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&ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) / Summary Sally Potter's THE ROADS NOT TAKEN follows a day in the life of Leo (Javier Bardem) and his daughter, Molly (Elle Fanning) as she grapples with the challenges of her father's chaotic mind. As they weave their way through New York City, Leo's journey takes on a hallucinatory quality as he floats through alternate lives he could have lived, leading Molly to wrestle with her own path as she considers her future / Sally Potter / genre Drama.
Javier Bardem and Elle Fanning shine as a father and daughter struggling with his dementia Dir/scr: Sally Potter. UK. 2020. 85mins The game we all play of wondering where we’d be if we’d taken different forks in life’s journey provides the narrative bedrock of Sally Potter’s new film, which pairs Javier Bardem and Elle Fanning as a dementia sufferer and his journalist daughter having a bad day in New York. But two bravura performances can’t disguise the thinness of a script that exposes just how uninteresting this ‘sliding doors’ game can be. The Roads Not Taken redeems itself, partly, through the compassion and sensitivity with which it deals with the mind-ravaging illness at its core. Sensitive, nuanced performances High production values, including some fine, caressing camerawork by DoP Robbie Ryan, and the draw of the two leads (ably abetted by a couple of extended cameos from Salma Hayek and Laura Linney) will help The Road Not Taken find an audience on a world tour that begins when Bleecker Street release it in selected theatres Stateside starting on 13 March. It’s an awkward fit between the arthouse and commercial melodrama, and an out of competition slot may have served it better in Berlin. Skewing towards older viewers, Potter’s latest may turn out to lack box-office staying power. Adapting its title from Robert Frost’s much-quoted poem ‘The Road Not Taken’, the film follows the lead of Still Alice in trying to convey a degenerative mental disorder (in this case frontotemporal dementia) from the inside. But The Roads Not Taken does more than adopt the point of view of Bardem’s Leo, who at the start of the film is seen staring into space in his unadorned Brooklyn apartment while his carer Xenia (Branka Katic) rings the doorbell and his daughter Molly (Fanning) desperately attempts to reach him by phone. It goes further, entering the mind of a man who outsiders (including a brusque optometrist) consider to be “not all there”. Over the course of the film’s day, we watch as a loving but distressed Molly, wrangles her father to the dentist and to that optometrist, while simultaneously dealing with a work crisis over the phone, What should be a simple task becomes an ordeal punctuated by little incidents that befall the inarticulate, confused Leo ? he wets himself, bangs his head, hugs a stranger’s dog in the supermarket. What Molly is not seeing, but we are, is where Leo goes when he’s not in the here and now. Today, it’s two places; a Greek island and some unspecified part of rural Mexico. We soon realise that these sequences spliced into the New York present are not flashbacks, but little imagined stories he’s playing on some sort of cerebral projector; stories about who he might have become if he had taken two of those other roads way back then. Alas, this laudable attempt to show how intensely the light can still burn in the mind of a person who seems to be dimming is compromised by the overwrought melodrama of the Mexican story, in which Leo imagines what would have happened if he had stayed in his native country with his first love, the fiery Dolores (Salma Hayek), and the sheer weakness of the Greek strand, a nothing of a tale that sees a melancholy Leo meeting a young woman (Milena Tscarntke) who reminds him of the daughter he abandoned years before to pursue a career as a novelist. Leo’s imagination seems to tend to clichés ? Mexican rooms done out in red ochres and sunflower yellows, a blue and white Greek beachside taverna just ready to be Instagrammed ? and these alternative outcomes he drifts us off to are far less compelling, in the end, than the father and daughter story that is playing out in the real world. With their sensitive, nuanced performances, Fanning and Bardem both lift a script that, in the hand of less able actors, would have risked coming across as a grotesquely sentimental. Ryan’s gentle handheld camera often homes in on their faces, blurring the background as if to convey the loneliness of each character’s ordeal, before pulling back to frame the two sharing, for example, a rare moment of mutual laughter. A string, keyboard and percussion soundtrack composed by Potter herself strikes an unexpectedly jaunty note at times, in a film that, for all its dark subject matter, is suffused by sunlight. Production companies: Bleecker Street, Hanway Films, BFI, BBC Films International sales: Hanway Films, Producer: Christopher Sheppard Production design: Carlos Conti Editing: Emilie Orsini, Sally Potter, Jason Rayton Cinematography: Robbie Ryan Music: Sally Potter Main cast: Javier Bardem, Elle Fanning, Branka Katic, Milena Tscharntke, Laura Linney, Salma Hayek. The roads not taken watch online watch. The Roads Not Taken watch online. Yawwwwn. Finally a road with no traffic.
