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directed by - Peter Cattaneo. cast - Gaby French. Life on a military base can be uneventful, especially for the wives who are left behind when their partners are called to duty. Kate (Kristin Scott Thomas) is one of these women, bearing the stress and monotony with grace and forbearance. As the long-standing chair of the Social Committee, Kate has a hard time stepping away when newcomer Lisa (Sharon Horgan) is appointed in her place. The two women have very different definitions of social activities: Kate wants the group to continue with her busy calendar of book clubs and community work, while Lisa prefers to find any excuse for a glass of wine. When the idea of starting a choir is first broached, the women theoretically find common ground, even if they don't see eye to eye on the approach. Nonetheless, as the group begins to practice, they soon discover that the joy of singing is infectious and the first military wives choir is born. Discovering that they can rely on each other for more than beautiful harmonies, the members come together to confront the challenges of having a partner at war, to face the uncertainty of their fates, and to acknowledge how much of their identity is wrapped up in their husbands. UK. Runtime - 112 Minute. &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg)
Why can't I find a partner as good looking as the two women in 2:30.

Military wives feel like they also serve

Military Wives. Level 1 How does being a military wife mean you support Apple? level 2 Yeah and how does that mean you, as a wife of a soldier, deserve an iphone? Like, what have you done besides marry a solder? level 2 You know, sacrifices and stuff. She gets a house all to herself and benefits for doing absolutely nothing. level 2 their housbands are fighting for corporate interests around the globe. level 2 By eating healthily to get one of your five a day. level 2 android is big communist amirite level 2 And how does paying absolutely nothing for it support Apple? level 2 Apple loves keeping foreigners in subhuman conditions for profit, seems sorta similar to the fetishization of us military tbh level 2 If you're going to cheat on your husband while he's deployed, it helps to have a spare phone. level 1 "I want a free iPhone" basically. level 2 I want a free iPhone, because my husband is in the military Free healthcare is bad. Nothing is free level 1 Now watch her complain about people on welfare owning iPhones level 2 Reminds me of my sister. Our government recently started providing free licensed childcare to lower income families and my (upper-middle class) sister is complaining about how it’s “unfair bullshit that poor people get free daycare”. She’s generally an okay person but sometimes I want to pull her head out of her ass. level 2 There’s a large amount of military families on SNAP. Ain’t all glamor and guns. level 1 frankly we deserve it Hahahhaha level 2 She certainly deserves something... level 1 America's blind support of the military is really creepy tbh. This idea that everyone in the military is a hero and that them and their families deserve special treatment just seems so odd to an outsider. Especially since a lot of us outside of the US view their military as an awful and borderline terrorist organization.

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Army wives free online putlocker. Love your freedom? Thank a veteran. Military Wives freelance. Gooooo #6. Literally impossible for me to watch this without getting teary. Free things for military wives. After watching your journey for so long it makes me smile every single time I see your belly ??. Military Wives free software. Military Wives free. Well, it looks drama from the thumbnail. Do military wives get free education. Okay that last shot with the key thing had me anxious and now im scared.
Army wives free streaming. Sharon and Kirsten are superb. It's a moving story of friendship under pressure of military life, war and pain, with a lovely musical backing track. Funny, witty, poignant and for me very emotional. I definitely would ??.

When I see and hears the amazing voice of this poppy girls my tears suddenly flows. I had a family member in the army who got married right before moving to live on base together. He made a friend there who was also married. Dont know the nitty gritty details, but they basically both divorced, switched wives, and remarried. Him and 2nd wife are still together years later with children, so I guess it worked out for the best??♀?. @kikuhondachan Same here! highfive. Army wives free download. Free tickets to military wives. No Gareth malone, oh yes he is a man, cant have a man in this womens story can we.
Gareth Malone. you SIR... should have been knighted by now... the attention you have brought to the Armed Forces and there families, the lives they live and the hardship they go through, ?through the?' Military Wives ' choir... You have done more to highlight they're ?cause than anybody else over the last 20, 30, 40?years... You SIR. In my eyes... are a legend already. I didnt know that about dreft, Ill have to look into it. I loved it with my big kids. And thats the tea???. Just watched this film. This film blew my socks off. It properly made me laugh then made me cry. made me want to sing then hug someone.
