Storia di B. - La scomparsa di mia madre ?Sτrę??îņ??

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Director=Beniamino Barrese / &ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) / Italy / Creator=Beniamino Barrese / Runtime=1 H 34m / Benedetta Barzini, Salvador Dalí. I left the theater and got lost in medieval, rainy, cobbled stone street, Santiago, mesmerized, with my thoughts about the film and my surroundings.
The Disappearance of My Mother ( Storia de B. ?La scomparsa di mia madre) Directed by Beniamino Barrese Benedetta Barzini wants to disappear. An iconic fashion model in the 1960s, she became a muse to Andy Warhol, Salvador Dalí, Arthur Penn, and Richard Avedon. As a pioneering feminist in the 1970s, she fought for the rights and emancipation of women. By at the age of 75, however, she is fed up with the roles life has imposed upon her and decides to leave everything and everyone behind and disappear to a place as far as possible from the gaze of the camera. Only her son, Beniamino, is permitted to witness her journey. Having filmed her since his childhood (despite her resistance), Beniamino now wants to make a film about his mother to keep her close for as long as possible?or, at least, as long as his camera keeps rolling. The making of the film turns into a battle between mother and son, a stubborn fight to capture the ultimate image of Benedetta?that of her liberation. A selection of the Sundance Film Festival. 2019, Italy, DCP, in Italian with English subtitles, 94 minutes. Recommended for ages 16+. TICKETS.
It felt like the main protagonist is so indifferent to everything that happened around him. He didn't even mention his aunt who was the foundation element for his talent and inspiration. My blood kept boiling after he and Eli found out what her father did to her and yet remained so indifferent and hanged out with him like NOTHING. It was even more outrageous the fact how Eli knew the kind of man her father was yet allowed him to continue with the procedure. Having no justice served at all during the film and especially near the end where Kurt could've clearly grasped the involvement of that asshole man with what happened to his aunt. Fuck. I just can't love it. No, I'm so sorry. It was so disappointing and disturbing to watch.

This man is sick. And so are his followers

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Documentaries are inherently exploitative to some degree. Whether it is the filmmaker crafting footage to tell a story, editing out footage to support a thesis or message, or engaging with one’s subject and impacting the “truth” through self-awareness, or all of the above, the documentary as a medium is always a version or interpretation of the truth and not pure, unfiltered fact. Beniamino Barrese’s debut film Storia di B. ? La scomparsa di mia madre ( The Disappearance of My Mother) explores this underlying conflict through a most personal subject: his mother. He is the son of Benedetta Barzini, a supermodel, activist, teacher, and more, whose final wish as she ages is to simply disappear ? making her a reluctant subject for a documentary. She says early on that she “disdains” images, which cannot fully capture someone’s essence and spirit, a sentiment which comes at odds with her son as a director of film, a medium requiring images to communicate, emote, and express. The footage is arranged in a non-linear, but thematically cohesive manner: exploring her early modeling career, through footage and images of Barzini as early as the 1960s; her today, arguably a recluse fed up with the Milanese society she has long been part of; her as teacher, guiding and challenging students to reframe their understanding of marketing, fashion, and the image; and her as mother, bickering with, and sharing warm moments with, her son the director. It is often a very difficult film to watch, bearing witness to an older woman telling her son that she simply wants to disappear from the world. The film’s subject engaging with the documentary form pushes the line between fact and fiction, as she and Barrese discuss ways to shoot her final good-bye, before she changes her mind and wants to stage something else. Barzini hates the image and wants to escape from it, but also wants to leverage it and help visually craft the send-off she wishes to stage and have recorded. A critique some have had on the film is in the central conflict between mother and son, subject and documentarian: is it another instance of the male gaze, exploitation, or filming a subject without consent? As many scenes as there are of Barzini being angry or frustrated with Barrese’s camera, there are glimmers of happiness: a smile as she takes pride in her work as a model, her twirling in a new dress as she films one of her staged good-byes. If anything, the choice to include the more combative moments show Barrese’s awareness of the camera’s gaze, and transparency to tell a full story, both good and bad. In a Q&A following the film, Barrese described the film as “imperfect, ” though it is all the more compelling and powerful through such “imperfection, ” a fine balancing act of contention and collaboration, fact and fiction. Storia di B. ? La scomparsa di mia madre is a strong, challenging debut work, and with Barrese subverting and questioning genre right out of the gate, he’ll be a very exciting filmmaker to follow. Screened at the 31st Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival in 2020.

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YouTube. Mi dispiace tanto. Boring and not even close to the real life of Gerhard Richter! It's a shame. maybe the american audience will like it! But it's just another soulless-german movie. Beniamino Barrese racconta sua madre, Benedetta Barzini, top model negli anni 60, musa di fotografi e artisti, da Irving Penn a Richard Avedon, da Andy Warhol a Salvador Dalì. Unico titolo italiano all’ultimo Sundance, ora nominato ai prestigiosi European Film Awards, dopo aver raccolto riconoscimenti e critiche positive in oltre 40 tra festival internazionali e nazionali, arriva nelle sale italiane “La scomparsa di mia madre”, tempestoso e sensibile documentario sulla figura di Benedetta Barzini, madre del regista. Modella iconica dalla New York degli anni ’60, musa di Andy Warhol, Salvador Dalí, Richard Avedon e Irving Penn, femminista militante in Italia negli anni ’70, madre sola di quattro figli, giornalista, scrittrice e poi docente universitaria di Antropologia della Moda, a 75 anni Benedetta Barzini è stanca dei tanti ruoli in cui la vita l’ha costretta e ha deciso di lasciare tutto, per scomparire in un luogo lontano in cui nessuno potrà più trovarla. Turbato da questa risoluzione ?radicale, quanto indefinita? suo figlio Beniamino comincia a filmarla, con l’intenzione di realizzare un film su di lei che possa tramandarne la memoria e insieme trattenerla a sé il più a lungo possibile. Incontrando la ferma opposizione di Benedetta, il progetto diventa velocemente un campo di battaglia in cui madre e figlio si aiutano e si ostacolano a vicenda nel tentativo di scrivere l’ipotesi di una separazione inevitabile, difficile da accettare e forse impossibile da raffigurare. La distribuzione internazionale è a cura di Autlook mentre in Italia il film sarà distribuito da Reading Bloom e Rodaggio Film. “La scomparsa di mia madre” è stato realizzato grazie anche ai supporto di Filmitalia, Rai Teche, la Direzione Cinema di Sensi Contemporanei, Toscana Film Commission e il Mibac. ★★★ “ALLO STESSO TEMPO TENERO E IMPETUOSO” THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER “VI CONQUISTERÀ: BENEDETTA È UNA DELLE GRANDI DONNE DEL NOSTRO TEMPO” FILM COMMENT “SVELA IL LATO FEROCEMENTE POLITICO DEL NOSTRO PRIVATO” THE NEW YORK TIMES “UN’OPERA CORAGGIOSA QUANTO LA SUA PROTAGONISTA” VOGUE ITALIA In collaborazione con POLIMODA FIRENZE REGIA: Beniamino Barrese ANNO: 2019 PAESE: Italia DURATA: 94 minuti INGRESSO: 6? intero / 5? ridotto / 3? studenti POLIMODA FIRENZE.
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