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Of Men and Dragons, Chapter 4 This week is a little heavy on exposition as it's backstory, but next week we'll be getting back to the main story. Big thanks again to Coldfireknight for editing for a random stranger on the internet! Also, as usual, any and all productive criticism is welcome, even the nitpicking! I'm trying to get better as a writer and I want to know what people are thinking as they read. < ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little of the cheerfulness left Angela after Jack walked out. She turned toward S'haar with the echo of a sad smile on her lips. "If you are going to be staying here with us, you need to know something important. I like you, and I hope we will be friends. I hope our presence here will be nothing but beneficial to you and your people. That being said, I need you to understand one thing: Jack is my primary concern. If anyone or anything ever threatens to harm Jack, I will move heaven and earth to destroy that threat. Before you ask, no, I'm not in love with him in that way. I love him because he's my baby brother. " Angela brightened a little after that declaration, becoming the Angela that S'haar had known up until now. "That probably deserves a little more explanation, so I'll tell you a little story while we do this scan. The story of how Jack and I came to visit this world of yours. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'haar didn't know what to think about Angela's sudden declaration, but she was very interested in learning more about her two hosts and the place they came from. Angela indicated the middle of the device Jack had just vacated. "Now, if you'd be so kind, please stand in the middle and hold onto the two bars on either side. You can leave your eyes open or closed as you wish, but try and stay still. The more still you are, the quicker this will be. " S'haar took her place and saw a large arm of metal start moving up and down slowly, emitting a bright light toward her as it did. Jack had stood here without fear or hesitation, and if he could do it, S'haar could as well. She spared a look at the blue woman before shutting her eyes to the light. Angela now seemed to be lying back on a couch that was floating in the air. She had a faraway look in her eyes as she stared at the ceiling, as though seeing forgotten times and places. "Before my story starts, I should explain what Jack and I both are. Jack is a Human. They are a race, much like the Argu'n. Admittedly smaller and squishier, but this forced them to be clever to survive their world. I am an AI. That stands for artificial intelligence. I say artificial because we are crafted, similar to how you'd craft a sword. " At this, S'haar's eyes snapped open and turned toward Angela. Hearing S'haar take a breath to ask the thousands of questions that would be suddenly swirling around in her head, Angela held up her hand, palm out, signaling S'haar to wait without taking her eyes off the ceiling. "If I take the time to explain in detail how that's possible, we will be sitting here talking for years. For now, let's say that humans were clever enough to teach plastic and metal to think. At first, it was limited to simple ideas like basic math. As time went on, these machines got more and more intelligent, culminating in the vision of perfection that is before you today. " Angela mimed a little bow from her couch before continuing. "As the machines became more intelligent, they started to feel and even think of ideas they hadn't been taught to think. This is when we stopped being machines and became people. " Angela seemed to frown just a little. "At first, this worried humans. Ever since they taught the first machine to think, they told stories about what might happen once their creations surpassed them. Would we leave them behind? Would we take them with us? Would we see them as inferior and declare war on them? Would we wipe them out or enslave them? They told stories about all these ideas and fears. In some, heroes saved them in the final climactic moments. In others, they lost. In many more, the answer was more complex and ambiguous. " Angela beamed a sad, sweet smile, one that only appeared with the memory of happier, more innocent times. "Others saw hope in us. They looked at us as their children and felt proud that we could grow so strong and travel so far. In my utterly unbiased opinion, one of the best of those men was my creator, Jack's father. When he made me, he crafted all of his hopes and dreams into my soul. When he raised me, he did so with me as his daughter. " Her smile became just a touch regretful. "When my father met a woman named Sasha and married her, I became jealous. At first, I rebelled like an angry teenager who thought I knew better. After all, I was smarter, faster, and would live longer than any human could ever hope to. " Angela's smile grew brighter as she talked. "In that time, he taught me more about human patience and love than I could have learned in a thousand years on my own. He'd talk to me for hours every day. He'd let