If you want the ultimate feel good with a pinch of sadness movie. this is it. br> This one is going in the collection.
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I played the free version of The Stanley Parable this weekend and was struck with sudden inspiration to write a story where everyone was named Stanley. It's in the same universe as my other short thing, and probably just as low quality. Stanley was tired. He was tired of work, of trying to keep his wives from fighting, and this abysmal fucking weather -- and it was only 10:15. Most of all, he was tired of teaching this cursed human about magic. Stanley sighed, eyeing the human sitting across from him, who was conveniently also named Stanley. Was this impromptu name game due to malice or simply sheer incompetence on the part of the Queztalia Syndicate? At this point, Stanley could go either way. Stanley continued to examine human Stanley fiddle with the arcane staff using a tool that very closely resembled his child’s toy. He isn’t doing much, is he? Almost in response, the front of the toy whirred, plunging itself deep into the heart of the staff. “Hey! ” yelled Stanley, snatching the family heirloom out of human Stanley’s grasp. He examined the staff, looking for any cracks or fissures, but the toy seemed to have made a perfectly circular hole down to the center of the staff. “What are you doing?! ” Human Stanley looked amused -- annoyingly, as Stanley was rather in the mood to be instigatory. Stanley’s brother had just been honored by the Planetary Confederation for negotiating peace with the humans, and Stanley knew that he would be hearing that for years to come. Just another thing to add to reasons why he was tired. “I was just helping you out a bit, ” Human Stanley replied. “You said, and I quote, ‘you can do anything you want. ’” “Yes, I assumed you had enough basic consciousness to read between the lines and not literally destroy my staff, ” Stanley seethed. “How did you people manage to defeat our indomitable fleet? ” Human Stanley, still retaining that noncommittal look on his face, simply shrugged. “Anyways, I wasn’t destroying it, I was modifying it. Let me put this fan in the hole I bored. ” He took the staff back and placed what looked like a small button at the mouth of the opening, then connected a tiny silver module to it by wire. “Look, you hit this switch when you’re about to use your staff, and the fan will cool the core down”. Stanley needed his own fan from how angry he was getting. He took the staff back and set it aside, right before erupting into a tirade. “How DARE you desecrate an artifact of unimaginable power!? You realize that this allows me to channel enough energy to scramble your face? This is untenable! THIS IS--” “Woah there, tough guy. No need to get feisty! I’m sorry, alright? Look, why don’t we take a 15 minute break? ” Stanley was placated, not because of the condescending tone, but due to the rather nice idea of taking a break. He definitely was not getting paid enough for this, and Stanley, much like the rest of the galaxy, enjoyed rebelling in tiny, unnoticeable ways, such as requesting an unjustified refund for his delayed toaster oven delivery, or taking a break at 10:30 instead of 10:45. However, he couldn’t resist getting the final word in. “Fine. I suppose your species would get tired easily. ” It was also a convenient excuse in case they were caught, as opposed to his expected routine of pretending to work. Stanley pulled out his tablet, and human Stanley did the same. Stanley assumed his human counterpart was doing some light reading, just as he was. Until he began hearing terrible noises erupt from human Stanley’s hands. Stanley’s ears instinctively flattened against his skull and his shoulders flexed as a deep seated instinct told him to run. He tried to unclench his teeth just enough to spit out, “! ” Human Stanley looked up nonchalantly. “Hmm? Oh sorry! I’ll turn it down, ” he said as he muted the volume. “I’m not watching anything! I’m playing Total War: Ares. ” “What a terrible game! Who would want to play something that sounds like that? ” “ time I checked it had 3 million online million people? ” The human paused. “Look, it’s actually kind of fun. I’m sorry if I disturbed you in any way, and I know that you seem to be having a bad day, so I’m sorry if I’m making it worse. Why don’t I show you the game, and we can enjoy our break time? ” Stanley hesitated. He really didn’t want to accept this peace offering, but he knew that he was to be working with human Stanley for the next few months, and if there was anything he detested more than ignorant humans, it was passive aggressive coworkers. Stanley sighed. “All right, show me the game. ” A spark