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Writer: Juan Carlos McGuire
Bio: Nunca hubo una mujer como Rita Hayworth.....

19305 vote; 1944; Story: In the year leading up to the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, the four Smith daughters learn lessons of life and love, even as they prepare for a reluctant move to New York; Writer: Fred F. Finklehoffe; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWVmZmRlNWQtYzYyMy00ZDljLWE5MjgtNDE5MGVmYTQ5NDk0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg); Duration: 113 min. &ref(https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f1a1e91e-4ab7-4b5f-873b-944f3f7047bb/d5of8c6-06bc94c6-4bc8-40e7-b970-65b9fd126c86.jpg/v1/fill/w_233,h_350,q_70,strp/it_s_a_wonderful_life_by_espioartwork31_d5of8c6-350t.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzU1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjFhMWU5MWUtNGFiNy00YjVmLTg3M2ItOTQ0ZjNmNzA0N2JiXC9kNW9mOGM2LTA2YmM5NGM2LTRiYzgtNDBlNy1iOTcwLTY1YjlmZDEyNmM4Ni5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NTAyIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.-oZfLI6o0kXVKqB3Rp6VNoiVmq4MOrn4AcmWtyxxTgw)
I just want to mention that this beautiful love story was written by Arthur Laurents, a gay man. It was scored by Leonard Bernstein, a gay man. The lyrics were written by Steven Sondheim, a gay man. The director of the original stage production, who also won an Oscar for co-directing the film, was Jerome Robbins, yes. a gay man. Love wins, and some gay dudes are really effing talented.
VAAAAALLL. Click here to read about author Sally Benson and the origins of the story. MGM purchased the screen rights to Sally Benson's "Kensington Stories" for $25, 000. 00 on March 1, 1942. Right away, the story went through the screen writing process at MGM. Several screen writers and authors took a stab at it. Sally Benson herself worked on what became a 198 page treatment written with Doris Gilbert between March 30 and May 9, 1942. Between April and October 1942, other writers worked on the project, including the husband-and-wife team of Victor Heerman & Sarah Y. Mason (Oscar winners for their 1933 adaptation of Little Women) and William Ludwig, who had written for the Andy Hardy series and also Margaret O'Brien's Journey For Margaret (1943). None of these treatments seemed to work, and finally Irving Brecher & Fred Finklehoffe were given the assignment. Finklehoffe had written for several Judy Garland musicals, and Brecher had written for the Marx Brothers, which seemed at first an odd choice to write a delicate family story. Finklehoffe and Brecher wisely decided that the bulk of the story should take place in the Smith family home and it's surrounding area of St. Louis. It was Finklehoffe and Brecher who expanded the "Warren Sheffield telephone call from New York" scene by making Mr. Smith ignorant to the goings on and having him hang up the phone when it first rings. They also took out scenes at Princeton University and a Smith family visit to their grandparents in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Some other changes made were: Moving Mr. Smith's decision NOT to move the family to New York from immediately after the family's objections to the night before the planned move(Christmas Eve) heightening the tension; Removing a romance between Rose and Colonel Andrews (renamed Darly in the final film) -only a small scene remains that hints of Rose's attraction to him;Removing an announcement by Tootie that she did not want to go to the fair; Changing the hair color of Rose and Esther from blonde and black to both being auburn; Removing a blackmail subplot involving Esther and finally, they divided the film into four segments representing the four seasons of the year (Sally Benson's book had been 12 chapters, one for each month of the year). Name changes were made too, sometimes for legal reasons. Sally Benson wanted Lucille Ballard's name to be either Picard or Dorsey. John Truett began life as John "Bluett, " then for legal reasons became Collins, then Truett (Ms. Benson objected to "Truett"). "Bluett" stayed as the reference name of the house on MGM's "St. Louis Street" even after the backlot was torn down. Warren Sheffield originally was named Warren Sheppard, and for legal reasons the Waughops became the Braukoffs. The real life name of the maid was indeed Katie, and the real-life Katie was alive and well and provided a signed release to the MGM legal department, giving the "ok" to use her name. Finally, here are some interesting additions, changes, and/or deletions