4.5 / 5
Votes: 172

Bombshell ?dual audio?

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2019 / Directed by Jay Roach / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjlhOWE3YjktY2MzOC00ZmQ1LWIwNjgtZmVhZmFjZGExMzgyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDA4NzMyOA@@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) / Charles Randolph / USA / story A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network. Audio editing is bad on this one. The HA! sound between clips is too loud and too frequent. Also doesn't fit because there's no visual transition that goes with it.
That fictional character is probably Ainsley. currently on Fox News. (they did say. some of these women still work at fox and asked to keep their identity secret. Watch bombshell movie. Bombshell watch on tv. Bombshell watch. Bombshell watches.

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I finally watched "Bombshell" a couple nights ago. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you do. For those who haven't heard of it, "Bombshell" tells the story of Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News founder Roger Ailes, and about Megyn Kelly (as well as other women) going public with her own story. For virtually the entire movie I was so fucking goddamn angry that my heart was practically pounding out of my chest. l felt sick to my stomach. I was angry that high profile men such as Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly can use their power to sexually coerce women, and to destroy their careers if they refused. I was angry that Fox News paid less money to the settlements of sexual harassment victims than the creepy rapists received in severance pay. In fact, Ailes and O'Reilly faced basically no real consequences. To most victims, losing their job is a very big deal because they are less powerful and wealthy, whereas getting fired doesn't harm O'Reilly and Ailes as much because they end up still powerful, and even more wealthy. I was angry with conservative women: Female co-conspirators such as the secretary who (probably knowingly) sent young women into the lion's den. Women like Kimberly Guilfoyle and Jeanine Pirro who, motivated by self-interest, throw other women under the bus and ruthlessly defend Roger Ailes. The fact that no one said anything to warn other women. I was angry that every time any woman said anything remotely pro-woman, someone would respond "what are you, some kind of feminist? " with an accusatory tone, and then she would get all defensive like "no I'm not! " I am angry about this whole fucking system in which men are at the top of the hierarchy, and that if ambitious women want career advancement, they often find themselves in a situation where they have to "give a little head if they wanna get ahead". I'm sorry but did Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly have to suck wrinkly old dicks to get their senior positions? No! This is something that almost exclusively affects women, and it is disgusting how common it is to wield women's ambition as a weapon against her to coerce her into unwanted sex acts. If she refuses, the perpetrator destroys that which she values most: her career. Whereas if she submits to it, she gets portrayed like some wh*re who sleeps with the boss to get ahead (this last sentence was not so much in the movie, just a personal observation). After watching the movie I searched the internet for reviews and articles that analyzed the film, and holy shit was I ever disappointed by what I saw. How does this only have 69% on rotten tomatoes and 6. 8 rating on IMDb? There are several articles and reddit posts/comments criticizing the movie over the most trivial things: "Blegh, Megyn Kelly's face looks weird. Waahhh, Margot Robbie wasn't sexy enough. Blah, I didn't think it was believable that an evangelical Christian woman would just jump into bed with another woman. Nyeh, it wasn't funny enough to be a comedy but I can't take it seriously enough for it to be a drama" And ya know what, reading men's opinions about the movie made me even more angry. Slowly I had a disappointing realization that any man watching the movie just didn't get it. They literally just don't appear to feel any genuine empathy or compassion for women who face sexual harassment. When I talked to some female coworkers about the film, they all had a similarly visceral reaction I had: anger, fear, disgust, relatable empathy for the dilemma they faced, heart pounding, stomach churning. Some guy who overheard our conversation said something to the tune of "hurr durr, Margot Robbie is so hot! " (Cool, thanks for the nuanced cinematic analysis Brent) And then I had the most horrifying realization of all: Men watching Bombshell identify most with Roger Ailes. Most men would jump at any opportunity to coerce women as gorgeous as Margot Robbie (or frankly, any woman) to have sex with them. Most men would LOVE to have the power to force beautiful, intelligent, ambitious career women onto their knees. ??.

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I watched vice and the loudest voice which were better than this I think. but it was good watch nevertheless. Bombshell watch near me. Bombshell watch dogs. Bombshell watch now. Bombshell watch video.
Watch bombshell trailer. U S A and Donald Trump, ok now. They are going down anyway, they chose disgrace instead of country. Bastards. There are four fantastic acting performances in this film, Theron, Robbie, Kidman and Lithgow. Lithgow is so good, that only at the end of the film did I remember, that it was an actor at all. It reminded me of Christian Bale in Vice, so good, so convincing, you forget there is another person under the make up. Meanwhile, Robbie is such an incredibly versatile actress, her body acting is outstanding. Kidman was strong, and Theron is Megyn Kelly. She's so similar I actually forgot what Kelly looked like in real life for the duration of the film.
The plot is strong, well formulated and fairly easy to follow. There is a fair bit of law lingo, but it should be reasonably easy to follow. I've seen some reviewers complain they struggled to follow the plot, which in all honesty, is bizarre. Watching this film and not knowing names like Bill O'Reilly and Rupert Murdoch is like going to watch Jurassic Park and complaining you don't recognise the dinosaurs, it's up to you to understand the basics. You can't expect a mature film with a complex story to spoon feed you everything. I don't remember a soundtrack, so I assume it fitted well and was used in all the right places. The CGI editing was really strong. A bunch of times you find the actors pasted in to existing Fox footage and it's very impressive. I really enjoyed the film. It was objectively good, with very strong acting and a shocking story. There is nothing major for anyone that isn't an angry or sad to complain about. It's just a solid film. So try to ignore the silly scores of 1-4, this isn't one of the worst films ever made, by any stretch of the imagination. I knew reasonably little of the "Fox News Scandal" before my viewing of Bombshell. So I was really surprised to find such a moving and compelling story focussing on house hold names from the states.
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I thought that was Elizabeth Banks for a moment instead of Charlize. “Inspired by a true story” “Featuring Cardi B” Hmm... ?. Bombshell watch online sa prevodom. These two men need a real job. &ref(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PjgzHwWiL._AC_UL250_SR170,250_.jpg)









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