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Release year=2017 movie info=A woman searches for her missing son in a remote wilderness with the help of her estranged husband and a Native American friend. When an evil creature starts to hunt them, their journey becomes a fight for survival casts=Victor Gage, Sean Wei Mah 98 votes USA Loredana x juju. Just love how the Leviathan turns into a can opener at the end, it's so accurate. My poor, poor subs. " The reign of biological lifeforms is coming to an end... " Lore was a Soong-type android constructed by Doctor Noonian Soong and Juliana Soong at the Omicron Theta colony. Built in Dr. Soong's own image, Lore was the fourth android they constructed and embodied the first successful example of a fully functional positronic brain. An earlier model Soong-type android, B-4, also had a positronic brain, but of a less sophisticated type, resulting in a simple-minded personality. ( TNG: " Inheritance ", " Datalore ", " Brothers "; Star Trek Nemesis) Lore's head, removed from his body Lore was extremely advanced and sentient, possessing megastrength, speed and intelligence when compared to a Human. Lore's emotional programming was also very advanced. However, he began displaying signs of emotional instability and malevolence, leading Lore to see himself as superior to Humans. Lore frightened the other colonists, who demanded that Soong deactivate him. Lore later claimed that they saw him as "too perfect", and were envious. ( TNG: " Brothers ", " Silicon Avatar ", " Inheritance ") Eventually, Soong capitulated, but not before Lore had secretly contacted the Crystalline Entity in a bid for revenge, offering it the planet 's life to ensure his own survival. After deactivating and dismantling Lore, Soong set about constructing Lore's brother, Data, an android without destabilizing emotions. ( TNG: " Datalore ", " Brothers ", " Silicon Avatar ", " The Offspring ") Lore's positronic net differed from Data's: it had a Type-"L" phase discriminator compared to Data's Type-"R". ( TNG: " Time's Arrow ") Soong placed Lore's components into storage, intending to eventually correct Lore's behavioral problems. Lore later harbored resentment towards his creator for abandoning him. Yet, when he met his father again on Terlina III and learned that Soong was dying, he was sincerely upset and, for a brief moment, he displayed a genuine concern for his father. Nevertheless, Lore's malevolent streak soon prevailed. Data with Lore in 2364 Following Lore's communiques, the Crystalline Entity attacked Omicron Theta in 2338 and destroyed all life on the planet. Both Lore and Data were left behind, but Data was subsequently discovered by the crew of the USS Tripoli. Lore remained in Soong's laboratory until 2364, when the USS Enterprise -D arrived at the planet. The ship's chief engineer, Lieutenant Commander Argyle, and chief medical officer, Dr. Beverly Crusher, were successful in reactivating the android. ( TNG: " Datalore ") Although initially presenting himself as willing to please and serve Humans, sharing some information about his ' childhood ' in the colony with his ' brother ', Lore swiftly returned to his previous ways. Deactivating Data, Lore stole his uniform and masqueraded as him. Lore summoned the Crystalline Entity once again, intending to feed the crew of the Enterprise -D to it. His treachery was discovered due to the differences between him and Data (such as Lore's use of contractions), and he was transported into open space. ( TNG: " Datalore ", " Silicon Avatar ") Lore drifted in space for nearly two years, until he was rescued by a passing Pakled trade ship. Lore subsequently responded to the homing signal intended by Soong to draw Data to Soong's new laboratory on Terlina III. After Soong had reactivated Lore, Lore expressed frustration at his father's 'dismissal' of him in favor of working on Data, but was apparently as close to upset as he could come when he learned that Soong was dying, protesting that his father seemed fine despite his obvious age. Emotions installed However, his grief for his father was overshadowed by his anger when he learned that Soong had summoned Data to him with the intention of giving Data an emotion chip that would allow him to feel Human emotions (as Data's emotionless "childhood" had given him a greater understanding of right and wrong). Lore became sore and resented his father's 'favoritism' of Data, despite Soong's protests that he had never designed a chip for Lore simply because he assumed that Lore had remained deactivated. Despite Soong's attempt to placate Lore, Lore nevertheless tricked Soong by posing as his brother and stealing the chip for himself. Because the chip was not designed for him, it caused Lore to become even more unstable and he mortally wounded Soong before departing the planet once again. ( TNG: " Brothers ") In 2369, Lore discovered a group of Borg that had been disconnected from the Collective after integrating Hugh 's sense of individuality into the hive. Lore styled himself their leader and gave his Borg individual names, coercing them into becoming his fanatical followers. He began cruel experiments on them, attempting to replace their organic brains with positronic components. Meanwhile, he somehow influenced their behavior, making their attacks more violent ? they ceased to assimilate individuals, instead murdering them. Permanently deactivated Lore directed his Borg followers to launch attacks on targets in Federation space, in order to lure the Enterprise -D ? and thus Data ? in an elaborate attempt to use the emotion chip to manipulate Data to his side. Lore had modified the chip so that it could remotely instill anger and hatred in Data. Confused with his new emotions, and with his ethical subroutines deactivated, Data betrayed the crew of the Enterprise -D and joined Lore at his base. ( TNG: " Descent ") While in Borg captivity, Geordi La Forge was able to instruct Captain Jean-Luc Picard as to modifying a Borg interlink transceiver in order to reset Data's ethical program with a kedion pulse, restoring his sense of right and wrong. Data would still experience negative emotions; however, he could at least choose whether or not to act upon them. Upon realizing Lore's malign nature, Data fired upon and deactivated Lore, whose last words were " I... love you... brother. " Lore was subsequently dismantled--and the emotion chip, though damaged, was removed and returned to its rightful owner. ( TNG: " Descent, Part II ") Appendices Edit Appearances Edit Additional references Edit Background information Edit Lore was played by Brent Spiner in all of his four appearances but only received credit for his second appearance. Ken Gildin, Brian Tomlinson, Dana Vitatoe and Guy Vardaman served as photo doubles for Spiner in these episodes while Brian J. Williams was the stunt double in the episodes " Datalore " and " Descent, Part II ". Lore was originally planned to be a female android, to provide a love interest for Data. Her job would have been to go out and repair dangerous situations. It was Brent Spiner who suggested the old " evil twin " concept be used instead. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion 2nd ed., p. 46) The female android concept was later used in the third season episode " The Offspring ", although this interpretation had the new android as Data's ' child ' rather than a potential love interest. The Pakled costume worn by Spiner as Lore in " Brothers " was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction for US$2, 155. 00. [1] Other items which were sold off on eBay include the special effects thumb from "Brothers" [2], Dana Vitatoe's costume from "Brothers" [3], Spiner and Williams' costume from " Descent " and "Descent, Part II" [4] [5] and the utility jumpsuit from "Datalore". [6] External link Edit Lore at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works.