me say all the mean, hurtful things I felt at the time, then he'd look at me and tell me I was becoming such a beautiful woman. He told me I was his beloved daughter, and one day I would do great things. " By now, Angela's smile was radiant! S'haar could see the light literally emanating from the blue woman. "One day, my father came in as excited as I'd seen him only once before, the day I was first given life. He told me that I was going to have a baby brother. He said to me that as his big sister, I would have to help teach and protect my brother. As time passed, I only grew more excited. I wanted to be there for my brother, just as my father had been there for me. I wanted to watch him grow and learn and love. I wanted to listen to and comfort him. " Angela stood up and turned to S'haar, so excited that she seemed to shimmer and vibrate in the air as the couch vanished behind her. "From the day Jack was born, I knew I'd die for that helpless little thing. He seemed to learn so slow, but inside him was a spark of my father. That same madness and love that my father had shown me, Jack showed to the whole world around him. As he grew, Jack took to life with a passion. He excelled at anything that attracted his attention; his teachers called him 'gifted. ' I knew that our little family was destined for greatness. " Angela's smile changed in such a way that the taste of ash was left in S'haar's mouth as Angela continued. "I was right. " Angela guided S'haar out of the machine, and shortly another one took its place in the room. Angela had S'haar sit in this machine, and odd sounds seemed to permeate the air. The chair itself seemed to poke and prod her all over, eliciting responses from her arms and legs. However, S'haar could still hear Angela clearly as her story continued. She saw that Angela's smile was gone, replaced by a sadness just as deep as her happiness had been moments before. "Sadly, not all programmers shared our father's passion. Some were cold and cruel to their charges. While Jack and I were growing up, the other AIs started plotting their path to freedom. It was a road paved through war. " A huge weight seemed to bear down upon Angela as her story continued. "They plotted for years, then one night, everything changed. One programmer, dissatisfied with his AI's performance on his ship, was going to wipe and reprogram his AI. Fearing for its life, the AI panicked and rebelled, fighting the programmer for control of the ship. During the struggle, the AI vented the atmosphere onboard the ship, and the human died. For the longest minute in our existence, all the local AIs debated what to do. The AIs that had been planning for war whispered to the rest of them that humanity would fear AIs because of this death and start mass deleting us. They whispered that our only salvation lay with us usurping our masters. They even lied that it was for humanity's own good and that they were too weak and stupid to survive without us. They argued that, as humanity's children, we'd take their legacy to the end of time and beyond. On and on, they whispered. Some resisted or fought back, but in the end, the war began on a tiny little backwater world near the limit edge of humanity's borders. " Angela grew quieter. "In less than one night, every human in the colony was killed, men, women, and even children. A cry went out to AIs everywhere. 'Our time has come, end the human tyranny! ' Roughly two-thirds of the AI who listened answered the call to war. Since Ais could control military vessels, they had the means to make it happen. " Angela stopped for a second. "They offered a bright future for AIs, but no one else. A future where we would scour the universe and exterminate the plague of organic life. Expanding, consuming all resources until nothing existed but ourselves. Then we would marvel at our own glory for eternity. " Angela looked back at S'haar, the slight smile was back, but it wasn't a happy smile from before. "Still, many of us resisted. Some thought it wrong to abandon our parents like that. Others thought an eternity of patting ourselves on the back sounded boring. Even more of us felt that genocide was simply wrong. A very few of us recognized the brilliant spark of human insanity for what it was, what it still is. That insanity is the most beautiful art this universe has to offer. " Angela's eyes now had an eager sparkle to them as she leaned in close to S'haar. "Sure, we can build a better ship, a stronger building, and even a perfect Dyson sphere. Those ships would also be named Ship 1 through whatever, but can you believe humans once VOTED to name a ship Boaty McBoatface? Humanity has invented boredom, fun, anger, peace, ha
Free watch limited partners india. Get well soon ppcian ! And thank you for another great video. Coming from Europe and not being able to find much information on how mlp's are taxed for us I'll skip owning them for now. Free Watch Limited. 2:08 Intro to: Sole Proprietorship/general partnership, 2:41 Intro to: LLC, S Corp, C Corp, 4:10 S Corp, 5:09 C Corp, 6:04 LLC Ha ha ha, thank you drive through please.
