Come to Daddy ?Solar Movies“

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Runtime - 96minutes cast - Stephen McHattie, Garfield Wilson &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) New Zealand Director - Ant Timpson Writed by - Toby Harvard. Ain't even the same album... Watch full come to daddy youtube. I love that one as much as i loved when i first heard it <3. 2020 and this still feels like a culture we haven't entered yet. So ahead of their time. Watch full come to daddy download.

Watch full come to daddy season

So I wonder if Free Guy has an Aviation Gin bottle somewhere laying around. Watch full come to daddy show.

Hollywood, can u plz stop remaking great Movies and turn it into crap

Fml if only we all could stay in and live in a giant house without working. But if you get distracted easily or zone out for a bit you will most likely lose patience with the movie
great flick that will leave you wondering wtf 6.9. Creative little flick with a few surprises. The acting in this is was great. Elijah Woods and Stephen Mcgattie shared some really good scenes. Dragged a little here and there but was still a decent film. The few unexpected twists were cool. The last scene kinda fell short in my opinion... 6 stars not bad. Watch full come to daddy full. I feel like this was made for Zoey. What did Frodo say when he took the ring back from Sam? COME TO DADDY. She still has it ? ??? Julia ???. Watch full come to daddy band.
That haircut and mustache is one hell of a creative choice. Watch full come to daddy episodes. Watch full come to daddy live. I repeat. Don't waste your time. br> Don't waste your time. br> Don't waste your time... Watch full come to daddy online. Watch Full Come to daddys. Watch full come to daddy videos.
Cause it starts with a slow psychological burn but works up into a frothy lather of crazy twisty goodness. If you liked Housebound (I did) which Ant Thompson, the director of Come to Daddy, produced, you will love this maniacal horror com too.
Don't tune out too quickly if you think it isn't moving along fast enough, you are only depriving yourself of the goodness to come. Watch full come to daddy game. Watch full come to daddy cast. Why humping? 3:07 also my dad when I get a bad grade 4:21.
Watch full come to daddy song. For any wondering, yes. This is basically just south africa. Watch Full Come to daddy. Started very, very slow, but glad I stuck it out. Funny film and unique in it's own way. Watch Full Come to daddy types. 1:00 I waaaaaaant yooour sooooouuuul! Really reminds me of aphex twin. Watch full come to daddy now.
This is so setting the mood for new years eve :D. Do you remember the night the stars went out? I know you don’t but I have to hope that I'm not the only one. She told me the world would forget. That they would make us forget. But I remember. That night is carved into the rawest corner of my memory, nailed there like a body to a beam. Every time I close my eyes, I see their faces. I know they are real, no matter what everyone else says. The stars didn’t go out all at once. Instead, each white light was snuffed out individually, as if an infinite field of candles was being blown out one at a time. Lizzy was the first to notice. “Dad, ” she called out from the window, “the sky is going out. ” I glanced up from my screen. “That’s nice, kiddo. Does it look like rain? ” Lizzy plopped her small frame down onto the window nook. “Not like rain, ” she said. “Just dark. I think the stars are out of batteries. ” Laura looked over at me from the couch, a perplexed smile tugging at her lip. I winked back at my wife. Our daughter was a treasure, always saying strange little phrases, her imagination a perpetually whirling engine even at eight years old. The twins, Casey and Connor, were curled up next to Laura. She was reading them a story, her latest children's book about a treehouse and a talking dog. That moment, that was the last truly good memory of my life. All of my children took after my wife, the same clever brown eyes, the same wild, dark hair like spilled ink. Looking at them all together in our cozy living room that night, any night, it made my heart swell with a fierce, immovable love. I cared for them all equally but I have to admit I appreciated that Lizzy took after me the most. She’d inherited my curiosity and love of mischief but balanced with a solemn grace that all came from Laura. Lizzy was my little troublemaker and I was entirely wrapped around her finger. So when she sweetly demanded that I come look at the stars going dark I indulged her, dropping down on the padded nook and looking up. The sky did hold strange