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Correspondent Matty G
Bio: Writer, gamer, and co-host @officialSDGC (he/him)

audience score 24035 votes / Genre Drama / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZDhkMjUyYjItYWVkYi00YTM5LWE4MGEtY2FlMjA3OThlYmZhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk4OTc3MTY@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) / Average rating 8,2 / 10 / Writers Ronald Bronstein / countries USA. Uncut gems ending. Uncut gens. Uncut gems showtimes. Uncut gems movie trailer. This trailer is damn good. HORRIBLE MOVIE. Uncut gems i disagree. 1:42 why he godda do the weeknd like that. Uncut gems netflix release. Uncut gems near me. I absolutely loved Good Time, It's one of my favorite movies. The Safdie brother's push there characters to the absolute edge and give you an intense movie experience alot of people aren't used to. So I can for sure see how it's not for everyone but by the way your describing this it sounds like they've done it again.
Uncut gems movie times. Uncut gems yms. Rambo: Last blood. I want to see more performances of the kind “DRUNKPUNCHLOVE”. Uncut gems ending explained. Uncut gems trailer music. Uncut gems soundtrack. Nice to finally see Adam Sandler in something different. His movies and the same kind of comedy he was making was getting stale. Uncut gets new. Uncut gems imdb. 2012 год. Говард Ратнер владеет небольшим ювелирным магазином в?Нью-Йорке. Являясь большим фанатом НБА, он?жизни не?мыслит без?ставок на?игры, поэтому находится по?уши в?долгах и?постоянно скрывается от?кредиторов. Однажды подельник приводит к?нему в?магазин ведущего игрока ?Бостон Селтикс? Кевина Гарнетта, и?в это?же время из?Эфиопии приходит посылка с?редкими неогранёнными чёрными опалами. Зачарованный их?блеском Гарнетт буквально приклеивается к?этому куску породы, просит одолжить его?на несколько дней и?оставляет в?залог чемпионское кольцо. Говард тут?же закладывает кольцо в?соседнем ломбарде и?на вырученную сумму делает ставку на?игру ?Селтикс?. Рейтинг кинокритиков 92% Трейлеры Материалы о фильме Знаете похожие фильмы? Порекомендуйте их... Порекомендуйте фильмы, похожие на ? ? по жанру, сюжету, создателям и т. д. * внимание! система не позволяет рекомендовать к фильму сиквелы / приквелы ? не пытайтесь их искать Саундтрек Отзывы и рецензии зрителей Добавить рецензию... Все: 26 Положительные: 23 Отрицательные: 1 Процент: 92. 3% Нейтральные: 2 ещё случайные Новый фильм от?братьев Сэфди можно назвать смелым уже?одним лишь поступком утверждением на?главного актера Адама Сэндлера, закрепившимся в?спорных ролях второсортных комедий. Эта?драма, о?человеке который хочет удержаться на?вершине успеха, хотя он?и не?замечает как, утопает в?своих нарастающих проблемах. В самом начале фильма нам?показывают шахту в?Эфиопии и?рабочего, у?которого был?перелом кости (производственная травма). Ужасные условия работы, и?как в?этих условиях шахтеры нашли драгоценный камень ?опал? вокруг которого и?будет происходить все?беды и?радости, в?этом произведении он?чуть ли?не будет приносить магическую силу им?же фильм и?окончится. Нас?знакомят с?главным героем владельцем небольшого ювелирного магазина Говард Ратнер. И?с этого момента повествование фильма переходит на?новый совсем иной темп, более быстрый, под?бесподобный саундтрек Дэниела Лопатина. Надо сказать, что?музыка здесь подобрана так, что?она задает настроение еще?до того, как?ты понимаешь что?сейчас будет происходить в?кадре. У?Говарда проблемы так?как он?большой фанат баскетбола и?любитель ставок он?должен денег. В?надежде заработать денег он?продает кольцо, которое ему?отдали на?время в?надежде поставить ставку и?отыграть все?долги, но?все пошло не?по плану… При хронометраже в?135 мин, братья Сэфди умудрились поставить фильм настолько быстрый и?это относится в?основном не?к монтажу картины, а?к сценарию, на?протяжении всего фильма Говард пытается выкарабкаться из?навалившихся на?него проблем и?неудач. Видим, как?человек не?понимает и?слепо верит в?то, что?он держит все?под контролем и?всегда есть ?план б?. На?протяжении всего фильма Говард врет абсолютно всем, отсутствует доверие, от?этого диалог в?конце фильма с?баскетболистом Кевином Гарнеттом, где?