eng sub Movie Watch Gundam 40th Anniversary Celebration: Chars Counterattack


Columnist: Reign Von Barren
Resume: Morbid Goth Nerd love all things horror ^.^ Add Me (I keep it simple lol): Snapchat: reignvonbarren Instagram: reignvbarren Twitter: reignvonbarren
  1. country: USA
  2. Genre: Animation
I really love that new shield design for the Zaku. Much more usable. Going back to the ORIGIN of things i see. No thank you, this looks terrible in my opinion. Some things are so classic they're borderline sacred. The original Gundam series is at that level. I could see a remaster with the same designs and story but with modern animation and a few script changes, but a retelling? Not interested. This is only a teailer or whatever but Amuro looks weak & incompetent. Not cool. And the Gundam looks bad too. I'll admit the redesigned Zaku looks cool but that's about it.

Saw image of Quess. went to vomit until movie ended

The Nu Gundam is the true gundam mrk II

All Gundams from Gundam Seed could easily been in top 7. I know this sounds ridiculous but the woman in the beginning is way more scarier than the zaku I hope that is not kamaria ray because considering the way amuro react to her this would make her a horrible mother. 突然のオススメ(笑) 最初の乗り込んだビルはシティハンターのアジトやんけ. SEEDからの作画の変化がすごいw. 待ちわびすぎで存在忘れてました. 動力パイプを引きちぎられた瞬間ザクと同じポーズを取る中の人. そしてガンダムに追いかけられて恐怖で後ろを振り向いてしまう中の人.
Hopefully they fix Char's speech. I don't know who the 'Teetans' are, but I'm aware of the Titans. Also, hope the slow down Quess' dialogue a bit so she seems more natural. Mobile suit Gundam Hathaway the title just sounds like that Hathaway himself is a Gundam. Should've stick to Hathaway's flash. And of course the UK and the EU get nothing as usual. 4:41 サザビーのポッドのサイズがνガンダムと比べると明らかにデカ過ぎる…. I never liked the gunpla oriented gundam series much but I do love how it references the series the models are from. An anime based on toys based on anime made to sell toys. What a rabbit hole.
This is what I call quality eng dub. Just a note to return to this part to enjoy the well done end credits at 7:35 on the video later. Enjoy. 12:37 You can come hot! I'm already boiling.

Auaaahhhhhggggg! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTT. That's my favorite part

Why do the psycho frames look like they're just painted and not being all shiny and stuff. ジークジオン??. Fly, Gundamu!????. フィルムブック読み返すか・・・. ガンダムだけかと思ったら戦艦もなのね. The animation of that character is so spot-on for 0079. 4:06 ここめっちゃ好き. Where's the UC real music.

The one appearance where Amuro gets to be legitimately cool and then he dies

Great for hobbyists who are new in collecting gundams but hate wasting time assembling, or for people who seeks only to get some crash course in the series. 8:49 it's Impulse gundam. Not Destiny. これを見るとユニコーンがいかに作画良いかわかるね ユニコーン最高. 最後にファーストのOP流すのはずるいですよ?.

Gundam 40th Anniversary Celebration: Chars Counterattack - by Paul,
March 26, 2020

8.2/ 10stars









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