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An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green country: USA Keean Johnson, Kat Graham Mark Amin. Instagram: Follow the studio for work updates instagram Follow the studio for work updates INSIGHT: Digging deeper into ESG INSIGHT LinkedIn: Follow for career opportunities linkedin Follow for career opportunities Twitter: Follow for news and events twitter Follow for news and events NEWS: Introducing Emperor's new Employee Board NEWS Introducing Emperor's new Employee Board.
Man, jumping into a fire really taught Uriah how to dish out some burns. Emperor watches tts. I would like to hear re-recorded Anthems,In the Nightside Eclipse and IX but with a better sound,more powerful and clarity that the harmonies would not be hidden from ears. ? Zurück nach oben Melden Sie sich an, um dieses Wort auf Ihre Merkliste zu setzen. Startseite ? Wörterbuch ? Widerständler ? Als Quelle verwenden Melden Sie sich an, um dieses Wort auf Ihre Merkliste zu setzen. Wortart INFO Substantiv, maskulin Häufigkeit INFO ?? ??? Rechtschreibung Info Worttrennung Wi|der|ständ|ler Bedeutung Info jemand, der einer Widerstandsbewegung angehört Beispiel viele Widerständler wurden zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet Synonyme zu Widerständler und Widerständlerin Info Rebell, Rebellin; Aufrührer, Aufrührerin, Aufständischer, Aufständische, Revolutionär, Revolutionärin, Verschwörer, Verschwörerin, Widerständlerin; (gehoben) Empörer, Empörerin; (oft abwertend) Umstürzler, Umstürzlerin; (abwertend) Revoluzzer, Revoluzzerin; (bildungssprachlich veraltend) Insurgent, Insurgentin Grammatik Info Singular Plural Nominativ der Widerständler die Widerständler Genitiv des Widerständlers der Widerständler Dativ dem Widerständler den Widerständlern Akkusativ den Widerständler die Widerständler Aussprache Info Betonung W i derständler © Bibliographisches Institut GmbH, 2020 Wir verwenden Cookies für das beste Erlebnis auf unserer Seite. Weitere Informationen hier. Verstanden
Raja Kita Selamat Bertakhta Tenno Heika Banzai!?. EMPEROR On the page Watch'Emperor'full'movie'dual'audio'download There read more Emperor. Emperor Online Watch Online Emperor Online'2018' Full HD Stream…. Emperor watchers. It's always a wild ride with Global's schedule... I post a lot of preview guides for content that should be next, but nope! We're skipping ahead to FF2 instead. Ahh well... here's some tips for Emperor SBB, which may or may not be coming out with the FF2 mog event next week. I wasn't expecting this SBB so soon, so this post is kind of rushed. I'll probably edit it over time. Emperor Series Boss Battle Wiki page: Note: I used temporary translations until the official translations are added. I figured they're easier to read than Skill ID numbers as a placeholder such as 215153. I'll update the skill names to the official translations when it's patched into the global client. Mission Reward Complete the quest 100 Lapis Use green magic Silver Key x2 Kill Emperor with a limit burst Gold Key x1 Finish within 25 turns 1, 000 Lapis General Tips Race: Human Neutral to every element ATK/MAG breaks work, immune to DEF/SPR break Stop and Dispel are used Lots of ST fixed magical damage that ignores provoke Magical Fire DoT Fixed fire damage with imperils as strong as 130% HP lock at 10% Uses re-raise on himself Final phase is a DPS race The Fight Emperor is a fight that deals purely magical damage (other than his normal attacks). Plenty of the attacks will bypass cover and provoke, so high spirit and general mitigation on everyone is strongly recommended. Emperor has a small chance to apply ST stop with every action. It's worth saying a second time. You really want good SPR. Remember those comet's from Wicked Moon? Well now those same comets ignore provoke. Prepare your team! Normal Rounds Other than thresholds, Emperor follows a repeating three round pattern. First round of his attacks will be Elixir (large heal + unremovable def/spr buffs), some fire attacks, and comets. Next round with be a Shooting Star (fixed magic aoe + fire imperil), some more fixed and fire attacks, and some buffs (and dispel when under 30%). Third round will be a huge AoE fixed fire attack along with the usual comets / fire nukes. Because the imperil is very predictable, the best way to survive here is to bring a way to remove the imperil from your team when it's applied. This means things like Kryla, dualcast dispelga, Myra's LB, or something crude like Bushido on your own team. If you remove the imperil right away when it's applied, your team only needs 30% fire resist from gear + a 70% fire resist buff. The magic tank will want 230% fire resist (less is fine) since they will be covering all the rest of the fire attacks before you get a chance to remove the imperil. Thresholds Emperor has a threshold at 80%, 50%, 30%, and 10%. The 10% threshold is special, and includes a HP lock which I'll go over in more detail below. The 80/50/30 thresholds are basically "free" turns when they are crossed. All Emperor will do is emote and use an AoE dispelga on your team (can be sealed with nethicite effects), then he will end turn. These thresholds do not lock HP, and if you cross more than one at a time, the earlier thresholds are cancelled, so it's in your best interest to only cross one at a time if possible so you can enjoy more free turns. The 30% threshold also includes a cast of his re-raise (which can be dispelled), and def/spr buffs (that can't be). Each threshold will also unlock extra attacks used during his regular turns, and it will reset his attack pattern back to the "first" round of his three round rotation. 10% Threshold and below This is where the fight gets interesting... The 10% threshold will lock his HP, then Emperor will dispel himself AND AoE dispel your team, he'll apply his self re-raise and mitigation. Next round he will apply his re-raise (again), his barrier/mitigation buffs, and a magic buff. Then, from that point forward, every round all Emperor will do every single turn for the rest of the fight is drink an Elixir (25 million heal + unremovable buffs), and do a lot of AoE fire attacks (can immune them with resist). The fight becomes a DPS race to outpace his healing to finish him off. If you can't overcome 25 million healing per round with unremovable def/spr buffs, you won't ever win. Burst DPS is very important to finish out the fight. Don't forget to dispel his re-raise before finishing him. You really don't want him to come back to life... Video Example of the fight Here's my example clear from the JP server: My clear used two units not available to GL (WoL and Elephim), but the biggest hurdle on Emperor is the DPS, and I used Bartz, which is available. I may go back for a new preview video if I have free time before it comes out on GL.
