Lost in America director Rotimi Rainwater USA yesmovies

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Country - USA. 36 Vote. Lost in America is a movie starring Rosario Dawson, Halle Berry, and Tiffany Haddish. Following director Rotimi Rainwater, a former homeless youth, as he travels the country to shine a light on the epidemic of youth homelessness in. Documentary. Year - 2018. 7,9 / 10. This is exactly what my best friend did, although it was 15 years out of college for him (I was the guy who went out to find himself and he took the business route. After he got fired he grew his hair long, moved out Southern California, took up surfing and had a kid. The LunaXSam theme. Lost in america watch full length song. Lost in america watch full length episode. Below is a well sourced list of data I have compiled. The gist of it is that I want you to go out and buy some non-perishable food, and keep it in a cupboard, so that if (when? ) the coronavirus hits your area, you don't have to go out and fight over scraps in the supermarket, and further risk infecting yourself. Right now In China 760m people in quarantine. (10% of entire world population) (which looks like a giant bundle of fun:) 50k in Italy Facts of the virus Up to 24 day incubation period (during which no symptoms show at all): Possibly even 42 days: (needless to say, this means you or someone you know could have the virus and not know about it for a month, meanwhile infecting everyone around you) The virus is transmissable during the incubation period * There are asymptomatic carriers and they also transmit the virus: * * * The reason we don't have SARS around today is because it was only transmissable while showing symptoms. Coronavirus may be even more transmissable during incubation than after, and it makes it *much* harder to stop: And even if you get it, you do not develop immunity, and you can get reinfected with it a 2nd time: At which point it may become much more deadly: Transmission Coronavius has an R0 of 4. 7-6. 6 (DARPA study). This means that each infected person will infect 5-6 other people on average, at least during the early stages of the epidemic. (Another study from University of Georgia/Kyoto University confirms that Even with quarantine, the R0 of COVID-19 is still 3. 0+:) It can survive for 5-28 days on surfaces between 5-20C: (think supermarket trolleys, supermarket food, money, card machines, gas pumps, elevator buttons, door handles. Anything you touch that other people touch is a vector of transmission) It transmits in the air: And through feces: And through urine: Public toilets are especially good vectors of transmission, as flushing toilets spray the virus all over the room, where it can remain and infect people for up to weeks. Try and avoid flying also, if you can: The main take away here is to wash your hands and avoid touching your face after you've been in public. Here's a good video with practical advice to keep safe: On numbers of infected It's a fairly safe assumption that the numbers coming out of China are fantasy numbers. 'Top Wuhan official warns that if a single new case is reported after Wednesday, local district leaders will be held responsible' Go to section title "Wuhan official vows punishment if authorities fail to halt spread" CCP underreported the SARS outbreak as it was happening by 10x And 2009H1N1 by 16. 3x: What stats we do have from China that are probably trustable is that they suddenly got an extra 200k cases of "flu" over normal in December just in Zhejiang Province, before they realised the coronavirus existed. In Dec 2019 - 217, 435 TOTAL of Class C infectious diseases. (these are almost all listed as influenza) In Nov 2019 - 22, 769 TOTAL of Class C infectious diseases. In Dec 2018 - 23, 282 TOTAL of Class C infectious diseases. Just a particularly bad flu season? Maybe. Hopefully. Even if the numbers out of China aren't a complete fabrication, the detection rate is about 10% of all cases: Outside China, 60%-89% of cases go undetected: "Roughly 1 in 3, or 1 in 4 cases are being detected": Hospitals are not testing for coronavirus in most of the first world unless you show all the symptoms *and* claim to have travelled to or been in direct contact with someone from China / Wuhan. Without major containment measures, we're looking at 60% of the world being infected: Ira Longini at WHO confirmed the projection billions could become infected: 21% of cases become severe: 61. 