from the original book: The ketchup tasting scene that opens the film is an very expanded version of a simple paragraph in the book; In the book Rose gets mixed up with a middle-aged man; Mrs. Smith loses her temper; Tootie's ride on the ice wagon was originally a ride on a water-sprinkler; The cakewalk scene is danced in the book by Agnes, in a man's hat (Sally Benson based the Agnes character on herself); The Halloween sequence is in the book although it's Agnes who takes on the Braukoffs (or Waughops); A slight reference in the March segment of the book to a trolley gave birth to the entire "Trolley Song" sequence; The scene of Tootie and Agnes coming down the stairs during Lon's farewell party and Tootie singing "I Was Drunk Last Night" also comes from the book; Mr. Smith's decision to move the family to New York, and the subsequent tension it creates for the final half of the film, is from a small three-page episode in the book; and finally, it's Agnes who ends the book by saying "I can't believe it. right here where we live. Right here in St. Louis". With the script in place, producer Arthur Freed turned to Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane to compose the original songs for the film. At the time, Martin and Blane had enjoyed moderate success with their successful Broadway show "Best Foot Forward" property was bought by MGM, so Martin and Blane, along with stars Nancy Walker, Tommy Dix and Gil Stratton, were brought out to MGM to adapt the show for the screen. Martin and Blane also contributed to other films including "Three Cheers For The Yanks" to For Me And My Gal (1942) starring Judy Garland. Still, they hadn't obtained the success they wanted so Meet Me In St. Louis was their big chance. Freed felt strongly enough about their abilities to ask them to write new songs for Meet Me In St. Louis, to help complement the use standards of the day. They would end up providing four songs for the film, three of which would be the best of their careers and have since become classic standards ("The Boy Next Door", "The Trolley Song", and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"). Freed also took a chance on hiring Vincente Minnelli to direct. At first Minnelli seemed like an odd choice to helm such a costly and risky project. Although to Freed, it probably seemed like the logical choice. Known for his use of composition and his unusual flair for design, Minnelli was an inspired choice. Minnelli had directed I Dood It (1942) starring Red Skelton, and most notably Cabin In The Sky (1943) starring Ethel Waters and Lena Horne. Click here for a biography of Vincente Minnelli. Many at the studio felt the story had not plot and that the film would be a flop. It was even referred to by some as "Freed's Folly". But Freed stood by his choices and went about the tasks of pre-production on the film, including the casting of the major roles. When Judy Garland first discovered that MGM was going to cast her in their new musical film entitled Meet Me In St. Louis she was not happy. She feared, and with good reason, that the film would set her career back. She had finally been allowed to grow up on the screen. In For Me And My Gal (1942) she was given a real romantic lead in newcomer Gene Kelly, and she was the undisputed star of the film, with her name alone above the title for the first time. After that she appeared in Presenting Lily Mars which was the first time the studio made a real effort to make her look glamorous, even if it was mainly for the finale at the end of the picture. She was seen for the first time with her hair up and looking quite beautiful. True, she had also just completed Girl Crazy (1943) as well, but even in that, her final complete film with Mickey Rooney, she was a completely different character than in all of the other Garland/Rooney pictures. In this film, Mickey chased Judy rather than the other way around, and she was portrayed not as a teenager deep in puppy love, but as a lovely young woman. Now, after reading the St. Louis script, it appeared as though the studio wanted her to revert back to playing a high school girl with a crush on the boy next door. Judy was dating Joe Mankiewicz at the time, and he was also instrumental in allowing her to see herself as not just a little girl with a big voice, but a desirable woman. At 22 years of age, Mankiewicz reasoned, Judy Garland had the talent and ability to graduate to more adult roles. And Judy not only agreed with it, but with Mankiewicz in her corner, for the first time she summoned up the strength to actually