11:05 WTF???. Emperor watch & jewellery singapore. Emperor watch online. Emperor, feminine empress, title designating the sovereigns of the ancient Roman Empire and, by derivation, various later European rulers; it is also applied loosely to certain non-European monarchs. Read More on This Topic ancient Rome: Cult of the emperors Among the institutions most important in softening the edges of regional differences was the cult of the emperors. In one sense, it originated… In republican Rome ( c. 509?27 bc), imperator denoted a victorious general, so named by his troops or by the Senate. Under the empire (after 27 bc), it was regularly adopted by the ruler as a forename and gradually came to apply to his office. In medieval times, Charlemagne, king of the Franks and of the Lombards, was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III in Rome on Christmas Day, 800. Thenceforward until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 there were two emperors in the Christian world, the Byzantine and the Western. The term “Holy Roman emperor” is now generally used, for convenience, to designate the Western sovereigns, though the title was at first simply “emperor” ( imperator; the German form kaiser being derived from the Roman caesar), then “august emperor, ” then, from 971, “Roman emperor. ” The addition of “Holy” to the designation of the emperor, in historical writing, follows from its having been added to that of the empire ( sacrum imperium, 1157). The dissolution of Frankish Europe into separate kingdoms led eventually to the imperial title’s passing in 962 to the East Frankish or German king Otto I, who was also king of Italy (the kingdom of Burgundy was further acquired by Conrad II in 1032). Thenceforward to 1806, though not all German kings were emperors (crowned by the pope), there were no emperors who were not German kings, so that election to the German kingship came to be de facto necessary for attainment of the imperial title?with the final result that from 1508 to 1806 the style “emperor elected” or, more briefly, “emperor” was given to the German king in anticipation of his coronation by the pope (only one such coronation, that of Charles V in 1530, actually took place in the period). Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today Outside the Frankish and German sphere of influence the title emperor was sometimes assumed by princes supreme over more than one kingdom: thus Sancho III the Great of Navarre styled himself “emperor of Spain” on his annexation of Léon (1034); Alfonso VI of Léon and Castile called himself “emperor of the Two Religions, ” to show his supremacy over Christians and Muslims alike; and Alfonso VII took the title “emperor of all Spain” (1135). The Russian tsar Peter I the Great assumed the title imperator on Oct. 22, 1721. From that point on male rulers were conventionally called tsar, whereas female rulers were always called empress; both males and females held both titles, i. e., tsar (or tsaritsa) and imperator (or imperatritsa). After the French Revolution had destroyed the kingdom of France, Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804, having been anointed by Pope Pius VII, crowned himself emperor of the French as Napoleon I. His claim to be the successor not of Louis XIV but of Charlemagne, together with his organization of the Confederation of the Rhine in Germany, was a threat to the Holy Roman Empire of the Habsburg dynasty. Seeing this, Francis II, to retain an imperial title, took that of “hereditary emperor of Austria ” before he dissolved the old empire in 1806. His successors retained it until 1918. Napoleon III was emperor of the French from 1852 until his deposition in 1870?71 (the French Second Empire). Between 1871 and 1918 the kings of Prussia ?William I, Frederick III, and William II? were German emperors, or kaisers. Victoria of Great Britain took the title empress of India in 1876, but her great-grandson George VI renounced the imperial title when India became independent. In the Western Hemisphere Jean-Jacques Dessalines was emperor of Haiti from 1804 to 1806; princes of the house of Bragança were emperors of Brazil from 1822 to 1889; Agustín de Iturbide and the Austrian archduke Maximilian were emperors of Mexico from 1822 to 1823 and from 1864 to 1867, respectively. The title emperor also is generally and loosely used as the English designation for the sovereigns of Ethiopia and of Japan, for the Mogul rulers of India, for the former sovereigns of China, for the Inca rulers of Peru, and for the Aztec rulers of Mexico. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Among the institutions most important in softening the edges of regional differences was the cult of the emperors. In one sense, it originated in the 4th century bc, when Alexander the Great first received veneration by titles and symbols and forms of address as… history of Europe: The empire …house was also Holy Roman emperor. He directly ruled the family lands, comprising different parts of Austria stretching from Alpine valleys to the Danubian plain, which were mainly Roman Catholic and German; Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, which were mainly Slavic in race and language; a fraction of Hungary after the… history of Europe: Late antiquity: the reconfiguration of the Roman world In the 3rd century the emperor, who was first called princeps (“first citizen”) and then dominus (“lord”), became divus (“divine”). The powerful religious connotations of the imperial office were adopted even by usurpers of the imperial throne, backed by their armies, who then ruled autocratically at the head of a….