I'VE BEEN NEEDING THIS FOR YEEEEEARS. 'Plays as an Exo Oh I know all about leaving humanity behind. Post navigation This latest post has taken a while to write and not just because I’ve been binge watching the complete adventures of Dogtanian but because, just like my New Years Eve outfit following a week bingeing on cheese and Baileys, there’s a lot to squeeze into it. Firstly, glad tidings of great joy I bring, the Angel Croft is at last now off the Heritage At Risk Register, thanks to the work of Friels who have been renovating the former hotel since Spring 2017. Friels are now seeking planning permission to develop the adjoining Westgate House and Cottage plus the surrounding land to create a small spa hotel, houses, apartments and a new pedestrian route which connects Beacon Park to the Cathedral Close. For more information on the proposals and to see a walkthrough of how the site might look, take a look at It seems like a good time to remind people that change has to happen and that the places where we live are not preserved in aspic, like no doubt so many things on the menu at the Angel Croft were. Actually, I’ve just had an epiphany about how best to illustrate this. Let’s take a look at how the site has changed over the last 500 years. The Angel Croft was built at the end of 18th century for a wine merchant called George Addams and was converted to a hotel in 1931. Some of the features from the time this was a house have been uncovered during the recent renovations, including a fragment of wallpaper which an expert has declared to be one of the oldest examples in the country. Other discoveries include smoking ephemera, a collection of bottles, drawings, old newspapers and most interestingly of all, for me at least, a mismatched pair of boots. When I was shown a photo of the latter, I had one of those moments that thrills my sole. ‘Were these found under floorboards? ’, I asked. ‘Yes they were! ’ came the reply. I can’t be sure but I suspect they didn’t come to be there by accident. The Northampton Museum and Art Gallery keeps an index which has at least 2, 000 examples of concealed shoes or boots being discovered up chimneys, in rooves or indeed, below floors (ironically, Lichfield no longer has a museum and keeps its entire collection hidden in an attic). The exact reason for this isn’t known but it’s thought to be a folk magic ritual designed to protect a property and its occupants from malevolent forces. I had thought it was the first example of this apotropaic custom to be uncovered in Lichfield but there is at least one other recorded discovery in the city. A 16th century house in Lichfield (not sure where. Yet. ) had a shoe hidden up the chimney along with a chisel and a bunch of flowers (not sure why. Yet). There are also examples of more sinister discoveries concealed in the city’s walls and foundations (not sure if I’m ready to share these. Yet). The Angel Croft was built on the site of an inn known as the Talbot. We know the pub dates back to at least 16th century Lichfield thanks to The Bawdy Courts of Lichfield blog, a fantastic Staffordshire Archives and Heritage project sharing quirky and scandalous stories emerging from the church court case papers of the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry. By coincidence, at the start of December, I’d been asked if I knew where Christopher and Ann Hill’s house, also known as the Sign of the Talbott, was in Elizabethan Lichfield, as it was where Tamworth woman Grace Spooner called Ellen Allen ‘ a whore, an arrant whore and a common strumpytt and whore and not worthie to be talked of’ leading to a defamation case. You can read the post about the case here. A later incarnation of the Talbot stood at the corner of Bore Street and Bird St and is mentioned in various books about Lichfield pubs including John Shaw’s classic Old Pubs of Lichfield and Neil Coley’s more recent Lichfield Pubs. Intriguingly, records now held at Stafford Record Office show that at some point the Beacon Street Talbot was known as the Three Crowns. Of course, this too had a later incarnation and The Three Crowns on Breadmarket St is famous for being frequented by Dr Johnson, as marked by a plaque on the early 18th century building. The Angel Croft takes its name from another inn, the Angel, which stood to the south of the site and was in existence since at least 1498, when it was listed as the prebend of Freeford’s property. Harwood’s history of Lichfield describes it as being in what was known as Cardon’s Lane, later Guard Lane. It seems it was destroyed during the Civil War but again the name was resurrected when The Angel opened on Market Street in the 18th century, where it still remains, despite a spell in the wilderness as Samuels. The third inn in our holy trinity is the Lamb, a baa owned by the Vicars Choral in 1592 where Westgate Cottage now stands. Presumably the former was demolished to make way for the latter as the Lamb shows up on Snape’s 1781 map of Lichfield and the listed building entry for Westgate Cottage describes it as being built in the 18th century. The adjoining Westgate House, was built on the site of another ancient building known as Pool Hall, again thought to have been destroyed by fire during the civil war and later rebuilt, before being replaced by the current Georgian building. Time never stands still and neither should it (although it once seemed like it did waiting to be served in a pub which shall remain nameless). We’ve gone back five hundred years but I could take you back further still to where a Roman goblet or Neolithic tools were found (and perhaps next year I will). The past should shape us but not limit us and I think this bit of Lichfield deserves something more imaginative than a resurfaced car park (I always get back to car parks these days somehow). Development for me is about constructively building on the foundations of what’s gone before and adding the next layer. Making sure you incorporate an old shoe in there somewhere of course. Chisel optional. Sources: Lichfield: Manors and other estates’, in A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 14, Lichfield, ed. M W Greenslade (London, 1990) A ? Z of Lichfield, Jono Oates (2019) After posting about the Unicorn Inn, someone asked if I knew anything about the Goats Head as they’d seen an old photograph of it. Well, I kid you not, it turns out it’s yet another old Lichfield boozer that’s still there. Sort of. In June 1969, the Mercury reported that the Goats Head would become a branch of Barclays Bank to meet increasing demand for services. The New Year chimed the bells of doom for the inn and also, the end of an era for licensees Horace and Maud Wilson. The Wilsons were born in the city and had run four Lichfield pubs in the course of their careers. They cut their teeth at the Angelesey in Curborough Rd, now a Co-op, and then went to the Kings Head for nine years, followed by the Swan for a further nine, before spending twelve years at the Goats Head. Mr Wilson had been born at the Royal Oak on the Walsall Rd, which had been kept by his grandfather, a cooper. At the New Years Eve party, old aquaintances were not forgotten as 65 year old Fred Matthews of The Parchments, who had worked at the hotel as a hostler recalled a Mrs Lyons from the Roundabout at Handsacre who was apparently six foot tall and strong as a bull and had, ‘carried a bag of ‘taters under her arms from The Old Crown to this yard where she used to have to stand on an empty crate to get into the float or the ‘oss and cart would-a tipped up’. I’d read that on one of the corners of Bore Street and Breadmarket St, Father John Kirk was installed as the priest of a new chapel established above a bakery when Pipe Hall in Burntwood, which had become established as a centre for Roman Catholicism in the area, was sold. Whilst this must have been handy for daily bread, directly above a baker’s oven was not a good place for a congregation to gather and the heat at times must have been too much like the bad place for comfort. In 1802, Father Kirk bought land in Upper St John St and built a new chapel and presbytery there, originally known as St Peter and Paul but later called Holy Cross.? I was praying the chapel was located in the building that became the Goats Head purely so I could make a reference to the father, son and holy goat. However, in The Gentleman’s Magazine it says it was ‘that known in present as the Dolphin public house’ which is that known in present as White Stuff on the opposite corner. Holy Cross church and ATTACHED Presbytery This reminds me that I think the old Goat was rebuilt at some point, replaced by a new kid on the block. The photo that originally started this off is on Staffordshire Past Track and shows the Goats Head Tavern, apparently in the early 20th century (although it must be earlier as the sign outside shows the landlord as TA Carter, but the license was transferred from him to William Hill in June 1890) and the building in the picture looks significantly different to the one currently occupying the site. You’ll have to look at the photo via this link as I have totes failed to embed it. Talking of signs, I found a lovely article in the Lichfield Mercury from September 1970 on the Bower Brothers ? Eric, John, Ted, Malcolm and David ? whose dad Sydney, the son of a stonemason, had established a sign painting business in a 1920 in the backyard of a big Burton Brewery. The brothers had painted a sign for the Goats Head Inn but also the Bowling Green, The Malt Shovel, The Nelson, The Nag’s Head and many other pubs in the Lichfield and Burntwood area. Thirty hours of work produced one double sided sign, each one a unique piece of art which began with research into the name, and then a small watercolour painting submitted for approval, before being scaled up and transferred to wood. Eric kept a book of the designs from around Lichfield which w