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This movie actually made me cry, IT'S THAT HEARTBREAKING. Not another kitchen sink weepie. The Roads Not Taken Watch online. You are a badass. A certified badass. TOOOOOO OLD MAN ???. Filmdaten Deutscher Titel The Roads Not Taken Originaltitel The Roads Not Taken Produktionsland Großbritannien Originalsprache Englisch Erscheinungsjahr 2020 Länge 85?Minuten Stab Regie Sally Potter Drehbuch Sally Potter Produktion Christopher Sheppard Musik Sally Potter Kamera Robbie Ryan Schnitt Sally Potter Besetzung Javier Bardem: Leo Elle Fanning: Molly Branka Katić: Xenia Milena Tscharntke: Anni Laura Linney: Rita Salma Hayek: Dolores The Roads Not Taken ist ein britisch-amerikanisches Filmdrama. Sally Potter schrieb das Drehbuch und führte Regie. In den Hauptrollen sind Javier Bardem und Elle Fanning zu sehen, in weiteren Rollen Branka Katić, Salma Hayek, Laura Linney und Milena Tscharntke. Der Film wurde für den Wettbewerb der Berlinale 2020 um den Goldenen Bären ausgewählt und feierte dort am 26. Februar 2020 seine Premiere. Der deutsche Kinostart ist für den 30. April 2020 vorgesehen. Handlung [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Der Mittfünfziger Leo öffnet nicht die Tür, als seine Haushaltshilfe Xenia klingelt, und er geht auch nicht ans Telefon, als seine Tochter Molly anruft. Als sie beide gemeinsam die Wohnung betreten, liegt Leo lethargisch im Bett, reagiert kaum und scheint verwirrt. Leo leidet unter einer Hirnatrophie, die seine Frontallappen betrifft. Leo stammt aus Mexiko und war einst Schriftsteller. Nun lebt er seit über 30 Jahren in den USA und hat eine Wohnung in der Nähe der Gleise in New York. Leo will seiner Tochter so viel erzählen, schafft es aber nicht, seine Gedanken zu ordnen. In seinem Kopf vermischen sich die Gegenwart und die Erinnerungen an verschiedene wichtige Ereignisse zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten seines Lebens. Manchmal lebt er in seiner Phantasie noch mit seiner ersten Liebe Dolores in dem kleinen Haus in Mexiko. Damals hatte er sie erst nicht begleiten wollen, um zusammen mit ihr den Verlust ihres gemeinsamen Sohnes zu betrauern, der bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kam. Dann wieder erinnert er sich an seine Reise nach Griechenland, wo er auf einer Insel versuchte, seinen Roman fertig zu schreiben. Er hatte seine kleine Familie damals verlassen, weil er das Babygeschrei nicht ertrug und sich aufs Schreiben konzentrieren wollte. Dort lernte Leo eine blonde, junge Deutsche kennen, die ihn an seine Frau Rita erinnerte. Für einen Zahnarztbesuch muss Molly ihren Vater dazu zu bringen, die Wohnung zu verlassen. Der jedoch hat Angst vor den vielen Menschen und den lauten Geräuschen in der Stadt. Der Zahnarztbesuch wird zum Desaster, nicht zuletzt weil er sich bepinkelt und sie im Krankenhaus landen. Hier schaut Mollys Mutter Rita vorbei, von der Leo schon seit langer Zeit geschieden ist. Der folgende Besuch beim Augenarzt ist ähnlich niederschmetternd, denn Molly erträgt es nicht, dass jeder andere über ihren Vater redet, als wäre dieser nicht hier, obwohl er sich im Raum befindet. Das alles hält Molly von wichtigen Terminen auf der Arbeit ab. Letztlich macht dieser Tag, an dem sie sich mehr um ihren Vater kümmern