Some context to the excerpt; I think it's needed from time to time to show that Emperor wasn't unfallible and omniscient and that Magnus' Folly was the greatest wound in His plan; He doesn't know what will comes next and what to do, after He was forced to abandon Imperial Webway and His nine in every ten of his Custodes are dead. This was basically His weakest moment. The Emperor turned to him, His eyes focusing on the Custodian for the first time. ‘The war is over, Diocletian. Win or lose, Horus has damned us all. Mankind will share in his ignorance until the last man or woman draws the species’ last breath. The warp will forever be a cancer in the heart of all humans. The Imperium may last a hundred years, or a thousand, or ten thousand. But it will fall, Diocletian. It will fall. The shining path is lost to us. Now we rage against the dying of the light. ’ ‘It cannot be this way. ’ Diocletian stepped forwards, teeth clenched. ‘It cannot. ’ The Emperor tilted His head. ‘No? What then do you intend to do, Custodian? How will you ? with your spear and your fury and your loyalty ? pull fate itself from its repeating path? ’ ‘We will kill Horus. ’ Diocletian stared at his defeated monarch, illuminated in emberish light of the lumoglobe in his hand. ‘And after the war, we can begin anew. We can purge the webway. The Unifiers can rebuild all that was lost, even if it takes centuries. We will strike Horus down and?’ ‘I will face the Sixteenth, ’ the Emperor interrupted, distracted once more by the machine graveyard. ‘But there will come another to take his place. I see that now. It is the way of things. The enemy will never abate. Another will come, one who will doubtless learn from Horus’ errors of faith and judgement. ’ ‘Who, my king? ’ The Emperor shook His head. ‘There is no way to know. And for now it is meaningless. But remember it well ? we are not the only ones learning from this conflict. Our enemies grow wiser, as well. ’ Diocletian refused to concede. ‘You are the Emperor of Mankind. We will conquer any who come against us. After the war, we will rebuild under your guidance. ' The Emperor stared at him. He spoke a question that wasn’t a question, one that brooked no answer. ‘And what if I am gone, Diocletian. ’ The Custodian had no answer. Thunder pealed above them, shaking the cavern and jarring loose a rattling hail of falling pebble-dust. ‘My king, what now? What comes next? ’ The Emperor turned away, walking into the darkness of the cavern while the storm hammered the dead city so far above. He spoke three words that no Custodian had ever heard Him speak before. ‘I don’t know. ’.
Emperor by Marquis Black Some men live their whole lives at peace and are content. Others are born with an unquenchable fire and change the world forever. Inspired by the rise of Napoleon, Augustus, Nobunaga, and T'sao T'sao. Very AU. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 48 | Words: 677, 023 | Reviews: 2, 041 | Favs: 3, 784 | Follows: 3, 492 | Updated: 7/31/2017 | Published: 4/17/2010 | id: 5904185 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI FanfictionBot 2. 0. 0-beta | Usage ffnbot! ignore.
Emperor watch blog. Emperor watched tts. To save this word, you'll need to log in. em??per??or | \ ?em-p?r-?r, -pr?r \ 1: the sovereign or supreme male monarch of an empire Other Words from emperor emperorship \ ?em-?p?r-??r-??ship, -?pr?r-? \ noun Did You Know? The words emperor, caesar, czar, and Kaiser all go back to one source: the title of the first Roman emperor, Imperator Caesar Augustus. Augustus was the adopted son of the Roman general and ruler Julius Caesar and he took the name Caesar as part of his official name. Later Roman emperors did the same, and thus caesar came to mean “an emperor of Rome. ” The word caesar was borrowed into German and other Germanic languages as Kaiser, which is how we get the word kaiser for “a ruler in Germany. ” Through the Russian word tsar, which also came from kaiser, we got our word czar, meaning “a ruler in Russia. ” The word emperor can be traced through French to Latin imperator. Imperator was a title given to great Roman generals and meant “commander, ” from the verb imperare “to command. ” Examples of emperor in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web But Ghosn is used to living like an emperor who relished nothing more circling the globe and posing with heads of state. ? Fortune, "Carlos Ghosn Is Now a Fugitive In Exile. Here Are His Legal Options, According to Experts, " 10 Jan. 2020 The Second Empire lasted until 1870, when the emperor, conscious of his declining popularity, declared war on Prussia ? and lost. Susanna Lee, The Conversation, "We’re living in the bizarre world that Flaubert envisioned, " 10 Jan. 2020 Once a delicacy eaten by Chinese emperors, one of the world's largest freshwater fish just went extinct. Grace Hauck, USA TODAY, "Once a delicacy eaten by Chinese emperors, one of world's largest fish just went extinct, " 10 Jan. 2020 After years of battle, the French took over Mexico City and installed an emperor ? Maximilian I of the Austrian House of Hapsburg ? in 1864 for what would be a very short empire indeed. Jay R. Brooks, The Mercury News, "Beer trend alert: The resurgence of Mexican lager, " 6 Sep. 2019 As art historian Michael Rainer tells Viennese daily, a 17th-century biography of Dürer details a wall painting ordered by the emperor, but no other records of the commission survive. Brigit Katz, Smithsonian Magazine, "Artwork Discovered in Vienna Cathedral’s Gift Shop May Be the Work of German Renaissance Master Albrecht Dürer, " 13 Jan. 2020 Bonaparte went from being France’s first elected president to its last emperor. Susanna Lee, The Conversation, "We’re living in the bizarre world that Flaubert envisioned, " 10 Jan. 2020 But Shinto’s ties to the imperial family, and some religious rituals performed by the emperor, have generated controversy. Washington Post, "Shinto festival carries on centuries-old tradition in Japan, " 5 Dec. 2019 The 1980s saw the inscrutable foreigner with his secret allegiance to the emperor evolve into the company man with an obsessive allegiance to work. Rumaan Alam, The New Republic, "The Factory Is a Chilling Account of the Contemporary Workplace, " 2 Dec. 2019 These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'emperor. ' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. See More First Known Use of emperor 13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 History and Etymology for emperor Middle English emperour, borrowed from Anglo-French empereor, amperour, going back to Latin imperātōr-, imperātor "person giving orders, commanding officer, title of honor bestowed on a victorious general by his troops, title conferred by the Roman senate on Julius Caesar and Augustus and adopted by later successors, " from imperāre "to demand the production of, levy, give orders, exercise authority, hold political power" (from im- in- entry 2 + parāre "to supply, provide, make ready") + -tōr-, -tor, agent suffix ? more at pare Note: See note at pare. Learn More about emperor Cite this Entry “Emperor. ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,. Accessed 13 Feb. 2020. More Definitions for emperor em??per??or | \ ?em-p?r-?r \ Kids Definition of emperor: a man who rules an empire Comments on emperor What made you want to look up emperor? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).