Говард ?раскрывает все?карты? еще?более интригует. Было ли?это истина или?это просто ложь и?способ потянуть время перед бандитами которые шли?к нему. Какой Говард человек нам?так и?не покажут, им?двигало непросто жажда азарта, а?еще и?способ самоутверждения. Доказать что?это так?и есть, это???не дело случая, а?четко выстроенный план. К?сожалению, конец предсказуем. Братья Сэфди проворачивают это?не впервые, их?прошлая работа ?Хорошее время? очень похожая. Главный герой попадает в?неприятности после того, как?его ?отличный? план проваливается. Фирменный режиссерский почерк узнается практически сразу, прелесть в?том, как?они в?схожую ситуацию помещают разных героев. Неограненные драгоценности???это отличный фильм, который держит напряжение весь фильм, и?хоть в?нем отсутствует (почти) экшен-сцены это?не мешает ему?удержать вас?у экрана. прямая ссылка + комментарий добавить комментарий Полезная рецензия? пожаловаться на спойлер? Да / Нет 3 / 2 3 марта 2020 | 18:53 ?UNCUT GEMS????невероятное кино! Настоящий эмоциональный аттракцион. Даже сложно что-то описать после просмотра. Знаете, это?было сравнимо с?настоящим взрывом мозга. Лента в?течении всего хронометража балансирует между серьёзной драмой и?непредсказуемым триллером. И?если честно, то?вообще не?даёт расслабиться. Очень сложно собрать мысли в?кучу после просмотра, но?я по?крайней мере пытаюсь. Итак… Это?уже четвёртый полнометражный фильм братьев Сэфди. Режиссёры выстрелили своим ?Хорошим Временем? где-то два-три года назад, поэтому и?этот их?фильм меня заинтриговал. Заинтриговал своим концептом и?трейлером. Затем вышли первые оценки и?дальше я?начал думать, что?с фильмом может быть не?так. Критики считают это?выдающимся проектом, а?зрители его?разносят. Поэтому начал смотреть я?с определёнными умеренными ожиданиями, но?сомнения развеялись спустя 30?минут фильма. И?сейчас я?буду это?объяснять… 1. Сценарий Начнём, пожалуй, с?сюжета. Он?рассказывает нам?о Говарде Ратнере, который владеет ювелирным магазином, но?чтобы обеспечить свой бизнес, он?постоянно влезает в?долги. Но?если некоторые готовы ждать возврата, то?другие выбивают деньги силой. Всё меняется, как?только ему?приходят те?самые ?UNCUT GEMS?. История интригует, захватывает и?потрясает своей оригинальностью и?непредсказуемостью. С?каждой минутой смотреть всё интереснее. А?финал… честно, такого лично я?давно не?видел. В?тот момент голова просто разносится. Это?тот самый момент когда твой накал переполняется и?в один момент происходит резк
Critic’s Pick In the Safdie brothers’ new movie, Sandler plays a jewelry-store owner and compulsive gambler running for his life. Credit... A24 Uncut Gems NYT Critic's Pick Directed by Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller R 2h 15m “Uncut Gems, ” the latest from the brothers Josh and Benny Safdie, blows in like a Category 4 hurricane. It’s a tumult of sensory extremes, of images and sounds, lurching shapes, braying voices, intensities of feeling and calculated craziness. So, naturally it stars ? why not? ? Adam Sandler as a cheat, liar, loving dad, bad husband, jealous lover and compulsive gambler who can’t stop, won’t stop acting the fool. The Safdies, two of the more playfully inventive filmmakers working in American cinema, won’t stop, either, which makes “Uncut Gems” fun if also wearying and at times annoying. It doesn’t seem to add up to much ? a little man lives his life ? but this is just enough. It’s easier to admire than to love, and I hate the ending, but the Safdies clearly like working your nerves. They’re not interested in the dumb, easy stuff movies give you ? the likable, relatable characters, the sermonizing and moralizing; they’re too busy deploying color and noise, pushing the form, testing their (and our) limits. Amid this enjoyable chaos, Sandler plays Howard Ratner, who has a small jewelry store in the Diamond District of Manhattan. He has a few employees, one of whom is his mistress (Julia Fox), and an aggrieved wife (Idina Menzel) who’s fed up with him. He’s a careless family man, but he dotes on his sons and still clocks in for homey obligations. There’s a leisurely Passover Seder in the middle of the movie that’s suffused with love and alive with squalling