muss, als ihr lieb ist, die Mühen von vielen Wochen Arbeit zunichte. Molly bemerkt, dass sie ihren Vater ebenfalls nicht mehr versteht, und beschließt, diese Nacht bei ihm zu bleiben. Nachts verlässt Leo unbemerkt seine Wohnung, barfuß und mit einem Bademantel bekleidet, und steigt in eine Bahn. Ein Polizist bringt ihn zur Wache, und Molly holt ihn ab. Wieder zu Hause erlebt Leo einen lichten Moment. Er erzählt von seiner Reise nach Griechenland, davon, was die Gründe waren, warum er wieder zurückgekommen ist, und erinnert sich wieder an Mollys Namen, worüber seine Tochter überglücklich ist. Sie erkennt, dass es sich gelohnt hat, ihren Vater nicht ganz aufzugeben. Produktion und Vertrieb [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Im Dezember 2018 teilten die britische Produktionsfirma HanWay Films und die US-amerikanische Produktionsfirma Bleecker Street mit, dass Javier Bardem, Elle Fanning, Salma Hayek and Laura Linney unter der Regie von Sally Potter spielen würden und Potters Drehbuch dabei auf ihrem eigenen Theaterstück basiere. Für die Produktion sei Christopher Sheppard mit seiner Firma Adventure Pictures verantwortlich. Der Film sei gemeinsam von der BBC und dem BFI entwickelt worden. Bleecker Street halte die Rechte für den US-amerikanischen Markt, HanWay Films die für den internationalen. [1] Finanziert wurde das Projekt von HanWay Films, Bleecker Street, Ingenious Media, der BBC, dem BFI, Chimney Pot Sverige AB und Film i Väst. [1] Die Dreharbeiten fanden unter anderem in New York statt. [1] Als Kameramann fungierte Robbie Ryan. Für den Filmschnitt, der von besonderer Bedeutung zur Darstellung der unterschiedlichen zeitlichen Ebenen ist, die die Gedanken- und Erinnerungswelt von Leo zeigen, zeichnete ebenfalls Sally Potter verantwortlich. Die Vorstellung eines ersten Trailers durch Bleecker Street erfolgte Anfang Februar 2020. [2] Nach der Weltpremiere auf der Berlinale [3] ist der Kinostart in den USA am 13. März 2020 vorgesehen, in Deutschland am 30. April 2020. [4] Sonstiges [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Der Filmtitel ist an das Gedicht The Road Not Taken von Robert Frost angelehnt. [2] Als ursprünglicher Name des Films war Molly vorgesehen. [5] Auszeichnungen [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Mit The Roads Not Taken konkurriert Sally Potter zum dritten Mal nach 2009 und 2017 um den Goldenen Bären, den Hauptpreis des Festivals. Weblinks [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Profil bei The Roads Not Taken in der Internet Movie Database (englisch) The Roads Not Taken ? Official Trailer von Bleecker Street bei YouTube (Video, englisch) Einzelnachweise [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] ↑ a b c Tom Grater: Javier Bardem, Elle Fanning, Salma Hayek, Chris Rock to star in Sally Potter drama. In: Screendaily. 10.?Dezember 2018, abgerufen am 31.?Januar 2020 (englisch). ↑ a b Kate Erbland: 'The Roads Not Taken' Trailer: Sally Potter’s Berlin Competitor Takes Javier Bardem on 'Chaotic' Journey. In:, 4. Februar 2020. ↑ The Roads Not Taken. In: Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2020. ↑ Starttermine Deutschland. In: Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2020. ↑ The Roads Not Taken (2020) - IMDb. Abgerufen am 31.?Januar 2020.
