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1995; Tells the story of the legendary thirteenth century Scottish hero named William Wallace. Wallace rallies the Scottish against the English monarch and Edward I after he suffers a personal tragedy by English soldiers. Wallace gathers a group of amateur warriors that is stronger than any English army; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzkzMmU0YTYtOWM3My00YzBmLWI0YzctOGYyNTkwMWE5MTJkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzkwMjQ5NzM@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg); Genre - Biography; stars - Angus Macfadyen; runtime - 178minute.
When i was watching this I discovered a movie mistake go to 1:51 and quickly pause look in the left corner there is a car didn't know cars were around then very interesting Lol. This movie is very dear to me. So what if it's historically inaccurate? So what if it's embellished? The point of this movie was to entertain and to tell the story of a legend, not to give a history report. I don't go to the movies to be lectured to (I already get enough of that at college. I go to be entertained. I go to be told a story. I go to capture a certain emotion that enriches my mind and sparks my imagination. Seeing this movie has in a small way improved how I see life and movie-making. Critics of this film should try watching with their minds and hearts instead of their history books.
That speech without a doubt changed the course of history. I lost my Son at the age of 23 two and a half years ago my Granddaughter was born about three weeks after we put her Dad my Son to rest I have listened to this week's at a time I can't explain why but memories of my Son's life go through my mind and felt in my heart as strange as it may seem it comforts me I miss & Love U Son.
This movie is about Before Renaissance period. Achilles: Imagine a king that fights his own battles, wouldnt that be a sight? Stephen: Aye, it would wouldnt it. Critics Consensus Distractingly violent and historically dodgy, Mel Gibson's Braveheart justifies its epic length by delivering enough sweeping action, drama, and romance to match its ambition. 76% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 76 85% Audience Score User Ratings: 32, 708, 456 Braveheart Ratings & Reviews Explanation Braveheart Videos Photos Movie Info Mel Gibson, long-time heartthrob of the silver screen, came into his own as a director with Braveheart, an account of the life and times of medieval Scottish patriot William Wallace and, to a lesser degree, Robert the Bruce's struggle to unify his nation against its English oppressors. The story begins with young Wallace, whose father and brother have been killed fighting the English, being taken into the custody of his uncle, a nationalist and pre-Renaissance renaissance man. He returns twenty years later, a man educated both in the classics and in the art of war. There he finds his childhood sweetheart Murron (Catherine McCormack), and the two quickly fall in love. There are murmurs of revolt against the English throughout the village, but Wallace remains aloof, wishing simply to tend to his crops and live in peace. However, when his love is killed by English soldiers the day after their secret marriage (held secretly so as to prevent the local English lord from exercising the repulsive right of prima noctae, the privilege of sleeping with the bride on the first night of the marriage), he springs into action and single-handedly slays an entire platoon of foot soldiers. The other villagers join him in destroying the English garrison, and thus begins the revolt against the English in what will eventually become full-fledged war. Wallace eventually leads his fellow Scots in a series of bloody battles that prove a serious threat to English domination and, along the way, has a hushed affair with the Princess of Wales (the breathtaking Sophie Marceau) before his imminent demise. For his efforts, Gibson won the honor of Best Director from the Academy; the movie also took home statuettes for Best Picture, Cinematography, Makeup, and Sound Effects. ~ Jeremy Beday, Rovi Rating: R (for brutal medieval warfare) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: May 26, 1995 wide On Disc/Streaming: Aug 29, 2000 Runtime: 177 minutes Studio: Paramount Pictures Cast News & Interviews for Braveheart Critic Reviews for Braveheart Audience Reviews for Braveheart Braveheart Quotes Movie & TV guides.
He get betrayed so many times. December 2019 anyone? and is it just me or does anyone else hear my name at 1:56. Hey Jacob, i learnd PIano by myself 2-3 years ago and this is the Piece i like the most and im playing it close to each week ! I cant belive how Beautiful u are playing Titanic, the way you play is just amazing and i keep listen to it again and again! I wish i could reach ur lvl! Its so emotional! Its wonderful! Its PERFECT! Love it! Greetings from Switzerland.