resist the studio for her own benefit. Judy went to L. B. Mayer and complained, and for once he sided with her. He went to producer Arthur Freed to discuss the matter, but was effectively swayed in the other direction by Freed, director Vincent Minnelli, and most importantly the reigning studio storyteller Lillie Messinger. Once Lillie got a hold of a story, no one was immune. She was able to effectively point out the charms and magic of the story. Mr. Mayer loved a good sentimental "all-American" story and this had everything he loved. Next Judy went to see Minnelli on her own, thinking that she might be able to persuade him, since she was one of MGM's biggest stars, and he was a novice director. Minnelli had directed only two films before, neither was a big financial success. The best of the two, Cabin In The Sky, although a beautiful film that critics liked, was an all-black film and in 1943 that meant a limited audience. Judy was sure that not only would St. Louis be a mistake but that she could persuade Minnelli that it really wasn't very good! In his memoirs, Minnelli reports what happened when Judy came to see him about the film: "She looked at me as if we were planning an armed robbery against the American public. She later told me that she'd come to see me thinking I would see it her way. " Per Minnelli, Garland says "It's not very good, is it? " to which Minnelli responded with "I think it's fine. I see a lot of great things in it. In fact, it's magical. "Whether years later the exact words of the conversation are remember by Minnelli is immaterial. Judy may have been going on an early draft of the screenplay which was, according to most accounts, not very good. But it was shaped up by the time rehearsals began. And since Mayer switched and sided with Freed, and Freed stood behind Minnelli, Judy had no choice but to acquiesce. Rehearsals began on November 11, 1943 and Judy did not exactly throw herself into the role. She was used to the more contemporary, "wise cracking" dialog. When filming began almost a month later on December 7, 1943 things weren't much better. In fact, it's reported that when Minnelli was away from the set, Judy would sometimes entertain the cast and crew with a devilishly satire of Minnelli centered around his "perfectionism. " This skit would entail her acting out the part of an MGM bit actor who is paid his set fee to say one line in every film i
Having read other comments, I am well aware of the affection in which this movie is held. That said, I feel that the reviewers are treading very carefully given its status as a classic. The truth is that modern audiences would be baffled and bored by this film. Unlike Judy Garland's other classic, the timeless Wizard of Oz, it does not convince in any way. The songs are appalling with the exception of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas and the acting of the whole cast consists of exaggerated gurning and absolutely no subtlety. Now there are obviously scores of people who disagree with me and I'm happy that they enjoy this film, but for everyone else I would say set your expectations as low as possible and you won't be far wrong.
Ne vedem in st. louis cardinals. Nominated for 4 Oscars. Another 6 wins & 1 nomination. See more awards ? Videos Learn more More Like This Musical | Romance 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 4 / 10 X A nightclub performer hires a naive chorus girl to become his new dance partner to make his former partner jealous and to prove he can make any partner a star. Director: Charles Walters Stars: Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Peter Lawford Certificate: Passed Drama 7. 6 / 10 A film star helps a young singer and actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career on a downward spiral. George Cukor James Mason, Jack Carson Comedy 8. 1 / 10 Two employees at a gift shop can barely stand each other, without realizing that they are falling in love through the post as each other's anonymous pen pal. Ernst Lubitsch Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart, Frank Morgan Western 7. 1 / 10 On a train trip West to become a mail-order bride, Susan Bradley (Judy Garland) meets a cheery crew of young women travelling out to open a "Harvey House" restaurant at a remote whistle-stop. George Sidney Ray Bolger, John Hodiak War Two vaudeville performers fall in love, but find their relationship tested by the arrival of WWI. Busby Berkeley George Murphy, Gene Kelly 7. 