kids, bustling women and well-padded men chewing cigars. But Howard has his plagues: He’s a gambler and presumably an unlucky one given the heavy debt that he’s carrying. Lots of stuff happens, lots and lots, and some of it can be hard to track. But the bedlam is intentional and amusing. All you need to do is latch onto Howard as he runs from here to there, yelling greetings, taking calls, making deals, always moving amid jump cuts, zooms and lurid close-ups. (The superb cinematography is by Darius Khondji, shooting on 35-millimeter film. ) Howard’s dodging some toughs who work for a mystery man whom he owes big; the men are scary, bruisers with cruelty etched in their faces and no trace of the usual movie manicuring. One (Keith Williams Richards) punches Howard in the kisser, which is almost understandable. Written by the Safdies with their regular collaborator, the filmmaker Ronald Bronstein, “Uncut Gems” opens with a prologue, a familiar enough narrative strategy. It’s unusual, though, for the Safdies, as is the site: a mine in Ethiopia, where throngs of men are scrambling around a gravely wounded worker. The location shooting initially seems pointless (what happens could be conveyed in dialogue), and like the casting of Sandler, it broadcasts that they’re working with a higher budget. Structurally, the opener echoes the clichéd place-setting in Hollywood adventures, the ones with dashing heroes, offensively exoticized extras and maybe a mummy or two. More specifically, the dusty, enigmatic opener in “Uncut Gems” drolly echoes the start of “The Exorcist” (1973), where a priest at an archaeological dig in Iraq unearths the demonic relic that sets off the ensuing horror, the possession and spewing vomit. The magical discovery here is made by two Ethiopian miners, who sneak away from the bedlam to dig out a similar-looking lumpy rock. This turns out to be a huge black opal that soon ends up in Howard’s possession, though not for long. Like the “Exorcist” relic, the opal proves an ominous if more contemporary fetish with a near-magical, increasingly dangerous hold on everyone who comes in contact with it. Howard believes that the opal will save him ? he plans to sell it at auction ? but like good fortune, the precious lump keeps slipping from his grasp. For the most part, the Safdies seem to enjoy mucking up Howard’s plans, intensifying his rotten luck, bad choices, collapsing home life and squabbles, pointless or otherwise. They bat him around, dunk him in a fountain, almost break his nose. He’s a Rabelaisian figure, absurd, lewd, excessive, and while the Safdies are obviously fond of him (the scenes with his children are a tip-off), they don’t cut him much slack. Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short; the movie mostly is too, though at 135 minutes it’s not short. Sandler makes a persuasively unsteady hub for this pinwheeling anarchy. It’s an intensely physical role ? Howard racks up the miles ? and generally a reactive one. Every so often Sandler gets to expand the character’s emotional register, in lulls and moments of tenderness and real feeling. Then boom! He’s off again, diving into the clamor, trying to hustle the basketball star Kevin Garnett (as himself) or manage an unruly partner in his hustle (an excellent Lakeith Stanfield). Garnett delivers a speech to Howard about race and exploitation, which brings the story back to Ethiopia. Garnett’s sincerity may resonate with you, but with Howard? Not so much. Howard is running too quickly to really listen, and he doesn’t really care. The world is what it is, dog eat dog flimflam man, get rich or die trying. The Safdies don’t judge Howard or, worse yet, ask us to. Instead, they situate him in a specific historical moment (the year is 2012), throwing him into a late-capitalist, wholly transactional, anxiously insecure world. Deeply immersive, that world carries the imprint of its cinematic influences ? bards of excess like Abel Ferrara, James Toback, Tony Scott and Gaspar Noé ? but it is also and finally its own rough and glittering thing of beauty. Uncut Gems Rated R for gun violence, bloodletting and gambling. Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes.