Part of a series on European imperial, royal, noble, gentry and chivalric ranks in Western culture Emperor / Empress / King-Emperor / Queen-Empress / Kaiser / Tsar High king / High queen / Great king / Great queen King / Queen Archduke / Archduchess / Tsesarevich Grand prince / Grand princess Grand duke / Grand duchess Prince-elector / Prince / Princess / Crown prince / Crown princess / Foreign prince / Prince du sang / Infante / Infanta / Dauphin / Dauphine / Królewicz / Królewna / Jarl Duke / Duchess / Herzog / Knyaz / Princely count Sovereign prince / Sovereign princess / Fürst / Fürstin / Boyar Marquess?/ Marquis / Marchioness ?/ Margrave ?/ Landgrave / Marcher Lord / Count palatine Count / Countess ?/ Earl / Graf / Châtelain / Castellan / Burgrave Viscount / Viscountess ?/ Vidame Baron / Baroness / Freiherr / Advocatus / Lord of Parliament / Thane / Lenderman Baronet / Baronetess / Scottish Feudal Baron / Scottish Feudal Baroness / Ritter / Imperial Knight Eques / Knight / Chevalier / Ridder / Lady / Dame / Edelfrei / Seigneur / Lord Gentleman / Gentry / Esquire / Laird / Edler / Jonkheer / Junker / Younger / Maid Ministerialis v t e An emperor (from Latin: imperator, via Old French: empereor) [1] is a monarch, and usually the sovereign ruler of an empire or another type of imperial realm. Empress, the female equivalent, may indicate an emperor's wife ( empress consort), mother ( empress dowager), or a woman who rules in her own right ( empress regnant). Emperors are generally recognized to be of a higher honour and rank than kings. In Europe, the title of Emperor has been used since the Middle Ages, considered in those times equal or almost equal in dignity to that of Pope due to the latter's position as visible head of the Church and spiritual leader of the Catholic part of Western Europe. The Emperor of Japan is the only currently reigning monarch whose title is translated into English as "Emperor". [2] Both emperors and kings are monarchs, but emperor and empress are considered the higher monarchical titles. Inasmuch as there is a strict definition of emperor, it is that an emperor has no relations implying the superiority of any other ruler and typically rules over more than one nation. Therefore a king might be obliged to pay tribute to another ruler, [3] or be restrained in his actions in some unequal fashion, but an emperor should in theory be completely free of such restraints. However, monarchs heading empires have not always used the title in all contexts?the British sovereign did not assume the title Empress of the British Empire even during the incorporation of India, though she was declared Empress of India. In Western Europe, the title of Emperor was used exclusively by the Holy Roman Emperor, whose imperial authority was derived from the concept of translatio imperii, i. e. they claimed succession to the authority of the Western Roman Emperors, thus linking themselves to Roman institutions and traditions as part of state ideology. Although initially ruling much of Central Europe and northern Italy, by the 19th century the Emperor exercised little power beyond the German-speaking states. Although technically an elective title, by the late 16th century the imperial title had in practice come to be inherited by the Habsburg Archdukes of Austria and following the Thirty Years' War their control over the states (outside the Habsburg Monarchy, i. Austria, Bohemia and various territories outside the empire) had become nearly non-existent. However, Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor of the French in 1804 and was shortly followed by Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, who declared himself Emperor of Austria in the same year. The position of Holy Roman Emperor nonetheless continued until Francis II abdicated that position in 1806. In Eastern Europe, the monarchs of Russia also used translatio imperii to wield imperial authority as successors to the Eastern Roman Empire. Their status was officially recognised by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1514, although not officially used by the Russian monarchs until 1547. However, the Russian emperors are better known by their Russian-language title of Tsar even after Peter the Great adopted the title of Emperor of All Russia in 1721. Historians have liberally used emperor and empire anachronistically and out of its Roman and European context to describe any large state from the past or the present. Such pre-Roman titles as Great King or King of Kings, used by the Kings of Persia and others, are often considered as the equivalent. Sometimes this reference has even extended to non-monarchically ruled states and their spheres of influence such as the Athenian Empire of the late 5th century BC, the Angevin Empire of the Plantagenets and the Soviet and American "empires" of the Cold War era. However, such "empires" did not need to be headed by an "emperor". Empire became identified instead with vast territorial holdings rather than the title of its ruler by the mid-18th century. For purposes of protocol, emperors were once given precedence over kings in international diplomatic relations, but currently precedence amongst heads of state who are sovereigns?whether they be kings, queens, emperors, empresses, princes, princesses and to a lesser degree presidents?is determined by the duration of time that each one has been continuously in office. Outside the European context, emperor was the translation given to holders of titles who were accorded the same precedence as European emperors in diplomatic terms. In reciprocity, these rulers might accredit equal titles in their native languages to their European peers. Through centuries of international convention, this has become the dominant rule to identifying an emperor in the modern era. Roman tradition [ edit] In the Roman tradition a large variety in the meaning and importance of the imperial form of monarchy developed: in intention it was always the highest office, but it could as well fall down to a redundant title for nobility that had never been near to the "Empire" they were supposed to be reigning. Also the name of the position split in several branches of Western tradition, see below. The importance and meaning of coronation ceremonies and regalia also varied within the tradition: for instance Holy Roman Emperors could only be crowned emperor by the Pope, which meant the coronation ceremony usually took place in Rome, often several years after these emperors had ascended to the throne (as "king") in their home country. The first Latin Emperors of Constantinople on the other hand had to be present in the newly conquered capital of their empire, because that was the only place where they could be granted to become emperor. Early Roman Emperors avoided any type of ceremony or regalia different from what was already usual for republican offices in the Roman Republic: the most intrusive change had been changing the color of their robe to purple. Later new symbols of worldly and/or spiritual power, like the orb, became an essential part of the imperial accessories. Rules for indicating successors also varied: there was a tendency towards male inheritance of the supreme office, but as well election by noblemen, as ruling empresses are known (for empires not too strictly under salic law). Ruling monarchs could additionally steer the succession by adoption, as often occurred in the two first centuries of Imperial Rome. Of course, intrigue, murder and military force could also mingle in for appointing successors; the Roman imperial tradition made no exception to other monarchical traditions in this respect. Probably the epoch best known for this part of the imperial tradition is Rome's third century rule. Roman Empire and Byzantine emperors [ edit] Classical Antiquity [ edit] When Republican Rome turned into a de facto monarchy in the second half of the 1st century BC, at first there was no name for the title of the new type of monarch. Ancient Romans abhorred the name Rex ("king"), and it was critical to the political order to maintain the forms and pretenses of republican rule. Julius Caesar had been Dictator, an acknowledged and traditional office in Republican Rome. Caesar was not the first to hold it, but following his assassination the term was abhorred in Rome [ citation needed]. Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. Augustus, considered the first Roman emperor, established his hegemony by collecting on himself offices, titles, and honours of Republican Rome that had traditionally been distributed to different people, concentrating what had been distributed power in one man. One of these offices was princeps senatus, ("first man of the Senate") and became changed into Augustus' chief honorific, princeps civitatis ("first citizen") from which the modern English word and title prince is descended. The first period of the Roman Empire, from 27 BC ? AD 284, is called the principate for this reason. However, it was the informal descriptive of Imperator ("commander") that became the title increasingly favored by his successors. Previously bestowed on high officials and military commanders who had imperium, Augustus reserved it exclusively to himself as the ultimate holder of all imperium. ( Imperium is Latin for the authority to command, one of a various types of authority delineated in Roman political thought. ) Beginning with Augustus, Imperator appeared in the title of all Roman monarchs through the extinction of the Empire in 1453. After the reign of Augustus' immediate successor Tiberius, being proclaimed imperator was transformed into the act of accession to the head of state. Other honorifics used by the Roman Emperors have also come to be synonyms for Emperor: Caesar (as, for example, in Suetonius ' Twelve Caesars). This tradition continued in many languages: in German it became " Kaiser "; in certain Slavic languages it became " Tsar "; in Hungarian it became " Császá Emperor tv Hindi HBO 2018r.

Emperor watches tts extras. 28:19 gorgeous theme! Tipically a once in a lifetime. Bound in Servitude by Tied to a tombstone, being tortured by Voldemort. Harry wanted it to end. His mind, his soul cried for someone, anyone to help him. He hadn't expected for someone to actually answer. Now he will learn the truth about the Potter bloodline and prepare himself for the war that is at their doorstep. However, unlike what he had thought, he won't be facing what is coming on his own. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 7 | Words: 79, 723 | Reviews: 2, 101 | Favs: 5, 371 | Follows: 5, 694 | Updated: 1/6/2015 | Published: 11/6/2013 | id: 9825937 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Romance | Characters: Harry P., OC | Download: EPUB or MOBI FanfictionBot 2. 0. 0-beta | Usage ffnbot! ignore.
Congratulations from Hong Kong may peace prevail. Emperor watch & jewellery (hk. ID @ 33:00. " The Emperor Protects... " ? The Lectitio Divinitatus The Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade The Emperor of Mankind is the immortal Perpetual who serves as the ruling monarch of the Imperium of Man, and is described by the Imperial Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Cult as the Father, Guardian and God of humanity. The Chaos Gods and the daemons of the Warp refer to Him as " the Anathema " for He is the greatest embodiment of universal Order in the galaxy today. He has sat immobile, his body slowly crumbling, within the Golden Throne of Terra for over 10, 000 standard years. Although once a living man, His shattered, decaying body can no longer support life, and it is kept intact only by the cybernetic mechanisms of the Golden Throne and a potent mind itself sustained by the daily sacrifice of thousands of lives. The Emperor chose to sacrifice His immortal life at the end of the Horus Heresy in the service and protection of Mankind. To humanity's countless trillions across the galaxy-spanning Imperium, He is nothing less than God. Through his Imperium, Mankind is united and remains one of the most powerful intelligent races in the Milky Way Galaxy as well as its most dominant in terms of both population and territory held. United under one government, Mankind is able to survive the myriad deadly threats it faces from aliens, the Forces of Chaos and the Traitors, Heretics and mutants that lie within the Imperium's boundaries. The Imperium's rule, carried on in the Emperor's name since the end of the Horus Heresy by the High Lords of Terra and a multitude of Imperial organisations, has been long, oppressive and necessarily harsh. It has also resulted in technological and cultural stagnation, and a regression into tyranny, superstition and religious obfuscation and intolerance that would have horrified the Emperor. Though He is no longer responsive to external stimuli, the Emperor still lies at the very heart of the Imperium's continued existence. Although He cannot be directly involved in the day-to-day running of humanity's galactic government, His existence on the Golden Throne is vital to sustaining the Imperium, since His powerful mind's presence in the Immaterium maintains and directs the Astronomican, the psychic beacon that makes possible faster-than-light Warp travel and is vital to Imperial shipping, transportation, commerce and communication. He is said to still guide His race through the psychically-reactive divination tool known as the Emperor's Tarot, which select psykers can consult to gain a glimpse of the future and the Emperor's will. He is also said to constantly battle the Chaos Gods in the Warp and prevent their further intrusion upon the material universe. His mind must remain vigilant at all times throughout the entire Imperium to safeguard the human race and to offer His protection to the faithful. Above all else, it is Mankind's collective belief in the Emperor's divinity that serves as its greatest protection from Chaos and the other hideous dangers that plague the galaxy. As the Imperial Creed has taught for over 10, 000 standard years, the Emperor protects... History Origins Note: This section discusses material that was once considered canon but whose canonicity may now be questionable. The Emperor and his most trusted advisor, Malcador the Sigillite The Emperor is the collective reincarnation of all the shamans of Neolithic humanity's various peoples, the first human psykers. The foul Warp entities that would become the four Great Powers of Chaos had not yet fully formed when the Emperor was born on Earth during prehistoric times, somewhere in ancient central Anatolia (modern Turkey) in the 8 th Millennium B. C. But even before the birth of the Emperor, as humanity grew and progressed, the Warp began to become increasingly disturbed by the dark undercurrents of humanity's collective psyche, and the shamans began to lose their former ability