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writed by=Mark Amin USA movie info=Emperor is a movie starring Keean Johnson, James Cromwell, and Bruce Dern. An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green Legends never die kobe bryants is dead nvm 1:54. Listen to this on a cold starry night. One of my favorite songs! I have the first line of lyrics tattooed on the inside of my left arm. He really is all the black wizards isn't he. "Emperor. m*o`vi' movie tamil Emperor full HD Full Movie Online. Emperor Download torrent. The One Piece Movie rewatch has started! This time we are watching the 13th One Piece movie. One Piece: Gold Set in Gran Tesoro, an independent country chartered by the World Government, home of the world's greatest entertainment city where well-known pirates, Marines, and millionaires throughout the world gather in an "absolute sanctuary" that even the World Government cannot touch. There, the Straw Hat Pirates meet the ruler of the country, the golden emperor, Gild Tesoro, who easily wins pirates, the Marines, and even the World Government over to his side with money. He is about to take action to satisfy his bottomless ambition which may result in major changes in power relationships in the New World… Rate the movie here: Previous rating after a week (and the threads): Movie Rating Thread One Piece: The Movie 6. 47 Clockwork Island Adventure 6. 61 Dead End Adventure 7. 54 The Cursed Holy Sword 5. 05 Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island 8. 40 Giant Mecha Soldier of Karakuri Castle 6. 62 One Piece: Strong World 7. 87 One Piece: Z 8. 57 This thread will stay up for a week, and you are welcome to participate in it however you want. If you are wondering where to get the movies (and that the official streaming sites don't have it), You will have several option for you to choose. You can download them, torrent them, or watch them online (But I do not recommand this, since most of the websites you can find the movies illegally are filled with Virus and things like that). If you want to download/torrent them, **I recommand the darkfire68 version. I have taken the time to get all the good quality version of the movies together for easy download. ** ( Here) (Other than the 3D movie that while I could find online, wasn't in good quality), but be wary, all of them takes up 50 Go or so. (The subtitles aren't always active, but should work with VLC Media Player. ) Next week, we will hold an overall discussion about the movies.
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Emperor Download torrent divx. Hey r/40klore, im a huge fan of the Iron Warriors and their general background, and over the months have been crafting a second founding chapter that I hope is real interesting. I want to make them unique yet fitting into the 40k world, and most importantly justifiable in most every way. I'll post the important stuff(Origin, Culture, Etc)and i'd love to hear what I can improve upon. Thanks in advance! The Sanctioners of Cataclysm are a fleet based second founding chapter, one that is unknowingly descended from the Primarch of the Iron Warriors Legion. For 10, 000 years they have been serving the emperor, laying low his foes in torrents of firepower. In their eyes, the foes of the emperor deserved nothing less than total annihilation, and through brutal destruction they believe they can earn his everlasting blessing. Origin: Before they were the Sanctioners they were the 81st Grand Battalion of the Iron Warriors legion, led by Warsmith Vun Raksis, The Unsound. Vun Raksis was one of the very first legionaries inducted into the nascent 4th legion, alongside his younger blood brothers Lire and Roxun. The Raksis brothers were as close as astartes could possibly be, and, as was typical of the 4th legion, they all displayed grand logistical capabilities and nigh-suicidal stubbornness in the face of the enemy. The trio was known for its innate initiative and rapidly rose into the ranks of command, with Vun serving as a chapter master and his younger brothers as his trusted captains. The three specialized in wars of destruction, masterfully planned and always in the name of unification, first on earth and soon after upon the worlds and stations that hung in the endless void. As the early great crusade wore on the Raksis' exercised their merciless tactical skill against foe after foe, knowing no respite as the 4th willingly threw itself into the backbreaking wars of attrition it was ordered to undertake. Their fortune ended when they came against the legions most trying and devastating foe, Forge World Incaladion. The grueling year long war, aside from costing the legion over a third of its manpower, resulted in the death of Lire Raksis. Shortly after the remaining brothers had time to grieve his loss, the 4th legions Primarch was found. Where this should have been a cause for rejoicing, it turned bitter when Perturabo ordered his legions decimation shortly after his instatement. The lottery was made and, by the savage whim of chance, Vun was forced to kill Roxun with his bare hands. This double blow, triple if one factors in his nigh-immediate disillusionment of his primarch, hurt Vun's psyche on a fundamental level, and in the aftermath he became a perpetually calm individual, emotionally detached from the world around him. He spoke in humble tones and rarely associated with his brothers on any meaningful level, instead preferring the company and privacy of his thoughts to all else. In time he became known as The Unsound as a mocking of his quiet nature. Were it not for his veteran status, initiative, and undeniable skill at waging war in his primarchs preferred manner, Vun likely would have met an early and ignoble death, either in the first doomed wave of an assault or by his primarchs ruthless hands. Instead Perturabo placed him in control of the 81st Grand Battalion, a formation composed primarily of those judged wanting by the primarch, and assigned him to the Iron Warriors core strategic command. Over the course of fifty years Raksis led the 81st to battles and victories as unnumbered as they were unthanked. The rank of Warsmith suited him tremendously, for he relied on only his own genius to secure victory, and never complained about the orders presented to him. Like many Warsmiths of the primary