shadows, lakes of darkness in a starry field. As I watched, one of those stars went out. It was like God pinching out a wick between thumb and forefinger. Then another followed and another and another. “Laura, please come here, ” I said. She settled next to us on the nook, gently holding Lizzy close. “Oh my God, ” Laura whispered. The stars were going out faster now; every blink left more of the sky empty. There was still plenty of light from the streetlamps in our neighborhood but it was uncomfortable to watch a sheet of blackness stretched out in a canopy above us. “Just some cloud cover, ” I mumbled. Lizzy looked up at me. “Are you sure? ” “Of course, ” I lied. We all tried to get back to our regularly scheduled night. Lizzy joined Laura and the twins in the den, sprawling her tiny form out on the fluffy ottoman I knew she loved first among all furniture. Laura went back to reading and I went back to my laptop to work on my report. I angled myself away from my family so that I could see out the window whenever I glanced up from my screen. The darkness was a distracting bell and kept dragging my eyes towards the sky. My fingers kept tapping rapidly on the old wood table. Tap tap tap. Nerves were getting the best of me. There was something so troubling about the way the stars went out, their lights suddenly dead, quick as a cut throat. After a few minutes staring up at the nothingness in the sky, I couldn’t resist, I had to check the news, social media. My laptop had no signal. I pulled out my phone but couldn’t access the Internet, even with data. “Hey, Laura, ” I called out to the den, trying very hard to sound relaxed. “Can I use your phone for a second? ” She padded into the room in her socks. “What’s wrong? ” Laura whispered. I considered laughing off my concerns but I knew she’d see right through me. “I can’t get on the Internet, ” I told her, glancing back at the kids. “Can’t reach anything on my computer or phone. I’m hoping it’s just a technology issue. ” Laura tried her phone. She was shaking her head. “Nothing, Mike. No signal. ” We couldn’t go online or make calls. There was no way of knowing if the stars were going out for anyone else. Was the whole world going dark or was it just our neighborhood trapped under some dark signal that was erasing the sky? I looked into the den and watched Lizzy and the twins. The three of them were now together on the couch, clumped all on one cushion even though there was plenty of room to spread out. Casey was trying to steal her brother’s Cheerios from a plastic cup. All three were fixated on the television, unaware of the growing concern nibbling at their mother and me. The lights flickered. Shit. They flickered again and went out for a moment before coming back. Lizzy looked away from the TV. “Are we going to have a power out? ” She sounded excited. The last time we lost electricity was over the summer during a thunderstorm. We sat around the living room surrounded by the glow of candles and flashlights and played board games the whole night. Lizzy and the twins built a pillow fort. They were all thrilled to stay up past their bedtime. The blackout was a novel thing, a welcome adventure more than an inconvenience. But I didn’t think they’d be excited if we lost power that night. My pulse skipped every time the lights flickered. Laura stayed with the kids while I gathered up candles, flashlights, matches and batteries. Just in case, I thought, praying that the lights would not go out like the stars even though a terrible certainty in me knew they would. It was the strangest conviction, strong enough to be a memory but lacking all detail. The power cutout while I was rummaging in the cabinet under the sink. I already had a pile of candles of every shape and size, matches and flashlights and extra batteries. It was more than we could possibly need during a blackout but something in me pushed me to gather more, to in case. “Daddy, it’s dark, ” Lizzy yelled out. “Where’s the lights? ” “They’re coming, ” I said, heading back to the living room, flashlight beam bobbing on the floor. I looked out the kitchen window on my way. The sky was black. Every star was out. The entire neighborhood was dark. There wasn’t a light to be seen anywhere I looked. Whatever was happening, it wasn’t just us, and that gave me some small comfort. Laura and the kids had already started construction on an impressive hybrid blanket-pillow fort. I placed candles in a circle around us, on the coffee table and TV stand and even an empty bookshelf. A bright camping lantern sat like a miniature sun on the rug. I passed out flashlights so we each had one, even