Flanagan full film Doctor Sleep

152Min Mike Flanagan UK, Canada Mike Flanagan
Tomatometer: 8,1 of 10 Star
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Seeing this film especially this scene in IMAX was money worth spending! Criminally overlooked film. I'm so excited to see this now. Life goes by quick. When Rose astral projects across the night sky in silence except for the slow heart beat creeped me out. Very reminiscent of the eerie moments in The Shining.
Why oh Why Ewan-You should of worn Brown contacts or had them put in later on with CGI as the original Danny Torrance has Brown eyes-Continity error right there. 1.31. I wouldn't have picked him out as the same person in a million years. All the actors in this film did a great job. Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Ferguson gave solid performances, but this young actress was absolutely amazing. She killed the role. NEGATIVE: Thank you(maker of the movie) very much for giving me the most terrifying (not a compliment) experience i have ever gotten in my life. WATCHING Jacob Tremblay SUFFERING AND DYING such a BRUTAL murder way, that's something NOBODY should ever be witnessing! You went too far. Damn you guys.
There was a street sign in one of the shots of the miniature town that said elm street. Welp, you know what they say. There's always a bigger fish. When I saw the monsters attacking Rose, I was shocked, I see every monster that Danny has locked away, like the bathroom lady, Delbert Grady, the creepy twins, and the great party isnt it man. I was excited to see those creatures But who were the other monsters? Who was that other lady? And the better question, what happened to the bear man.
I cant belive the time is so fast and they have changed a lots. RIP to those who have passed. I actually liked this Movie a little Bit more than the Shining. Yeah what's up with everybody dying at 79... The two girls those eyes wow. This is so sad omg. Seeing this on the big screen was incredible. It was such a well executed sequence. Love this one! One question: where's bear-suit guy. 3:37 jack nicholson cool he like me he best smart. Its so jarring that it wasnt Jack Nicholson, thats the only complaint I have of the movie.









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