5% of severe pneumonia cases die, according to this study: (20)30079-5/fulltext Small Lancet study showing 15% Case Fatality Rate (CFR): (20)30183-5/fulltext And this report from Imperial College London puts the CFR at 5-18%: Now, even if you do get it and get better, and don't get reinfected, SARS survivors indicate a potential lifetime of problems: " > “They’re still, after 10 years, experiencing problems. Issues such as fatigue, muscle and joint pain, shortness of breath and some newly developing problems such as neuropathy, numbness in the feet and hands, ” she said. And those are just the physical scars. Studies looking at patients seven years post-SARS have shown 41 per cent of patients report depression and post traumatic stress disorder. " This is unfortunately unlikely to go away very soon: Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), says, “Right now we're in an aggressive containment mode. ” He continues to add that we don’t know a lot about the virus, but that “this virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we will get community-based transmission. " Source: We've probably got 18 months until a vaccine: So, let's consider the possibility that these worst case scenario figures don't play out at all. All the fear mongering is for nothing, everything is fine, and things go back to normal in the next few weeks. The containment measures work, and none of the people flying in every day from infected countries are infected, and even if they are, they are magically not infecting anyone else, then STILL you should go and buy food now, because at the first whiff of trouble in your locale, supermarkets will be emptied. Supermarkets emptied in Italy: People fighting over food in Wuhan: Empty supermarket: This is assuming under quarantine conditions you are even able to go out to the supermarket. Some people in China appear to have been welded into their apartment buildings to prevent them leaving: Entire neighbourhood: If you never use the food, you've lost $100 on unneeded insurance, but the good news is you can stock up on food you will eat eventually anyway. And if you don't, then give it to a homeless shelter. Or the local supermarket foodbank in a few months or a year. What to buy Level 1, food: Canned food (soup, beans, fruit, vegetables) Rice Pasta Oats flatbread crackers, like ryvita Condiments (examples: marmite, pickle, ketchup, soy sauce) Level 2, prevention: Sprayable disinfectant (70%+ isopropyl alcohol is good, but any supermarket disinfectant is fine) Disinfectant wipes Disposable gloves Masks Eye protection (the eyes and mouth are the easiest way for the virus to enter the body) Then you can think about extras like toothpaste, toilet paper, bin bags, and whatever else you use on a day to day basis. """"""""" Lastly, I recommend watching this guy's videos. He updates almost every day with straight facts and no bullshit. He's a good source of information if you want to stay on top of this: It's time to get cereal.
AND YOU OVER EASY WITH TOAST. The fact that I used to sing this song when I was like 7 worries me. How could my parents allow me to do that oh my. Best Alice Cooper video ever. Amazing Alice Cooper. This reminds me of other song of theirs, called Mr. Madman. Is Meryl speaking in French accent here. Lost in america watch full length hd. Yeah, I'll take Alice Cooper and every other badass from this era over the nerd shit now days. And I'm only 33. I keep harping on this "white horse" detail, because it keeps coming up! To understand the Ikeda cult's plans and goals, it's necessary to look at what happened, at the clues right there in plain sight, because they certainly aren't going to be open about their plot for world domination, and they're certainly not going to explain it in terms that culturally-ignorant gaijin can understand! I sometimes wonder if they get a kick out of stating culturally-specific things plainly for their gaijin audience, knowing they'll never pick up on it. The white horse. "A white horse? That's something you ride, right? " NO. It's NOT something YOU ride. Back during the years leading up to WWII and during WWII, a white horse was something a fascist DICTATOR would ride - and it was reserved for the ruler. The White Horse remains one of the great symbols of the Second World War. The Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, rode a white stallion imported from Yemen. British Field Marshal Montgomery took great pleasure inspecting his