Control at the time. Otherwise it is a nice shot. Factual error: When the cabin temperature drops, an astronaut's breath is visible. His visible breath rises as he exhales. This is an effect of gravity - on earth the water vapor in breath, which is the component that becomes visible in the cold, rises because it is lighter than the surrounding air. Since the astronaut was in a "weightless" environment, his breath should have travelled in a straight path from his mouth into the surrounding atmosphere, rather than rising. Factual error: When the LM separates from the CM just prior to re-entry, what you see in the film is an undocking, rather than a jettison. The difference is that in a jettison the CM's docking probe is pulled out of the CM to make way for parachute deployment, while in an undocking the probe (the triangular shaped thing pointing "forward" of the CM) is left to allow for redocking later. And in case you're wondering how the astronauts transferred between the two while docked with the probe in place, the answer is that they didn't - they dismantled it to create the tunnel. As an interesting aside, in real life the CAPCOM (I think it was Joe Kerwin) gave a go for "undocking" then corrected himself moments later using the phrase "correction, go for jettison"). Factual error: During the launch sequence, all nine swingarms on the launch tower are seen retracting, one by one, as the Saturn V reaches full thrust. In real life, only five swingarms would still be attached to the rocket during this phase. These "in-flight" arms would swing away as the rocket lifted off and cleared the launcher. Factual error: The fiery rocket plume left behind the Saturn V as it is ascending directly after lift off is far too small and short. In reality the flaming rocket plume was easily 2 to 3 times the diameter of the entire ship and at least 3 to 4 times the length. Factual error: During the Engine 5 cutoff, they show the abort handle unarmed. However, it is required that the abort handle be armed throughout the entire launch. Continuity mistake: When the astronauts are in space and are taking their equipment off, Jack Swigert removes his outer suit gloves then removes his white glove liners and tucks them into the floating suit glove, but next shot Swigert is still wearing the black suit gloves, and it then cuts to Swigert removing his helmet and he is still wearing the white glove liners. Deliberate mistake: Near the end of the movie, there is a shot of the "Iwo Jima" with the two recovery helicopters taking off. For a moment, you can see the number 11 on the inboard side of the ship's island, which identifies it as the USS New Orleans (LPH-11), a sister of the Iwo Jima. Admittedly, it was the best the producers could do, since by the time the movie was made, the Iwo Jima (LPH-2) had been decommissioned. Continuity mistake: When they are in orbit and Fred vomits you see Jim taking off his suit and an open hatch to the LEM which has not been docked yet. Later when preparing to jettison the LEM you see Jim closing the hatch over this tunnel. Revealing mistake: In the final 1/2 hour there's a scene in which Kevin Bacon is drifting weightlessly in the lunar module, with a roll of duct tape floating nearby. Just during the last couple of seconds of this shot, suddenly he & the roll accelerate to the right. As everyone now knows the zero-g scenes were photographed on-board an aircraft which flies free-fall arcs for up to about 20 seconds before having to level off. The sudden acceleration on the set means that shot was filmed just as the plane was leveling off from a dive. (01:53:40) Factual error: The initial smoke shown coming out of the rocket gimbals during 'ignition sequence start' is not nearly fast or 'enthusiastic' enough. Additionally, there was in fact only a very tiny amount of white smoke/vapor emitted, and it almost instantly developed into a fiery, violent semi-transparent rocket plume. There is just way too much white vapor for too long a period shown in the film. Factual error: In the scene right after the Apollo 11 landing, where Lovell is in the garden with his wife, he is playing with his thumb and the waxing moon. He covers the moon with his thumb ually the diameter of the moon disk is about half of the diameter of the thumbnail on an outstretched arm of an average adult. Since Lovell's arm is not fully stretched the moon should appear even smaller. In this scene we see a moon approximately of the size of the whole thumbnail. In relation to Lovell's thumbnail that moon is far too large. (00:05:05) helmholtz42 Factual error: The paint scheme shown on the Apollo 13 rocket is incorrect: The paint scheme shown in the movie is what was used