PIN IT Well, hello there Bravehearted Beauties! It’s been more than a hot minute since I’ve hung around these parts! Is anyone still out there in blogland?!?! If blogs could gather dust, this one would be covered in it! As I begin to type, I can almost hear my words ricocheting around the internet and echoing back in my own ears. Helloooooooo out there! I can’t believe it’s been a year. One post in 2019 and only a few in 2018. Shew! 2018 was STRAIGHT FIRE…and not in the way cool kids use that term these days! Intentional recovery from divorce, trauma, abuse and codependency…that is some INTENSE HEAT, my friends. The kind that burns away so much that you don’t know what you’ll look like on the other side. It feels as if you won’t survive the scorching heat and searing pain…and some days you’re not even sure you want to survive. BUT GOD. “ When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; When?you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. ” ISAIAH 43:2 I’ve always loved those words. I sang the song for decades, as wholeheartedly as I could for a girl who worked so hard to make life comfortable, peaceful and perfect. The words of Isaiah 43 always moved me, but I never knew how to really, truly depend on them. How to live ?and breathe ?by them. This is when your faith gets tested for real: when the flames feel like they will consume you. This is when the promises of God are everything and the only thing you’ve got: when life as you wanted it to be is going up in flames. Friends, I did NOT want to stay in that fire. Anything but the pain of staying in those hot-as-hell flames. I wanted God’s promise to mean He’d airlift me out. I wanted to lift my hands to the heavens, cry out for help, and see a dramatic rescue operation take place on the spot. And when they airlift didn’t come, and the flames got hotter, I wanted to crumple to the ground in a heap of ash. Anything but stay in the center of all that pain. But you know what Jesus did instead of airlifting me out of that place? He taught me how to dance in the fire. ?Yes, DANCE! He stepped right into those flames, unfazed by the heat, took my hand, placed his other hand on my low back, pulled me in close and taught me to dance with Him in the center of the flames…the very hottest spot, yet where I would not be burned and overcome…where I would learn to live and grow and heal and rise. I’ve always been captivated by the way flames dance. But I’ve never once wanted to be on the inside of that hot dance! And now, I know I can be. And I will not only survive it, but I will thrive. I will not only be rescued, but I will be restored. I will be forged into more of who God made me to be through the very flames that felt like they would consume me. The truth is, I feel more like myself today than I ever have. Playful parts have shown up that I haven’t seen for awhile! Friends who knew me in the past see the girl they knew. Friends who know me now see a different glow. And best of all, my daughters are discovering and witnessing the fullness of their very fiery mama! Oh, she’s always been in there…but today the outer layers of protection have burned away. In these last two years, Jesus taught me that there are fire people. Fire people?know the depths of pain and suffering and have been changed by it. Fire people are the truest versions of themselves because of what they’ve been through. And I’m now one of them. A fire girl. ?(Cue “This Girl Is On Fire” by Alicia Keys. I’ve been belting it out for the last year! ) Becoming a fire girl comes at a cost, but I can already tell you it’s worth it, hot flames, heat scars and all! I didn’t intend to go silent in the fire, but sometimes you can barely breathe in there. And you certainly can’t see beyond the flames. You know how they tell you on the airplane to put your own mask on first? I always thought that was craziness because what good mama wouldn’t put a mask on her children first?!?! I had to learn to put my own oxygen mask on first…in almost every area of my life. And as much as I wanted to gasp for air outside the fire and breathe some words of life outside those flames and into your world, I needed to be where I was. Going though it. Staying with it. Staying with Him. I’m pretty sure the only ones who got any life-giving words from me in that fire were my girls. So thankful for the grace of God to love and care for them so well. I journaled pages and pages over the last few years, and shared snippets on? Instagram ?here and there, but when you’re going THROUGH IT, sometimes you just have to put your head down, lift your hands up off the keyboard and let God have His way with you and your story until you can find the words to start telling it again. So here I am, beginning to tell the story again…a year older (45 last week! ) and several years truer, wiser and deeper. It won’t be a tell-all. My blog will never be that place. But it will be an honest place. A true place. A place of hope and encouragement for those of you