rival German Field Marshal Rommel ’s captured white charger. Plus, American General George Patton rode the famous Lippizan stallion, Favory, who had previously been destined to be gifted to Emperor Hirohito by Adolf Hitler. Source Had you heard that Adolf HITLER planned to send an iconic white stallion to Hirohito?? I hadn't O_o Granted, I wasn't born at the time, but still... This "Emperor Hirohito-white stallion" thing was HUGE! You recognize the name Admiral Halsey? A World War II relic, created in a downtown Reno saddle shop and shipped to Tokyo Bay in time for the Japanese surrender to end the war, has come home for the first time in more than 60 years. The relic is a western saddle crafted especially for Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the commander of the U. S. Navy's Third Fleet in the final years of the war and a man known for his bold statements regarding the outcome. In March, 1945, Halsey was asked at a press conference in Washington, D. C., if the palace of Japanese Emperor Hirohito was a military objective. Halsey said, no, then added, "I'd hate to have them kill Hirohito's white horse, because I want to ride it. " Source Wow! Here's a video clip of a promotional stunt Admiral Halsey participated in, in which he rode a white horse, though it wasn't Hirohito's. A dress rehearsal? In fact, Halsey went a bit farther in his horse-related boasting - starting with some context: It is not easy now to recreate the wartime emotional mood of those in command of the Japanese and American governments. This war had been ruthless, from the beginning shock of Pearl Harbor and the horror of the Bataan Death March. It had been a long and painful road through the bloody swamps of Guadalcanal and the other bitter islands, culminating in the smoking cities of the Empire. The ruthlessness and the length of the war made it difficult for either side to visualize sitting down to build a peace with the other side, and, further, there were two irreconcilable attitudes maintained by the two opposing forces. On one side was an alliance that had mobilized for a goal of unconditional surrender. On the other side was a power that had in peace or war held a religious veneration for the head of its government. The Japanese could not imagine a world in which their institution of Emperor would be abolished. Nor could they have visualized Admiral Halsey, in the terms of his boast, " riding the Emperor's white horse down the streets of Tokyo. " In this year of 1945 the Japanese had seen Germany and Italy bombed and defeated. They had seen Mussolini lynched, and Hitler a suicide, his body burned and lost in the ruins. The Japanese people simply could not think how their war might end. The American people fully expected the Japanese Emperor to be overthrown and at least imprisoned, if not in fact executed as a war criminal... Source Wow. To understand the prominence of the Emperor in Japanese culture and Japanese thought, and how the white horse was a potent symbol of his office, note that this very stunt - a New Religion leader riding a white horse - resulted in the destruction of that New Religion! The scapegoating of new religious groups intensified in the early twentieth century, as the Japanese empire grew and the loyalty of citizens developed into an ever-increasing governmental obsession. The most famous prewar example of such scapegoating is the violent suppression of the Shinto-affiliated group Oomoto. The new religion Oomoto was first targeted for official reprimand in 1921, and in the 1930s the group was condemned for transgressing state orthodoxy. Oomoto raised anxiety among government officials in large part because, through imitating imperial ritual and providing adherents with sub-organizations that promoted a vision of a sacred Japan that embraces modern internationalism, it gave citizens a persuasive alternative means of demonstrating loyalty to the Japanese nation (Garon 1997). In the form of "We ARE the REAL Japanese nation! " Exactly how SGI has now positioned itself as "the TRUE HEIRS to Nichiren Daishonin". In her profile of Oomoto and Deguchi Onisaburō 出口王仁三郎 (1871?1948), the dynamic leader who shaped Oomoto in the period of its rise and catastrophic confrontations with the Japanese government, Nancy Stalker recounts how, as the leader of a group outside the orbit of state management, Onisaburō expanded Oomoto’s mandate beyond the realm of the strictly “religious” into many other