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Writer John David
Biography Twitter buff. Internet maven. General web evangelist. Infuriatingly humble entrepreneur. A wanderlust in search of ideas

Score 36 vote
creator Faleena Hopkins
countries USA
Duration 1h 40 min
Genres Romance

Just one more kiss movie online hindi. The other day I was thinking about a different post I wanted to make when I came to the abrupt realization that almost all of my boyfriends as a teenager were adult men. Now, I have always been boy crazy, and I have always liked older guys. I remember the first boy that I called my boyfriend when we were kids at the YMCA daycare. We would cuddle up during movies, sit next to each other at snack time, etc. I was about 5 and I think he was 6 or 7. My first "real" boyfriend, also 2 years older, 6th grade vs 8th grade, but when I hit 14 is when I started dating adult men. Of course, I bought into the whole "you're so much more mature than girls your age" and all that blah blah. I'll say also that I was *extremely lucky* in my experiences. Despite the fact that I was dating all these adults (names changed), I had a reputation as somewhat of a "prude, " and I really stuck to my boundaries when I was younger. Thankfully, all of these guys had the decency to respect that, and I although I had plenty of situations where I felt uncomfortable, I was always able to deescalate before things went further than I wanted. (I wish I had been better at doing that as an adult, but we're learning! ) My first adult boyfriend, Chip, was 21 when I was 14 (but it's ok guys, I told him I was 15 /s). Chip already had a reputation in his group for dating younger girls, although I believe I was the youngest, so he was very hush hush about the whole thing. His best friends knew (and ribbed him endlessly), and my best friends knew, and that was about it. I eventually broke up with him because he was always working and I wanted to, ya know, be a kid and do fun things instead of hanging out at his store all day. Chip continued to flit in and out of my life as I had different boyfriends and became single again; I actually talked to him last about a year ago. The next bf was "only" 16 and a more appropriate age for me, but funny enough, he was the one that put more pressure on me than any of the adults to be more sexual than I was comfortable with at the time, and we broke up shortly. Which brings me to the next one, a whopping *23 years old* dating a 14 year old, and he was well aware of my age. We met online, of course, and had I believe two whole dates before he decided what he was doing was wrong and faked his death rather than break up with a literal child, lol. (Seriously, his "brother" signed into his AOL account and told me that my bf had been killed in a car crash. Weird that the "brother" continued to log in and out of that screenname for another year, isn't it? ) At least one of those "dates" was not a date at all (because who actually goes on real dates at 14? ) but was instead a grown man taking me and my best friends to an R rated movie that we could not have gotten in to without him. I was not even the gross one in this situation and I am legitimately cringing as I type this. Then I dated what I call my first "big" boyfriend, we'll call him Jeff. We spent a lot of time together vs with my previous boyfriends, and it was the first relationship that really just "hit different. " I guess you could call him my "first love" although that sounds hilarious looking back on it. He was 19, I was 14, we met at an outdoor concert and he and his roommate/friend (who at 16 would have been a much more age appropriate match) proceeded to hound me for a month to date Jeff. Eventually I gave in because I thought it was "sweet" that he wanted to date me so badly. I figured I'd "give him a shot, " right? While we were dating, it was great! He had a car, he had mommy's credit card. We went to the movies, out to eat, just cruising, he picked me up front school every day, etc. In my oh so limited experience with men, this was truly a HVM lmao. We had to break up after 6 months because he was involved in a court case for, you guessed it! fooling around with the roommate! Next, at 15 I dated a friend of a friend of a friend of Jeff that we'll call Steve. Steve was 18 but acted 13. I guess I figured if I was going to deal with immaturity, I'd at least get the advantages that came with them being old enough to drive and work? Who knows. Steve was a *huge* goofball, and probably the most "childlike" of the bunch. IIRC, we never did anything more than kiss the first time we dated, and I genuinely never felt pressured by him to do anything. He ended up breaking up with me, saying that his mom wasn't comfortable with the age difference, and although she liked me, she was just worried about her son getting into trouble. Eh, mom gets half a point here. So I finally got another age appropriate boyfriend, 16 to my 15. It was a pretty nondescript relationship. He was a friend of a close friend of mine, so he meshed with our group well, but there was just nothing special there. The most remarkable thing about it was that we took each other's virginity, so at least that happened with someone my own age! We then broke up because I had my sights set on someone else who was also age appropriate, but that didn't work out. Enter Jeff! Court was over, and he was on probation. We never officially dated again, but we started hanging out, and once while drunk at a party I asked him to sleep with me and he refused. So Jeff gets half a point for not being a total creepbag, but he probably should have just stuck to people his own age at the party. (Our group was very age diverse, so it wasn't wrong for him to be there; honestly my friends and I are the ones