to reincarnate into new bodies. Instead, upon dying, their souls were consumed by the entities and daemons of the Warp. Eventually the shamans of humanity, unable to reincarnate, would become extinct, and without the shamans and their psychic abilities to guide the race, humanity would inevitably fall prey to the corruptions of Chaos, just as eventually happened to the Eldar. In these ancient days, all the shamans of Earth gathered in a grand conclave to decide what must be done to stave off the day when they had all been consumed by the Warp. In the end, the shamans decided to pool their collective psychic energies by reincarnating as a single soul in a single human body to create an individual they called "the New Man. " The thousands of shamans, as one, took poison, and as one, they died, their souls flowing into the Immaterium in a rush of psychic power that overwhelmed those daemons who sought to feast upon it with a cleansing, purifying fire, a flame imperishable that became one soul out of many. A standard year later the child who would become the Emperor was born in a Neolithic settlement of Anatolian herders and farmers of a normal mother and father, with normal brothers and sisters. His psychic power was so great that its energies altered His genome and physiology in the womb and rendered Him immortal so He would no longer need to reincarnate and could not be assaulted by the daemonic creatures of the Immaterium upon His death. As He grew older, His potent psychic powers began to manifest. For thirty-eight thousand Terran years, He wandered over the Earth and throughout human history. He travelled among the different peoples of Mankind. While He had first been only an observer of Mankind's triumphs and follies, He soon began to help where He could, using His ancient wisdom to spread efficient government, crop management, animal husbandry, technology and peace. He used His influence carefully, at first adopting only the guise of a normal man, and without revealing His true nature. As the millennia passed, the man who would become the Emperor watched the human race develop. He travelled the entire globe, watching and helping, sometimes adopting the persona of a great leader or advisor. In times of trouble He became a crusader, a religious leader or even a messiah, at other times He remained a back-stage contributor to events, an advisor to kings, a court magician, a pioneering scientist. Many of the guises He adopted were humble, others became monumental figures of world history or religion. At times of crisis He would be there, steering the human race along a narrow path to survival that only He could see. As the human race prospered the Warp became increasingly disturbed. The man who would become the Emperor was aware of how the extreme sides of the human character were feeding the nascent Chaos Powers. Despite His best efforts to promote peace and harmony across Old Earth, the instinctive values of martial honour, ambition, defiance, and self-satisfaction could never be eradicated from the human character. Some of the New Man's plans proved less than successful; seeds of wisdom often failed to flourish or grew into uncontrollable monstrosities leading to eras of persecution and war. The Chaos Powers sensed the presence of the New Man, the "Anathema" as they would name him, and His efforts to curb their own power and growth. Even before they became fully conscious in the Immaterium the Ruinous Powers recognised the man who would become the Emperor as their greatest enemy. Khorne was the first of the four major Chaos Gods to wake fully, and an era of wars and conflict soon raged across the globe to herald his birth. Tzeentch was the next, and nations and politics soon grew to maturity with all of their implicit intrigues and double-dealings. Nurgle was the third to awake and plagues swept across Old Earth's continents claiming many souls for the Lord of Decay. By the end of the European Middle Ages on Terra, all three of these Chaos Gods had awoken to full consciousness. The fourth, Slaanesh, still slumbered, to be awakened by the follies of a different species, the Aeldari. But as the New Man's psychic powers further developed, He became ever more aware of the terrible dangers that awaited Mankind in the broader universe and He resolved to do all in His power to defend and guide humanity towards a future as the predominant species in the galaxy. As more and more humans were born with the mutant psyker genes that granted them the ability to wield the potent power of the Immaterium in the last centuries of the Dark Age of Technology, and humanity suffered from the deadly effects of uncontrolled psykers that heralded the onset of the Age of Strife, the Emperor realised that He would have to take a more direct and open role in human affairs than ever before. Following the birth of Slaanesh after the Fall of the Eldar in the 30th Millennium, and the end of the Warp Storms that had prevented interstellar communications and travel from the Sol System, the Emperor determined that the time had come to directly steer the history of Mankind once more, or see the human race ultimately go extinct. However, in the current Warhammer 40, 000 background story, the Emperor's origin and history prior to unifying Terra is left largely mysterious and undetailed, though His immortality and extraordinary psychic abilities remain intact. The first mention of the Emperor in Imperial records is when He unified Terra at the end of the Age of Strife in the 30th Millennium. Horus mentions that the Emperor lived " in Anatolia, in his own childhood " when talking of his first meeting with the Emperor. It is known that He had been immortal and ancient even before His ascension to the Golden Throne over 10, 000 Terran years ago. The Emperor is the "New Man", the first and greatest of the new race of human psykers. He is also the collective reincarnation of the extinct
Император, формат бумаги существительное ↓ -? император drunk as an emperor??? шутл. пьян вдребезги ? Словосочетания the degraded emperor of the Romans ??? низложенный император римлян ? ex-emperor??? экс-император ? to hail smb. emperor??? провозглашать кого-л. императором ? the Emperor Neron ??? император Нерон ? emperor penguin ??? императорский пингвин ? Примеры the Emperor and Empress of Japan ? император и императрица Японии ?? The people deified the emperor. ? Народ боготворил императора. ?? He appointed himself emperor for life. ? Он назначил себя пожизненным императором. ?? The summer palace of the Emperor has been unceremoniously looted. ? Летний дворец императора был без всякого стеснения разграблен. ?? The emperor used people as his playthings. ? Император обращался с людьми, как со своими игрушками. ?? The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled. ? Император приказал изгнать всех иностранцев. ?? After the emperor died, power passed to his eldest son. ? После того, как император умер, власть перешла к его старшему сыну. ?? ещё 7 примеров свернуть Примеры, ожидающие перевода restore the emperor to the throne ? ? ? The emperor was in residence at his summer palace. ? ? ? The Emperor issued the decree repealing martial law. ? ? ? Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ?, напротив примера. Возможные однокоренные слова emperorship ???титул императора, императорский престол, царствование императора Формы слова noun ед. ч. (singular): emperor мн. (plural): emperors.