spheres, including art, museum exhibitions, voluntary associations, modern media, and international exchange?all elements in a progressive trend Stalker characterizes as “religious entrepreneurship” (Stalker 2008). The group gained popularity, yet it also earned the scrutiny of government officials who suspected that its close emulation of the state was subversive. Its headquarters in Ayabe 綾部 (near Kyoto) was deemed too similar to the Grand Shrine at Ise Exactly the accusation levied years later against the Soka Gakkai for its enormous construction campaign that produced the Sho-Hondo, which was to serve as the spiritual center of the nation (and the world), replacing the Shinto Grand Ise Shrine once the Soka Gakkai had installed Nichiren Shōshū as the national religion. and Onisaburō reviewed mustered regiments of Oomoto adherents while he rode astride a white horse, a practice excluded to all but the emperor. In Japan, they don't need to make everything a "law" the way they have to over here in the States - there, people just know what's acceptable and what's not acceptable. On 8 December 1935, police raided Oomoto facilities in response to a (false) rumor that the religion had stockpiled weapons in preparation for an armed uprising against the government. Who came up with that "false" rumor? Doesn't matter. It served its purpose. See " WMD ". Oomoto headquarters were completely destroyed, Onisaburō and other leaders were imprisoned for violating the 1925 Peace Preservation Law (the first time this law was employed against a religion), and the group dwindled from between one and three million adherents to a tiny following. In many ways, the Oomoto suppression is an important precedent for the Japanese government’s and the public’s response to the Aum incident of 1995. Source This was also an incident in full view of the Soka Gakkai. Remember, Makiguchi, Toda, and 20 other Soka Kyoiku Gakkai members had been arrested and imprisoned on charges of lèse majesté, or treason, for such statements as these: Therefore, His Majesty [ the Emperor] is not free of error.... However, were His Majesty to become a believer in the Supra-eternal Buddha (Kuon-honbutsu), then I think he would naturally acquire wisdom and conduct political affairs without error. - Tsunesaburo Makeguchi, 1st President of the Soka Gakkai Source.. for promoting a rival intolerant ( replacement-style) religion that would replace state Shinto and thus remove the Emperor's bloodline inheritance right to the Chrysanthemum Throne and the rulership of Japan. Definitely treason. If you're wondering what Makiguchi and Toda were arrested for, keep in mind they were condemning state Shinto, which was the basis for the Emperor's legitimacy. By insisting that Shinto was a bad and wrong religion, they were tacitly implying that the Emperor had no right to rule. And that's treason, my friend. Source Later, as Joseī Toda's new Soka Gakkai was growing and gaining power, it was the target of the same criticisms that Oomoto had received, in terms of "imitating imperial ritual and providing adherents with sub-organizations that promoted a vision of a sacred Japan that embraces modern internationalism". In fact, scholar Levi McLaughlin noted how the Soka Gakkai behaves as an alternative state in his book, " Soka Gakkai's Human Revolution: The Rise of a Mimetic Nation in Modern Japan ". Perpetual war... Where might I have heard that before? Well, I don't exactly know what war has to do with Buddhism, but I do know that it generally serves a purpose... It's like, something a government would do... And what's with this rigid organizational structure anyway?... They are very heavily focused on goals, and directives, and recruiting, and victory, and maintaining a chain of command. And they love to use words like "revolution" and "battle". And oh yeah, they did just describe human revolution as a hopeless unw
Andi deris vokal very high. Lost in America Watch Full length. One of my favorite Alice Cooper ballads. Love it to death. Still going strong another legend. Lost in america watch full length youtube. It's cool to hear how Alice's version of this song doesn't really differ from How Bon Jovi originally recorded it from the New Jersey Sessions. Does this guy know how to party or what.
My dad is extremely lucky. He used to work at a movie theater about 7 years ago, and alice cooper would come in regularly to see movies and him and my dad would have regular conversations.