going through it, whatever “it” is. (And we all go through it at some point in our lives. ) I hope that as you linger here, you will find out in one post or another that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And, that even when you can’t see the good in your story, God is doing something glorious, good and beautiful beyond what you can see. May my story be a testimony to that truth. So WELCOME BACK, my friends. Welcome to the telling of a beautiful restoration story. One still unfolding with unknown twists and turns, loose ends and unknown outcomes. I don’t know how this story ends, but I do know this: the broken will be made beautiful. God is the master of a “beauty from ashes” narrative. And this fire girl is rising to tell it! So much love to every single one of you reading these words. Humbled and grateful for your presence here. P. S. My oldest daughter gets the credit for inspiring me to write today. She called me from college last night and said she needed some advice from a blog expert. Umm…you mean the one who hasn’t written in over a year? Well, that courageous fire girl just posted her very first blog post on her brand new blog, Living in the Grey. Go give her a read and leave her a little love. She’s as good and true as they come. Photo credit: Thank you to my dear friend Paige for seeing radiant light in me, and capturing me in the midst of it. Paige, you have a gift of seeing with God’s eyes. I’m honored that you have been one of the witnesses of my story through our 10+ years of blog friendship (2009? ) and now real life. Back to Top EMAIL POST Subscribe This is me. It’s my birthday. I am 44 years old and deeply loved… Celebrating my worth as a daughter of the KING! If only birthdays were that kind of straight up truth! How about you? How do you feel about birthdays? Maybe it’s easier to start with noticing others. Have you ever noticed how many different ways there are to feel about birthdays? Some can’t wait, some want to skip over it; some embrace their age, some won’t tell; some throw their own parties; some would rather disappear. Here’s what I’ve learned: there’s a story behind every single one of those approaches to birthdays. How we feel about our birthday runs deep in our stories…and often reveals something about what we believe about ourselves. This can be both breathtakingly beautiful and heartachingly broken. For most of my life, I’ve approached my birthday with a mix of joyful anticipation and anxious uncertainty. Why the extremes? Well, on the joyful side of things, I believe birthdays are a BIG deal. It’s the day God chose to bring YOU ?? his wonderful, marvelous, glorious creation ?? into this world! He’s known you all along, but this is the day He introduced the world to how glorious, extraordinary, unique and spectacular you are. It’s the day He revealed yet another aspect of His very own image…through YOU! He’s so lavishly in love with you, wildly crazy about you, immeasuarbly proud of you. More than anything else, You are HIS! You are intimately known to Him. He has called YOU by name! [ Isaiah 43:1] And then there’s the flip side in my approach to birthdays: anxious uncertainty. Ever since I was young, I’ve feared that I’ll be forgotten and uncelebrated. Sometimes it’s faint; sometimes it roars. But it was always there. Of course, I had no conscious or cognitive idea that I feared these things as a child. But I can look back and see the signs. I was often sick on my birthday. I had parties but often felt detached and on the outside of my own celebration. Knowing what I know now about trauma and how the body keeps the score, I believe the sickness was an outward manifestation of my inner anxiety and fear. My immune system couldn’t fight the stress of winter weather on the outside and?fear and anxiety on the inside. And the detachment or dissociation…it was the way I coped with the overwhelming sensations of anxiety in my little body. (This is why Trauma Sensitive Yoga is so healing; it’s a way of returning to your body and safety, gently reconnecting after years, or in my case decades, of leaving. ) So, yes. Sadly, I feared that I wasn’t worth celebrating on my own birthday. But it didn’t stop there. And it wasn’t limited to birthdays. My birthday just became the annual occasion to raise my fears and deepen my agreements with false beliefs. I had this underlying sense that I was unwanted, unlovable and deeply flawed. I wondered if others felt this way about me or if it was just me. When someone forgot my birthday or didn’t celebrate me as fully as I longed to be celebrated, it only reinforced the lies and made them all seem more true. Of course I had no idea these were lies…or that I was believing them. But I carried them inside, dispersing bits and pieces of my fear along the way, and picking up more of it each and every y