"No world shall be beyond my rule. No enemy shall be beyond my wrath. " The ruler of an empire, note? usually but not always The Empire. Historically, Emperors outranked Kings, so when you need an authority figure to convey the highest possible power and rank, you can't get any higher than making them The Emperor (unless you go to The Pope, or into the otherworldly realms of Galactic Conquerors, Demon Lords and Archdevils, Celestial Paragons and Archangels, and at the most accepted highest tier, God-Emperor). The previous steps are God Save Us from the Queen!, The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask, The High Queen, She Is the King, The Good King and President Evil. If a ruler is known as The Emperor, it is almost a sure sign that he is an Evil Overlord and the Big Bad of the story, or at least a major villain, especially if you are in a Fantasy setting. Kings, Princes, and Presidents are as likely to be good ( The Good King, The Wise Prince, President Superhero) as they are to be bad ( The Caligula, The Evil Prince, President Evil) but somehow The Emperor is almost always a villain of some sort. This is probably for the same reasons as Good Republic, Evil Empire. Though, the Emperor is often distinct from the Evil Overlord in that he is much more likely to be the ruler of the world, or at least the ruler of the largest and most influential country in it, instead of simply being a Sauron/Kim Jong-Il dictator cackling it up over in Latveria/ Mordorland. They will frequently invoke Authority Equals Asskicking, which can often make them the most dangerous man on the planet. At the same time, Emperors have a tendency to be Disc One Final Bosses. It is very common for a villainous version to be hyped up as the main villain initially, before being superseded by a Greater-Scope Villain (perhaps a Sealed Evil in a Can that they released), The Man Behind the Man, or The Dragon after their defeat by the heroes and/or after betrayal from within their organization. When used like this, it is often for escalation purposes, as the initial Emperor is usually fairly normal within the setting besides his political power and ( sometimes) exceptional skills, wheras their successor often has far more intimidating powers at their command. This villainous depiction is ubiquitous in Western media. Only in historic plotlines involving the leaders of the real-life Roman Empire will they get any sympathetic depiction at all, and even then they are usually portrayed as incompetent or otherwise unflatteringly. In contrast, in China and Japan, Emperors actually served as legitimate rulers for most of recorded history, and thus Eastern media (particularly Chinese wuxia films, but also occasionally anime) do have the occasional non-evil Emperor. However, if the Emperor is legitimate and non-malevolent, his role in the plot is usually purely as a background character, often serving as an impotent foil to an Evil Chancellor who holds the true reins of power; plot-significant Emperors usually serve in the role of Big Bad. The Emperor might be: The Evil Overlord, a very standard Big Bad (often complete with Spikes of Villainy and Shoulders of Doom), is essentially a cliché bully who, despite having no real diplomatic or political skills, has attained his position through strength or special combat skills; if this is seen as too oafish, a very powerful Evil Sorcerer or Emperor Scientist, who still lacks subtlety, will suffice. Expect him to abuse his followers, intimidate his subordinates, wear battle-armor all the time, and be built like a tank. The Legions of Hell and Always Chaotic Evil races are this guy's mooks. A General Ripper, if significantly promoted, is a more intelligent derivative of this type. The Shadow Emperor is an extremely powerful form of The Emperor, who rules from behind-the-scenes with much Machiavellian scheming, delegating much of his powers, and almost always has a hidden agenda. Though they are usually not as physical as Blood Knights like the Evil Overlord, they will probably have hidden magic or Psychic Powers. Emperor Palpatine (who was originally a President Charisma) and Charles zi Britannia are prime examples. Of all these types, the Shadow Emperor will be the most likely to try and obtain immortality. He's likely to be The Ghost for at least the first part of the story, usually operating through Mooks or The Dragon. The President Charisma, typically a leader of Eagle Land, is a Villain with Good Publicity, who always puts on a good face for the public, but is a conniving Manipulative Bastard behind the scenes. A more realistic and politically oriented emperor, he is often a Take That! at the nation's current administration (or somebody else's). An Engineered Public Confession is one of his more common foes. Examples include virtually all fictional references to Richard Nixon. The Norsefire leader attempted to be this, and most other Hitler expies will usually come off as one (in his own country, anyways). The Good King. Usually located in East-Asia ( or an equivalent), the wise king is a benevolent (if usually distant from the heroes and their struggle) leader, who sides with the heroes when he finally shows up, and acts more as a promoted spiritual guide or priest than pure authority. They are the Big Good and/or Greater-Scope Paragon of the story. The few western examples will just be an expansion of the wise Royal Blood "True King". The Emperors of Mulan and The Last Samurai are prime examples. A President Charisma may be confused for this before The Reveal. A common derivative is a once-great benevolent Emperor who has grown senile and surrounded by corruption. A Knight Templar Emperor tries to be this, but usually ends up becoming one of the above. Messiah-Emperors usually qualify as one of these, though like all benevolent leaders ( some cases in particular) may use heavy amounts of Necessarily Evil. Roughly half of the Roman Emperors depicted in fiction will be of this sort. The other half will be Caligulae to a man. Just the First Citizen: Any of the above, but with a much more modest title. This trope isn't necessarily related to God-Emperor, but it may be. Not to Be Confused with the Black Metal band Emperor. Of course, just because the trope is titled "The Emperor " doesn't preclude the existence of actual Empresses, as some of the examples in both fiction and Real Life illustrate. An Empress is likely to be depicted more sympathetically than an Emperor, often incorporating elements of The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask (if mature) or the less-frivolous Princess Tropes (if youthful). Less sympathetic female rulers are more often queens. Examples: open/close all folders Anime & Manga Bleach Yhwach, the King of the Quincies and the Emperor of the Vandenreich, is the final arc's Big Bad. He's a hands-on military leader, not the "isolated on the golden