Lore amazon prime. Technically wouldn't this be the second war of factions as the first two was the same the third was against the legion? Going by Blizzard logic wouldn't this then be the 7th war as they missed the lich king, Garrosh and last legion invasion. 1 lore [??l?:] lore знания (в определенной области); профессиональные знания; bird lore орнитология computer lore вчт. сведения о использовании машинных ресурсов lore знания (в определенной области); профессиональные знания; bird lore орнитология lore вчт. статистика использованных ресурсов lore зоол. уздечка (у птиц) English-Russian short dictionary > lore 2 I [l?:] 1) традиционные практические знания the lore of the Egyptians - знания, которыми обладали египтяне 2) знания в какой-л. области fairy lore - знание сказок /легенд, преданий/ herbal lore - наука о травах, их свойствах, лекарственных 2. учёность; эрудиция II НБАРС > lore 3 ??l?: I сущ. практические знания; профессиональные знания; традиционные знания, верования bird lore II сущ. ; зоол. уздечка ( у птиц) (книжное) традиционные практические знания - the * of the Egyptians знания, которыми обладали египтяне - doctors' * практические знания врачей - weather * of peasants крестьянское умение предсказывать погоду знания в какой-л. области - bird * орнитология - fairy * знание сказок /легенд, преданий/ - herbal * наука о травах, их свойствах, особ. лекарственных (устаревшее) ученость, эрудиция уздечка (у птиц) lore знания (в определенной области); профессиональные знания; bird lore орнитология computer ~ вчт. сведения о использовании машинных ресурсов lore знания (в определенной области); профессиональные знания; bird lore орнитология ~ вчт. статистика использованных ресурсов ~ зоол. уздечка (у птиц) Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lore 4 Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > lore 5 Англо-русский синонимический словарь > lore 6 1. n книжн. традиционные практические знания 2. арх. учёность; эрудиция 3. n уздечка Синонимический ряд: 1. folklore (noun) folklore; legend; myth; mythology; mythos; tradition 2. knowledge (noun) erudition; information; knowledge; learning; science 3. lesson (noun) advice; counsel; doctrine; lesson; teaching; wisdom English-Russian base dictionary > lore 7 English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > lore 8 noun знания (в определенной области); профессиональные знания; bird lore орнитология noun zool. уздечка (у птиц) * * * (n) традиционные практические знания; уздечка; ученость; эрудиция практические знания; профессиональные знания [ l?r /l??] знания, профессиональные знания, уздечка уздечка эрудиция сущ. практические знания; профессиональные знания; традиционные знания сущ. ; зоол. Новый англо-русский словарь > lore 9 I [l??] II [l??]; зоол. Англо-русский современный словарь > lore 10 Lore (noun), lore + law шутл. высокий профессионализм футбольного тренера Колина Мерфи Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Lore 11 Персональный Сократ > lore 12 English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > lore 13 English-Russian big medical dictionary > lore 14 The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > lore 15 English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > lore 16 LORE Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LORE 17 Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lore 18 [l??] практические знания; профессиональные знания; традиционные знания, верования Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > lore 19 English-russian biological dictionary > lore 20 Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > lore См. также в других словарях: Lore ? Personaje de Star Trek Interpretado por Brent Jay Spiner Información Raza Androide Sexo … ? Wikipedia Español Lore ? oder Loré bezeichnet: Güterlore, einen Transportwagen alle Eisenbahnfahrzeuge die auf der Halligbahn Lüttmoorsiel?Nordstrandischmoor eingesetzt werden Charles B. Lore (1831?1911), US amerikanischer Politiker (Delaware) Lore (Album), ein Album der … ? Deutsch Wikipedia Lore ? may refer to: * Lore, all the facts and traditions about a particular subject that have been accumulated over time through education or experience. * Folklore, acquired knowledge or traditional beliefs * Lore, region between the eye and bill on… … ? Wikipedia Lore ? Lore, n. [OE. lore, lare, AS. l[=a]r, fr. l[=ae]ran to teach; akin to D. leer teaching, doctrine, G. lehre, Dan. l[ae]re, Sw. l[ a]ra. See {Learn}, and cf. {Lere}, v. t. ] 1. That which is or may be learned or known; the knowledge gained from… … ? The Collaborative International Dictionary of English Loré ? bezeichnet einen Ort und die Sucos Loré I und Loré II im Distrikt Lautém, Osttimor, siehe Loré (Lospalos) eine Gemeinde in der französischen Region Basse Normandie, siehe: Loré (Orne) … ? Deutsch Wikipedia Lore ? (l[=o]r), n. [F. lore, L. lorum thong. ] (Zo[ o]l. ) (a) The space between the eye and bill, in birds, and the corresponding region in reptiles and fishes. (b) The anterior portion of the cheeks of insects. [1913 Webster] … ? The Collaborative International Dictionary of English Lore ? Lore, obs. imp. & p. p. of {Lose}. [See {Lose}. ] Lost. [1913 Webster] Neither of them she found where she them lore. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … ? The Collaborative International Dictionary of English loré ? loré, ée (lo ré, rée) adj. Terme de blason. Poisson loré, poisson dont les nageoires sont d un autre émail que le corps. Loré de gueules. ???On écrit aussi lorré … ? Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré Loré ? País … ? Wikipedia Español loré ? loré, ée [l??e] adj. ÉTYM. 1694; lorré, 1664; orig. inconnue. ? ? Blason. (D un poisson). Dont les nageoires sont d un autre émail que le corps. || Dauphin d or loré de gueules … ? Encyclopédie Universelle lore ? [lo: US lo:r] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: lar teaching, lesson] knowledge or information about a subject, for example nature or magic, that is not written down but is passed from person to person ? According to local lore, a ghost still haunts … ? Dictionary of contemporary English Книги Plant lore, legends, and lyrics. Embracing the myths, traditions, superstitions, and folk-lore of the plant kingdom, Folkard Richard. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться… Подробнее ? Купить за 1326 руб The Folk Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds, Charles Swainson. 1886. The author has gathered, from various quarters, the provincial names of wild British birds, as well as the popular sayings and superstitions attached to them, and when possible… Подробнее ? Купить за 1310 руб Lore of Proserpine, Hewlett Maurice Henry. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться… Подробнее ? Купить за 1310 руб Другие книги по запросу ?lore? >>
Амер.? |l??r| Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером. ? брит.? |l??| Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером. ? знания, профессиональные знания, уздечка существительное ↓ -? традиционные практические знания the lore of the Egyptians??? знания, которыми обладали египтяне ? doctors' lore??? практические знания врачей ? weather lore of peasants??? крестьянское умение предсказывать погоду ? -? знания в какой-л. области bird lore??? орнитология ? fairy lore??? знание сказок /легенд, преданий/ ? herbal lore??? наука о травах, их свойствах, особ. лекарственных ? -? арх. учёность; эрудиция -?уздечка (у птиц) Словосочетания computer lore??? сведения об использовании машинных ресурсов ? detailed lore??? подробное знакомство ? folk -lore??? фольклор ? museum of local lore??? краеведческий музей ? student of local lore??? краевед ? study of local lore??? краеведение ? weather lore??? пословица или народная примета о погоде; приметы погоды ? word lore??? наука о словах; лексикология; морфология ? word -lore??? наука о словах; лексикология; морфология ? Примеры According to local lore, a ghost still haunts the castle. ? Согласно местным преданиям, в замке до сих пор обитает привидение. ?? The author has collected a treasury of facts and lore about horses. ? Автор собрал целую сокровищницу фактов и сведений о лошадях. ?? Примеры, ожидающие перевода early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend ? ? ? Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ?, напротив примера. Возможные однокоренные слова loran ???система дальней радионавигации,.