command he rarely suffered defeat, and never faced the wrath that fell upon numerous others who were brought low by ill-fortune or failure. The events of Incaladion played a central role in the configuration of Raksis battalion. Vun Raksis typically avoided tactics and strategies that would result in any notable degradation of his battalions infantry strength, his preferred tactic to shatter an enemy piecemeal with precise yet overwhelming force via maneuver based assaults instead of the directness which had cost him so much before. This preference allowed the 81st to maintain a stable veteran core of legionnaires, though the attrition rate for recruits was still high, and earned him unspoken respect from those under his command. Most significantly it kept their pride in their legion and overall morale high, which would prove significant in later years to come. The 81st were excessively prepared for the rigors of draining and drawn out assaults. The majority of the 81st battalions infantry formations were veteran Despoiler Squads, those assault squads trained in fire saturation and carrying additional close quarters weapons. These were supported by Boarding Squads, Tactical Support units, and a number of Iron Havoc formations. Furthermore Vun Raksis harbored an obsession with creative destruction and weaponsmithing, making him a highly respected member of the Lyssatra warrior-society, and he ensured a number of such brothers were specifically under his command to augment their brothers weaponry and equipment as required by the task at hand. This capable force was reinforced by armor and automata from the Ordo Reductor Covenant known as the Insolitus Mirus, which held control over an ancient forge-vessel that Raksis cleared of xenos over months of strenuous boarding actions that cost his battalion nearly 50% of its total strength. This was a notable event, as in three prior instances those who tried before him had suffered up to nearly total losses, and it put Vun Raksis and the 81st at the forefront of that particular Covenants loyalties. Eventually Perturabo was ordered to split his forces yet again, this time for an inglorious campaign of suppression and extermination against the prolific mutant tribes infecting the Nyxian Gulf. The Lord of Iron assigned Vun Raksis to this, who took to his orders without complaint. Multiple other commands were given to him, and the Magos of Insolitus gave him a star fort they had made as sign of true brotherhood. For over 100 years Raksis led the suppression taskforce, the bulk of the force stationed aboard the mobile Star fort Tyrant's Due. The Tyrant was designed to be self sustaining in most every aspect, and so the forces of the Taskforce, some 10, 000 marines and over a million mortal auxilla, were contacted only infrequently, primarily by lone long range cruisers bearing relevant Imperial data and minimal resources and reinforcements. The foe they faced was as difficult to kill as the Orks, and often the Lyssatrans and techmarines augmented their brothers weaponry and equipment to satisfy the variety of demands that were needed to merely keep the foe at bay. Over time the already infrequent contact with the Imperium began to slow, soon to a trickle, and then eventually ceased altogether, along with any responses to astropathic messages. While this bothered many in command Vun Raksis maintained focus on his duty of ending the foe before him, attributing the issues to the predilections of the warp and the overall dispersed nature of the crusade. Three years after transmissions had ceased, the taskforce was finally contacted. An escort delivered orders for them to abandon their current mission and group with a nearby legion fleet. It was only after they joined said fleet, laden with supply ships and cruisers, that they learned of the Heresy and its betrayals. The galaxy was torn apart, and the Tyrant was to protect this supply fleet as it gave material across dozens of major war zones. As the legions ships came to group and shared galactic fleet data, the taskforces various command staff began to bicker as to what to do. For his part Vun Raksis merely sat and watched silently, the fort downloading myriads of data to its innumerable cogitators. Tensions rose as some insisted that the primarchs word was law, and others that everything was wrong. But it wasn't until the fleets warsmith ordered Raksis to move his fort into proper formation so they could dive back into the warp did anyone truly act. For the first time in a century and a half, Vun Raksis showed something other than quiet stoicism. Perhaps his memories of his blood brothers spurred him on, or he remembered the ideals of unity he once heard about and fought for daily. Whatever the case may have been, for Vun Raksis never shared, he moved into action without hesitation. With rage and aggression rarely seen outside of any but the World Eaters, he ordered the fort to open fire on the assembled fleet, giving priority orders as he uploaded a mentally prepared battle plan to the numerous grand companies along with orders and targets. Only half of his orders went through, the mortal portion doing as they were trained to do and loading and firing the star forts countless weapons. The Tyrant's opening salvo outright obliterated the fleets protection and crippled the numerous surrounding supply ships. At his other orders though, chaos engulfed the Astartes. The Iron Warriors onboard the Tyrant immediately split into loyalists and traitors, companies and battalions turning on one another as their loyalty was put to the test, their mortal auxilla joining them in intense close quarters battle. This divided all but the 81st, who were loyal in entirety to the Emperor by virtue of respect for Raksis and never having their former pride and glory eroded by attrition and disuse like the rest of their legion. Over the course of three hours did the two sides war, brutal battles raging from one end of the star fort to the other, so fierce that they damaged many of the delicate systems. Once the fighting was done though the Loyalists stood tall, the 81st standing proud and swiftly reinforced by the remnants of th