on the development versions of the Saturn 1-C first stage, and featured a large black band around the middle. Technicians found it much too hot to work inside the pre-launch first stage from the heat generated from this paint scheme. Subsequently, the paint scheme was much simplified to a near all-white version for the first stage beginning with Apollo 4. All subsequent ship-stacks (including Apollo 13) featured this newer paint scheme. Factual error: When the astronauts pose for their photo shoot, the flag behind them has only 48 stars (a bit hard to tell, since it's rolled up, but the stars are arranged in straight rows parallel to the stripes, which was the arrangement used on the 48-star flag). It's 1970, so it should be a 50-star flag. Factual error: On several occasions the astronauts address the Capcom as "Andy. " None of the Apollo 13 Capcoms were named Andy. Their names were Jack Lousma, Joe Kerwin, John Young and Vance Brand. Continuity mistake: After Houston reacquires contact with the spacecraft following re-entry, Gene Kranz sits down in his chair, obviously full of emotion. The camera then cuts to a wide shot of Mission Control before panning in on Ken Mattingly. Before the camera zeroes in on Ken, watch the top left corner of the screen and you can see Gene sit down again. (02:09:20) Factual error: When they're flying around the backside of the moon, they mention the Tsiolkovskiy crater on the lunar farside, then mention they can see Mare Tranquillitatis and Fra Mauro - which are on opposite sides of the moon. Fliteman Gene Kranz: I don't care about what anything was *designed* to do. I care about what it *can* do. More quotes from Apollo 13 Trivia: The Captain of the Iwo-Jima who Tom Hanks talks to at the end of the movie is the real Apollo 13 astronaut Jim Lovell. More trivia for Apollo 13.
Apollo 130. Apollo 13 Theatrical release poster Directed by Ron Howard Produced by Brian Grazer Screenplay by William Broyles Jr. Al Reinert Based on Lost Moon by Jim Lovell Jeffrey Kluger Starring Tom Hanks Kevin Bacon Bill Paxton Gary Sinise Ed Harris Kathleen Quinlan Music by James Horner Cinematography Dean Cundey Edited by Daniel P. Hanley Mike Hill Production company Universal Pictures Imagine Entertainment Distributed by Universal City Studios Release date June?30,?1995 (United States) Running time 140 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $52 million [1] Box office $355. 2 million [2] Apollo 13 is a 1995 American space docudrama film directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise, and Ed Harris. The screenplay by William Broyles Jr. and Al Reinert dramatizes the aborted 1970 Apollo 13 lunar mission and is an adaptation of the book Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13 by astronaut Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger. The film depicts astronauts Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise aboard Apollo 13 for America's third Moon landing mission. En route, an on-board explosion deprives their spacecraft of most of its oxygen supply and electric power, forcing NASA 's flight controllers to abort the Moon landing, and turning the mission into a struggle to get the three men home safely. Howard went to great lengths to create a technically accurate movie, employing NASA 's technical assistance in astronaut and flight controller training for his cast, and obtaining permission to film scenes aboard a reduced gravity aircraft for realistic depiction of the " weightlessness " experienced by the astronauts in space. Released to cinemas in the United States on June 30, 1995, [3] Apollo 13 was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture (winning for Best Film Editing and Best Sound). [4] In total, the film grossed over $355 million worldwide during its theatrical releases. The film was very positively received by critics. Plot [ edit] In July 1969, astronaut Jim Lovell hosts a house party where guests watch Neil Armstrong 's televised first human steps on the Moon. Afterwards Lovell, who had orbited the Moon on Apollo 8 in December, 1968, tells his wife Marilyn that he intends to return to the Moon to walk on its surface. Three months later, as Lovell conducts a VIP tour of NASA's Vertical Assembly Building, his boss Deke Slayton informs him that because of problems with Alan Shepard 's crew, his crew will fly Apollo 13 instead of 14. Lovell, Ken Mattingly, and Fred Haise train for their new mission. A few days before launch, Mattingly is exposed to German Measles, and the flight surgeon demands his replacement with Mattingly's backup, Jack Swigert. Lovell resists breaking up his team, but relents when Slayton threatens to bump his crew to a later mission. As