the twins. They immediately began making shadow puppets that dodged around the wall. We sat there in the living room, the five of us, stacking pillows into towers and walls. The blankets stretched into a canopy above it all. Candles sketched shadows on the cloth. Casey and Connor made up a story to tell us with their puppets. A rabbit chased a bird around a tree made from a tiny arm. Laura and Lizzy clapped. I kept glancing out the window hoping the stars would return. Maybe it’s just a storm, I told myself. Cloud cover and a power outage. But if that was the case, why was it so quiet? No rain, no wind, no sounds at all, really. It was like we were cut off from the rest of the world, living under glass. Even though I couldn’t stop replaying the stars dying out in my mind, I did start to relax and stopped checking the large window in the living room every thirty seconds. I was with my family, we were all bundled together in a nest of blankets and cushions and the twins’ shadow puppets were surprisingly agile for the work of a pair of five-year-olds. Flashlights dipped and wove across the wall. Casey and Connor’s hands operated as well individually as they did when they came together. Watching their perfect coordination I wondered, not for the first time, if the rumors of twins sharing a casual kind of telepathy might be true. “There’s someone looking in the window, ” Lizzy whispered. My eyes snapped to where Lizzy was staring. I didn’t see anything in the window except for a reflection of my family, the dark room, and our candles. Lizzy was shaking her head. “They’re gone but they were just there. I promise, there was someone looking in the window. ” I shivered. “It’s just our reflections, Liz. ” She shook her head harder. “No, no. I saw them. They were quick but they were there peeking in at us. ” “What did they look like? ” Laura asked. She was trying to be calm but I heard a strain in her voice. My wife was afraid. “Laura? ” I asked. Even in the low light, I could see she was tense, shoulders pulled close. “I saw it, too, Mike, ” Laura said. “There was a face in the window. ” “See! ” Lizzy beamed, fear overridden, at least for the moment. “Told you. ” I turned back to the window, straining to see past the reflection of our room. I couldn’t see anything odd but I believed them. There was something very wrong about the night. Something that tentional. Manipulated. “What did the face look like? ” I asked. “Stretched, ” Laura said. “Wrong. I think you should close the curtains. ” I stood up, keeping an eye on the window like I was watching a coiled snake. Cupping my hands against the glass, I leaned in and tried to see outside. I was terrified I’d find a face staring back at me from the other side of the window but the street outside was empty and dark. There was a strange rusty tint to the night, however. I looked up to the sky and froze. The stars were still for one. It was a star I didn’t recognize, red and distant. My head ached when I looked at it directly and a greasy nausea turned in my stomach. Worst of all, looking at the red star made me My focus began to narrow to one tiny, scarlet pin prick in the sky, like the hole l
Watch Full Come to daddy yankee.

Watch full come to daddy movie

Only a delusional crackpot would give this movie more than 2 stars! Failed miserably at being campy! Sure the writers are John Waters fans but the only correlation is the repulsiveness throughout the movie. Come to Daddy 1080p Full Movies ???. “Hard-Light. ” Erich took some small amount of pride in the fact that he managed not to stutter. If the man in question heard him, no indication was forthcoming as he stood over the sparking remains of Erich’s drones and the rapidly cooling corpses of Zig-Zag’s goons. It seemed neither of them had been Zig-Zag in disguise. The violence was as sudden as it was one sided. Even if Erich had planned to shoot at the man, he doubted he would have been able to so much as scratch the guy’s paint before getting perforated by one of the villain’s blades. The agonizing silence stretched. “You don’t seem too surprised to see I’m still alive? ” the man finally said. Erich shrugged nervously, even as sweat beaded on his forehead. “I am. A little, ” he lied. “We never found a body though… so part of me thought you might still be running around. ” “I might be tempted to say that was smart. ” the villain said. He strode over, pressing a single energized blade into Erich’s sternum, sending warning claxons firing off in the engineer’s HUD. “If it weren’t for what you did next. Pulling away from my little girl? Getting thoughts about striking off on your own? ” Erich didn’t