Warning: This article contains major spoilers for Uncut Gems. The Uncut Gems ending?comes almost as a sigh of relief, relinquishing the audience from two hours of unnerving and unrestrained stress courtesy of its main character, Howard Ratner. Directed by Benny and Josh Safdie, the film follows Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic and eccentric jeweler in the Big Apple's Diamond District, through a series of ill-conceived bets and a sea of ferocious loan sharks until he finally achieves what he always wanted: his big break. In a surprisingly successful turn of events, Uncut Gems implements a hybrid cast of high-brow performers (most of which are making their big screen debuts) and fresh faces for its immersive and stressful theatrical experience.?Joining Sandler are fellow actors Lakeith Stanfield, Idina Menzel, and Judd Hirsch, as well as non-film-related celebrities like NBA star Kevin Garnett, Canadian singer The Weeknd,?sports broadcaster Mike Francesca, and model Paloma Elsesser. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Set in 2012 on the brink of the Boston Celtics?semifinal series against the Philadelphia 76ers, Uncut Gems begins with Ratner obtaining what he considers to be a perfectly priced possession: a rare and illegal gem from an Ethiopian Jewish mining company. With it, he hopes to settle his outstanding gambling debts ? most prominently, the hefty sum he owes his brother-in-law Arno (Eric Bogosian) ? by selling the opal at an auction. But when his assistant Demany (Stanfield) brings Kevin Garnett to the store, things start to go awry. Garnett, who peers into the immaculate crystals, feels that with the opal in his possession, his on-court performance would be unstoppable, and successfully bargains to hold onto the gem for his upcoming games. Meanwhile, Ratner's gambling?obsession is coupled by his crippling marriage with Dinah (Idina Menzel) and his off-the-rails affair with his much younger employee, Julia (Julia Fox). As the film unwinds,?dispelling a voluptuously unsettling series of events onto the audience, the levels of paranoia, intensity, and fright all rapidly increase until finally bursting in the Uncut Gems ending. For what it's worth, this climax is just as stressful as the rest of the film, concluding on one last shot that may have audience members scratching their heads out of the theater. Here's a breakdown of all that happened in the Uncut Gems ending. What Happens In Uncut Gems' Ending There comes a point in Uncut Gems where it seems like a very fine line is crossed. Witnessing Ratner squirm out of countless numbers of close calls and dodgy bets, while simultaneously digging himself into a bigger and bigger hole, the viewer begins to sense that there is absolutely no way the New York jeweler can come out on top. To the film's credit, however, for a good long while, Howard looks like he may actually wiggle his way out of this jam. After botching his chances at the auction by asking his father-in-law Gooey (Hirsch) to drive up the price, Howard and Garnett soon come to an understanding over the gem, finally settling on the $175, 000 the basketball star had originally offered towards the beginning of the film. Though he now has enough money to pay off his brother-in-law, whose patience is quickly drying out, Ratner opts instead to?put the money on the line once again and place another bet on Garnett. Handing off the money to Julia, who in turn, sneaks out of the office away from Arno's goons and to a casino, Howard then traps his brother-in-law and his muscle in between the locked doors separating the jewelry store from the hallway. In this predicament, Howard forces them to watch the game as Kevin Garnett's historic performance provides the gambling jeweler with his big break. Arno, awestruck by what he just witnessed, experiences a change of heart, though his hitman Phil (Keith Williams Richards)?does not. After being relinquished from