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  1. About The Author: Jason Montgomery
  2. Info: As seen on Twitter. Part of @ExtralifeYYC. Accountant by day, gamer by night. I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.

Courtney Pauroso, Mark Proksch; 166 Vote; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTg3YThjOWUtMGExNi00NzYyLTkwY2MtYmI1YTFiNjVlNDhjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQ0NzcxNjM@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg); Release Year=2019; Average rating=5,8 of 10; Country=USA. Oh, sweet; we're getting another John Dies at the End. Movie about billy hayes.
Excellent now if only our governments would treat all the white trophy hunters the same as our fellow Africans were treated here and a shoot to kill order given when they come to hunt our animals and manage to get free pass. last i checked white skin wasn't bulletproof or is white skin somehow invisible to night vision. Ugh zoey has been incredible these past couple of years! Talk about booked and busy. Vhyes movie review.

I feel like they arnt showing much of Daniel talking for a reason lol

Movie about ira hayes. Movie actor george gabby hayes. Movie theatre on 23 and hayes. I loved Tom Lennon back when he was in Mtv's The State. I think it was 1993. Is this a movie or a tv series? I never saw this. When shayne swore and they didnt bleep it out, I literally died. MOVIES 5:38 PM PST 1/15/2020 by Nate Gold/Oscilloscope Laboratories A hipster-retro 'Kentucky Fried Movie' with a phantasmagoric twist. 1/17/2020 Jack Henry Robbins, son of Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, looks at the world through a short-attention-span montage of faux '80s television clips. Is it just an Eighties-drunk exercise in pastiche, or perhaps an experiment in slow-burn psychological horror for the Adult Swim crowd? Could it even be a disguised indictment of a generation that sat watching infomercials and dopey porn while its democracy passed the point of no return? Jack Henry Robbins' VHYes is a bit of all that, poured into a form that begs for midnight-movie consumption. The son of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, Robbins briefly enlists both parents onscreen here, while relying more heavily on a small array of comic performers familiar from TV. Though hardly groundbreaking in either its content or its aesthetics, the film is more serious than it initially lets on, and can only benefit from the VHS nostalgia that has, often irrationally, taken root in some quarters. Shot entirely on VHS and Betamax, the pic's conceit is that it is the result of a Christmas gift whose recipient should have been more careful: When pre-teen Ralph (Mason McNulty) starts experimenting with his family's new video camera in December 1987, he unwittingly uses the tape of his parents' wedding as he runs around filming everything from fights between his dinosaur toys to his attempts to shoot off fireworks with best pal Josh (Rahm Braslaw). (Those who've actually used a camcorder may wonder how he managed to leave big swaths of wedding footage intact while recording stuff before and after; the not terribly-offensive cheat is necessary to support a theme the film will eventually get around to. ) Very quickly, Ralph realizes he can use a cable to record what's on TV; he plugs in and records a spree of channel-surfing that is hardly dictated by the merits of whatever happens to be onscreen. The clunky programs we witness sprinkle familiar faces among actors who look like they were plucked from the actual period. Thomas Lennon plays the co-host of a TV