Lost in america watch full length movies. Lost in america watch full length album. Lost in america watch full length 2. Lost in America Watch Full lengths. Lost in America Watch Full lengthy. Artist: Billy Woods & Kenny Segal Album: Hiding Places Listen: YouTube Spotify Apple Music Tidal Zippyshare Background by /u/ItsBigVanilla Writing about Billy Woods’s personal life feels like a betrayal, since he’s taken extensive measures to maintain an aura of you-can’t-even-see-my-face privacy within even the marginal underground bubble he exists in. That being said, the New York-based rapper was born in Washington, D. C. to a Jamaican mother who taught English literature and a Zimbabwean father described by the rapper’s official biography as “a would-be Marxist revolutionary. ” The cultural hodgepodge deepened even further when the family moved to Africa and eventually Zimbabwe, where his father served as a government official before his death and Woods’s return to America at the age of eight. These early years have greatly informed his music, and listeners can frequently find references to Zimbabwe and global political history throughout his vast catalogue. And a vast catalogue it is. Woods began his solo career by releasing Camouflage in 2003 and The Chalice in 2004, after which he joined underground rap supergroup The Reavers, releasing various projects with them from 2005 to 2006. He then formed the always-underrated duo Super Chron Flight Brothers with fellow rapper Priviledge, and the group released a handful of projects that saw Woods coming into his own as an MC while honing the skills that would come to define his later career. SCFB capped their run with 2010’s fantastic Cape Verde, the most fully realized moment of the Woods saga pre 2012. 2012 marked the beginning of a Woods renaissance (if obscure rappers that bounce between groups qualify for something as grand as a renaissance). It was this year that he released his first solo album in eight years, History Will Absolve Me to critical acclaim and a promotion from the rank of “nobody” to “nobody but with a masterpiece” (think Evan Dara, D. Keith Mano, etc. ). He quickly followed the project with 2013’s Blockhead-produced Dour Candy as well as Half Measures and Race Music, both collaborative projects with rapper ELUCID under the moniker Armand Hammer. Woods and ELUCID had first worked together on History Will Absolve Me, and their chemistry as a duo propelled them into a collaborative relationship that has served as so much more than a footnote in their careers. Armand Hammer released an EP, Furtive Movements, in 2014, and Woods followed it up with his understated 2015 solo album Today, I Wrote Nothing. Woods released another Blockhead-produced album, Known Unknowns, in 2017: Armand Hammer released Rome later that year. Hammer drops Paraffin in 2018; Woods drops Hiding Places with Kenny Segal less than a year later. Fans still reeling from Hiding Places get hit with another solo project, Terror Management, within months. Armand Hammer’s last project came out just a year ago, and yet it already feels like they’ve gone silent on us, lost in the maelstrom of Woods’s output. If it isn’t already clear, the man doesn’t sleep, and in a miracle the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the birth of the Christ child, none of these projects has been less than great. You still with me? Follow all those links yet? Okay, take a deep breath. Kenny Segal is, comfortably, one of the best producers alive. After growing up in Maryland, he moved to Los Angeles and studied audio recording at the University of Southern California. He began producing hip-hop for the L. A. -based rap collective Project Blowed, whose members include some of the best rappers working today, such as Busdriver, Open Mike Eagle, and Nocando. His fingerprints can be found throughout all of those artists’ discographies, especially as one half of The Kleenrz, a collaborative project between Segal and rapper Self Jupiter. He’s also produced for Milo and MC Paul Barman, among others. Segal is the ear behind many of the best rap songs and albums of the 2010s, and yet he’s anything but showy. His true talent lies in contorting his style to match the artist he’s working with, and a quick perusal of his catalogue demonstrates just how much of a musical chameleon he can be, all the while retaining a strong sonic identity which he emphasizes on his Kenstrumentals series, which can be found on his Bandcamp. On his 2018 solo instrumental project, Happy Little Trees, he gives a glimpse of an unrestrained self, managing to be equally compelling without an MC at the mic as he is with one there. Like Woods, he is a prolific force in underground music: in addition to Hiding Places, he produced the entirety of Hemlock Ernst’s full-length solo debut, Back at the House, in 2019. Compare the two releases without any foreknowledge of their credits and you’ll be hard-pressed to conclude that the same producer crafted both of them; therein lies Segal’s genius. Segal