2 / 10 A small-town farmer, down on her luck, finds her homestead invaded by a theatrical troupe invited to stay by her ne'er-do-well sister. Gene Kelly, Eddie Bracken Family 7. 9 / 10 When a nice old man who claims to be Santa Claus is institutionalized as insane, a young lawyer decides to defend him by arguing in court that he is the real thing. George Seaton Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O'Hara, John Payne In turn-of-the century America, Andrew and Veronica are co-workers in a music shop who dislike one another during working hours but unwillingly carry on an anonymous romance through the mail. Robert Z. Leonard Van Johnson, S. Z. Sakall Adventure Fantasy 8 / 10 Dorothy Gale is swept away from a farm in Kansas to a magical land of Oz in a tornado and embarks on a quest with her new friends to see the Wizard who can help her return home to Kansas and help her friends as well. Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger Three friends struggle to find work in Paris. Things become more complicated when two of them fall in love with the same woman. Vincente Minnelli Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant 7. 5 / 10 A pretentiously artistic director is hired for a new Broadway musical and changes it beyond recognition. Cyd Charisse, Music At an inn which is only open on holidays, a crooner and a hoofer vie for the affections of a beautiful up-and-coming performer. Directors: Mark Sandrich, Robert Allen Bing Crosby, Marjorie Reynolds Edit Storyline St. Louis 1903. The well-off Smith family has four beautiful daughters, including Esther and little Tootie. 17-year old Esther has fallen in love with the boy next door who has just moved in, John. He however barely notices her at first. The family is shocked when Mr. Smith reveals that he has been transfered to a nice position in New York, which means that the family has to leave St. Louis and the St. Louis Fair. Written by Mattias Thuresson Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: M?G?M's glorious love story with music See more ? Details Release Date: January 1945 (USA) Also Known As: Meet Me in St. Louis Box Office Budget: $1, 700, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: $225, 684, 8 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $485, 932 See more on IMDbPro ? Company Credits Technical Specs Sound Mix: Mono (Western Electric Sound System) See full technical specs ? Did You Know? Trivia For many, Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) is considered essential Christmas Eve viewing. If the film is begun at precisely 10:22:30 pm, the church bell that tolls midnight during John's Christmas Eve proposal to Esther coincides perfectly with the real-time stroke of midnight, thus allowing die-hard fans to ring in Christmas morning with the characters in the film. See more ? Goofs After telling the family about moving to New York City, the father cuts himself a big piece of cake. Later the mother hands him his piece of cake and it less the half the size of the original. See more ? Quotes [ first lines] Mrs. Anna Smith: Best ketchup we ever made, Katie. [ she tries to tasting ketchup, it is too sweet] Katie (Maid): Too sweet. Mr. Smith likes it all the sweet side. All men like it on the sweet side. Too sweet, Mrs. Smith. Alternate Versions A rare version, dubbed in Spanish, exists, which was issued on VHS in Spain several years ago. This version features the entire soundtrack dubbed, including the songs, and several scenes deleted involving Margaret O'Brien deleted, dealing with Halloween, immediately after "The trolley song". TNT, in Latin America, after prologue dealing about how this film was restored presented it in its complete version but with the Spanish dubbed soundtrack lifted from that old version, which was not restored. For that reason, after "The trolley song" and during several minutes the films plays in English (after Judy Garland "sung" in Spanish) and then the audio reverts back to the dubbed version. Although that dubbed version was available in Spain, some people believe that it was actually produced in Mexico. See more ? Connections Featured in The Wizard of Lies (2017) Soundtracks I Was Drunk Last Night (uncredited) Composer unknown Sung a cappella by Margaret O'Brien See more ? Frequently Asked Questions See more ?.
Ne vedem in st. louisiana. Meet Me in St. Louis In the year before the 1904 St Louis World's Fair, the four Smith daughters learn lessons of life and love, even as they prepare for a reluctant move to New York. Duration: 113 min Quality: HD 720 Release: 1944 IMDb: 7. 6. Ne vedem in st. louis cardinals. Ne vedem in st louis film.