I have found out the tune finally: It's: D A D F# A D Right at this video, his guitar tune was a bit loose however the original track sounds much better. Thanks Luca. Brilliant arrangement, throughly enjoyed amigo??. Continued. And as for all these poor deluded lowland Scots who are caught up in the current vogue and attending Gaelic classes in the mistaken belief that they are somehow “rediscovering their roots”, Gaelic is the language of foreign invaders of Caledonia exactly as much as is English. The only original languages of Caledonia are the extinct lowland Welsh and Pictish (which has no written record whatever, but is now often assumed to be a form of Welsh- but I “hae me doots” about this, because they had some radically different social customs, such as matrilineal descent and inheritance, so they could have been a Bronze Age pre Celtic relict people. The truth is that modern Scotland is the product of the fusion mainly of Anglo Saxon and Irish Gaelic cultures. The Anglo Saxons loved the Irish for having converted them to Christianity (the Venerable Bede, the first English historian, a Northumbrian monk writing around 730 AD almost worships the Irish. Bede is another English hero of Western Civilisation almost forgotten in his homeland but described by Continental historians as “the finest mind north of the Alps” in the 8th Century. The astonishing and sudden flowering of Irish Christianity led to the conversion of the English, whereas the Welsh had refused to evangelise their English oppressors. Honestly, one can hardly blame them! But Im afraid Bede took a very dim view of the Welsh for this. Just to add to the confusion, it was the Welsh from the borders of Caledonia who had evangelised and converted the Irish Scots. St Patrick was a Welsh boy seized from near modern Carlisle by Irish slave raiders, and taken to Ireland. So you can see how incredibly intertwined are the cultural ethnic and linguistic origins of all the peoples of the British Isles. But the Welsh did refuse to evangelize the English directly, and refusal of forgiveness and of salvation, was a great sin in English - as indeed in all -Christianity, something the embittered vanquished the World over often struggle to remember, once sin is genuinely acknowledged, contrition expressed and forgiveness sought. This is at the cultural heart of our old religion, and was central to the ultimate ability of English and the newly converted Danes later to form a new Anglo-Scandinavian kingdom, and allowed this to fuse in turn into an Anglo-Norman State. It sounds like a sermon today, but these cultural traits really mattered, helped blood feuds (the plague of many early non-Christian European societies) to be settled, and allowed us to progress as a nation. So there is nothing to be ashamed of in Scotland being a new creation from many different ethnic and cultural groups. Rejoice in all parts which have given rise to modern Scotland. Sadly, anti English bigotry (and of course one understands the historical roots of this) has become routine in some nationalist circles, so there is a complete state of denial that the Anglo-Saxons are as much a part of Scottish cultural and ethnic identity as are the Irish, the Welsh and the Picts. The glory of Britain is the cultural union forged amongst different ethnic groups to make a union capable of resisting barbarian attack, from the Vikings to the Nazis, perceiving what were our shared cultural values and how these outweigh our cultural and ethnic differences. Such a message runs counter to the divisive element among some Scottish Nationalists who seek to present Scottish culture and people as if they were an ethnically pure and uncorrupted entity, sprung magically either from nothing, or from exclusively the Irish Gaelic strand, to the exclusion of the non-Gaelic Pictish, Welsh and English elements, and ignoring also the powerful bonds of politics and religion which have bound all of the people of Britain into a single cultural identity, joyfully composed of many rich and distinct strands. However much we try to murder and rewrite history for narrow political purposes, the remains of the corpses lie everywhere to be seen, and even heard. Old acquaintance should indeed, never be forgot.
How to Make a Braveheart Cocktail - Dave Allred, TheRealBarman The Braveheart Cocktail: best consumed in a kilt (commando, of course), although you can totally sip it in your bathrobe at home if you’re feeling more Heffner than Wallace. Just don’t expect to battle oppression and tyranny from your sofa wearing a cloth belt. Cheers, Dave About the Author Dave has been in the bar/restaurant industry for more 30 years and has worked as a barback, server, bartender, bar manager, GM, bar consultant, and since 2010 is the Owner/CEO of Bar Patrol, a bar and restaurant management company that helps owners & managers run a more profitable bar. In addition, Dave also helps bartenders become experts at their jobs, as well as help aspiring bartenders to learn the trade and get their foot in the door and land a job with the #1 online bartending course, TheRealBarCourse. Dave can be reached at any time at:.