move. Paralysed by fear as much as good sense. Trying to fight Hard-Light would just be an elaborate form of suicide. “Not smart, kid, ” the villain continued. He drove his weapon a few more millimetres into Erich’s suit, metal crackling where it touched the energized blade. “Not smart at all if you thought there was even a chance I was still alive. ” “I figured the Queen would keep me safe enough, ” Erich said quickly. “Didn’t think you’d risk running into her just for a chance to kill me. ” “Well, I must admit that her presence stopped me from doing anything too obvious, ” the villain admitted. “She’s not here now though, is she? ”Erich had no response. “So that begs the question, ” Hardlight continued. “What’s to stop me from killing you here and now? ” Erich’s answer was immediate. “You still need me! ” He most definitely did not shriek. “Kill me and you’ve got no way of getting the Ball and Chain offline. ” “I suppose that’s true, ” the villain acknowledged. “How fortuitous for you. ” Nothing fortunate about it, Erich thought. It’s by design you overgrown thug. Still, he wasn’t dumb enough to voice that opinion. Instead he simply sighed in relief as the incredibly deadly energized blade pulled away from him. “I hope you bear in mind that this is just a stay of execution, ” the villain said. He leaned against the wall. “I’m not much a fan of traitors, so I’m still deciding whether or not to keep you in one piece when this is over. How useful you are is a big factor. ” Erich returned to the control panel. “I thought Bronte was still trying to win me over, ” He resisted the urge to run a hand over the deep gouge in the front of his suit. His HUD had already displayed the extent of the damage. Mostly superficial, he noted with some small relief. “My girl’s greedy like that. Never one to throw away a tool when she could still get use out of it. I’m different. Defective parts go in the trash. To make way for functional ones. ” “She’s not going to like that, ” he pointed out. “It doesn’t matter what she likes, ” the villain retorted, a bit of heat in his voice. “Christ, I go to ground for a few months and all you people forget who’s in charge. You run off to play king of the scrapheap. Olivia just drops off the grid. Even Sarah’s got some strange new ideas swirling round in that pretty little head of hers. ” Erich had no idea what to say to that. So he said nothing. Which seemed to be enough for Hard-Light as he shifted his attention away from the engineer. “How are things going down there Olivia? ” Hard-Light said as his finger flicked up to the comm-bead in his ear. “Dad!? ” Olivia shrieked. “You’re? What? How!? ” Seems that Gravity didn’t know her old man was still kicking around. “Went exactly according to plan, Daddy. ” Bronte’s voice cut in, cutting off her half-sister. The blonde woman sounded just slightly out of breath, but there was no disguising the glee in her voice. “Electricity fucked with Zig-Zag’s shapeshifting ability, just like we expected. Gravity managed to push her into the cryochamber without too much trouble. ” “She's contained then? ” Hard-Light spoke over Gravity’s loud shouting. “An ice cube, ” Bronte confirmed. “I’ve got Gravity floating them over to a storage pod now. Well, at least she was doing that before she found out you were here. Now she’s throwing a tantrum. ” “It’s not a fucking tantrum! ” Gravity said. “You knew!? Wait, what am I saying? Of course you fucking knew. ” Unfortunately for her, Hard-Light was unmoved. “Get her into a pod Olivia. We’ll talk later. ” The note of command in the man’s voice was crystal clear, and even though Erich wasn’t the one it was aimed at, he felt a shiver shoot up his spine. Silence hung in the air as tension rose in the room. “…Ok, ” Gravity said finally. An audible click indicated that she’d turned off her communicator. An act which elicited a frustrated sigh from Hard-Light. “Is she doing it? ” he asked. “She’s not happy about it, but she’s doing what you asked, ” Bronte said. “Want me to tell her to turn her comms back on? ” “No, leave her be for now. We’ll have a long discussion about obedience when this is all over. A discussion I think that is long overdue given the current circumstances. ” Erich didn’t miss the way Hard-Light’s helmet slowly turned in his direction as he spoke. Erich in turn glanced at his HUD. Fifteen minutes. ---------------------- “Alright Erich, now that we’re all one big happy family again, how long until you can turn off the Ball and Chain? ” Bronte asked as she sauntered into the control room. Erich nervously glanced at his HUD. Six minutes. Gravity shuffled in, and Erich