the claustrophobic prison Howard had kept them in for the duration of the basketball game, Phil leaps up, steams over to Howard and shoots him in the head at point blank range. When Arno protests to the death of his brother-in-law, Phil similarly shoots his boss in the head, before proceeding to loot Howard's store of all the jewelry inside. Howard Ratner's Death Explained & Meaning Uncut Gem 's final shot leaves off on Howard's corpse, lying on its?back?and staring up at the sky in a rapidly growing pool of blood. The camera engages in another one of its uncomfortably extensive zooms, this time penetrating through the bullet hole in Howard's cheek and through his head until finally coasting through the familiar?geologic and colorful terrain of the opal. This symbiotic conclusion confirms what the bulk of Uncut Gems' 135-minute runtime infers: that Howard's life revolved around greed. The Safdie Brothers' have confirmed to The Wrap that the kaleidoscopic aesthetic achieved by peering into the gemstone is a representation of the circle of life. So just as Howard had lived by the pursuit of money, just so had he died. Where Does The Money Go? Julia's rather heroic exit making off with Howard's money seals Uncut Gems off on a relatively happy note. In reality, should Uncut Gems have continued, Julia's happiness would not have lasted long, given that she would have inevitably discovered that the life she was excited to begin and the man she was prepared to spend it with were now both dead. This does leave the question of what happens with?Howard's winnings up in the air. Because Julia was aware of Howard's familial situation, and that she, other than that one pervasive scene with The Weeknd, is a good person, it's likely that she wouldn't leave Howard's three fatherless children completely ignorant of their father's grand prize. Splitting the several hundreds of thousands of dollars with the rest of the Ratners in their time of grieving (though the children, other than Howard's eldest son, don't seem too enthused by their father), it's a good feeling knowing that Julia has a relatively open path at a new start in New York City, or anywhere else she'd please. This is assuming, of course, that Julia makes it out with the money alive. Because Howard has been killed, it is?very possible that the?few remaining people he'd owed?would relinquish their pursuit of getting their money back. But Phil and his team, as the only people who know how much money Howard had just earned, could very possibly go after her and the cash, especially since their professional?ties with Arno have ceased to be. But if what happens to Julia was of pressing concern, the Safdie Brothers would have included it in Uncut Gems, their horrifyingly entrapping tale of greed, addiction, and, in an odd way,?Judaism. More: Black Christmas 2019 Ending & Real Killers Explained Key Release Dates Uncut Gems (2019) Release date: Dec 13, 2019 Email Only One Flash Character Knows The Post-Crisis Timeline: Why That’s Important About The Author Luke Parker is an award-winning film critic and columnist based in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. As an entertainment journalist, he has interviewed several members of the film industry and participated in some of its most prestigious events as a member of the press. Currently, he is working to obtain his bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication at Towson University. Follow Luke on Twitter @montyparker31 More About Luke Parker.
Uncut gemstone stylenet. Uncut gems wiki. 11:49 You feeling this right now. Uncut gems release date. So no mention of Ralphs joker vid, guess well probably never hear about it then. Who would have thought a movie about the green goblin and batman in a lighthouse would be so good. Odoyle RULES. Uncut gems interview. Uncut gems credits. Kobe always saying dude and bro shows the Californian in him. He defintely became one. Love you Big Bro.