Ne vedem in st louis. Ne vedem in st. louis vuitton. Loved this old movie! The costumes are amazing, the drama and the acting is really great! Will be watching it again after some time. God bless Judy Garland, her beautiful little face, her stunning legs and her lovely lovely voice. This sounds like something you'd hear in Bioshock Infinite. Ne vedem in st. louis. Hi, if you have done a tab, could you please message me. thanks. Ne vedem in St. louise. Ne vedem in st. louisa. All this and Ma Kettle too. Wow! Judy could really belt it out. Incredible voice. Background Meet Me In St. Louis (1944) is a delightful, classic, nostalgic, poignant, and romanticized musical film - and one of the greatest musicals ever made. It tells the story of a turn-of-the-century family in suburban, midwestern St. Louis of 1903, who live in a stylish Edwardian home at 5135 Kensington Avenue. The city, and the well-to-do Smith family (with four beautiful daughters), is on the verge of hosting (and celebrating) the arrival of the spectacular 1904 World's Fair. However, the family's head of the house is beckoned to New York due to a job promotion - an uprooting move that threatens to indelibly change the lives of the family members forever. Filmed during WWII, the decision to remain in St. Louis in the film's conclusion affirmed that nothing will be altered for the American family. This gem of cinematic, picture-postcard Americana and youthful romance, is richly filmed in Technicolor. It marked the beginning of the golden age of MGM musicals (and producer Arthur Freed's unit), and ultimately became the second most successful film for MGM (behind Gone With the Wind (1939)). The story is based on the book of the same name from Sally Benson's memoirs of her life in St. Louis, Missouri from 1903-4 - they were recalled and written in multiple issues of The New Yorker Magazine from 1941-1942 (originally published under the title "5135 Kensington" and eventually gathered together as The Kensington Stories). The charming stories, a dozen in all to represent each of the twelve months of the year, are expressed in the film in its musical numbers. The film abandoned the 'put-on-a-show' mentality of so many other backstage song/dance films. Its songs and wonderful performances are carefully and naturally integrated into the story of the close-knit family's day-to-day life, and serve to advance the action and plot from one season to the next. This most popular and financially-successful film was produced by the legendary Arthur Freed and directed by its star's future husband, newcomer Vincente Minnelli (who married 23 year-old Judy Garland a year later on June 15, 1945 - it was Garland's second marriage). The slice-of-life musical was only Minnelli's third film (after the all-black musical Cabin in the Sky (1943) and the musi-comedy I Dood It (1943) with Red Skelton) and it was Minnelli's first full-length film in color. After their marriage, Garland and Minnelli also worked together on The Clock (1945) and The Pirate (1948). Meet Me in St. Louis was nominated for four Academy Awards (without any Oscar wins): Best Screenplay (Irving Brecher and Fred F. Finklehoffe), Best Color Cinematography (George Folsey), Best Song ("The Trolley Song" with music and lyrics by Ralph Blane and Hugh Martin), and Best Scoring of a Musical Picture (Georgie Stoll). The film's awards promotion was subverted by MGM's support of its suspense thriller and gothic melodrama Gaslight (1944). However, young star Margaret O'Brien was awarded a Special (miniature) Oscar as the most outstanding child actress of the year. And this film marked the first significant film role, and probably her career-best effort, for beautiful actress Judy Garland since The Wizard of Oz (1939). Structurally, the film is a series of coming-of-age vignettes (four in number): different acts representing the seasons from summer 1903 to spring 1904 that conclude in the year of the St. Louis World's Fair/Exposition. Each segment marks changes and rites of passage - and is introduced by a filigreed tintype from the Smith family album - each static, initially sepia-toned image turns into color and comes to life. Although the Winter segment is one of the shortest vignettes, the film is still considered a favorite Christmas movie. The Story Summer, 1903 The First Vignette opens with a static view of a greeting card (or family album snapshot) picturing a lovely, sepia-colored Victorian house in St. Louis, Missouri. When the camera zooms in, the picture springs into an animated, full-color enlargement, showing the mansard-roofed home with dormer windows and a veranda, surrounded by green lawn. The camera tracks down the unpaved street, following an open, horse-drawn wagon carrying Circle Star Beer. It then turns left to track up the lawn, following a young man (son Lon) riding his bicycle onto the Smith house's lawn. The summer scene dissolves into the kitchen. There over the stove, happy housewife Mrs. Anna Smith (Mary Astor) is making ketchup, testing and critiquing its taste with Katie (Marjorie Main), the household's maid. [The opening scene is centered around everyone in the family tasting the ketchup simmering on the kitchen stove, and humming the film's title song. ] Two of the five children enter, only son Alonzo "Lon" Jr. (Henry H. Daniels, Jr. ), casually humming a bit of the tune