didn’t miss the way her eyes remained fixed on Hard-Light as she did. A lot going on in that girl’s head. “I could have it undone any minute now, ” he lied. “Though, given that my ability to turn it off might be the only thing keeping my head attached to my shoulders, I’m wary about finishing the job. ” “Daddy didn’t give you the recruitment pitch? ” Erich eyed the older supervillain, who was leaning against the wall at the back of the room. “He gave me a pitch of sorts, ” Erich said. “Do as I say or die? ” Bronte guessed. Erich nodded. Bronte’s eyes crinkled with amusement. “Then he summarized it quite nicely. Do what we want or we’ll put a bullet in your brain. That’s going to be the ongoing contract by the way. Keep doing what we want, keep living. ” Erich frowned. “Your last offer of employment was much nicer. ” “Yeah, well that was before you got the crazy idea into your head that you could go it alone, ” Hard-Light said. “Seems all that carrot made you forget the stick. So, this time around we’re going to be keeping a closer eye on you. No more of my limp-wristed daughter babysitting your ass. Instead it’s gonna be people I can trust, with orders to do what they have to if you get any ideas about your standing in life. ” Bronte rolled her eyes. “Not exactly how I would have put it, but essentially correct. ” “So basically, you’re going to cuff me to a workbench and tell me to work. ” Despite knowing it was never going to happen, he still felt his pulse quicken and his gut sour at the idea. Idly, he glanced at Gravity to see if she would say anything, but the young woman was still staring at her father. That hurt a little. Once upon a time he knew she would have leapt to his defence. Out of moral outrage or a simple sense of camaraderie. No longer it seemed. Not that he blamed her. He’d done nothing to earn that loyalty, and he’d done nothing to maintain it. Two minutes… “And the kids? My factory? ” he asked Bronte, stalling for time. “You feeling ok, Erich? ” the woman asked. “Because for a second there, that almost sounded like concern for someone else? ” “Hardly. ” Erich scoffed. “I sunk time and resources into the Block Party. To see it abandoned due to a… change in management strikes me as inefficient. ” Bronte moved to speak again, but Hard-Light cut her off. “Well suck it up princess. The only thing we’re doing with your little clubhouse is stripping it for parts and acquiring that little drone army of yours. The kids can scatter to the winds or die. Makes no difference to me. ” Despite knowing the entire situation was hypothetical, for him at least, Erich couldn’t help but feel at certain level of umbrage at the man’s callous wastefulness. “You’d just get rid of them? ” Hard-Light moved to speak but this time he was cut off by Bronte, drawing a resentful glare from the man. “You’ve spoiled them. We aren’t going to waste time and money the way you did. Street urchins are useful because they work for next-to-nothing. Yours won’t though. Not any more. ” One minute… “So you’re going to disband a skilled labour force because you can’t be bothered paying them the bare minimum of what they're worth? ” He asked in disbelief. “In a word? Yes. ” She shrugged. “We can always find more urchins to occupy your factory. ” “And this time we won’t ruin them with your pansy-ass humanitarian bullshit. ” Hard-Light growled. “We’re a gang, not a charity. All you did with those kids is make them greedy. Uppity. Ruined them for any future work. No one wants street urchins with an inflated ego. ” “So what’s it going to be Erich. ” Bronte asked. “Put that well cultivated sense of self preservation to work by falling in line, or have your grey matter splattered
Watch Full Come to dandy warhols. [ first] [ prev] [next] The sky was still full of lines, red, green, blue, white, all of them frying biomass out of the air. The secondary biomass systems were landing, puffing out clouds of radar and LIDAR scattering spores that were rapidly adapting to the phased radar arrays. The air was still heavy with pollen-like structures that were landing across both entire planets of Telkan 1 and Telkan 2. The ocean hissed with incoming biomass, it made a crinkling sound as it landed on the ground, and whispered as it slid through vegetation. Cornelius-2212 checked the icons for his CBRAN system, taking his anxiety down a point when it was all in the green. He hated CBRAN warfare. You couldn't really shoot it, half the time it was invisible, and a badly tuned femoral artery cybernetic blood cleanser had damn near lost him his leg on his first drop mission. Still, he knew to trust his armor, trust his wargear, and