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Uncut Gems is a crime thriller film directed and co-written by the Safdie Brothers (Good Time. Starring Adam Sandler in the lead role, it is an energetic, fast paced experience that makes good use of its main star. In New York City, Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler) runs a jewellery store while constantly feeding his gambling addiction with even larger bets, resulting in him owing large sums of money to several people. After waiting almost two years, Howard receives a rare opal from an Ethiopian mining company, which he intends to have auctioned off for what he values at over a millions dollars. Eventually things become complicated as Howard ends up reluctantly lending the opal to a famous basketball player for good luck, all while dealing with loan sharks he cannot get rid of so easily. With its rapid-fire style of editing and solid performance from its lead actor, Uncut Gems breezes through its story of addiction and greed with often fun results. There was a great deal of suspense in almost every scene as Howard dodges loan sharks, gang members, and even his own extended family, just to satisfy his selfish gambling urges. A reminder that all of this is happening over a shiny rock imported from Ethiopia, a country where people are starving to death each day. This film features one of Adam Sandler's best non-comedic roles of his entire career. He delivers his dialogue with such fiery, serious intensity that I often forgot that this is the same actor who played the titular manchild in "Billy Madison. As previously seen in the 2002 film "Punch-Drunk Love" Sandler has proven he does indeed possess the dramatic chops needed to carry a film of this type. It's a shame we don't get to see him in films like this all too often, as he prefers to act in unfunny Netflix exclusives instead. Hopefully after this, he will reconsider his future prospects. Even if you aren't a fan of Adam Sandler, this film is still worth a watch for his performance alone. At this point in Sandler's career, the legacy he has left behind will put people off his work no matter what, but anybody still willing to give him a chance may be pleasantly surprised. I rate it 8/10.
Uncut gems prague. Looks good. Uncut gems online. I'm obsessed with this trailer. The movie clips with the sound is so perfect together. Uncut gemstone. Uncut gems nyc. Whoa whoa, you cant give me a gift and take it back now - Kobe 1:02 YA HEAR THAT, GOD. Why'd you take him man. Next adam sandler should play quentin tarantino movie. Deep down Adam Sandler seems like he has one of the most gentle souls. If humility were the criteria sand man needs the oscar plus the fact he did gems ? the way he has just adds to it.
THIS IS HOW I WIN. Great movie to see in the cinemas. Ending was wild, bizarre and still has me thinking since I watched it. Not to mention its a DISTURBING movie, which makes it even better. Dafoe and Pattinson crushed it. Uncut gems death. Uncut gems ost. Uncut gens du voyage.
When 2:28 comes theres something about that tune in the movie that made me process everything that just happened, and I felt sad, sick, and relieved all at the same time. Lopatins score w/ the synth, xylophones, the organs, just everything about the score completely and perfectly encapsulated everything in the movie alongside Howie. If anything Id say the music is the supporting character of the film. So mesmerizing and memorable. 400m net worth and dresses like that. Power move.
Uncut gems the weeknd. Uncut gems (2019. Uncut gems cast. Uncut gems csfd. So it didnt work for you and you dont like these kind of movies. Not everyone has to like the same things but it sounds like you just hated it because its not the movie you wanted and didnt judge it based on what it is. I find it extremely difficult, near impossible to believe that its worse than stuff like Jack & Jill, Chuck & Larry and The Ridiculous Six. Im still looking forward to seeing it. I dont need everything I watch to be light and fluffy to like it. Netflix film. Uncut gems explained. Uncut gems stuckmann.