and Woods have worked together in the past, but Hiding Places marks their first (and hopefully not last) project as a team. Every song is produced entirely by Segal except for “A Day in a Week in a Year”, which features additional production from Marcella Elyse Winn. According to Woods, the album had a long gestation period due to both artists’ busy schedules, and the time that went into crafting it is evident in the finished product. It should also be noted that both artists released great projects later in the year, as if this masterpiece wasn’t enough; Woods went on to release a second album, Terror Management, and Segal collaborated with Future Islands singer Sam Herring for his debut album as rapper Hemlock Ernst, Back at the House. Now, enough preamble. Review by /u/ItsBigVanilla To Billy Woods, progression is inwardly focused. As the New York-based rapper continues to evolve and broaden his musical horizons, his projects have become increasingly claustrophobic, the mirror turning further towards his own blurred face. Woods hasn’t yet reached the “living in a barn with cats” status reserved for enigmatic loner Aesop Rock, but he’s just as self-aware. On Hiding Places, he takes aim at the usual societal ills that have plagued his work for years, but he does so in a way that feels much more individualistic than ever before. As the album’s title suggests, the omnipresent themes of its 41-minute runtime are the things we hide and the places we keep them. Woods treats this literally at times ( Houthi’s “Moms showed us where she kept our passports hidden”) and figuratively at others, such as in “Steak Knives”, where his poor communication with friend leads to hidden feelings, the hidden realities of two men. Every song contains at least one reference to something that’s been secreted away, but the rapper’s greatest trick is his ability to shroud his own humanity under lead sheets of irony and cynicism. For every confession, every emotional admission on the album, there are at least two punchlines set in place to soften the blow. On “Spider Hole”, for instance, Woods bellows “I don’t want to go see Nas with an orchestra at Carnegie Hall”, referring to the legendary MC’s actual 2012 charity performances. The line is funny, sure, but it implies so much more than meets the eye: an appropriation of rap, a white commodification of black art, a sense of disillusionment with heroes, a distaste for the genre in its current state. Are these interpretations all correct? Most likely not, but Woods hides them within seemingly innocuous lines at every turn. Which isn’t to downplay the album’s brilliant gallows humor. Would it be a bold claim to say that Woods is the funniest rapper alive? His comedy isn’t jokes for joking’s sake, it’s more of a reaction to a world so broken that there’s no other choice but to grin. On “Checkpoints”, the best song of 2019, he raps “Quit my job to kick raps instead / So family meeting, everybody gotta start bringin’ in bread” right before producer Kenny Segal unleashes a sea of crashing cymbals that threaten to knock the track on its ass, startling the vocals into a desperate yell that works so well because words don’t just come out of Billy Woods’s mouth, they tumble out of it, they leap out of it. It’s a moment simultaneously hilarious and horrifying, cathartic and stifled, climactic and inevitable; it’s one of the best bits of production the genre has to offer. In less grandiose moments, such as “Bigfakelaugh”, the rapper finds out that his insurance won’t cover some unspecified treatment and tells his family to “I guess just forget it”, letting out an ad-libbed laugh so smugly jarring that you can’t help but see the whole thing as some sort of cosmic trick being played on us all. A simple bar like this conjures up images of America, of blackness, of self-deception ? what’s remarkable is that these themes that are only ever referenced implicitly, and yet they seep into the pores of Woods’s work. Someone more concerned with unifying his review might say that they’re hidden in plain sight. And as the old saying goes, behind every great rapper is a great producer. Woods has proven to be a master of collaboration, and never has his chemistry with another artist been more apparent than it is here, with Kenny Segal. Segal owes much of his work on Hiding Places to rock music, his penchant for the power of live instrumentation apparent throughout the project. He deploys these elements sparingly, such as in “Spongebob”, where a guitar steps onto the scene like a man with a gun, takes a bow, then reappears again in the midst of a battle between shimmering synths and lonely, distorted bass. The interplay here is crucial: there’s a duality in the album’s production between grit and glitter, between heaven and earth, and Segal continually creates something just as gorgeous as i
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Lost in america watch full length film