A really good job done, Mel is one of my favorite actors and a very creative director. Keep up the good work Mel. Film by Gibson [1995] Braveheart, historical epic film, released in 1995, that was directed by and starred Mel Gibson and was loosely based on the story of 13th-century Scottish leader William Wallace. The movie was a surprise winner of the Academy Award for best picture. Mel Gibson in Braveheart (1995). © 1995 Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation; After William Wallace’s father and brother are killed in battle against the English, Wallace is sent to continental Europe to be educated. He returns to Scotland as an adult (played by Gibson) and marries his childhood sweetheart, Murron (Catherine McCormack. ) When English soldiers try to rape Murron, Wallace saves her but the soldiers make a second attempt and she is captured and executed. Wallace then leads his clan in slaughtering the English garrison, and he continues to fight to expel the English from Scotland, gaining increasing numbers of followers as stories of his exploits spread. He leads his outnumbered ranks to victory in the Battle of Stirling Bridge, and then he invades England and sacks the town of York. English King Edward Longshanks ( Patrick McGoohan) sends Princess Isabelle (Sophie Marceau), his son’s wife, to negotiate peace with Wallace, but she is charmed by him and becomes his ally. She warns Wallace of an impending English invasion. Wallace seeks the support of the Scottish nobility in the fight against the English, but the nobles are reluctant. Robert the Bruce (Angus Macfadyen) is particularly torn. The Scottish fighters are crushed by an army led by King Edward in the Battle of Falkirk after members of the Scottish nobility betray Wallace. Wallace tries to kill Edward himself but is intercepted by a lancer, who proves to be Robert the Bruce. Robert then saves Wallace from being captured by the English. Wallace spends the next several years engaged in guerrilla warfare against the English. He later agrees to meet with Robert in Edinburgh, but Robert the Elder ( Ian Bannen) and other nobles set a trap and capture Wallace. During his long and agonizing execution, Wallace refuses to submit to gain mercy and instead defiantly cries out, “Freedom! ” In an epilogue, Robert the Bruce leads the Scottish to victory over the English in the Battle of Bannockburn. The movie, inspired by a nearly 12, 000-line epic poem about Wallace by Harry the Minstrel and filmed largely in Ireland, triggered an upsurge of interest in Scottish history, although it contained numerous historical inaccuracies and anachronisms. Critics especially praised the massively scaled and extravagantly violent battle scenes. Production notes and credits Studios: Icon Productions and the Ladd Company Director: Mel Gibson Writer: Randall Wallace Cinematography: John Toll Cast Mel Gibson (William Wallace) Catherine McCormack (Murron) Patrick McGoohan (King Edward Longshanks) Sophie Marceau (Princess Isabelle) Angus Macfadyen (Robert the Bruce) Ian Bannen (Robert the Elder) Academy Award nominations (* denotes win) Picture* Cinematography* Costume design Direction* Editing Makeup* Music Sound Sound effects editing* Writing Patricia Bauer Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Scotland: The arts …renaissance after the success of Braveheart (1995), an American production that chronicles Scottish battles with the English in the 13th century and that helped rekindle nationalist aspirations. Other films, such as Trainspotting (1996), Orphans (1997), Young Adam (2003), and Red Road (2006), enjoyed wide success, and Scottish films now figure… Mel Gibson Gibson next directed the epic Braveheart (1995), in which he portrayed the Scottish national hero Sir William Wallace. The film won five Academy Awards, including best picture and best director. … William Wallace William Wallace, one of Scotland’s greatest national heroes, leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long and ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule. ….
Its going to take a brave heart to learn this. Here I go.

This is the man who inspired me to start playing guitar

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Published by: Lindsey Straus
Biography: Attorney, proud progressive and member of the resistance, musician, foodie, Unitarian Universalist, fan of Chelsea F.C., Red Sox, Pats, golf. She/her ?????









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