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Too much going on in every scene. The whole film felt like a mad panic to squeeze everything into as little time as possible. No time to take everything in... a case of quantity but little quality... I hated it. one huge mess from start to finish. Until now, I thought that the best metaphor for filmmaking that I’d ever seen in a movie was found in Akira Kurosawa’s “High and Low”: throwing bags of money out of a speeding train. But Josh and Benny Safdie ’s new film, “Uncut Gems, ” offers a better, if more elaborate, one, when its protagonist, Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a Diamond District jewelry dealer who’s also a compulsive gambler, places a bet on a basketball game. Howard isn’t merely risking money on the outcome; he’s crafting a story that, for the bet to pay off, has to come out right?who wins the opening tip-off, how many points a particular player will score, whether or not the winning team covers the spread. Howard’s story has to correspond to reality, or, rather, vice versa. With his grandiose vision of winning, he’s the ultimate fantasist and, in his mortal dependence on what actually happens, the ultimate realist. He’s a lot like a director behind a camera. The soundtrack of “Uncut Gems” is jittery with the hectic electronica of Daniel Lopatin, a. k. a. Oneohtrix Point Never, but the mind-bending score could have been replaced by overlays of multiple out-of-synch ticking clocks, to mark the overwhelming intensity of the drama’s chronological pressure. The Safdie brothers’ movie is desperately timed; the forty-eight-year-old Howard measures out his days and nights not in coffee spoons but in the arc of a three-pointer, the slam of a car door, the paired buzzes of his showroom’s double-safe, electrically controlled bulletproof-glass barriers. Howard’s very survival is a matter of precise timing and of his urgent, off-balance storytelling. (The movie’s editing, by Benny Safdie and Ronald Bronstein?who co-wrote the script with the brothers?evokes the visual clamor of its clashing urgencies. ) Howard tries to sidestep his creditors and their violent enforcers with instantaneously improvised lies that have to be timed with a comedian’s precision to elude their grasp. He plans to pay one with money owed to another and winnings that haven’t yet come in, and, if his borrowings and his scams, his debts and his dodges, don’t fit together in exactly the right sequence, the entire house of cards that is his life will come tumbling down. It’s also a movie of a cruel physicality, of the clash of textures, of the hard and the soft, the viscous and the solid and even the ethereal?a tale of blood and fluids that starts in Ethiopia, in 2010, where a miner is carried from his worksite with a horrifically bloody wound, and continues to a video screen in New York, in 2012, where Howard is having a colonoscopy and a doctor is narrating his camera’s enteral journey. It’s only the first of the movie’s bloody byways, only the earliest of the movie’s visions of bodily mortification. Howard is, from the time he’s in motion, in danger, confronting in his showroom a pair of toughs sent by a loan shark named Arno (Eric Bogosian) to whom he owes a hundred thousand dollars. The numbers may be an abstraction, but the goods?gemstones, fancy watches (whether hot or legit), and cash?are physical, as are the threats by which they’re extracted from debtor to creditor. From the start, Howard?wearing an ostentatious leather jacket, a two-tone shirt with the tag still dangling out of its collar, ever so slightly too decorative glasses, an overly trimmed goatee, and a watch that could build biceps?strides through the Diamond District talking at top speed into his cell phone. He’s plotting the score of a lifetime: importing?or, rather, smuggling?a rare, uncut, large black opal from Ethiopia, which he’s expecting to sell, through an upscale auction house, for a million dollars. But, when the opal finally reaches his showroom, other business gets in the way: Howard’s employee, Demany (Lakeith Stanfield), who’s his liaison to athletes and hip-hop artists, brings the pro-basketball star Kevin Garnett (playing himself) to the showroom. There, Garnett sees the opal, feels its power (which Howard has been hyping), and decides that he must have it as an aid to his game. (Garnett was playing, in 2012, for the Boston Celtics, and the action is set during that year’s playoffs. ) Howard is loath to part with the opal, but he senses that the transaction gives him a betting advantage. Meanwhile, another clock is ticking: Howard’s marriage, to Dinah, pronounced “Deenah” (Idina