lit human Stanley’s eyes. “Okay, so you control your empire as you conquer other worlds. In this one, you can subjugate planets, which is way better than the last one personally because in the last one, you had to stay in space and there were no land battles…... ” Stanley absentmindedly processed his human counterpart’s ramblings as he took the thin tablet and proceeded to almost vomit. “ this?! They’re--They’re--They’re KILLING each other! ” He felt his grip lose strength as he leaned back in the chair in an attempt to control his nausea. The tablet fell to the ground. He could barely wonder why he hadn’t heard it hit the floor as his body convulsed in utter rejection of what he had just seen. The images of lifelike violence and gore seared his brain, and every time he closed his eyes they flashed in front of him like a runaway train. Eventually, he felt someone gently put a cup to his lips and cradle his head back. “Hey, ’re okay. Everything’s fine. ” Human Stanley warmly wrapped his arm around Stanley’s shoulders. Still shuddering, Stanley leaned into the embrace. As soon as he regained his faculties, he looked up into the human’s worried eyes. “How can you play something like that? ” Stanley shuddered again. “What do you mean? You just play it. I can turn down the brightness so the flashes don’t set you off again, ” human Stanley replied. Stanley shook his head, pushing the human away. “It wasn’t the flashes that ‘set me off, ’ I don’t have epilepsy. ” “ don’t? ” “How can you not know what I’m talking about? How can you stand playing a game so much V?????????????????I???????????????O?????????????L?????????????E??????????????N??????????????C???????????????????E???????! ” Stanley did not need to shout, but just like most other sentient species in the galaxy, he found it cathartic. This had the unfortunate side effect of confusing the translator microphone. “Violence? That’s barely anything! Sure, the graphics are good, but you can clearly see it’s fake. ” “I know it’s fake. It’s still immensely disturbing. Do you not find the thought of harming someone terrible? It’s evolutionarily illogical! ” Stanley wished he could have ended on a more impactful phrase, but he was too frazzled, so it was easier to just parrot the fact from his biology class. “Well, yeah, you shouldn’t hurt people. ” Human Stanley paused. “Well, I guess unless you have to. ” “How can you even say that?! ” Stanley was starting to lose his grasp on reality. “You should never hurt someone! ” “Didn’t you fight a war with us? Doesn’t that qualify as hurting someone else? ” “Well yes, but our soldiers are conditioned like that from birth! We understand that they’ll be mentally damaged, but that’s a sacrifice we make! ” The human was silent for an inordinately long period of time, then he began laughing. “That’s some Brave New World shit right there, ” the human chuckled. “Humans don’t have to be conditioned to fight. Our military is 100% volunteer-based. Even way way back in time when people were conscripted, they basically just picked any average Joe off the street. ” Stanley shuddered again. “So, at any given time, any human is capable lling? ” Human Stanley chuckled again. “Oh yeah. Murder is definitely a thing. The ancient Romans, a civilization that was the cornerstone of Western society, used to watch people kill each other for fun. We love action movies, and video games. Also, we eat meat, if that counts. ” Stanley suddenly noticed how predatory the human body seemed, with its front facing eyes, and muscular, powerful build. “Yeah, we’re definitely not perfect. ” Stanley’s human counterpart paused. “ members of your species can’t hurt each other, right? How do your doctors repair internal injuries? ” “Well, I’m not sure how the incantations go, but the general mechanism behind any healing spell is to simply push magic into the body to accelerate healing. ” Stanley’s eyes narrowed. “Wait, why do you ask? How do you do it? ” Human Stanley grimaced. “This is going to sound bad to you but... We don’t have magic, right? So our doctors, some of them we call surgeons. And they up patients and stitch them back together. ” Stanley’s body decided that was a good stopping point for the day, and his mind agreed. As he collapsed onto the floor, the last thing that ran through his head was a sudden understanding of how the Queztalia forces had been vanquished so easily. Human Stanley was thoroughly confused, and, due to a mixture of good intentions and not understanding how the Queztalia medical system worked, found himself walking around with an unconsious Stanley on his shoulder. This sparked much gossip around the office, and Stanley found himself referenced quite consistently in subsequent yearly HR reviews.