Lire la suite du billet. Haz un top de god of war sobre las armas u objetos que pensamos que usariamos para nuestra utilidad pero al final las utilizamos para otra cosas por ejemplo el escudo de perseo que ´´obtenemos´´ en god of war 2 o la lanza de teseo tambien del mismo juego estaria genial. Top definitions related content examples explore dictionary british [ lawr, lohr] / l?r, lo?r / noun the body of knowledge, especially of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject: the lore of herbs. learning, knowledge, or erudition. Archaic. the process or act of teaching; instruction. something that is taught; lesson. Words related to lore custom, knowledge, superstition, tale, adage, folklore, fable, tradition, mythology, legend, belief, information, doctrine, saying, saga, science, saw, experience, learning, teaching Words nearby lore lords temporal, lords-and-ladies, lordship, lordship of the isles, lordy, lore, lorelei, loren, lorena, lorentz, lorentz force Origin of lore 1 before 950; Middle English; Old English lār; cognate with Dutch leer, German Lehre teaching. See learn OTHER WORDS FROM lore lore?less, adjective Definition for lore (2 of 2) lore 2 [ lawr, lohr] / l?r, lo?r / noun Zoology. the space between the eye and the bill of a bird, or a corresponding space in other animals, as snakes. Origin of lore 2 1615?25; < New Latin lōrum, special use of Latin lōrum thong, strap Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Examples from the Web for lore According to lore, 145 of these original soldiers of fortune either fled battle or were captured and settled in the area. And the not-so-subtle winks to Batman lore will be enough to satiate hungry fanboys for now. With music by Leonard Bernstein, this iconic show has tunes like “New York, New York, ” that are part of American lore. The life of the club owner was something Leonard left behind, the noise and violence drifting into lore. Revel in Wild West lore at the Pony Express National Museum?and Jesse James Home Museum?in St Joseph, just outside KC. It is unfortunate that one so profound in Pophamistic lore should not express his ideas in clear and idiomatic English. And after they had taken up their residence there, many venerable ascetics endued with Vedic lore often came to see them. Already she is wise in the lore of women's ways, especially young married women who make a bid for the attention of gentlemen. He is a divine legislator, cunning in Runic lore, and the creator of mankind. He has spent much time and labor in going from village to village to collect the songs, the customs, and lore of the peasants. British Dictionary definitions for lore (1 of 2) lore 1 noun collective knowledge or wisdom on a particular subject, esp of a traditional nature knowledge or learning archaic teaching, or something that is taught Word Origin for lore Old English lār; related to leornian to learn British Dictionary definitions for lore (2 of 2) lore 2 noun the surface of the head of a bird between the eyes and the base of the bill the corresponding area in a snake or fish Word Origin for lore C19: from New Latin lōrum, from Latin: strap Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012.

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The World: exists TK: IT'S BEEN MY FREE REAL ESTATE FOR MILLENIA. Beep. So things didn’t quite work out as planned as you can deduce by my four year hiatus from this blog. Forgotten Lore indeed. I did make some board game prototypes; five or six actually. I lose count. In the end I realized that things just were not working out as I had hoped. Part of this I think was due to the nature of designing and play testing a physical game vs. a digital. You would think that they would be similar but they are not. The digital games in my indie experience, which means me doing the design and coding and then relying on others to pitch in for art, music and play testing, were like sculpting. You made choices at chipping away at the marble but your process went forward whether or not you broke off the nose. In that case you added a prosthetic nose or carved a new one. When designing a board game you have so much more flexibility that it’s almost paralyzing. You can cut the nose off and then decide its not a human but an alien with a smelling orifice, add tentacles and then quickly chip those away just for the heck of it. If you don’t like the sculpt then just throw the whole block away and start again. After all it’s just a bunch of cheap card holders, die and a pdf rule book not a code base. There was also a dirty little secret of mine that came in to play (pun intended). I love collecting games, ogling the pieces, inhaling the rule books, setting them up and fiddling around with them but I don’t actually play them with people all that much. Playing with real people for me has been limited to those lame party games at the beach house every summer. Oh, and Ticket To Ride because my mom loves that game. The Train Game she calls it. So yeah, there are solitaire games; good ones even. And I kept finding myself compelled to try and make game designs that had strong solitaire possibilities. But in the end I kept coming back to computer games as my preferred way of entertaining myself. You can do things in digital that you simply can’t with card board; set up, ai, visuals. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying one is better than the other. There are strong arguments for playing both in different circumstances. But for me and my misanthropic, hermit ways it became obvious that computer games were the best fit. And once I had decompressed from making games for ten years, I started to actually enjoy them again. But I did make some board games and I’d like to thing they were fun. The problem was that I kept thinking that they really weren’t all that original. If you’ve looked at the board game world lately you can see that it has exploded. Are there new mechanics left to be invented or cleverly juxtaposed inside a spiffy rule system? Perhaps marginally so but it’s to the point where it almost has to be a gimmick to be novel. Theme is king nowadays. In the end I realized that while my designs were fun, mostly, they weren’t anything special. And seriously how special can you be moving one piece of card board here or flipping one card there or making you go oh, I want to do that but I have to do this or that other thing might happen. In the meantime you surrender yourself to the enchantment of the game’s thematic appeal and wonder of wonders it still isn’t enough. And even if you like elves with pointy ears and shotguns, it’s still not enough despite the cool new mini sculpts. You end up collecting boxes of cool sculpts that you never paint. And then your wife starts yelling at you to clean out your office but I digress. So what unpublished treasures did I create? One was a multi player assassin game set in a mythical fantasy city. You can see the prototype in previous post. You had to use cards and attribute stats to roll dice to come up with enough “successes” to beat other numbers that represented mission objectives. Your opponents could mess with you or bluff you. You tried to get enough VP to win when the end game condition triggered. I let that sit for a while but later came back to it and turned it into a game focused on just two players but really tuned well for one player. It had you try and become guild leader by getting prestige points which you spent in the last mission encounter with the evil guild master. You could buy powerups etc to help beat the last mission. You didn’t always know what you were facing unless you had put some effort into discovering the final boss’s secret abilities so it wasn’t always easy to know what to buy. I made a space exploration game. You had cards that represented your ship and you put little wooden cubes on them to track fuel, supplies and tactics. You rolled dice to get successes to beat encounter cards and survey planets. You could spend the cubes to add dice or play cards to do so or change the rules (rerolls etc. ) It was fun but very fiddly. I made an Armageddon Empires card game. I tried to capture the whole recon, supply, turtle vs aggressive offense strategy choices that the game has. You could build special project with your labs and then nuke your opponents HQ if you could find it. I created a great recon system for that which I was really proud of. You could see your opponents cards of course but you had to tag them with a recon token to actually attack them. It had something like 350 cards so I realized that it just wasn’t going to work. I spent countless hours in photoshop making the mock ups with the AE art. Even got them printed up. They did look sharp. I started trying to really come up with a good solitaire game in the mold of Dawn of the Zeds. I had wanted to do an asymmetrical computer game like that but in a fantasy setting but I realized though that my coding days were long gone. But I came up with several designs centered around cards where you built up your kingdom and then an AI opponent with special rules attacked you from all points of the compass; The Demon Horde etc. There was a design based on Chakra colors and symbol matching that I worked on for ages but never really got into a state that was fun. There were a couple of others too that were just printed paper slips in card holders. The cats chewed them up since they were plastic. So TLDR: Designing board games didn’t turn out like I thought it would. It ground me down in the end. But it led to something else. Part of the fun of playing and making games is the story generation aspect. And that’s what I found that I really enjoyed. So hopefully in a month or so, I will have something to show anybody who is interested. I won’t say anything more until it’s ready. But it’s NOT a game; card board, digital or otherwise. I’ve added an email list sign up to this blog if you would like to get notifications of new posts or updates about my new secret project. The address will never be sold or shared with anybody.