Menzel), is over; it’s in its zombie-like afterlife. The family (including their teen-age daughter, a near-adolescent son, and a young boy) lives in a house in the suburbs, but Howard is there only symbolically: Dinah is ending the marriage, but the couple have agreed to stay together through Passover to maintain a temporary illusion of family unity. Howard comes home after work to see the children and then, on pretext of more work, leaves?for an apartment in midtown, where he lives with Julia (Julia Fox), a young woman who works for him in the showroom. Julia is a salesperson who trawls the night life for potential customers; she may or may not also be cheating on Howard, but, in any case, she parties hard and allays Howard’s constant suspicions with sexual enticements. The Safdies have long specialized in drama kings and queens, in protagonists who knock their lives out of joint and into action with breathless, reckless, perpetual cycles of frenzied, self-imposed challenges and daily dangers. Howard is the first whose drama seems essentially creative?he is, in effect, playing a dangerous series of shell games for high stakes in order to lend his life high dramatic moment, and his elaborate invention of lies to shimmy out of his creditors’ menacing clutches comes off as a performance in which he himself delights. His gem-and-jewelry business is already stressful and risky enough, but it’s his gambling?and the intricate flow chart of debts and cadges?that fills his life with stories and turns every moment into a life-or-death crisis. The highs of success (rare though they may be) aren’t the sole point, and the money itself isn’t the key payoff: it’s the creation and experience of a dramatic life, the daily tensions and thrills and dangers, the off-balance improvisational theatre into which he has converted his humdrum suburban existence?to which, nonetheless, for sentimental reasons, he clings fiercely and desperately. Even the punishment, the fear, and the humiliation seem to be part of the terrible pleasure. “Uncut Gems” jitters and skitters and lurches and hurtles with Howard’s desperate energy. Sandler’s frantic and fidgety performance provides the movie with its emotional backbone, and he’s not alone: Menzel’s swing between the steadfast and the derisive, Bogosian’s terrifying calm, Stanfield’s good-humored acuity, Garnett’s elevated poise, Fox’s survivalist ferocity, and the vivid contributions of a wide range of other performers, including such notables as Judd Hirsch and, in voice-over roles, Tilda Swinton and Natasha Lyonne, plus real-life celebrities (the Weeknd, playing himself, and Mike Francesa, playing a bookie)?along with a host of newcomers, such as Keith Williams Richards and Tommy Kominik, as enforcers, and Roman Persits, as a jeweller?swirl and clash and rumble, in a symphonic tangle of overlapping and intertwining high-volume voices. The Safdie brothers have always been artists of chaos, whose daring methods of filming (including working on location without permits and blending their scripted action with whatever comes up in the street) have been reflected in their films’ frenetic action and reckless characters. But in “Uncut Gems” their system and their cinema, the story of the production and the story that they tell, converge all the more violently, and in risky new ways. This is, by far, the Safdies’ biggest-budget movie to date. The figure hasn’t been disclosed, but the movie was co-executive-produced by Martin Scorsese and, as Kelefa Sanneh reports in his profile of the Safdies in The New Yorker, it’s the first time that the filmmakers had to deal with trucks and trailers on location, and they had to tailor their practices to fit. After making movies on ultra-low budgets for more than a decade, and with an only slightly elevated one for “ Good Time ” (which stars Robert Pattinson and Jennifer Jason Leigh), it’s clear that they know what to do with the money: in a very literal sense, the money is on the screen, and, for that matter, the money suffuses the action and provides the movie with its very tone.
I dont know, I just know! ?. Howie is alive. Uncut gems adam sandler. Uncut gems movie release date.

What a legend. transcended sports, pop culture, race, nationality and religion... Her on crack. Uncut gemstones. He talks and sounds like Pacino and even looks like Pacino from some angles. Uncut gems ending song. Uncut gems oscar. This movie is gripping from first till last. I enjoyed it. Felt like an Oscar worthy performance not just Sandler's but also from the other actors. Safdie brothers are the Uncut gems of this movie.










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