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SIMPLE AND ELEGANT. The Audience is Listening. Or Are They? "How I loved listening to your sweet prayers every night. And then you'd jump in your bed, so afraid I was under there. And I was! " Lucifer, from The Prophecy Friends, I propose a social experiment in the wake of today's CIA-related revelations, said to be "the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. " It has yet to be seen if any of this is relevant to the great majority of us (probably not) or if we are seeing a clash between intelligence agencies, or very smart people with deep grudges telling tales out of school, or the agency itself muddying the water. What a time to wish for certainty! But for kicks: Google "Vault 7, " or go right to The truly curious can download over 8000 files in a torrent. I prefer to avoid that end of the pool, myself, but summaries are appearing. TL;DR? We can never really know the final truth of anything these days. There's always an agenda and these stories in particular relate to people who shift narratives for a living. From first impressions, however, the CIA appears to be doing precisely the things people at the margins have been speculating about for years, the sort of malicious abuse of power any group of rats get up to as soon as the cat's away. Don't take my word for it. Look it up while you can. 2. Note the tone of headlines today, as spin hasn't taken over yet. I will wager TV and radio are busying themselves with cooler potatoes. Online, you'll note that even the major news outlets with a habit of downplaying validity and relevance of such documents in the past are reporting matters of concern with regard to safety and privacy. This is not "fake news, " so far as anyone can tell. Just bad news, maybe. 3. Because it's so easy to find articles with your existing worldview, read from a few different/opposing publications about the charming forms of "snoop on everyone always just to be sure" technology the CIA is demonstrably using and actually bragging about. What sticks to the story when you shake loose the agendas of the outlets themselves? It feels good to be proven wrong too, actually, though we all tend to prefer vindication. 4. Repeat the experience in a few days. Take note of the difference in tone as search results are re-ranked to shape the conversation. Watch for backpedalling or a cover story or both. They'll arrive sure as a sunrise. 5. Witness, watch, and analyze the machinery of The Narrative as this (if true) gets inverted to cover their asses and dupe our masses. (What will they come up with to try and laugh off remote shutoff of vehicles and TVs that record your living room when they're "off? Even if these things are only possible by installing malware and not just doable at will, the implications give me the heebiejeebies. ) 6. Realize and accept that democracy is not really what we have. That's the first step. We live in a commercial for democracy. What we actually appear to have is a hustle within hustles which is just beginning to be revealed. Not a grand conspiracy but a "king rat" mess of mediocre ones. That's the rough but good news. Now we know how bad it is, and we can each find our ways to add to the resistance and the replacement. 7. Think about other big stories and wonder what else might be a fairy tale. Plenty, it's safe to reckon. But when you can see the mechanism, it stops working on you. More good news. 8. Adapt to the Adversary (if you're speaking against the state, ditch internet connected electronics with microphones, use "outdated" tech, use old windows versions, unplug more, talk in person, etc). If these things are out there, and they seem to be off-leash, it doesn't matter if you're a "bad dude" anymore. Things are slipping into the realm of policing potential and problems we never thought we'd really have. 9. What to do about all this? Make up your own mind, and see the shapes of the invisible as it creeps through the moonlit fog. Survive with your will intact by working around the brambles of the deep state, and continue to work for the world we all deserve, playing your part in the way you are made to. My part? Town cryer for the moment, I suppose, though I am no more prescient or expert than anyone. Rather than "The British are coming, " I announce that "the intelligence and security communities are not working for you anymore, if they ever were at all. " I suppose we all suspected. There's certainly a chain of precedent: "Carnivore, later renamed DCS1000, was a system implemented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that was designed to monitor email and electronic communications. It used a customizable packet sniffer that can monitor all of a target user's Internet traffic. Carnivore was implemented in October 1997. " "By the end of the 20th century, the system referred to as ECHELON had allegedly evolved beyond its military and diplomatic origins, to also become "…a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications. " It's a real pile. But I mean, they are spies doing spy things. Not amazing, just troubling since they're out of bounds. What do I suggest we do? Well, the spy versus spy game is one we are going to lose if we let it go on with our blessing. The threats these agencies are supposed to shield is from are mostly fictions, used to justify further domestic invasions. The Emperor has no clothes. Point it out. Laugh the Beast back into the hell mouth it snuck here from, and keep watch that we don't invoke it again. Ideally, flush the toilet and put the black budget money into cleaner water. Bullshit or revelation, it's all good practice for a free mind in these times. As things stand, we're probably not the fish the CIA or NSA want to fry, but the principle is irksome. As citizens of a country in a very strange place, it does put a certain taste in the water. Where's the line, and how do we keep things on the side of it we want? A lot of boundaries are being pushed. A lot of frogs are boiling. In one way or another, this is a test. Studying and checking our homework is a good idea. Addendum For those wishing to dive in and see the bones yourself, there is allegedly a torrent here: The password is rumored to be a JFK quote: "SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds" (His stated plans for the CIA before he got publicly perforated. ) Of course, "I can neither confirm nor deny this information. ".

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