that had no business being there. ) Things, uh, didn't work out for Jeff, and he started dating a girl his own age who promptly convinced him to violate his probation and go back to jail. After that I had a long distance relationship with Tanner, who was 19 to my now 16. I met Tanner at a convention the previous year (when I was 15), and we immediately hit it off. We exchanged information and kept in touch, but it wasn't until the next year's convention that we officially started dating, and now that I'd had sex, we did that, a lot. We managed to see each other about once a month (which is pretty frequent thinking back on it for a couple of broke teenagers), but he eventually ended it just short of a year saying that I wasn't mature enough. This was shortly after two back to back visits that were longer that usual, so fair enough. At the time I was devastated. I would call Tanner my second "big" relationship. So I soon went back to Steve. Now at 17 and 20, his mom was more comfortable. I believe my state has or had the "3 year" law as well. But Steve again ended it shortly, although I don't remember why. We still never had sex, which was disappointing to me at the time because I wanted to be like everyone else that was sleeping around (LOL) (although, as I would find out a few years later, I shouldn't have been disappointed because it was, in fact, disappointing, if you catch my drift... ) After that I was single for close to a year, so by the time I started dating again I was 18 and "legal. " I don't really have a point to all of this, just wanted to share, I guess. I had never actually taken the time to stop and actually see how many "men" I dated when I was a child. At the time, I felt proud that these older guys wanted to be with me. It wasn't until I was in my early/mid 20s and was looking at 14 and 15 year old boys and thinking "HOLY SHIT! What were those dudes thinking?!? " that I started to realize that they weren't dating me because they wanted to be WITH ME. They were dating me because adult women wouldn't put up with them. As I said before, I am SO LUCKY that the men I dated didn't push when I said "no" because I know there are SO SO many women who weren't so lucky. Anyway, that's my story about the 5 adult men that dated me between the ages of 14 and 17. And by the way, these are only the ones that outright called themselves my boyfriend. Sprinkle in 3 or 4 dudes that I talked to and fooled around with (but never sex) that never wanted to put a name to it, and you have nearly 10 adults that were willing to involve themselves romantically/sexually with a minor within the span of 3-4 years.
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I teased him a bit about his comment, asking whether he was a secret agent on a dangerous mission or a CIA operative. He just chuckled and shook his head. “No, it’s nothing that cool, trust me. ” He never said much more about it than that, only adding that he was contractually obligated to refrain from discussing his work in any detail. I didn’t think much of it either way, and soon after our first date we had a second… and then a third, and before I knew it, I was spending entire weekends at his home indulging in scary movie marathons and waking up to his butterfly kisses in the morning. Things moved quick between us, and I admit, I fell hard in no time. He was always cracking jokes and making me smile. Always reliable and dependent. He had his own house and clearly made good money. Sorry, I know this is probably starting to sound a little too off track, but I just think it’s important to highlight how happy we were together. It’s what made everything that’s happened recently so hard for me to understand. Ryan and I have been dating for almost two years now, but he’s now been missing for over a month. I came over one night after texting him earlier in the day, but he wasn’t home. I knew something was very wrong when I saw his front door wide open. I left the home and called the police; who arrived minutes later. They searched the property, but didn’t find him. His car and all of his belongings were there as far as we could tell. The front door was clearly forced in, but other than that there was no sign of a struggle. An odd metallic odor was lingering in the air. I don’t know if the police noticed it, but I sure did. By far the strangest thing they found was that all electronics in the house were dead. Everything from the lights and air conditioner to the toaster in the kitchen were just dead. Even his iPhone left on the kitchen table, and his Jeep Rubicon parked in the garage refused to turn on. Electricians later found that his entire electrical grid had been fried. Not from a fire though, they said it looked more like the result of a massive electrical surge. A few of the neighbor’s houses suffered damage as well, but no one could determine what had caused it. Ryan hadn’t said anything to anyone about going anywhere, and there was nothing to necessarily indicate he had been abducted or worse. They ended up rationalizing the bizarre power outage and circuit damage as the result of a freak lightning strike. As for Ryan: the police believe he went out and committed suicide somewhere hidden with the intention of not being found. I know they say that the ones who seem the happiest are often times the best at hiding suicidal ideation, but I never saw anything to indicate that from Ryan. He never spoke about dealing with mental health issues, and he left no note or anything else behind. It’s like he just got up, walked out, and never came back. For the first couple weeks I was an absolute mess. The loss was hard enough, but the prospect of just not knowing drove little daggers into my heart. I couldn’t help but feel it was my fault. Like something I had done had pushed