Lost in america watch full length magnified. Lost in america watch full length video. Hey 2019 This was the real rock in 80s. "7th September 1997. I don't have much longer to live, and nothing left to yearn for. Doc said I'd be lucky to survive another 2 months or so. Lung cancer. Never smoked a damned cigarette in my life, but here we are. The irony. By the time you will read this, my ass will be 5 feet underground. Alexander, as you're reading this, I want you to promise me. Keep fighting. Only people like us stand between millions of innocents and the spawn of hell itself. I've spent 57 years being that wall, and made you do the same. Even if you resent me for it, please, continue to be that wall. I am well aware of the dangers you will face on the path I've set you on, and I'd be long dead to help you through it. However, even as my body decays, and my soul continues to fade away into oblivion, I wish to pass down a relic: one that has been with our bloodline for generations. You remember that old dusty wine cabinet? The one in our basement. Brings back memories, doesn't it. Like the time you tried to sneak that bottle of Merlot to your friend's party. I'm getting off track. Anyways, teenage drinking wasn't the only reason to keep you away from it. After my death, return to the basement. If you push the cabinet aside, there's a faux wall with a keyhole. Use the back end of the basement key and you're set. This is the greatest asset I can give you. Use it in your trials to come, and wreak havoc. That will be enough of a requiem for me. I've might not been the best dad, but I want you to know that I'm proud to call you my son. If you ever feel lost or faltered, look deep within yourself and I'll be there to guide you through the darkness. Love, dad" I crumbled the piece of paper as I finished reading. It was the final letter my grandfather wrote for my dad on his deathbed. And now, as I read this, my father's lifeless body lay right beside me. He presented the note to me before passing away, instructing me only to open it after he had drew his last breath. My father, Alexander Myers. I've always looked up to him as some sort of legend. He owned a butcher shop in Texas. Needless to say, he taught me to gut and skin livestock from a very young age. 6 to be precise. Aside from that, I was given basic training in martial arts and shooting. Looking back, I guess this was just an extensive training regime to prep me up for the real stuff. At the age of 9, my father began to take me out for hunting. At first, it was just tracking down your average buck. The difuculty kept increasing as I eventually started shooting bears. Before I knew it, I was 11 years old, tracking down a stowaway werewolf. Yes, a werewolf. You see, my family has an untold story. Most people think i'm just your average butcher, and for the most part I am. But when shit hits the fan, I'm the guy they call in to exterminate the things that go bump in the night. After my father died, I headed back to my home. I sat there for a moment, embracing the fact that the closest person I had had disappeared from my life. The days, the group hunts, the memories, all of them swept over me as I felt tears running down my cheeks. Suddenly, I heard a knock from behind. "Myers. ", a voice called. "sarge. ", I muttered looking behind me. There he stood. 6 foot 3, and 250 pounds of pure muscle. Sargent William Sanders. My dad's squadmate. He was the one who gave me the opportunity to run my first S-rank mission with the squad. "I'm sorry for your loss. ", he continued, "I ran a lot of mission with him. We were really tight. " I stood up and approached him, "Well, surely you're aren't hear just to extend your condolences. " "Don't be so distant, junior. " He scoffed. "But yeah, It's not just apologies I have to offer. " I looked up at him. "Well, what are we dealing with, and where? ", I asked. "Skinwalkers. In South Africa. ", he responded. I almost burst out laughing. "Skinwalkers? ", I retorted, "In Africa? I thought they're native to the states. " Sarge kept his poker face. "Our surveillance team received a distress call from the Bushveld region. They reported a pack of 7 skinnies running around, taking unsuspecting locals. " I tensed up. The seriousness of Sarge's face sent a chill down my spine. Sarge continued, "A team of 10 B-class hunters were sent in. They downed 2 skinwalkers, but only 2 hunters returned from the reserve. One without his right arm, and the other with claw marks on his back. They've been evacuated, but both of them are mentally screwed- past the point of giving even a short account of what happened back there. They keep on rambling about a giant monster in the woods. " I didn't know how to respond. Skinwalkers were native to North America, mostly USA. But then again, that damned blood magic ritual can be performed by any lunatic insane enough. The making of a skinwalker. It's, well, gruesome. The person intended has to pick an animal, rip it's heart out and eat it fresh out of the body. After that, you have to draw a transformation pentagram or some shitty thing with