throne" type, who is as willing to kill his own troops as his enemies. When he fights, he becomes an Ax-Crazy Blood Knight. There's an indication that his soul thrives on war to keep functioning. Without the ability to absorb the souls of those he kills, he would be nothing more than a vegetable who can neither move nor has functioning senses. As a result, he incites war and violence wherever he can. Souther from Fist of the North Star follows the Evil Overlord template to a tee. He calls himself the "Saint Emperor" and has his minions kidnap children to use as slave labor in the construction of a giant pyramid dedicated to his dead master, and he is one of the few villains in the series to hand Kenshiro an outright defeat. The Big Bad Emperor Charles zi Britannia in Code Geass presides over a World Half Empty, and does everything in his power to keep it that way. This appearance is actually a front for his Assimilation Plot. And to top it off, his seiyuu was given the Fan Nickname of "Emperor Wakamoto". Empresses Jiang Lihua and Nunnally vi Britannia are the good version. The Big Bad of The Vision of Escaflowne is the Zaibach Empire's Emperor Dornkirk, who is actually Sir Isaac Newton, and is currently a 200-year-old man inside a pickle jar with a telescope attached. Samurai 7 has the unnamed Emperor who kidnaps women from peasant villages and implants clones of himself within them to create a perfect line of successors. He apparently had a lot of such clones: Ukyo, the series' true Big Bad, is revealed to be his 49th clone. He promptly kills the old Emperor and takes his throne for the purpose of world domination. In Digimon, Ken's villain persona "the Digimon Emperor" fits this trope as well as his name would suggest. A whip-wielding Evil Overlord with a Floating Base of Doom and a costume which includes gold shoulder pads and a cape, his goal is to enslave all Digimon and take over their world. All at the tender age of eleven, too. Dragon Ball Z: Frieza, having spent his entire life at the top of a galaxy-spanning empire, likes to refer to himself as "emperor of the universe" while posturing. He's very much the Evil Overlord type, with his diplomatic skills amounting to "do what I say and maybe I won't kill you and destroy your entire planet. " Frieza's briefly-seen father, by contrast, is exclusively referred to as King Cold. Tenchi Muyo! : Azusa Masaki Jurai, the Juraian Emperor, is an interesting case. In the anime he is somewhat of a jerk, but actually leans to the Benevolent Emperor category, and is a kind of a ditz, easily controlled by his mother-in-law, for whom he still keeps an immense crush, despite being Happily Married (twice). You see, Juraian royalty are indeed one Big, Screwed-Up Family. His mother-in-law can control him more than because he has a crush on her. She's one of the most dangerous people in the universe to anyone: to her enemies because she is an expert tactician and leader; to her allies because she loves to use them for humor, often causing sheer chaos. Shi Ryuuki from Saiunkoku Monogatari is a rare benevolent emperor
Just remember that he sang for Disney's Frozen 2. Emperor watch. Emperor Card Combinations Emperor and the Fool: a. Father and a son b. Boss and an employee c. Any older figure (uncle, boss, police) that mentors someone younger Emperor and Empress: a. Mother and Father. b. Structure meets abundance. Emperor and Temperance: a. You hit a rock while trying to partner up Emperor and Devil: a. Being chained to a bad business partner or deal. b. Unable to move your position. Standing your ground in the face of opposition. c. Severity. Emperor and Queen of Wands: a. You may want to expand your home based business. This combinations also works with the Emperor and Queen of Pentacles. Emperor and Knight of Swords: a. Can indicate war or military action. b. Writing a stern and strong letter backed by the legal system. Emperor and Seven of Cups: a. Controlling your delusions. Emperor and King of Cups: a. Staying emotionally where you are. Emperor and Three of Pentacles: a. You may be asking for a business loan or someone maybe coming to you with a business loan. ?? © 2013-2018 by Laurelle Adjani | Tarot Heaven | |
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He looks like one of the bad guys in Mario brothers with that outfit. Level 1 If you switch religions now, you will lose emperor title straight away, religious freedom parts hasn't been done (war or reform) so only a Catholic can be emperor of the HRE for now. level 2 Also staying catholic makes more sense from RP POV so French and Spanish nobility won’t be pissed off by a Protestant/Anglican ruling over them. level 1 R5: I lucked into a PU over Castile right after the War of roses and managed to force a PU on France by 1490. I was improving relations with electors for an attempt to steal the throne later on and apparently Austria screwed up somewhere and I was elected the Emperor. Now I just need to embrace the Anglican church and start a mass conversion. level 2 I wouldn't switch to Anglican if you plan on participating in HRE politics. You'll need to be either Catholic, Protestant, or Reformed for the Emperorship and you're already in a very strong position for staying Catholic. You'd have to pass the religious freedom reform before you went Anglican and I'm sorry but I don't see that happening in time. It's okay though, staying Catholic as GB will still allow you to move through the mission tree and your chances of being Pope are really good. level 2 The religious freedom reform hasn't been taken! So unless they war of the protestant league has fired, and been won, then you'll lose your emperorship! level 2 Catholic GB is stronger than Anglican, by virtue of the Lollard Hersey event among many other factors as outlined in other comments. level 2 Everyone here having big brain discution only me is like "Why do you have a Romanian dynasty in charge? " because of the name Tudor. level 1 EU4 definitely the best paradox game last decade. level 1 Would you mind posting a save? Sounds like a really fun OP run. level 1 Grand High Motherfucking General Of The Universe level 1 Britannia rules the world. level 2 I just yesterday started a catholic ottoman to hre emperor to rome to hre run. It's fucking wild forming rome while still in hre.
I am an American. There are people who understand Spanish/Mexican Spanish here? I don't understand Spanish, but I salute you. I wish I were bilingual, because it would help me understand people more. Regardless, this album is fantastic. Emperor watch dogs.

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  2. https://seesaawiki.jp/endan/d/Movie%20Stream%20Emp...
  3. https://seesaawiki.jp/remaderi/d/Emperor%20Movie%2...
  4. canetelareal.blogia.com/2020/021701-watch-free-emperor-1280p-kickass-putlocker-without-sign-up.php

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