HDTV Download Richard Jewell

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Publisher: maría solmag
Info: I hoard books. They are people who do not leave. Anne Sexton

Audience score - 7127 Vote. Clint Eastwood. 7,8 of 10. Reviews - American security guard Richard Jewell saves thousands of lives from an exploding bomb at the 1996 Olympics, but is vilified by journalists and the press who falsely reported that he was a terrorist. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTFlODg1MTEtZTJhOC00OTY1LWE0YzctZjRlODdkYWY5ZDM4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU1NzU3MzE@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg). star - Sam Rockwell.
Now when you have talent such as Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, Jon Hamm and Katy Bates cast in a film depicting the 1996 Atlanta Olympic bombing. directed by none other than Clint Eastwood himself. this should be a home run for sure. right? Sadly, with all the immense talent behind and in front of the camera, this film is know where near as good as it should have been! Maybe I expected too much from Eastwood but this film, in a nut shell, is just ok. there is nothing terrible about it but there is nothing great about it either. Don't get wrong Paul Walter Hauser is brilliant as Richard Jewell and so is the rest of the cast in their respective roles. but there is just nothing there that is. WOW. you know? There all good don't get me wrong, I feel the film desperately needed one of them to be outstanding to lift the film. To give it that extra piece that I felt it was missing. to make me care me, to be more engaged and overall enjoy the experience of watching the film more. I think the main reason for me why the film is just ok is because of the script and the pacing are holding it back. The film is a little all over the place until the bombing actually happens then it starts to get a little more focused. but even then it is very uneven. Also some of the dialogue is quite clunky to say the least. its just not that interesting to watch if I'm being honest. Especially when there are scenes with people just sitting down talking a lot. its not very riveting. Its not helped by the pacing of the film. its just over 2 hours this film but my god does it feel over 3 hours. I have no idea why but it just felt so slow to move from one story event to the next. or one scene to another. The last thing I'll say is. what I got from the film was the fact that it depicts Richard Jewell as a good guy at heart, trying to do the right thing. however he is also an idiot. The film depicts film to be so stupid I almost don't believe it, there are some scenes where he just does or says the wrong thing over and over again. is this realistic or true about the real man. who knows. It just didn't sit well with me. Overall though this film is ok but its definitely disappointing considering the talent and potential this film has in its hands to be something truly special. This is happening with Eastwood at lot recently he has one good film followed by a not so good one. Anyway its 65% out of 100. its ok, check it out if you like true story sort of stuff if not, I wouldn't bother your not missing out on anything amazing. solid but not mind blowing in any way.
Well i definitely saw the trailers... I knew i wantes to see it because A its a True Story and the rest. Is a no brainer I love amy movie Clint Directs as he is my favorite director. br> I had researched the real "Richard Jewell" suffice to say the main actor was amazi g Kudos looked like him and acted him to the T. br> I loved the entire cast ( sam, kathy Bates, and Olivia Wilde) not to forget to mention Jon Hamm and Ian Gomez that they acted so well i felt like throwing them against the wall lol.
I love the mocie it showed heart, a naiveness that at times its refreshing. I think the movie made certain Justice to the real Richard Jewell... Loved it. Very Good. seeing it again. br> It definitely capture the story of a kind hearted soul who was attacked by the media and the witch hunt behind it.
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8.8/ 10stars









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