Ru ??? ??????? Deutsch English Español Français ????? Italiano 日本語 Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Türkçe Перевод Context Спряжение Синонимы Реклама английский арабский немецкий испанский французский иврит итальянский японский голландский польский португальский румынский русский турецкий На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику. На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику. легенды преданиям преданию легенде преданий знаниях преданиях преданиями легендах легенд Лора Лор Лоре Lore The lore changes blog to blog. Знания меняются от блога к блогу. By this marriage the much differing lore and traditions of the two Houses were brought together. В этом браке сильно различающиеся знания и традиции двух Домов эдайн были сведены вместе. Dean, there's lore about spirits possessing people and riding them for miles. Дин, есть легенды о призраках, вселявшихся в людей и перемещавшихся в них на километры. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there. Пойду, почитаю там какие-нибудь легенды. According to dubious lore, Blackbeard used these flintlocks to sink a Leviathan. Согласно сомнительным преданиям, черная Борода использовал эти ружья, чтобы потопить Левиафана. According to lore, these will open the Vault of Heaven. Согласно преданиям, это откроет Небесный Свод. His stables were so extensive that, according to popular lore, Khumarawaih never rode a horse more than once. Его конюшни были настолько велики, что, по народным преданиям, Хумаравейх никогда не ездил на одной лошади более раза. The books and recipes were collected from monasteries where scholars had preserved the medical lore. Книги и рецепты были взяты в монастырях, где учёные сохранили медицинские знания. Now, almost every single culture has the lore of a creature or being that cheats death. Теперь, почти у каждой культуры есть знания по существу, или в том, что она обманывает смерть. She spends all her time trolling for cases and reading lore. Всё время болтает про охоту и читает легенды. You know the history, the lore in my draft was completely accurate. Знаешь, история и легенды в моей рукописи были предельно точны. According to local lore, it's water ran red 200 years ago when a conquistador drowned his unfaithful wife here. По местным преданиям, 200 лет назад, здесь лилась красная вода когда конкистадор утопил свою неверную жену. Probably have to check the lore - or maybe dad's journal. Наверное, нужно заглянуть в легенды или в папин дневник. I mean, how much lore is even left? Я имею ввиду, сколько " знания " еще осталось? Every culture has a shapeshifter lore. That has been the lore of the Bureau for years. Таковы выводы Бюро за долгие годы. Well, I'm just saying, that's what the lore says. It's pretty rare, And it's probably the most powerful plant in pagan lore. Это довольно редкое, и, возможно, самое мощное растение в языческих поверьях. According to the lore, the timing is off. Согласно книге, время не подходящее. That's in the lore, too. Ничего не найдено для этого значения. Результатов: 377. Точных совпадений: 377. Затраченное время: 51 мс Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, Больше Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Больше Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Больше Разработано Prompsit Language Engineering для Softissimo.
Lire la suite sur le site. Lorenz curve. Lorem ipsum. Tyrande, I don't think you want to be putting blame at race/faction if everyone starts blaming you for everything Azshara did. Lore pubgm. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Dfbm-16 - cdr - 2013 File under: psychedelic, folk, ambient, american primitive Rag Lore from the Poor Farm presents pure american primitive space blues. It feels like he's pulling and sliding the steel strings through your head, from one ear to the other. ~ 45 minutes (incl. bonus) of lapsteel guitar meditations and concrete drones and Delta Blues. The awesome handmade package of interactive cd folders was concepted and made by Matthew Russell Boteilho and his wife. Release date: June, 1st 2013, 100% hand transfered prints?on Stumptown cd folders. SOLD OUT Tracklist Abstraction al-Ruh Lament al-Zindiq Pharaonic Blues Variations - Eba Shaar Ala Abbri (See That My Grave Is Kept Clean) (Bonus) Parhelia Kelab Eshams (Bonus) Matthew Russell Boteilho - Lapstyle Guitar, Tape Loops, Production & Design Eyebeams - Marcus Obst Kelab Eshams is "Sun Dogs" in arabic "Parhelia" is the scientific term for what a "Sun Dog" actually is; an astrological phenomenon where the sun creates rings around itself. If you know your stuff and connect the dots, you'll be able to close the circle to another influence by M. R. Boteilho. This was also released on tape by Space Slave. The musical content is partly the same. Feedback From my perspective, we’ve all been living in a post-Daniel Bachman world for a while; a talented guitarist and pioneer of some incredible new folk, Bachman seems exemplary of a new generation of young outsider songwriters who in the purity of their craft transmit a kind of precocious naïveté, as if the perspective they share had gone away from the world for a while and then returned naturally. That isn’t to say there’s anything precious about their recordings, just that they are so confident that appreciating their subtlety requires a radical re-interpretation of the usual influences; folk, Americana, blues, and a wild range of contemporary string ragas. Rag Lore emerges from the same generation of easy-to-listen-to radicals, skewed farther towards the mystical traditions of other lands, much on display with his most recent recordings on tape from Space Slave Editions, CD from Dying For Bad Music (who’ve also released Bachman’s work), and digitally from Poor Farm Editions. The album’s title, Sabah el Mitragyna, lends it significant color; ”sabah” is singer and “Mitragyna” is a lightly toxic type of southeast Asian plant consumed as a stimulant. Sixty minutes long and separated into side-spanning tracks, the cassette presents the a-side, “Al-Ruh”, or “spirit”, and “Lament al-Zindiq”, Zindiq having been a tragic Muslim poet of the Al-Andalus. I have it on no authority but my own that these may be reference points for the tape, but I’d like to think I haven’t strayed too far. Now that I’m finishing this post up, I’ve read on Weed Temple that Rag Lore’s “Matthew Boteilho”, a longtime lap-steel guitarist, is “about to make a big move to Cairo, Egypt from Houston, TX”; appropriate enough considering Texas’ fecund experimental psych scene could claim as much influence on these recordings as his new place of residence, if not more. Whatever the case, Sabah el Mitragyna is a gorgeous collection of improvisations and easily adds a new light to the constellation of new-folk mystics at work today. DWIGHT PAVLOVIC @Decoder Magazine explosive american primitive country blues from rag lore aka matthew botheilho of houston, tx. this new album out on the dying for bad music label features extended meditations on the musical space where east meets west. droning strings, singing slides and ambient loops build a sonic texas taj mahal. fans of suni mcgrath, jon fahey or robbie basho will feel right at home with this album. pick it up as well as other great psych/folk/primitive/lofi releases on DFBM here at their website… the modern folk music of america Lengthy, healthy improvisations where the shamanic string licks meet eternal drones and psychedelic atmospherics to fill your head with cascading aural orgasms that just keep coming and coming. Weedtemple.
Германия, 1945 год. Группа детей отправляется в?путешествие по?разоренной Германии, чтобы добраться до?бабушки, которая живет на?севере страны. Старшая Лоре осталась одна с?четырьмя младшими братьями и?сестрой после того, как?их родители, члены СС, были арестованы союзниками. Это?путешествие покажет детям настоящий реальный мир?и последствия действий их?родителей. После того, как?они встречают молодого еврея Томаса, ненависть и?желание начинают терзать Лоре. Рейтинг кинокритиков 94% о рейтинге критиков Трейлеры Знаете похожие фильмы? Порекомендуйте их... Порекомендуйте фильмы, похожие на ? ? по жанру, сюжету, создателям и т. д. * внимание! система не позволяет рекомендовать к фильму сиквелы / приквелы ? не пытайтесь их искать Отзывы и рецензии зрителей Добавить рецензию...