shopping network, currently hawking a Confederate Army memorial pen; the inimitably nerdy Mark Proksch plays an expert on an Antiques Roadshow -like program who explains the suspiciously bizarre origins of ordinary-looking artifacts. We see aerobics classes, nightly news and cop shows. We sit in on a Bob Ross-style painting tutorial that gets less Bob Ross-like with each passing minute. Its host Joan (Kerri Kenney) doesn't only host Painting With Joan, but stranger programs, like the unsettling Sleeping With Joan, which is pretty much the opposite of the gently wholesome Joe Pera Talks You to Sleep. While Joan and others give things an air of drug-addled discomfort, some program snippets contain hints of a more clear-eyed world view. The perfunctory scripts of porn films we see are built not around hunky cable-repair guys or pizza-delivery dudes, but scientists researching global warming, or blonde lesbian aliens who are forced to navigate American attitudes toward illegal immigration. Stranger and more on-target is a current-events talk show whose guest starts expounding on "Tape Narcissism": a phenomenon of indiscriminate self-documentation she feels will lead its victims to psychosis. To the show's host, her predictions sound so hyperbolic as to be insane; to us, she's describing the age of social media. So it goes, with occasional clips in which Ralph documents bits of domestic discomfort he doesn't quite understand. Viewers who stick with the ADHD skit-like material will be divided about whether this familial theme ties things together satisfactorily ??and about whether sticking to a single target, a la Between Two Ferns, makes more sense for those who would mine clunky idioms for laugh. For those on the fence, a detour into found-footage horror will only complicate the question. Production company: Hot Winter Films Distributor: Oscilloscope Cast: Mason McNulty, Rahm Braslaw, Kerri Kenney, Thomas Lennon, Mark Proksch Director: Jack Henry Robbins Screenwriters: Nunzio Randazzo, Jack Henry Robbins Producer: Delaney Schenker Director of photography: Nate Gold Production designer: Tyler Jensen Editor: Avner Shiloah 72 minutes.
This is actually a really good movie, saw it on YouTube. Very powerful footage The death of Christopher Levy is tragic and surviving so long with a bullet in the head shows he was truly a warrior. Movie vhs 1997. Honestly perfect casting. Exactly what a live action modern day Ron would be. Movie nate and hayes. Homepage - VHYes A film by Jack Henry Robbins VHYES A bizarre retro comedy shot entirely on VHS, VHYes takes us back to a simpler time, when twelve-year-old Ralph mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape. The result is a nostalgic wave of home shopping clips, censored pornography, and nefarious true-crime tales that threaten to unkindly rewind Ralph’s reality. CRITICS SAY... “The comedy here is high enough that simply being funny would have been enough, but VHYES strives for meaning as well, which is what makes the film such a special delight. ” “Bounces along with the exuberance of its young hero and will remind you of the experience of trying to make sense of the world as a child. ” ? Jennie Kermode, EYE FOR FILM “VHYES is filled with heartfelt hilarity. ” ? Evan Saathoff, BIRTH. MOVIES. DEATH. “The sort of film that will seep into your consciousness and find its way into your dreams. Perhaps it will alter your perception of reality. Perhaps reality is less than this. ” CONTACT US BOOKING: Andrew Carlin 630-445-1215 PRESS: Sydney Tanigawa 212-219-4029 ext. 41 GENERAL INQUIRIES:.
Great trailer. Hey it's him from cooties.