the launch date approaches, Marilyn has a nightmare about her husband getting killed in space, but goes to the Kennedy Space Center the night before launch to see him off. On April 11, 1970, Flight Director Gene Kranz gives the go-ahead from Houston's Mission Control Center for the Apollo 13 launch. As the Saturn V rocket climbs through the atmosphere, a second stage engine cuts off prematurely, but the craft reaches its Earth parking orbit. After the third stage fires to send Apollo 13 to the Moon, Swigert performs the maneuver to connect the command module Odyssey to the Lunar Module Aquarius and pull it away from the spent rocket. Three days into the mission, the crew makes a television transmission, which the networks decline to broadcast live. After Swigert turns on the liquid oxygen tank stirring fans as requested, one of the tanks explodes, emptying its contents into space and sending the craft tumbling. The other tank is soon found to be leaking. They attempt to stop the leak by shutting off fuel cells #1 and #3, but to no avail. With the fuel cells closed, the Moon landing must be aborted, and Lovell and Haise must hurriedly power up Aquarius to use as a "lifeboat" for the return home, as Swigert shuts down Odyssey before its battery power runs out. In Houston, Kranz rallies his team to come up with a plan to bring the astronauts home safely, declaring "failure is not an option". Controller John Aaron recruits Mattingly to help him invent a procedure to restart Odyssey for the landing on Earth. As Swigert and Haise watch the Moon pass beneath them, Lovell laments his lost chance of walking on its surface, then turns their attention to the business of getting home. With Aquarius running on minimal electrical power, the crew suffers freezing conditions, and Haise contracts a urinary infection and resulting fever. Swigert suspects Mission Control is withholding their inability to get them home; Haise angrily blames Swigert's inexperience for the accident; and Lovell quickly squelches the argument. When carbon dioxide approaches dangerous levels, ground control must quickly invent a way to make the command module's square filters work in the Lunar Module's round receptacles. With the guidance systems on Aquarius shut down, the crew must make a difficult but vital course correction by manually igniting the Lunar Module's engine. Mattingly and Aaron struggle to find a way to turn on the command module systems without drawing too much power, and finally transmit the procedure to Swigert, who restarts Odyssey by transferring extra power from Aquarius. When the crew jettisons the service module, they are surprised to see the extent of the damage. As they release Aquarius and re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, no one is sure that Odyssey ' s heat shield is intact. The tense period of radio silence due to ionization blackout is longer than normal, but the astronauts report all is well and splash down in the Pacific Ocean. As helicopters bring the three men aboard the recovery ship USS Iwo Jima for a hero's welcome, Lovell's voice-over describes the subsequent investigation into the explosion, and the careers of Haise, Swigert, Mattingly, and Kranz. He wonders if and when mankind will return to the Moon. Cast [ edit] Hanks, Bacon and Paxton portray the astronauts Lovell, Swigert and Haise respectively. Apollo Flight Crew: Tom Hanks as Apollo 13 Commander Jim Lovell: Jim Lovell stated that before his book Lost Moon was even written, the movie rights were being shopped to potential buyers [5] and that his first reaction was that Kevin Costner would be a good choice to play him. [5] However, by the time Howard acquired the director's position, Costner's name never came up in serious discussion, and Hanks had already been interested in doing a film based on Apollo 13. When Hanks' representative informed him that a script was being passed around, he had the script sent to him. [5] John Travolta was initially offered the role of Lovell, but declined. [7] Kevin Bacon as Apollo 13 backup Command Module Pilot Jack Swigert [8] Bill Paxton as Apollo 13 Lunar Module Pilot Fred Haise Mission Control: Gary Sinise as Apollo 13 prime Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly: Sinise was invited by Howard to read for any of the characters, and chose Mattingly. [5] Ed Harris as White Team Flight Director Gene Kranz: Harris described the film as "cramming for a final exam. " Harris described Gene Kranz as "corny and like a dinosaur", but respected by the crew. [5] Apollo 13 would be Harris' second space travel-themed movie; he had starred as pioneering astronaut John Glenn in 1983's The Right Stuff. Chris Ellis as Director of