Welcome to our Language Lore page. This page has links to our foreign language learning tips and culture stories. Over the years we've studied languages?in many countries. During the course of our?travels, we've learned helpful techniques, gathered interesting stories, and?gleaned insight into other cultures.?Learn from our community language learning expeditions. Each link takes you to a page where we share?foreign language learning tips, share how we've come to better understand another culture. These pages?are designed to show you how to implement Walkabout community language learning strategies. Use our examples here for any language you want to learn. We hope to see you back soon. After you've read the ideas and suggestions here, we recommend two useful resources: Download the Walkabout Language Learning Action Guide. It contains step by step instructions to help you create your own language learning program. Check out Owen Lee's Ultimate Language Secrets; packed with ideas, it is a great supplement to Walkabout Language Learning. Most recently, Terry and Ann journeyed to Cuba. Read their Cuba blog below to learn more about what they experienced there. Would you like to learn more about how to create your own successful blog like this one? Maybe you have great travel stories to share, or a passion like we have for language learning. We learned the techniques to build this website that gets traffic, makes money, AND lets us share our passion with people like you. You can too. Language Lore: Cuba Culture For fifty years, it was illegal for Americans to visit Cuba. But in recent years, the laws have been softened--slightly. It is still difficult for Americans to visit Cuba. The law in the United States only allows visitors that meet certain requirements: humanitarian projects, students, religious visitors. Terry and Ann visited Cuba in 2012 as part of a humanitarian mission to Cuba. They and their fellow travelers brought medical supplies to Jewish clinics in Cuba. Most Popular Cuba Pages Read the whole Cuban blog. It starts with our rainy flight from Miami to Cuba where we are greeted by rows of Cuban classic cars. We visit Jewish synagogues, meet Cuban people, search for Che Guevara, stay in fancy hotels, sit with John Lennon, and ponder on the effect of the US Cuban embargo. A Flight into the Past Intrigue Sizzles in the Air Revival in Jewish Cuba Holocaust Tributes in Cuba Cuba Classic Cars Cuban People Ernesto Che Guevara Fancy Cuban Resort Cuban Life After 50 Plus years of Castros Cuban Embargo Learning Spanish in Peru Ann and?Terry have been working on their Spanish for forty years or so. Terry developed a loved for Spanish speaking people in his small home town in Southern Colorado. Later, after college, he and Ann worked at the Head Start. Most of the children in the program where children of Hispanic immigrants. Their first trip to Cuernavaca Mexico in 1973 let them practice the language full time, and they developed an unquenchable thirst for it. They traveled to Cusco, Peru in 2007 for a four week intensive Spanish program. Read about their adventures. Most Popular Peru Pages Images of Peru Housing Peru housing is one of many bright spots in our trip. Maximo Nivel provided for great accommodation, matching us with a Cusco host family that keeps students regularly. Diner hour provides a daily community language learning experience. Although, these four are our most popular pages, there are lots of great language learning tips and in the rest of our Peru pages.?You can read how we handled getting sick, and learn about the many sights that we saw while in Peru, as well at the one that we wished we saw. Business Trip to India In 2003, Leslie's employer sent her to India to help launch a new business account in Gurgaon, a suburb of New Delhi. Although, she was there on business, she also spent some time studying Hindi. Most of all, she was fascinated by India's culture and how different it was from her own. At Walkabout Language Learning, we believe that understanding culture opens the door to better understanding language, and that learning language helps us better understand culture. Most Popular India Pages Read the whole series of reflections on India and Indian culture. Learn about traffic in India, eat street food, explore Indian clothing, music and food, and reflect with Leslie about what they do with all those cows that wander around the streets. Also, she how she used this business trip to learn a little bit of the local language. Introduction to India Blog Welcome to Delhi Holy Cow, What Happens When One Dies? Visit to the Market Traffic in India Call Centers in India: Am I Talking to … Myself? No Water? India’s Dilemma. Power Out? No Biggie Indian Clothing Here and There Indian Music: Singing Songs and Swimming Swamp Whatever You Do, Don’t Spoil Your Car Explore the Taj Mahal in a Unique Way Poverty in India: A little TV Tonight? Your Tarp or Mine? Sweet Shops Return from Language Lore to Your Language Guide home Stay in Touch with Language Lore ezine Want to stay in touch? Subscribe to Language Lore, our internet language learning email newsletter. This free ezine facilitates your language learning journey.?See our back issues here. Go to your email now to confirmation your subscription. If you don't see an email within an hour (check your junk mail folder too), please contact us.?We respect your privacy and never sell or rent our subscriber lists.?If you want to get off this list later, one click unsubscribes you.
They all died falling off those walkways with no railings 600 feet in the air. Když žijete ve lži, jak poznáte pravdu? Jaro roku 1945 ? německý odpor se hroutí. Spojenecké síly se valí přes mateřskou zemi pěti dětí, které se vydávají na cestu, jež zpochybní jakoukoli naši představu o tom, co je rodina, láska a přátelství. Poté, co byli Lořini (Saskia Rosendhalová) nacističtí rodiče (Hans-Jochen Wagner a Ursina Lardiová) uvězněni americkými a sovětskými vojsky a ona byla ponechána svému osudu, přebírá dívka zodpovědnost za své čtyři mladší sourozence a vede je z Bavorska přes zničenou zemi na sever do bezpečí babiččina domu vzdáleného asi 900 km. Na své pouti děti musejí překonávat mnohé těžkosti, které s sebou přinášejí nelehké poválečné podmínky. Lore začíná chápat realitu ? hrůzu Hitlerovy války i důsledky jednání svých nacistických rodičů, kteří znali a schvalovali zvěrstva holocaustu. Jak se ze dnů stávají týdny, potkají sourozenci záhadného a fascinujícího Thomase (Kai Malina), vyčerpaného židovského uprchlíka, o jehož minulosti nikdo nic neví. Thomas se skupinkou putuje přes lesy a pole a postupně si díky vytrvalé houževnatosti a znepokojující dobrotivosti přece jen získá jejich důvěru. Má však Lore Thomasovi důvěřovat? A pokud nebude, co se stane s jejími sourozenci? Přežijí? Lore nás žádá, abychom znovu zauvažovali nad podstatou lásky, viny a odpuštění ve válkami zjizveném světě. Číst dál Původní název: Lore Země, rok a délka: Austrálie, Německo 2012 / 108 minut Režie: Cate Shortlandová Scénář: Cate Shortlandová, Robin Mukherjee Kamera: Adam Arkapaw Hudba: Max Richter Hrají: Saskia Rosendahl, Nele Trebs, Ursina Lardi, Hans-Jochen Wagner, André Frid, Mika Seidel ad. V kinech: 11/04/2013?10/04/2021 Žánr: drama Formát: Dcp, Dvd Poměr stran: 1:1. 85 Jazyková verze: Titulky / dabing: české titulky Přístupnost: 12+ Technické údaje drama / Lore / Austrálie, Německo 2012 / 108 minut Režie: Cate Shortlandová / Scénář: Cate Shortlandová, Robin Mukherjee / Kamera: Adam Arkapaw / Hudba: Max Richter / Hrají: Saskia Rosendahl, Nele Trebs, Ursina Lardi, Hans-Jochen Wagner, André Frid, Mika Seidel ad. V kinech: 11/04/2013?10/04/2021 / Dcp, Dvd / 1:1. 85 / / české titulky / Doporučená přístupnost: 12+ Ke stažení Žádné projekce jsme nenalezli.