Where'd you go on vacation. Very nice. you bring poetry closer to me. The Roads Not Taken Watch online pharmacy. If scansion is new to you, check out my post on the basics. February 22, 2009 ? If you enjoy Frost, you might like reading Birches along with a c o l o r c o d e d scansion of Birches included in my post on Frost’s Mending Wall. To find all the posts I’ve written on Robert Frost, click here. After you’ve read up on Robert Frost, take a look at some of my poetry. I’m not half-bad. One of the reasons I write these posts is so that a few readers, interested in meter and rhyme, might want to try out my poetry. Check out Spider, Spider or, if you want modern Iambic Pentameter, try My Bridge is like a Rainbow or Come Out! Take a copy to class if you need an example of Modern Iambic Pentameter. Pass it around if you have friends or relatives interested in this kind of poetry. April 23 2009: One Last Request! I love comments. If you’re a student, just leave a comment with the name of your high school or college. It’s interesting to me to see where readers are coming from and why they are reading these posts. April 25 2009: Audio of Robert Frost added. A pril 26 2009: Robert Frost’s “For Once, Then, Something. ” May 5 2009: Robert Frost’s “The Pasture” May 24 2009 ?? Interpreting Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods” July 21 2009 ? New Post Robert Frost’s “Out, Out” The Road Not Taken One of the loveliest poems in the English language is Frost’s The Road Not Taken. Part of the magic is in how Frost loosens meter to obtain a more colloquial tone. In one of the most enjoyable books I own (among books on Frost) Lea Newman relates that according to a survey of 18, 000 written, recorded and videotaped responses, this poem (along with Robert Frost) is America’s most popular poem ? a probably more accurate poll than the self-selected poll done by. Lea also writes that Frost’s intent, in writing the poem, was to satirize his friend, Edward Thomas, who would frequently dither over which road he and Frost should walk. (Edward Thomas was an English poet who Frost befriended while living in England). Frost completed and sent the poem to Thomas only after he had returned to New Hampshire. Thomas, however, didn’t read the poem as satire and neither have other readers coming to the poem for the first time. I personally have a hard time taking Frost’s claims at face value. But here he is saying so himself: If you don’t see a play button below, just copy and paste the URL and you will be able to hear the recording. More to the point, the provenance of the poem seems to be in New England ? prior to Frost’s friendship with Thomas. Newman references a letter that Frost wrote to Susan Hayes Ward in Plymouth, New Hampshire, February 10, 1912: Two lonely cross-roads that themselves cross each other I have walked several times this winter without meeting or overtaking so much as a single person on foot or on runners. The practically unbroken condition of both for several days after a snow or a blow proves that neither is much travelled. Judge then how surprised I was the other evening as I came down one to see a man, who to my own unfamiliar eyes and in the dusk looked for all the world like myself, coming down the other, his approach to the point where our paths must intersect being so timed that unless one of us pulled up we must inevitably collide. I felt as if I was going to meet my own image in a slanting mirror. Or say I felt as we slowly converged on the same point with the same noiseless yet laborious stride as if we were two images about to float together with the uncrossing of someone’s eyes. I verily expected to take up or absorb this other self and feel the stronger by the addition for the three-mile journey home. But I didn’t go forward to the touch. I stood still in wonderment and let him pass by; and that, too, with the fatal omission of not trying to find out by a comparison of lives and immediate and remote interests what could have brought us by crossing paths to the same point in a wilderness at the same moment of nightfall.? Some purpose I doubt not, if we could but have made out. I like a coincidence almost as well as an incongruity. [My thanks to Heather Grace Stewart, over at Where the Butterflies Go, for the entire quote. ] About the Poem The poem is written, nominally, in Iambic Tetrameter. Nominally because Frost elegantly varies the meter to such a degree that readers may only glancingly hear the imposition of a metrical pattern ? the effect is one of both metrical freedom and form. I have based my scansion, by the way, on Frost’s own reading of the poem. I suppose that might be considered cheating, but Frost’s own conception of the poem interests me. March 28 2011 ? Given some time and a conversation with a reader and poet Steven Withrow (see the comments) I’ve changed the scansion of the last stanza to reflect the way Frost probably would have scanned the poem (rather than how he read it). The new scansion, immediately below, retains the tetrameter meter throughout (more on how later).? You can still find my old scansion at the bottom of the post. Decide for yourself which scansion makes more sense. As for myself, I lean toward the new scansion. All unmarked feet are iambic and all feet in blue are anapests. Frost recites The Road not