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187947 votes. Ratings=8,4 of 10 Star. Review=The Perlmans own a villa outside of Moscazzano in Northern Italy, where they spend their summers and Hannukah. They invite a graduate student to spend six weeks with them over the summer to help Professor Perlman with his work. This summer - 1983 - the student in question is an American named Oliver. While there, Oliver largely associates with the Perlmans' seventeen year old son Elio and Elio's friends, the females among the group whose hearts are aflutter by Oliver's preppy good looks. Oliver, in fact, takes up casually with one of them, Chiara. Elio is an intellectual, but has no experience with girls as he is only now experimenting with his initial stage of manhood and masculinity. If not for Oliver, Elio probably would have chosen Chiara himself, and as such takes up with Marzia instead. Despite their social association and sleeping in adjoining rooms in the villa, Elio doesn't much like Oliver in thinking him too cocky and arrogant partly in that brash American sensibility. In turn, Oliver believes Elio is patronizing in his outward dislike of him. These outward behaviors mask the fact that there is a deep attraction between Elio and Oliver based largely on their admiration of the other's intellect. When they eventually admit that attraction late into Oliver's stay, Oliver is more reticent to act on those feelings in not wanting to ruin his own or Elio's life in still being in the closet, while Elio wants to experience all that sex and love are as he is in the flush of first real love. With Oliver and Elio's clandestine relationship, Elio has to figure out what to do about Marzia, he who may be aware or unaware of her own very deep feelings for him in also experiencing that flush of first love. The other question then becomes if Elio will be able to recover as there will definitely be an end at least to this phase of Oliver and Elio's romance when Oliver leaves to go home at the end of the summer. Drama. Country=France. Luca Guadagnino
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Yea they totally fell in love. You cannot tell me they didn't. Call me by your name. Call me by your name free online. This scene alone deserves him any award, The happiness (Oliver called) surprise (about the engagement) inner anger (about the marriage) subtle pleading (when he told Oliver the his parents knows about them sort of What about us) and longing(calling Oliver by his own name)convey so well, This is THE SCENE that will end all scene. HE CALLS HIM TIMMY IM GONNA CRY THEYRE FRIENDSHIP IS SO SWEET.
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What essentially is the thing of interest for me is the romance-just pure raw love regardless of sexual preference or gender between two individuals who are painfully in love with one another. Call Me by Your namen. Call Me by Your names. Call me by your name imdb. Call me by your name pdf. This is absolutely impressive and catastrophic. Bought the movie immediately. Just into the first 10 minutes and I can tell that this is the WWII movie I have waited for. Growing up I could watch movies like this 3 ways to Sunday, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, all the great ones. Heroes had there place. After being on the front lines with the real true heroes. I'm tearing up after a few minutes and cant bare to watch any more.
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Ive just seen the film 16 times in 7 weeks ? and I cant come over it. This is actually my life with my friend Hans (we spent 30 years together) concentrated into 6 weeks in Italy. Met him 1984, he looked like Oliver with his hairy chest, and I was Elio, but just 2 years younger, exactly, we were both born the 21st of July. Had a wonderful life together until Hans passed away the other year ? and left me alone in chaos ? as Oliver did to young Elio. This is the most perfect film I ever seen, the love between them is amazing ? like the 30 years we got ? but just a couple of weeks for them… Jan Hermansson, Sweden. Call me by your name watch.
Call me by your name google drive. Call me by your name watch online. Call me by your name online. Call me by your name gradesaver. Call me by your name movie. At first I didn't understand this scene, I didn't pay close attention to it, now that I'm re-watching I come to the realisation that this scene is a masterpiece (like the movie itself) Elio declaring his love to Oliver without even saying really saying it. This scene is so simple yet so complicated and I think that's what I like about it. God, this movie is amazing. Streaming Free Movie to Watch Online including Movies Trailers and Movies Clips.
Brilliant, Chris Noland delivers again. Call me by your name soundtrack. Call me by your name reviews. This movie is enchanting and beautifully executed, the characters effortlessly invokes romance and the dialogue is subtle yet profound. this movie is magical at its best. Call me by your name piano. The way timothée's knowing smiles creep up on his face from 9:16 to 9:28 drives me crazy wtf.

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