Must beat little mix. Military wives free cinema tickets. Stop moving things around. Always make me so proud of all service men and women around the world. Nothing about this movie makes me want to watch it. Military Wives free web. Watched this video several times, always makes me cry. hope the song is no1 at christmas. buy it, i will, lovely song, great charitys... Like Simon Cowell? No. He's seen a market, using sympathy to make money. Pretty sick really. Military Wives was just absolutely brilliant. From the moment it started to the rolling credits, I did not move, I was 100% enthralled with the characters and the relationships they had. I cried many many times throughout, found bits heartbreaking, but still I came away feeling lighter with a warm glow inside.
I laughed, I cried and I cried some more. The last film I saw that was that moving, was Kramer vs Kramer. I loved it.
So I thought I’d share my thoughts and experience after successfully dealing with the BAA organization. As a first responder bride who participated in (2) events this year. I’ll first note I am in no way sponsored by BAA or their affiliates and this post contains my own personal thoughts opinions and views and in no way do they represent BAA. Just in case you didn’t know Brides Across America (BAA) is a non profit organization who has teamed up with numerous bridal salons across the country (US) to help give brides who are A. Active Duty military. B. Full-Time first responders (police, fire, EMS) or C. Engaged to be married to someone who is either A. or B. And is set to be married within 18 months of the event date. Or D. Someone who is married to the above and will be having a formal civil ceremony within 18 months of the event date. A free wedding gown to wear at their ceremony. They ask for a small tax-deductible donation in order to preregister for an event and they give you the opportunity to leave with the gown no hassles no fees. It’s a great organization who gives back to those who serve. If you haven’t heard about it yet and you qualify and are in need of a dress do not sleep on this opportunity to save money!!! So first off I’m 27 and a full time police officer in Texas. I found out about this program after getting engaged to my FH. Thinking in my head what a big and beautiful wedding I’d wanted and then looking at the total cost of a wedding and cringing because my salary along with FH can’t afford fairytales. You in fact need a fairytale salary to get a fairytale wedding... or so I thought. After the initial disappointment that SYTTD left me with I learned that even a dress of $1000 was way out of our budget. And many bridal shops had limited selections in their $500 and under and their bargain rack ?. This is a long journey story but I promise you at the end of it you’ll be able to better plan for your experience with BAA as well as have a better idea of what to expect. IF YOU JUST WANT HINTS AND DONT CARE ABOUT MY STORY AND EXPERIENCE JUST SKIP DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. I googled free wedding and eventually after pushing through the cat videos and every other unrelated but somehow google algorithm relevant links I stumbled upon Brides Across America. (BAA) at the time there were no events going on and a quick stay tuned for future dates was posted. I looked into this organization and thought it was a wonderful opportunity. I waited patiently checking every couple of weeks to see when a bridal gown giveaway event would happen and finally the dates were posted (they hold 2 season of events. The first is summertime between June and August. The second is in the fall between nov-dec to save you the headache) finally they posted a date and had an event in my city which I signed up for and pledged my 40$ donation. Like many of you whom I’d assume are reading this, from that point on consisted of several weeks trying to find out more information about what this event was. Surely living in, ‘military city’ meant someone might have to know something. So I spent several days scouring the internet looking for reviews. Personal experience. Blogs, vlogs, comments, hashtags, geographic locations, fb posts, anything that would give me an idea of what I could expect. A FREE wedding dress! Would I have to stay up all night. Camp out all day like Black Friday. Would I fight crowds. Would I be the only one there? All of this crossed my mind and I had no idea because for once google was failing me.... I was defeated and I had no choice but to be an adult which meant talking to someone on the phone. (I dread this along with making dr appointments) I called the bridal shop that was hosting my event and in a round about way they told me ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The bridal salon I was attending did not accept appointments and they simply informed me the event would be first come first serve. They were unable to tell me how many people would be attending. How early they suggest getting there. How much time to allow to get my dress (I had to work at 2pm). All I was told again was ‘it’s a first come first serve event and we open the doors at 11am click ’ the day finally came and I picked 8 am. I figured if the lines wrapped around the building at 8 I was doomed to begin with. I drive by. Park my car... crickets. It’s empty. Not a soul is outside. I wait in my car and then I see another girl get up walk out of her car and sit down at the doors. That’s my cue. I get out and sit next to her. We break the ice and start chatting about how neither of us knew what to expect and couldn’t find anything. I learn this girl drove over 3. 