the animal's blood, skin the animal, wear it's hide and mutter some weird incantations for the transformation to start. I don't really know that well. I'm not well versed in magic and the spiritual arts. Once the transformation is complete, the result is a skinwalker: a human hybrid which inherits the morphological characteristics of the animal, complete with the exterior, albeit maintaining a somewhat anthropoid form. They maintain some level of human intelligence, and can easily tear a human to shreds. They're ranked as an A-tier threat. I tried to make sense of the situation. "The giant monster those 2 mentioned. Maybe a wendigo? ", I speculated. "we don't have much to work with. We've received orders to consider it an S-tier threat and smoke whatever monsters lie in those woods. We drop into Bushveld, clear the areas around Eastern Cape, and lay waste to the monstrosities lurking in the shadows. What say, junior? It's another S-class mission. You up for it? " I glanced towards my dresser and glanced at the picture of my father, which I just put up. "Yeah, count me in. ", I said. "Great. ", Sarge boomed, "Report to base. We leave in 2 days. " I hesitated for a moment before asking, "Hey Sarge. Before that, I want to visit England. You think I could get 24 hours? " Sarge looked at me, " Is it urgent? " "yes", I replied. "Alright, but if you plan on chickening out, I'll find you and drag your ass straight into battle. ", he said. Fast forward 7 hours and an airlift, I was in England, more precisely, at my family's manor. For privacy reasons, I won't be disclosing it's location. The estate was huge. I'd make good money if I sell it. As of now though, it was a place to crash in for great hunters who had connections with my grandfather, or a meeting place to coordinate hunts within England. My grandfather played a huge role to establish the foundation of modern hunting. He was one of the founders of the hunter corps which established a worldwide connections among monster hunters. Anyways, I entered the enormous structure. I had been here once or twice, but never stayed for more than a week. My father used to live here with grandpa before he moved to the states. I descended down to basement stairs. It was pretty dusty. I turned on the lights and glanced to my left. There it was. A maplewood cabinet. I opened it. There was nothing inside. Somebody must've had a drinking spree or something. Last time I checked, there were around 18 bottles worth of liquor in there. Heck, I once snuck one out myself in my teens and downed it behind the bushes that ran along the property fence. I grabbed the cabinet and slammed it on the floor. Just like in the note, there was that cliche secret door behind it. I took my basement key and turned it around. It went in the keyhole smoothly. I turned it to the right, and the wall opened up. I pushed it in. Inside was a small, room. it was fairly dark. I felt for the light switched and switched it on. As I looked inside, my jaw dropped. It was beautiful, and mesmerizing. A feeling of excitement rushed through my veins as I stared at the walls decked with my grandfather's personal arsenal. There were some really big guns, bigger than any I've ever used. On a small rack to the right lied an array of poisons. I caught a glimpse of concentrated wolfsbane extract. A dart dipped with that could easily take out a dragon. A crossbow sat on a shelf to the left. It had a draw weight of 400 pounds. That's some serious power. Aside from that, I found a lot of equipment. I found a. 50 cal sniper rifle and a box of silver bullets. It's a great poison against vampires and werewolves. But the one thing that caught my eye the most was a shotgun. It was very peculiar. It was a pump-action with a 28 inch barrel. It seemed a bit big and bulky, with weird patterns on the barrel and stock made from steel strips. Boy, was it heavy. It was a chore just to get it mounted on my shoulders. Beside the giant gun, lay a box of slugshots. There was a big red label on it which read: HIGH EX. At this point, I was overwhelmed. There were a lot of neat options for the upcoming hunt. I could seriously use the concentrated wolfsbane, but using one on a skinnie seemed like a waste. Usually, a well-placed bullet to the head would do for those creeps. But then again, we had a possible S-tier on our hands. I ended up packing 5 arrows, the crossbow, the wolfsbane and the shotgun. I also grabbed the shells, just in case. I was airlifted to South Africa, more precisely, base H-15. I was supposed to rendezvous with the squad there. I walked into the debriefing room. The entire force had already assembled. 4 hunters in total. Hideyoshi, a veteran hunter from Japan. Singh, a hulk of a man who has been hunting for 29 years. Wilson, an expert tracker and a good friend of my dad's, and last but not leas
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Creator: Trista House
Biography: Demons run when a good man goes to war.









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