It's prnounced TRTitor. A dark eldar woman as a bodyguard and lover? If only they were not evil, then too many men would be asking for them on demand. Guardsman: Hey, you should meet my wife. She is so beautiful, can fight, and loves me so much. Learn more More Like This Thriller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. 5 / 10 X A woman searches for her missing son in a remote wilderness with the help of her estranged husband and a Native American friend. When an evil creature starts to hunt them, their journey becomes a fight for survival. Directors: Christian Larsen, Brock Manwill Stars: Lyndsey Lantz, Max Lesser, Sean Wei Mah Drama | Fantasy Horror 7. 2 / 10 An anthology series based on popular Internet Creepypastas Candle Cove, The No-End House, Butcher's Block, and The Dream Door. Brandon Scott, Marina Stephenson Kerr, Abigail Pniowsky Sci-Fi 7. 3 / 10 A sci-fi anthology series with stand-alone episodes based on the works of Philip K. Dick. Steve Buscemi, Geraldine Chaplin, Bryan Cranston 6. 3 / 10 A horror anthology series with each episode inspired by a holiday. Aurora Perrineau, Diane Sellers, Katie Wilson 7. 5 / 10 Heidi works at Homecoming, a facility helping soldiers transition to civilian life. Years later when the Department of Defense questions why she left, Heidi realizes there's a whole other story behind the one she's been telling herself. Stephan James, Julia Roberts, Bobby Cannavale Adventure History 8 / 10 Supernatural, semihistorical, horror anthology series, where each season is inspired by a different infamous or mysterious real life historical tragedy. Jared Harris, Derek Mio, Tobias Menzies Comedy 6. 1 / 10 Anthology series set in room 104 of a seemingly average American motel, telling each time a different story of the assorted guests who pass through, which can range from funny and fantastical to dramatic and horrifying. Jennifer Lafleur, Jenny Leonhardt, Michael Chandler Mystery 8. 1 / 10 Follows three priests dealing with cases of a demonic presence targeting a family and a foster home. Alfonso Herrera, Ben Daniels, Kurt Egyiawan 7 / 10 Anthology of eight stories about people who believe themselves to be descendant of the Russian Royal family. Diane Lane, JJ Feild, Aaron Eckhart 6. 7 / 10 Charlie Manx, a seductive immortal who feeds off the souls of children, has his whole world threatened when a young woman in New England discovers she has a dangerous gift. Ashleigh Cummings, Zachary Quinto, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson A tale of the bungling of Armageddon features an angel, a demon, an eleven-year-old Antichrist, and a doom-saying witch. David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Frances McDormand Animation 8. 3 / 10 A woman discovers she has a new relationship with time after surviving a car accident that almost killed her. Rosa Salazar, Angelique Cabral, Constance Marie Edit Cast Series cast summary: Aaron Mahnke... Narrator 6 episodes, 2017 Storyline From the executive producer of The Walking Dead and the executive producer of The X-Files, this anthology series brings to life Aaron Mahnke's "Lore" podcast and uncovers the real-life events that spawned our darkest nightmares. Blending dramatic scenes, animation, archive and narration, Lore reveals how our horror legends - such as vampires, werewolves and body snatchers - are rooted in truth. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ?? Did You Know? Trivia Original production from Amazon Video. See more ? Soundtracks Ash Title Written by Chad Hamilton Lawson See more ?.
I don't think boats would work We need to summon the towing god, tow mater to help us in lending us his power. There is SOOOOOOOO much more than that! But you did good... Lore's chocolates.
The UESPWiki ? Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 First Century [ edit] 4E 1 [1] ? End of the Oblivion Crisis. The banishing of Mehrunes Dagon from Tamriel by the Champion of Cyrodiil, Martin Septim, and the avatar of Akatosh ends the Oblivion Crisis. The Septim bloodline ends and the Amulet of Kings is destroyed. The Third Era ends, marking the beginning of the Fourth. The Fourth Era begins with no Emperor on the throne of Tamriel. High Chancellor Ocato, the Elder Council, and the Blades try to maintain order. The provinces start to take advantage of the Empire's weakened state. 4E 5 ? The Red Year. Red Mountain erupts; Vvardenfell is devastated by natural disasters. In Vivec 's absence, the Ministry of Truth becomes unstable. Vuhon creates an Ingenium that uses at first dozens of dying souls, then a small number of living ones to stabilize the rock. The soul of Sul 's wife Ilzheven was among them. In a fight to free her, the Ingenium is destroyed and the rock crashes into the city of Vivec with all the energy it originally had. The impact causes Red Mountain to erupt and destroys the entire island of Vvardenfell, as well as causing massive destruction to the rest of the province. [2] 4E 5?10 ? The Empire begins to collapse. Black Marsh secedes from the Empire after the explosion of Red Mountain; it is soon followed by Elsweyr. The Argonians invade Morrowind and cripple House Telvanni. They are stopped by the forces of House Redoran. [2] 4E 10 ? Potentate Ocato is assassinated, likely by Thalmor agents, initiating the Stormcrown Interregnum. For the next seven years, the Elder Council is fractured by petty infighting over the Ruby Throne, further weakening Imperial power in the provinces. [3] 4E 11?15 ? Orsinium is sacked by the combined forces of Hammerfell and High Rock. Many Orc refugees flee east into Skyrim. Orsinium once again rebuilt and relocated; it is now between Hammerfell and Skyrim. [4] 4E 16 ? The High King of Skyrim formally gives Solstheim to the Dunmer. 4E 17 ? Titus Mede, a Colovian warlord, captures the Imperial City and is crowned the new emperor of the Empire of Tamriel. [3] 4E 18 ? Prince Attrebus Mede is born. [2] 4E 20 ? Refugees' Rest is decreed a monument commemorating the struggle faced by the refugees fleeing Morrowind. Once a meeting place for refugees fleeing to Skyrim from Morrowind, Refugees' Rest is decreed by the Jarls of Skyrim as monument to the struggle of those who fled their native home of Morrowind in the time following the Red Year. 4E 22 ? The Thalmor seize total control of Summerset Isle and rename it Alinor. 4E 23 ? Annaïg Hoïnart is born. [2] 4E 29 ? The Aldmeri Dominion is recreated after Alinor and Valenwood proclaim a union, and all contact is severed with the Empire. The union comes about after a Thalmor-backed coup overthrows Valenwood's government. The Empire and its Bosmer allies in the Imperial-backed government are caught off-guard and defeated by better-prepared Bosmer and Thalmor troops following the coup. [3] The Dominion severs all contact with the Empire and is silent for the next 70 years. Most Imperial scholars believe that there was some sort of internal strife in Alinor during this period. [3] 4E 38 ? Death of Vundheim, a great warrior and resident of Windhelm. His son, Deroct, lit a candle above the hearth in his house in his honor. As of 4E 201, the candle was still burning for reasons unknown, and the house had become an inn, Candlehearth Hall. [5] 4E 40 ? Umbriel, a floating city, appears on the coast of Black Marsh, heading toward Morrowind. [2] 4E 42 ? The Night of Green Fire occurs in Sentinel. Altmer dissidents who had fled to Sentinel from the Thalmor in Summerset Isle are attacked by Thalmor operatives. Their efforts to fight back against the Thalmor are in vain, and by the time Imperial Legion soldiers arrive, the entire refugee district of the city had been destroyed. The event became known as "The Night of Green Fire" due to the destructive magic attacks employed by both sides during the battle. [6] 4E 50 ? The Keepers of the Razor first appear in Imperial records. 4E 65 ? Brara Morvayn, ruler of Solstheim, passes away and is replaced by her son Lleril. 