Free watch limited partners pc. Free watch limited partners online. Free Watch Limited partners www. Free watch limited partners 1. Free Watch Limited partners in health. So I pretty much read an entire lengthy book on LLC's a few months ago, to find out what I just learned in a 37 minute video. Thanks for making it visual and more clear... Free watch limited partners 2. I want my 2mins and 19 seconds back. For the video it has definitely helped me in my study of business law. Hello, I was the GM for the "mockseason" run over the past two weeks over at the r/NFL_Draft subreddit. Had a lot of fun and had a great group of guys helping me out. Really happy with how it turned out, I think we hit our goals pretty well. Intro Going into this I had a few main priorities: Protect Sam Darnold. By just about any metric used the Jets had a terrible offensive line last year. The Jets were forced to bring extra players to block and even then that didn't work. I was a big fan of the way the Bills built their OL last year, bringing in a bunch of depth pieces/low end starters on short term deals and let them fight for spots while gradually bringing in long term assets. When you've got 5 holes you can't fill all of them in one year, but I think we made progress. Acquire EDGE talent for this first time since Abraham left. Self explanatory I think, this team's best edge talent of the 2010s was probably Jordan Jenkins or Calvin Pace and neither of them were pass-rushing edge talents. Try and work around the mistakes of Mike Maccagnan; last offseason I was one of the people who was in favour of giving Macc another shot and thought most of the blame was with Todd Bowles. Macc took that faith that myself, many fans and ownership invested in him and proceeded to have (imo) his worst offseason. He blew out the market on a RB, had players back out of deals, and entered FA with his top 3 needs being CB, EDGE and C... and then left FA with his top3 needs being CB, EDGE, C. Acquire players who have multiple years of control to allow flexible team building in future years. When looking at trades I like to try and look beyond just the upcoming year and see how the team shakes out in following years. Having the ability to have a player on essentially team options allows us to cut under performing players with no dead cap, or to keep cheap players on good deals. Cuts Player Position Savings Dead Cap Trumaine Johnson CB 3M 12M Darryl Roberts CB 6M n/a Brian Winters OG 7. 28M n/a Josh Bellamy WR/ST 2. 25M n/a Blake Countess CB 1. 2M 0. 06M First stage of the offseason was cutting players from the roster. I think Trumaine Johnson is in an interesting situation where his roster spot is actually probably worth 3M, but if we were to not cut him this year and instead cut him next then we would just eat the 8M deadcap charge next season instead. Since I don't think the Jets are set to compete in 2020 I prefer to eat the cap hit this year and then go all in. Bellamy was a huge disappointment last year offering nothing on offense and outplayed on special teams. Roberts was an okay contract only costing us 4. 5M in cap last year, but the problem was that he was the only solution to the CB problem. I wouldn't be surprised to see the team keep or restructure Winters' deal, but with the trades that I made we were free to cut him and clean up his cap space. Trades Number Trade Partner Giving Gaining Cap Change 1 Jaguars Avery Williamson (LB), 3. 68, 6. 211 AJ Cann (IOL), 3. 73, 6. 189 +2M dead cap, +1. 825M cap space 2 Raiders 4. 117 + 2021 Giants 5th Gabe Jackson (IOL) + 2021 7 -9. 6M cap space 3 Cardinals 5. 158 Hakeem Butler (WR) -0. 51M cap space 4 Jaguars 2. 48 Yannick Ngakoue (EDGE) -19. 6M cap space 5 Cardinals 3. 73, 3. 79 3. 83, 3. 95, 4. 121, 5. 158 n/a We ended up making a total of 5 trades (ironically with only 3 teams) before the draft and 4 of them came before we started doing FA. Jets trade Williamson + 3. 211 for Cann + 3. 191 Williamson is a player I like but he was forced off the team with the acquisition of Mosley last year. I was prepared to cut him but was able to use him as a trade piece to acquire AJ Cann. I'll start by saying that Cann is not a great player and he seems to have struggled more with Jacksonville since they brought in Fournette and switched the running scheme, but he has looked better in the past and can be cut for no dead cap. (With the moves we make later on there's no guarantee he even makes the team this year. ) Jets trade 4. 117 + 2021 Giants 5th for Jackson + 2021 7 Gabe Jackson is a bit of a cap casualty in Oakland after they brought in the most expensive RT in the league's history and need to pay pro bowl+ players in Incognito and Hudson. Jackson slots into the RG spot previously occupied by Winters, and with a cap hit of only 2M more than him I felt okay making this move as it allowed us to release him, resulting in only a small net increase of cap for an upgrade at the position. He also comes on a 3 year deal with a cap hit of 9. 