Hell yeahh. Movie chestnut hill. Movie theater on 23 mile and hayes.
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. $25, 656 pledged of $25, 000 goal Support Pledge US$ 1 or more About US$ 1 Every Dollar Counts Estimated delivery Aug 2018 1 backer Pledge US$ 5 or more About US$ 5 digital high five We will send you a digital high five. Curious what a digital high five is? You'll find out. You'll also receive a JPG that you can post on social media to let people know you're part of the team. Less 7 backers Pledge US$ 10 or more About US$ 10 Know What's Up / Watch Me Lose My Sh*t! Ten dollars is rad! You’re rad. We'll keep you in the loop with updates from set and post-production. And when I have my first and last mental breakdowns on set. Watch with exclusive live streams as i throw tantrums in all different kinds of places. Indoors, outdoors, a highway, a church. 14 backers Pledge US$ 20 or more About US$ 20 Random Sounds A cassette mixtape that has nothing to do with our film, but it will be super solid. Oct 2018 Ships to Anywhere in the world Limited 8 backers A drawing with Pen An original unframed JHR drawing! Jun 2019 15 backers Pledge US$ 25 or more About US$ 25 A Plastic Movie From "Buns of Steel" to "Yoga for Kids" you'll receive a Random Vintage VHS Tape from our Giant Collection, and a thank you card:) 2 backers A behind the scenes photo! Your very own behind the scenes 6x4 print of a photo taken on 35 mm film! Dec 2019 3 backers Pledge US$ 35 or more About US$ 35 Polaroid! Polaroid! A one of a kind Polaroid from set or pre production. Oozing with our love for you! 5 backers Pledge US$ 40 or more About US$ 40 VHYes! on VHS A VHS copy of VHYes! 10 backers VHYes! on DVD One dead format delivered straight to your door on a dying format! 4 backers Pledge US$ 50 or more About US$ 50 VHYes! on Blu-Ray The highest definition home viewing format of our pristinely fuzzy, soft-imaged film. Pledge US$ 80 or more About US$ 80 VHyeS Fun Pack! We'll keep you updated with everything Vhyes! You'll receive a one of a kind Polaroid from set. A digital copy of the VHYes! poster. A cassette mixtape. Plus a copy of VHYes! on your preferred format! Dec 2018 9 backers Pledge US$ 125 or more About US$ 125 Collage Collage Buy one of Jack's Collages, they are DOPE and framed! Only United States 0 backers Pledge US$ 200 or more About US$ 200 Visit Our VHS World A visit to the set. Plus a Thank You in the credits and a copy of VHYes! on your preferred format and a signed script! Jul 2018 Pledge US$ 300 or more About US$ 300 The Mother Lover Jack will take your mom dancing. "If there’s anything I like more than dancing, it’s taking your mother out dancing. With respect, I will show your mother to blackout town. If she doesn’t drink, that’s cool we’ll cheif some fat joints and go funk and soul dancing in Los Angeles. " - Jack Note: if you yourself are a mother and want to go dancing, feel free to buy this reward for yourself. Plus a Thank You in the credits and a copy of VHYES on your preferred format. May 2019 Pledge US$ 400 or more About US$ 400 Your very own skate video! Want to a video to exist that makes it look like you're a good skateboarder? Come to set and through movie magic we'll make it look like you just landed a massively dope trick... note: you must be able to stand on a skateboard. Pledge US$ 750 or more About US$ 750 The Sexy Swedish Alien’s Spaceship You want a huge awesome space ship in your backyard? Well this is your chance. You will receive the one and only Sexy Swedish Alien’s Spaceship (if you can pick it up). Plus a Thank You in the credits and a copy of VHYes! on your preferred format. We will also throw in a polaroid and mixtape. (spaceship will not be able to fly into space) Nov 2018 Pledge US$ 1, 000 or more About US$ 1, 000 A Cameo in our film! Want to say something in an actual movie? We'll write a line for you in our upcoming sequel to hot winter. and then say something that hopefully won't be cut from the movie! No guarantees. Plus a "Special Thanks" in our credits, a one of a kind polaroid, a mixtape, a signed VHYes! script, a 8x10 print and a copy of VHYes! on your preferred format. Pledge US$ 10, 000 About US$ 10, 000 The whole Enchilada Wow! You are really seriously going to help this happen. You get all the prizes (except the Spaceship - cause there's only one of those): A visit to set. A polaroid. A 8x10 print, Be an extra in the film. A signed VHS print of the movie. A signed screenplay. A Special Thanks credit at the end of the film to anyone you want. An original Jack Henry Robbins drawing of your choice! A private screening of the film with the filmmakers followed by a night of drinking. A prop from the film, that we don’t return. AND! Associate Producer credit! Jan 2019 Reward no longer available Name Jack's unborn child! For one dollar you get a steal. I will name my first born child after you, no matter what their gender. Dec 2023 Pledge US$ 15 or more About US$ 15 A Dan Marino signed trading card! WHAT! Ever wanted a signed trading card from Dan Marino? Now’s your chance. My friend Dan Marino, an assistant camera operator with the same name as the famous football player, will sign a one of a kind football just for you!!! Pledge US$ 150 or more About US$ 150 Original Artwork An original Jack Henry Robbins framed drawing! You can choose! They don't suck! (@drawingswithpen) Apr 2019 Pledge US$ 250 or more About US$ 250 It's Picnic Time Do you like food? The great outdoors? Eating? Have a beautiful picnic with the filmmakers of VHYES. We can talk about carpentry or my childhood crush and how I still can’t be in the same room with her without having a panic attack. But we don’t have to talk about only that, i’m just saying it wouldn’t hurt to talk about it a little bit, I don't know why I keep bringing it up. Plus you'll receive a "Thank You" in the credits, a 8x10 photo print, and a copy of VHYes! on your preferred format. Food included, travel is not (will take place in Los Angeles). Pledge US$ 500 or more About US$ 500 The Festival Funder Once we finish this film someone will have to see it. So we plan on submitting it to a major festival. We will give you a pair of tickets to one of the premiere screenings. Travel not included. Plus a Special Thanks in the credits, a signed script, and a copy of VHyes! on your preferred format. Funding period Jun 18, 2018 - Jul 18, 2018 (30 days).
Vhyes movie trailer. Movie about angela hayes. Movie theatre hayes. Movie chesapeake va.