of the title song after setting down a load of groceries. (The title song is sung by the whole family in the house. ) Then, second-youngest daughter Agnes (child star Joan Carroll) comes in, her bloomers still wet from swimming. As she walks through the kitchen, through the hallway and up the stairs, she picks up the song: "Meet Me In St. Louis. " Inside the bathroom, her Grandpa Prophater (Harry Davenport) (Mrs. Smith's father) continues the refrain. He crosses paths with Agnes in the upstairs landing, and then continues singing into his room, where he tries on samples from his exotic lodge-cap collection. He goes over to the window when he hears a foursome arriving, completing the chorus. Outside, he sees auburn-haired Smith daughter Esther (Judy Garland, a twenty-two year old playing a seventeen year old - and off-screen already showing signs of future neuroticism), and her friends pull up in front of the house in a pony cart. Alighting from the cart, Esther carries a tennis racket and enters the kitchen. Back in the kitchen, more taste-testing results in different opinions about the ketchup recipe. Esther whispers a secret request to Katie - exhorting her to arrange to have dinner served an hour earlier than usual, something that normally wouldn't be approved. Katie snaps at Esther's white lie after permission is granted: A lie's a lie, and dressed in white don't help it. Katie asks Esther why she was asked to lie. Esther explains that eldest sister - a second auburn-haired daughter Rose (Lucille Bremer in her film debut), unmarried at twenty, expects to receive a long-distance call at 6:30 pm from New York City from a far-off, admiring beau named Warren Sheffield (Robert Sully). Rose needs privacy to maneuver a proposal out of her boyfriend, because the phone is located in the dining room: "She may be loathe to say the things a girl's compelled to say to get a proposal out of a man. " Katie comments on Rose's use of the telephone - a new invention: Personally, I wouldn't marry a man who proposed to me over an invention. Katie announces the arrival of a coquettish Rose, sauntering up to the front steps of the house: "There's the poor old maid now. " Standing on the neighboring lawn is a young, handsome Boy-Next-Door dressed in white with a pipe firmly in his teeth, a new neighbor named John Truett (Tom Drake). Rose gazes at him, trying to attract a glance while entering the house. Rose quickly persuades Esther to join her and stand on the front porch to look at the boy. Attempting to be non-chalant, both desperately want to be noticed and admired. Unsuccessful in attracting his attention, he is oblivious to them and imperviously wanders inside. Rose thinks: "He's not very neighborly, I must say. " They also go inside their house, where they anticipate the evening's events. When Esther reminds Rose of her fateful phone call, stuck-up Rose disdainfully mentions her disinterest in boys before drifting upstairs to wash her hair: My dear, when you get to be my age, you'll find out there are more important things in life than boys. Unconvinced of that fact, a winsome Esther gazes toward the camera with a dreamy look, cued up to sing a soliloquy of longing with a lush, rich voice, "The Boy Next Door. " She muses about her beloved: The moment I saw him smile I knew he was just my style My only regret is we've never met Though I dream of him all the while Esther ambles over to the window seat, sitting and looking out over the neighbor's place in the direction of the Boy-Next-Door ("at 5133") as she continues singing about her crush on the teenager who lives closeby: How can I ignore the Boy Next Door? I love him more than I can say Doesn't try to please me, doesn't even tease me And he never sees me glance his way And though I'm heartsore, the Boy Next Door Affection for me won't display I just adore him, so I can't ignore him The Boy Next Door During the playing of the song's melody, Esther primps and prances in front of the hallway mirror, and then does a little dance with herself at the foot of the stairs. She returns to her window vantage point to repeat the final two lines, lovingly photographed with a rapturous closeup of her secret longing expressed in song: With a last lingering glance out the window, she slowly releases a translucent, white lace muslin curtain at the edge of the window - bewitchingly, it falls in front of her as the song ends. A closeup of the tureen of the batch of ketchup being stirred in the kitchen dissolves into view. Fussing continues over the ketchup's taste when Grandpa pronounces it "too thick
Ne vedem in st. louis berger. Ne vedem in St. louisiana. Ne vedem in st. louisville.
Ne vedem in st. louis rams. Ne vedem in st. louis. What a dance number this is! Judy kept up with Gene Kelly step step! Triple threat. Ne vedem in st. louisville ky.

Those dresses were so modest and beautiful. to me those dresses look way more empowering than the crap Beyonce wears.

Ne vedem in st. louisburg. Irene Dunn was hilarious with her logic of returning the Pug dog and getting the suit! She portrayed her character perfectly! Love her in everything she was in. Gene Wilder passed away listening to this song. Ne vedem in st. louis weather. Ne vedem in st louis du rhone. Ne vedem in St. louisville. Ne vedem in St. louis.









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