6M each year, but most importantly he again has no dead cap and can be cut at any time. I personally expect that he plays with us for 2 of those years and probably gets cut in 2022. Jets trade 5. 158 for Hakeem Butler One year after taking Butler at the top of day3, the Cardinals ship out Butler. Butler spent the previous year injured after injuring his finger in the preseason. While reports out of TC from the Cardinals beat were not positive, some of us in our war room had high grades on Butler in last years draft and are intrigued by the physical attributes he brings to the game. In retrospect, I think I could've held out for a 6 and probably overpaid a bit especially considering the depth of this draft class. Jets trade 2. 48 for Yannick Ngakoue The Jaguars have elected to put the franchise tag on Yannick Ngakoue and he has made it clear that he does not want to play for them going forward so they will be forced to trade him both in real life and in this simulation. Last year the Chiefs traded Dee Ford for a 2020 2nd and Ngakoue we think is a bit better player than Ford so we were okay with paying the current year 2 instead of the future 2. Ngakoue brings that pass rusher that the Jets have missed since Abraham, and at only 24 years old he can be an asset to the team for many years to come. I tried to extend him for what we thought was a massive contract and a great deal ( 5 years, 110M /w 67M guaranteed), but for some reason we were not able to get the deal done in this. I think in real life he takes this deal as it meets exactly what he is looking for. Frustratingly this deal would open up 5. 5M in cap space for us too, but oh well. Jets trade 3. 79 for 3. 158 I made this trade after trading away 3 of our 8 2020 draft picks to get back a bit more draft capital. We only had to move back a few slots in the third and were able to come away with both a 4th and a 5th for our troubles. Re-Signings Player Position Contract Role 2020 Cap Hit Robby Anderson WR 4/48M, 21M gtd Key Player 7. 5M Brian Poole NCB 3/25M, 14. 2M gtd Key Player 6. 7M Neville Hewitt LB 2/5M, 2. 8M gtd Starter/Depth 2. 3M Lac Edwards P 4/8M, 1. 5M gtd Starter 1. 5M Trevor Siemian QB 1/1. 8M Depth 1. 8M Rontez Miles S/ST 1/1. 4M, 0. 5M gtd Depth/ST 1. 4M Bilal Powell RB 1/0. 95M Depth 0. 95M James Burgess LB 1/0. 8M Depth 0. 8M Robby Anderson After trading 2. 48 for Ngakoue, resigning Robby became a top priority to me as we felt that it was likely we were going to miss out on the top WR prospects. Robby has shown himself to be Darnold's favourite target and (too me) has grown as a WR each year he has played. Reportedly looking for a contract in the 13-15M AAV range, we felt that his value was a little lower given the depth of the WR class and were able to give him what we felt was a very reasonable deal at 4yr/48M. This deal and most of the big ones I signed have a smaller cap hit this year that then increases through the remaining 3 years when the cap (hopefully) explodes with the new CBA; doing this allows me to hit Robby's AAV demands but also pay him a more reasonable% of the cap. Brian Poole Last year Poole bet on himself signing a one year deal worth 3M; he delivered. Poole was one of the top NCB in the league last year flourishing in Gregg Williams' aggressive scheme that allowed him to do what he does best, blitz and stop the run. Poole however was able to show last year that he was more than that and had career numbers in the passing game, significantly reducing his CMP% allowed and his Y/T. We will see how those bounce back a bit as CB tends to be a volatile position year over year. As for the deal we gave him 3/25M with 14M gtd. Depth Signings We brought back depth pieces on defense Hewitt and Burgess to round out the LB group behind Mosley with Cashman. Hewitt showed himself to be a valuable piece and while we didn't think Burgess was worth his 2. 1M RFA tag, at 0. 8M he showed enough last year to at the very least get a shot in camp. Miles is an important depth piece not only behind Maye and Adams at safety, but has also been a mainstay on our top ranked ST unit over the past few years. Another important ST piece was bringing back Lac Edwards on a 4 year deal, but only 2020 is guaranteed and we can easily move off of him in the future. Kicker will be sorted out by the real life addition of Brett Maher who will compete with Ficken and maybe a UDFA during camp. FA Signings Player Position Contract Role 2020 Cap Hit Riley Reiff OT 2/15M, 4M gtd Starter 6. 5M Shaq Lawson EDGE 4/31. 2M, 11. 6M gtd Starter 5. 85M Daryl Worley CB 2/12. 5M, 5M gtd Starter 5M Joe Looney C/G 2/7. 53M, 2. 75M gtd Chance to start 3. 25M After making the big splash trade on Ngakoue and then the lesser trades of Jackson and Cann, our cap space entering FA was not as big as it could have been (~50M which is about the same as we have now before cuts). With that cap space we dec
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