stop worrying. "Stop, " Genome Specialist Zira-4274 called out, suddenly flashing warning icons. Cornelius stopped right in place, holding his balance without putting his left foot down. "Hop back. That's not water, " Zira said, moving forward and extending a probewand from her right wrist. Cornelius hopped back awkwardly until he was behind Zika and put his foot down. It looked like water to him. He squinted at it and realized that she was right, it didn't look right if you paid any attention. He cursed himself again for being distracted. Milo-8736 moved up next to Zira, opening up his chest-tray on his armor and joining her in examining the liquid. Cornelius did a physical check of his magack, even though his smartlink said it was... "Hey, can you check this? " Cornelius said, looking at the top of the external batty he held in his hand. "Not now, Cornelius, this requires attention, " Milo said. "We've all seen your penis before, Cornelius. It is less amusing each time, " Zira said primly. "I'm serious. I have something strange here on my mackag aux-bat, " Cornerlius said, looking closely. It was a brownish-red mold tracery between the two power studs. Milo sighed, getting up and turning around to look. He half expected for Cornelius to be flashing some kind of purile immature meme of his own penis but instead saw the other Chimpy looking at the auxiliary battery for his weapon. Milo moved up, taking a close look. As he watched there was a spark across the top of battery. The mold puffed as it spread across the top of the battery and down the sides toward Cornelius's hand. "Great Googily Moogily! " Cornelius said, dropping the battery to the ground. There was another pop and the mold explosively multiplied. "That is quite... strange, " Milo said, kneeling down. Another pop from the battery and the amount of fungus increased enormously. The macroplast casing of the battery began to steam. "Get your stuff. We are leaving, " Cornelius snapped. He triggered his datalink. "Data-Scout 681 to base. Data-Scout 681 to base. Do you read, over? " "Cobra Actual here, 681, go ahead, over, " came back. The line was hissing, full of static. "Sound immediate recall for all data-teams or any other unit carrying macroplast, over, " Cornelius said. A puffball landed and exploded, microscopic spores filling the air. Zira was protesting, but still putting away her scanners after pulling out the molycirc data-wafers. "Can you repeat that, 681? " Command asked. Another puffball landed. "Recall all data-scout and any teams using any macroplast gear, over, " Cornelius snapped. "On my authority. Biohazard detected, level IV Delta. I repeat: Biohazard detected, level IV Delta. Transmitting video. " He stayed on the line, filming the fungus dissolving the macroplast. It was obvious now, the brownish red fungus eating deeply into the firm macroplast. When the ultra-dense lithium salt capacitor was breached the fungus died and went back, but before five seconds were over a yellowish edge appeared on the fungus, quickly spreading over the lithium salt. Cornelius recorded three puffballs landing and exploding into nearly invisible clouds of spores. "Genome sequencing underway, " Milo said, withdrawing a probe. "I saw the fungus switch to bacteria at the edges so we have data on that. " "Did you get all that, Cobra Actual, over? " Cornelius asked. Another puffball. There was silence a moment "DUGWAY DUGWAY DUGWAY! " sounded out over his datalink, his armor's comlink, and flashed on his own visor as well as across the back of his shoulders and across the front of his chest. He saw it do the same to Dr. Milo and Dr. Zira. "We're leaving in sixty seconds. If you don't have it, you don't need it, " Cornelius snapped. He checked his systems and reflexively looked for any Grodds to back him up. None. They hadn't been needed. When he'd checked, the Grodds were working on their armor, getting ready for when the fighting was going to happen. "Air mobile is the fastest way back, " Zira said as a puffball landed. "I'm not sure we should, " Cornelius said. He had a hinky feeling, the same one he'd had right before his femoral implant bricked out on him. "You're giving into fear. I thought Marine Scouts weren't so fussy, " Milo said, turning around and facing an opening in the clearing. Is it just me, or did those vines move? Cornelius wondered, staring at the gap in the foliage. "Not yet, " Cornelius repeated. "We should move to somewhere with a larger exit gap. " "Don't be afraid, Cornelius, we'll protect you, " Milo snickered. He hit his engines, the jet turbines howling even as the graviton systems spun up. Wings