Flight Crew Operations Deke Slayton Joe Spano as "NASA Director", a composite character loosely based on Chris Kraft Marc McClure as Black Team Flight Director Glynn Lunney Clint Howard as White Team Electrical, Environmental and Consumables Manager (EECOM) Sy Liebergot Ray McKinnon as White Team Flight Dynamics Officer Jerry Bostick Todd Louiso as White Team Flight Activities Officer Loren Dean as EECOM John Aaron Jim Meskimen as White Team Telemetry, Electrical, EVA Mobility Unit Officer (TELMU) David Andrews as Apollo 12 Commander Pete Conrad Christian Clemenson as Flight Surgeon Dr. Charles Berry Ben Marley as Apollo 13 backup Commander John Young Brett Cullen as Capsule Communicator (CAPCOM) 1 Ned Vaughn as CAPCOM 2 Carl Gabriel Yorke as SIM (Simulator) 1 Arthur Senzy as SIM 2 Civilians: Kathleen Quinlan as Marilyn Gerlach Lovell, Jim's wife Xander Berkeley as Henry Hurt, a fictional NASA Office of Public Affairs staff member [9] Tracy Reiner as Haise's wife Mary Mark Wheeler as Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 Commander Larry Williams as Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot Mary Kate Schellhardt as Lovell's older daughter Barbara Max Elliott Slade as Lovell's older son James (Jay), who attended military school at the time of the flight Emily Ann Lloyd as Lovell's younger daughter Susan Miko Hughes as Lovell's younger son Jeffrey The real Jim Lovell appears as captain of the recovery ship USS Iwo Jima; Howard had intended to make him an admiral, but Lovell himself, having retired as a captain, chose to appear in his actual rank. Horror film director Roger Corman, a mentor of Howard, appears as a congressman being given a VIP tour by Lovell of the Vehicle Assembly Building, as it had become something of a tradition for Corman to make a cameo appearance in his protégés' films. [10] The real Marilyn Lovell appeared among the spectators during the launch sequence. CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite appears in archive news footage and can be heard in newly recorded announcements, some of which he edited himself to sound more authentic. In addition to his brother, Clint Howard, several other members of Ron Howard's family appear in the movie: Rance Howard (his father) appears as the Lovell family minister. Jean Speegle Howard (his mother) appears as Lovell's mother Blanch. Cheryl Howard (his wife) and Bryce Dallas Howard (his daughter) appear as uncredited background performers in the scene where the a
Look at the exhaust plume at 2 minutes 40 seconds in to the video. Apollo 13 launch. We are taking in space. How did they survive? They had skillshare. You have to watch this movie with an open mind.? I saw it 1968 on the big screen and was blown away by the special affects.? There was no CGI in 1968, the space scenes were all done with models and green screen? took 5 years to produce and special affects budget that broke the bank.? But at?11 years old that is what would impress me I didn't understand the story.? Fast forward 8 years I chose this film as a project in film study my favorite elective.? It was ground breaking for it's day in both film production and story line.? It is science fiction but not laden with action scenes?like Star Wars or Star Trek, like many good science fiction stories it is written to make you think.?? Who are we as humanity?? Is there life out there besides us? The monolith found on the moon was a transmitter to that intelligence) What happens to artificial intelligence the HAL 9000 Supercomputer when it learns too much, does it experience emotion like fear when HAL finds out that Cmdr Bowman plans on shutting him down.?It's a commentary on human evolution, is there life other than our own in the Universe and the future of computer technology and artificial intelligence.? It met with the same comments in 1968 that are made here in present day, like I said it's a movie written to make you think, something Stanley Kubrick was known for. As a side comment HAL is supposed to stand for Heuristically programmed ALgorithm and considered a sentient?super computer.? However if you look at HAL's logo and?move each letter in?HAL forward one place in the alphabet?H to I, A to B,?L to M,?you get IBM the leader of computer technology?of the?time.? The logo?even looks the same.? Stanley Kubrick denies this the IBM logo appears on the?Pan Am Clipper Orion Instrument panel he says.? By the way this was probably one of the biggest movies for product placement?using many brands of the day??AT&T, Howard?Johnsons and Hilton Hotels just on the space station alone.? Like I said the movie was groundbreaking.
Apollo 13 crew members.

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