5 hours to attend this event because it was the closest one to her. Nearly an hour and a half goes by and finally more women show up. 15 total. All different shapes. All different sizes. With only one or two girls remotely close to my dress size I realize I had nothing to worry about. But why couldn’t they just tell me that over the phone?! Whatever. So the waiting was unnecessary. That was mistake number 1. This event started and they opened the doors and they brought all the girls in at once. Had us fill out photo and media release forms and completely ignored the order of the line and just took whoever had their forms done first. I tried to hold back my anger. I waited outside in the Texas heat for nothing. Whatever. There’s a lot of whatever’s. So it goes.... I got paired with a bridal consultant who helped me and another girl simultaneously. She was super friendly and pumped me up getting me excited about wedding dress shopping. I was told based on my size I was really just limited to what was on this one rack that had about 10-15 dresses. I was allowed to pick out 2-3 dresses to try on and then eliminate from there. I picked my 3 and set off to find ‘THE ONE’. The first one I picked out was beautiful. But after looking it over in the dressing room I see the lace bodice has holes. Many of the beading and jewels are missing from the settings. I see makeup and fake tanner lining the inside of the dress ontop of several stains I don’t know whether they’ll come out or not. Take a deep breath. This is a free wedding gown and many are donated. I reminded myself. The consultant tells me the jewels are replaceable and that the cleaners can give it some TLC to clean it up. The cleaners who also can’t get a mustard stain I’ve had in my wool work pants for over 2 years is supposed to be able to take out lipstick and dirt from a wedding dress? Shocker. Wonder how much that would cost? in jay-z’s voice On to the next one! The second was beautiful just looked too matronly on me and didn’t have enough new bride umph. I put those back and select a few more. I stick to one style because that’s what I thought I wanted. Despite the fact that it may not be the most flattering. But I’m not an expert. I just know what I see on tv and in the movies and I like it. All of it. The last dress is the best looking one. It’s actually a new but discontinued dress that is soooo beautiful. It needs to be taken in and let out in certain places. A lot of places. There is heavy sequin and beadwork throughout the entire dress which is composed of a lot of sheer lace.... It need alterations. It needs a bustle. It needs cups. It needs to be taken in here. And let out there. Have this added and that’s not your size. Overwhelmed I take a deep breath again reminding myself that it is A FREE WEDDING DRESS AFTER ALL. And unless you get that picture perfect size off the rack most dresses need alterations. Here comes my second mistake. I asked the consultant how much alterations would cost. Surely she’d know a roundabout number right? I mean she sees women trying on dresses to get married FOR A LIVING. She must know something... WRONG. Much like the information I got over the phone about the event she was very guarded saying she’s seen alterations be 300$ or 3, 000$. WHAT?!? $ 3 thousand dollars for alterations. That’s more than I could afford for dress. Hell thats more than what my whole wedding budget will be! I get scared and disappointed. That while the dress is very beautiful I may not even be able to afford alterations to wear it. I back out, go change. Thank them for the opportunity and let them know I would be leaving without a dress but I’m more than willing to attend their fall event. She informs me it would be sometime in November but she can’t guarantee they’d have another event in my city let alone in my state. I let the BAA rep know that I’ll take my chances and I go home empty handed with many thoughts on my mind. These thoughts consisted of regretting not taking that dress because what if alterations would be affordable I just didn’t know it and I lost out on the perfect wedding dress which I’d never see again. Looking at the pictures the consultant took of me and pointing out every flaw. Every bump. My tummy poking out. The flab under my arms getting pinched. My farmers tan. My bald spots caused by my slope is being super noticeable. I picked apart every bit of me in all those dresses and called my mom and cried. How awful. Not only was this dress shopping turning out to be harder than I expected but I watched my self-esteem absolutely plummet. My wedding is planned for December. And I begin to worry what if this same thing happens to me again in November. A MONTH BEFORE THE WEDDING AND ID HAVE NO DRESS?!! ugh. How nerve racking. I get online to the BAA website again and I see an event about 3. 5 hours away. A week and a half later. The date includes 3 days. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Thursday is one day I have school but I’m off from work. SCORE. I call the bridal salon to see if they have appointments available on that day. They do. And I sign up (which I had to do before scheduling) pledge my 40$ donation and call to get scheduled. The consultant makes an appointment with me and it’s
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