Taken: The first element to notice is the rhyme scheme and overall structure of the poem. The poem is really four stanzas, quintains, each having the same rhyme scheme ? ABAAB. The nested couplets within the stanzas subliminally focus the ear, while resolution to the pattern is found in the final rhyme. The overall effect of the rhyme scheme is analogous to that of the Petrarchan Sonnet. That is, rather than springing forward, the internal couplets produce the effect of rounded thought and reflection ? a rhyme scheme suited to Frost’s deliberative intellect. The same point I made in my post on Sonnet forms, I’ll make here. In the hands of a skilled poet, rhyming isn’t about being pretty or formal. It’s a powerful technique that can, when well done, subliminally direct the listener or reader’s ear toward patterns of thought and development- reinforcing thought and thematic material. In my own poetry, my blank verse poem Come Out! for example, I’ve tried to exploit rhyme’s capacity to reinforce theme and sound. The free verse poet who abjures rhyme of any sort is missing out. The first three lines, metrically, are alike. They seem to establish a metrical pattern of two iambic feet, a third anapestic foot, followed by another iambic foot. Two roads |di verged |in a yel |low wood The use of the singular wood, instead of woods, is a more dialectal inflection, setting the tone for the poem with the first line. The third foot surrounded by strong iambs, takes on the flavor of an iambic variant foot. After the first two lines, the third line could almost be read as strictly Iambic. This would be an example of what Frost would consider a loose Iamb. If read one way, it’s an anapest, if the word is elided ? trav ‘ler ? it creates an Iambic foot. Although I don’t think it’s deliberate (Frost didn’t go searching for a word that could create a loose Iamb) but the ambiguity subliminally encourages the ear to hear the more normative meter of Iambic Tetremater. Frost will play against and with this ambiguity throughout the poem. Note: I just found that scanned the line as follows: -!! - - -! -! And be / one trav el / er long / I stood......... 4 feet (iambic) (dactyl) (iambic) (iambic) Converting their symbols - it would look like this: This is not an unreasonable way to scan the poem ? but it ignores how Frost himself read it. And in that respect, and only in that respect, their scansion is wrong. Furthermore, even without Frost’s authority, their reading ignores Iambic meter. Frost puts the emphasis on trav -eler and so does the meter. Their reading also ignores or fails to observe the potential for elision in trav ‘ler which, to be honest, is how most of us pronounce the word. A dactyllic reading is a stretch. I think, at best, one might make an argument for the following: If one is going to put the emphasis on one, choosing to ignore the metrical pattern (which one can do), then it seems arbitrary to insist on reading traveler as a three syllable word. If one is going to put a modern interpretive spin on the poem, then I would opt for a trochaic second foot and elide traveler so that the line reads the way most of us would read it. In the fourth line of the first quintain, Frost allows an anapest in the final foot, offsetting the pattern established in the first two lines. Curiously (and because the other feet are Iambic) the effect is to reinforce the Iambic Tetrameter patter. There is only one line that might be read as Iambic, but because the other feet, when they aren’t variant anapests, are Iambic, Frost establishes Iambic Tetrameter as the basic pattern. The final line of the quintain returns the anapestic variant foot but, by now, Frost has varied the lines enough so that we don’t hear this as a consistent pattern. It’s worth noting that, if Frost had wanted to, he could have regularized the lines. And looked |down one | far as |I could To where |it bent |in un |der growth Compare the sound of these regularized lines to what Frost wrote and you might begin to sense how the variant feet contribute to the colloquial tone of the poem. Regularizing the lines, to my ear, takes some of the color from the poem. The anapests encourage the reader to pause and consider, reinforcing the deliberative tone of the poem ? much as the rhyme scheme. It’s the play against the more regularized meter that makes this poem work. As I’ve written elsewhere, a masterfully written metrical poem has two stories to tell ? two tales: one in its words; the other in its meter. The meter of The Road Not Taken tells a story of pause and consideration. Its an effec
The roads not taken watch online hd. The roads not taken watch online streaming. I've read that Thomas wasn't thrilled to have his own indecisiveness lampooned in verse.
I love ireland. i miss my ?. Heartbroken for the country of my upbringing ??? Beautiful. Great friendly people. Most of our ancestors populated and help build in different countries. Some not of their calling. The RED COATS ARE COMING. I memorized Robert Frost's now-famous poem in high school and have always remembered it, but never heard this beautiful piece before, even though I am very familiar with Thompson's Alleluia. Thanks for it. I've always been in love with this poem for so long, the very first poem I memorize.
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