him away. After finding the truth now, I would give anything for that to be the reality. The one piece of evidence that gave me hope was the front door, and how it seemed as though it had been breached by force. Something in my gut told me there was more to the story than my emotional side led me to believe. I scoured through his house for weeks, hoping to find something the police had missed. A couple nights ago I was looking through a photo album he had made for me one Christmas. There were pictures of all kinds in there through the various adventures we had taken together. The sorrow rolled like waves as I flipped through it, and it was all I could do to not be dragged back into the undertow. After fully depressing myself, I slid the photo album back onto the open slot on Ryan’s bookshelf. Of course, my clumsy ass accidentally hit another book in the process, causing a small grey book to tumble out and land on the floor. With an annoyed sigh I bent down to put it back. I grabbed it by the binding, and did my best to preserve the book’s condition. As I was scooping it up, I noticed something on the bookshelf where the book had fallen from. In between the slot was what looked like a hidden panel on the bookshelf. After removing more books and eventually wobbling the bookshelf aside, I realized it wasn’t on the bookshelf at all; but instead on the wall behind it. There was a knob on it, and a small 3 inch by 3 inch slit. I grabbed the small knob with my fingers, and pulled it open. The panel swiveled, revealing a small, blank metal box inside. Carefully I slid it outwards, and was surprised by the unexpected weight of it. The small metal box was only about the size of a cellphone, and maybe as thick as a bible, but was surprisingly heavy. I thought it was an iron ingot at first; and wondered why Ryan would bother hiding it behind his bookcase so secretly. But as I was fumbling around with it, I felt it slide apart. The small box separated and slid open into two halves; like some contraption machined to fit together like a puzzle. Inside was a small hollowed out compartment, a thick bundle of copper wire, and in the middle was a single USB flash drive. There was nothing extraordinary about it, and nothing to indicate what it contained, but clearly if Ryan went through all that trouble to protect it, it had to be something important. Part of me had begun to wonder whether he was involved in some shady activity, and his vague job description was just a convenient cover. I thought maybe it could’ve been money laundering or some other work of the criminal variety. It may have been a violation of privacy, but I was desperate. I had to know what was on it. After plugging it into my laptop I was met with only an error message stating that the attachment wasn’t recognized. I took it out and put it back in several times but my efforts were all in vein. Since I don’t know jack about computers, I got in contact with a friend of mine who does. He came over to my house the next day; dragging a plethora of diagnostic equipment along with him. I explained to him what I knew, and hoped he’d be able to assist in accessing the flash drive. Luckily, he identified that the reason it wasn’t opening for me was because it was in a format which isn’t normally supported by computers. He didn’t even have the equipment for it, but claimed he could get it with little issue. He commented on how odd the format itself was, as it’s not something normally utilized by coders. Once he got the equipment he needed, he was finally able to unlock the mysterious drive. The file opened to reveal several dozen different files within; most of them simple notepad documents. They were all titled in series of numbers, and there seemed to be no indication as to what they contained. There was another file titled, but it appeared entirely corrupted. Chris ? the name I’ll use for my computer whiz friend who was helping me, commented on the odd find, and his curiosity seemed to pique. He tried messing with the corrupted file with several techniques but nothing he did got it to function. He said that the format of ‘NSI’ was one typically used in anti-virus software. He wondered if maybe the corrupted file was a type of malware or computer virus. Luckily the notepad documents provided some context, but the more we read the stranger it all got. The first several were all titled by dates, and seemed to contain nothing but gibberish to me. Chris recognized them as lines of code, and began scrolling through them. He opened some other programs and began copying them over, and I stayed quiet to allow him to work. I might as well have been looking at Ancient Sumerian, because I had no idea what any of it meant. Chris sure seemed to though, and I heard him gasp aloud several times. “Incredible…” He muttered while shaking his head in disbelief. “What is it? ” I asked, on the verge of dying from suspense. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. Incredibly complex and look at this…” He grabbed the cursor icon with the mouse and dragged downward. What had to have been millions of individual characters zoomed by my eyes, and the scope of the document became clear. “And there’s 37 more like this. ” I piqued an eyebrow at him. “And I’m guessing that’s a lot? ” I naively asked. Chris’ eyebrows jumped and he nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yeah… like an insane amount of code. If the other documents contain even half of what this one does than it’ll easily dwarf what most triple-A video games take for an entire project. ” I squinted at the screen, but it made no more sense than it had earlier. “Is that what he was doing? Building a video game? ” Chris paused and glanced at the screen, slowly sha
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