4E 95 ? An unsuccessful attempt is made on the life of Lleril Morvayn as part of a plot masterminded by House Hlaalu to take control of Solstheim from House Redoran. 4E 98 ? The two moons of Nirn ? Masser and Secunda ?vanish for two years in what becomes known as the Void Nights. Second Century [ edit] circa 4E 100 ? Artaeum disappears. For the second time in recorded history, the island Artaeum, home of the Psijic Order, vanishes. 4E 100 ? The Void Nights end, with the Thalmor taking credit for the return of Nirn's moons. The Khajiit credit the Thalmor as their saviors and Imperial influence in Elsweyr begins to wane dramatically. 4E 115 ? The Elsweyr Confederacy becomes the two kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine, which the Aldmeri Dominion accepts as client states. 4E 122 ? Most of Winterhold collapses into the sea during an event known as the Great Collapse. The citizens blame the College of Winterhold due to its remaining unscathed when everything around it falls into the Sea of Ghosts. The College denies this, theorizing that the collapse is tied to the destruction of Vivec and eruption of the Red Mountain. 4E 129 ? Riften is razed during an uprising against its Jarl. Hosgunn Crossed-Daggers controversially ascended to Riften's throne in 4E 98 and instituted harsh taxes for his personal benefit. The citizens rebel and burn Hosgunn's castle to the ground with him inside, but the fire spreads to the rest of the city. Riften is rebuilt over the next five years, but remains little more than a "glorified fortress" of "wooden structures and rough stonework" compared to the sprawling city of old. 4E 130 ? Lleril Morvayn uses his personal wealth to repair the Bulwark, a barricade which protects Raven Rock from ash storms. 4E 150 ? A small force of Argonians land on the island of Solstheim bent on destruction, but Lleril Morvayn repels them. 4E 168 ? Emperor Titus Mede II ascends to the throne. The Empire is now a shadow of its former glory. Valenwood and Elsweyr have been ceded to the Thalmor, Black Marsh has been lost to Imperial rule since the Oblivion Crisis, Morrowind has yet to fully recover from the eruption of Red Mountain, and Hammerfell is plagued by infighting between the Crown and Forebear factions. Only High Rock, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim remain prosperous and peaceful. 4E 171 ? The Great War begins with armies from the Aldmeri Dominion invading the Imperial provinces of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil. After Titus II rejects an ultimatum to make massive concessions to the Thalmor, Aldmeri armies invade. An army led by Thalmor general Lord Naarifin emerges from hidden camps in northern Elsweyr and assaults southern Cyrodiil, flanking Imperial defenses along the Valenwood border. Leyawiin falls to the invaders, and Bravil is surrounded and besieged. Simultaneously, an army under Lady Arannelya crosses western Cyrodiil, bypassing Anvil and Kvatch and entering Hammerfell. This army is joined by smaller forces landing on Hammerfell's coast. Imperial troops are forced into retreat across the Alik'r Desert, in an event known as the March of Thirst. 4E 174 ? The Imperial City is sacked by Aldmeri forces. Titus II flees north from the city, smashing through the surrounding Aldmeri forces with his main army and linking up with reinforcements heading south from Skyrim under General Jonna. The Imperial City falls to the invaders. The Imperial Palace is burned, White-Gold Tower is looted, and the Aldmeri commit many atrocities against the defenseless populace. 4E 174 ? The Reachmen rebel, taking over the Reach. With the Empire busy fighting the Thalmor, Markarth is left undefended. The Reachmen take the opportunity to overthrow the Nords of the Reach, retaking The Reach easily. The changeover is relatively peaceful, with only a few of the harshest Nord landowners being put to death. 4E 175 ? The Battle of the Red Ring results in the complete destruction of the main Aldmeri force in Cyrodiil, a victory for the Empire precipitating the end of the Great War. The Imperial City is retaken and Titus II's decision to withdraw from it the previous year is vindicated. Despite this resounding victory, however, the Empire is exhausted and unable to continue the war. Realizing this, Titus II seeks to negotiate with the Aldmeri Dominion to end the war. 4E 175 ? The Elder Scrolls mysteriously disappear from the Imperial Library. The Elder Scrolls are scattered across Tamriel by forces unknown. Members of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth set out to search for them. 4E 175 ? The Great War ends with the White-Gold Concordat. The peace treaty between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion gives the Thalmor free rein to stamp out the worship of Talos throughout the Empire, and cedes a large section of southern Hammerfell. Critics note that these terms are almost identical to the ultimatum that Titus II rejected at the start of the war. 4E 175 ? Hammerfell leaves the Empire after rejecting the White-Gold Concordat. Titus II renounces Hammerfell as a province of the Empire to preserve the treaty after the Redguards oppose ceding their lands. The Redguards see this as a betrayal, and a lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire is sown to the delight of the Thalmor. Hammerfell continues to war with the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years. 4E 176 ? Ulfric Stormcloak retakes The Reach, instigating the Markarth Incident. Skyrim and the son of the deposed Jarl of the Reach promise Ulfric Stormcloak free worship of Talos in exchange for retaking the province. Ulfric forms a Nord militia and crushes the Reachmen at Markarth with the aid of the thu'um. The survivors flee into the wilds, forming a group called the Forsworn. After the Empire reestablishes control over the Reach, Ulfric is arrested whe
The receding hairline gang twu RIP homeless Scotty. VaatiVidya, you have some of the best content on youtube. Keep it up man love the hard work, research, and passion for the souls games you put into your videos. Keep it up. Not liking this video, to do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis. Lorem ipsum generator. 8:25 Babies will stay with their parents untill they have developed the ability to enslave others ?. Loredana zefi. 27:18 I almost cried too?. Ahhh, my day is complete. Don't forget about Hellfire wyrms. Lire la. Just wanted to say that I watched this all the way through and I'm glad I did. Awesome work.
“She told him to use the force” ??.

Please keep that background music. I love it. Reminds me of the Antwan days, power to his name

Loren grey. 158, 525 people follow this Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Confirmed Page Owner: Amazon Studios The scariest stories are true. Watch season 2 of Lore now, only on Amazon Prime Video. It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser. Close Demons. Downfalls. Meet Jack Parsons in the new season of Lore now on Amazon Prime Video. Close Lore | Title Teaser Lore | Hinterkaifeck Lore | Two Stories | Clock.
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It's cannon in the TTS timeline C. You put a lot of work in this masterpiece, respect. Lire plus. Lire l'article complet. Lore movie 2017. Wow, you made a visually beautiful video by the way ! You put a lot of passion/time in this.

I enjoyed betraying the Dark Brotherhood

Also, what about this “Titan” character and their great battle? Might be the Marauder from Doom Eternal, returning with a grudge. Lore olympus merch. I just got off work and get to be on time for a video. These videos give the game more depth for me. Red ink. Loredana jetzt rufst du an. Their best video by far is still the origin of skaven though, that was just too good.


Reporter Lorena Escobar
Resume: Hincha de Boca hasta la médula. Mamá de Iván, otro fana de Boca. A lo Boca se vive mejor!!!???. Instagram: esco_lore.









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