?english subtitle? Download Full Doctor Who

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Casts=Matt Smith; summary=The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and their companions from planet Earth; Rating=190983 votes; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWJhYjFmZDEtNTVlYy00NGExLWJhZWItNTAxODY5YTc3MDFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg); Duration=45Min. Doctor who was a Fantastic sci fi series before jodies episodes began. Series 1 -10 were much better it's true that they had episodes that were meh but they had a lot of fantastic ones to. Series 11 has no fantastic memorable episodes. The episodes range from ok at best to plain horrible because of it's wrting/Direction. The acting is meh, the characters are boring, the villains suck, jodie isn't very good as the Doctor due to her facial expressions looking like she doesn't care and the companion's don't have much personality also. Jodie being a women has got nothing to do with it since i am not sexist she just can't act very well here due to the scipts she is given. The pacing was very bad a lot of the time making it more unintresting. It's a shame because the doctors before were great and they had stories worth talking about ( Hell the doctor from mlp called doctor whooves is a better doctor then jodie in my opinion. Overall I am disapointed in this mess and I hope Chris can make a big come back with series 12.
YouTube Doctor Who: Season 5.

I tried really I did it this isn't Doctor Who, The TARDIS looks like some high school put together a bad TARDIS set, she dosn't even act like the Doctor. please. just let her regenerate and have Doctor Who the way it was before. it's such a letdown.
YouTube Doctor Who.

  • Correspondent: paul aaron roman
  • Info: I love writing, i'm a massive geek, I have autism, I love doctor who, am trying to get a show out for when it's off the air to take it's place so we can watch.

Doctor Who
8.6 stars - dzukibaku









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