snapped up into place and he squatted slightly. Behind Cornelius Zira did the same thing. Cornelius reached for Milo just as the scientist threw himself into the air, turbochargers screaming. He missed, his fingers grazing the calf-mounted wing. He kept moving, spinning, taking a step forward and grabbing Zira's arm. "No, " Cornelius snapped. There was a loud coughing noise and Milo's jet system failed only three hundred feet up. He fell, but before he could fall much more than ten feet the vines writhed, catching him. Zira gasped as Cornelius turned and looked at Milo. The vines were wrapping around his arms and legs, around his waist, around the wings, around the other primate's neck. Milo was kicking, trying to pull his arms free as more and more vines fell from the trees. "It's co-opted local vegetation already, " Zira gasped. Her engines gave out with a cough. Cornelius turned and looked. She had yellow fungus spilling out the back of her air intakes. He turned and looked at Milo, zooming in his vision. The other scientist had the same thing going on. "Trigger your see-que-cee shields, Milo, " Cornelius snapped. He could hear Milo screaming over the datalink. "Milo! Trigger your... " The vines seemed to bulge to Cornelius's eyes and then they yanked, the doctor's limbs ripping free in a spray of blood, his head ripping from the body. Cornelius had the magnification already turned up and could see short, thick thorns gleaming on the inside of the vine's loops. "It could not have adapted this quick. It's only been a few hours, " Zira gasped, turning away from the sight of the parts of her colleague falling the ground. The torso fell and Cornelius moved quickly, holding his arms out. He caught the dead doctor's body, lowering it down. That's the problem with you big brains, you don't listen to the Simp-Chimps like me, Cornelius thought darkly. He popped open the doctor's chest plate and removed the datablock, opening a thigh panel and slapping the block in place. "We need to get moving before the plants decide we're next, " Cornelius said, glancing up. Yup, the vines were starting to get closer, hanging like they were drooping. That meant explosive growth. THe trees they were hanging on were beginning to look dried out some-how and Cornelius wondered if the vines were a parasite rapidly draining the host for nutrients to grow quicker. "That can't have happened, " Zira stated primly. "Well, it did. Activate your CQC shields and lets get going, " Cornelius said. "You can't fly anyway, your turbines are out. " Zira flashed icons for disgust, but her armor glimmered anyway, like tiny shards of quartz crystal were floating in midair around her. "Let's go, " Cornelius ordered. He triggered his com-link again. "Cobra, this is 681, do you read, over? " "We read you, 681. We've got a blackout here on a suit. Can you confirm, over? " Base asked. "Milo got strangled by vines. Looks like the incoming biomass is weaponizing local foliage and flora, " Cornelius said. "Some kind of spores took out our flight turbines. We're going to have to walk, over. " "We might have a squad of graviton bike scouts in the area, over, " Cobra answered. "Keep tracking us. We're going to try to get out of here, out, " Cornelius said. He checked his magack and noticed he was down 10% of the main battery charge. Without saying a word he started jogging, back toward main base. It was eighty miles away, but he could run at a steady sixty miles an hour in his suit and sprint at nearly a hundred miles an hour. He checked the upper part of his HUD to make sure that Dr. Zira was following. She was, getting too close and dropping back before getting too close. It was obvious that she wasn't use to running. This'll shave a few kilos off that lab-girl ass of hers, Cornelius thought to himself, trying to use a little black humor to cheer himself up. He was glad he was in scout armor, it had as little venting and open air seals as possible but also had joint systems like the heavier suits. He wouldn't get pulled into pieces so easy. A few times they passed forest animals, laying on the ground, on their sides, panting, their eyes open but bloodshot, their tongues hanging out. "We should stop and investigate them, " Zira said the first time. She sounded out of breath. "No. We keep moving. Either they are turning into something dangerous or they are
Watch full come to daddy watch. Watch full come to daddy video. Watch full come to daddy 2017.

Correspondent: The Bearded Photographer
Info: Photographer, Farmer, Event Planner, part-time Fashion Stylist, K I N G ?









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