THE GENTLEMEEEEN! from How i met your mother, is all i could think about

Elijah looks like Dawid Podsiadło. I just saw the whole movie in this trailer. Photo: Oscilloscope Laboratories Anyone who’s ever plummeted down the rabbit hole of after-hours television knows there’s a goldmine of unintentional comedy waiting at the bottom. But it’s not as easy as Adult Swim makes it look, clowning on this twilight zone of programming. The challenge is that some of the funniest things you might stumble upon in the wee hours of the night/morning?infomercials, public-access talk shows, grade-Z movies?already sort of function as parodies of themselves, to the point where adding an overtly comedic spin can feel like overkill, neutralizing the pleasures with too many winks and nudges. There’s certainly an excess of self-awareness in VHYes, a funky new found-footage comedy that devotes long stretches of its skimpy running time to spoofing insomniac-courting content, specifically of the late 1980s. Director and cowriter Jack Henry Robbins gets some of the sonic-visual language right?the font choices, for example, are mostly perfect. But he also gilds the lily a little too often, punching up his tributes with ostentatious appearances by comedy ringers and absurdist punchlines. It’s a bit like putting a hat on a hat. Robbins’ nostalgia extends past the weirder graveyard-shift time slot fillers of the late Reagan years, to one of their burgeoning technologies. As its title teases, VHYes is also a tribute to VHS?namely, to the moment when access to commercial camcorders turned the whole country into amateur documentarians and exhibitionists. Set over the week between Christmas and New Year’s of 1987, and mostly shot on its eponymous format (there’s some Betamax, too), the film adopts the narrative framework of a video diary. Twelve-year-old Ralph (Mason McNulty) uses the new family camera both to capture his own adolescent hijinks and to record some of the stuff he finds on television. Very early on, we learn that the tape he’s using is, whoops, his parents’ wedding video; as in Cloverfield, there are little blips of romantic bliss spliced throughout. These turn increasingly bittersweet as it becomes clear, through Ralph’s footage, that his mom and dad are growing apart, their marriage collapsing on the periphery of the frame. Although this storyline provides VHYes with some bare-bones pathos, most of the movie is, again, made up snippets of fake TV, from an amusingly violent commercial for a home-security system to the kind of zero-budget basement music-buff showcase that SNL lampooned with Wayne’s World. There is, in general, a sketch-TV quality to the project, which grew out of a pair of unrelated short films?one an outrageously phony porno, the other a Bob Ross-style painting show, both included and expanded here. Some of the styles of programming are more convincingly replicated than others, and as with most omnibus comedy, mileage may vary on the actual jokes: To these eyes, Thomas Lennon as a slimeball QVC host making barely coded sales pitches to drug dealers is pretty funny, while the aforementioned softcore spoof overplays the bad acting of erotica? a prime example of the film exaggerating something that didn’t require exaggeration. Meanwhile, some of the target demo of ’80s-era pop culture archivists may balk at the anachronisms, like an Antiques Roadshow parody a full decade ahead of schedule and a string of f-bombs that never would have made it to air. Also, what’s with stopping the movie cold to let Weyes Blood, who wasn’t even alive in ’87, perform an entire song? Robbins, son of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon (both cameo, naturally), does have a message to shoehorn in: He sees the dawn of the VHS heyday as the first glimmer of our current age of “tape narcissism, ” portending an era that’s already arrived, a dark present-future when the “real world will exist to be filmed. ” Is that a valuable counterbalance to his retro fetish or just a hypocritically didactic point to make in a comedy built on nostalgia for a childhood spent behind and in front of the lens? Either way, the real problem with VHYes may be that its two modes don’t work well together. There’s a modest, sweet film here about a boy starting to process his parents’ impending divorce while just goofing off with some new tech; never is the movie more charming than when simply presenting the mundane subjects of his filmmaking curiosities: a spider web, a watermelon feebly smashed, a firework lit but unsuccessfully caught on tape. (One of Robbins’ better running jokes is Ralph’s failure to know when the camera is on or off. ) Unfortunately, this handheld coming-of-age story is frequently interrupted by variably convincing stretches of channel surfing, as though someone recorded over much of the former with the latter. And even with pros like Charlyne Yi and Kerri Kenney lending their deadpan chops, real weird TV is funnier. Weirder, too.

Movie chesapeake. These movie of the story looks like “The Shawshank Redemption”.









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