4.7/ 5stars

An American in Paris [For Free]


Rating - 7,7 of 10
score - 28676 Votes
Country - USA
directed by - Vincente Minnelli
Leslie Caron
genres - Drama, Musical

It seems I'm not the only one here listening to this for IB Music haha, I'm so glad this is one of the pieces we have to study. It's so fun. Studying it doesn't feel like a chore. En amerikaner i Paris watches. West side story the best musical ever made with out dout nothing gets close. ok. (various spoilers follow)
Gene Kelly. Not Georges Guetary, who is sometimes criticized for being too young and un-French. Not Leslie Caron, who is sometimes criticized for her very green performance. Not even Oscar Levant, who more often than not annoys the dickens out of me. No, it would definitely be Gene Kelly. There's something about his screen persona that's too ambitious and focused for him to be convincing as a penniless artist in Paris, content to put off facing the critics indefinitely, frolicking with little kids and old ladies and painting in the streets. That's what made him so effective in SINGIN' IN THE RAIN and other movies where he played ambitious, focused characters. Jerry Mulligan is in some ways a cousin to Tommy Albright in BRIGADOON, another Lerner story with Kelly miscast as an American at loose ends who falls in love with a picturesque European place and an innocent female who embodies its virtues. Except that Jerry isn't as likeable as even poor dazed Tommy. That's another galling thing about this film. Jerry is sometimes a cad to Milo, and even worse to Lise. When he first sees the latter at a club, he pulls a dirty trick to get her to dance with him. When she sits down again he pulls an even dirtier trick to get her phone number. When he calls her the next day she hangs up on him, which he takes as a cue to drop in at her workplace. And throughout all this it's obvious she wants NOTHING to do with him. When she starts laughing at his jokes in the perfume shop, it's about as believable as Milo's interest in his paintings. Sure he's good-looking and playful, but why should that sway her when she's got Henri, who seems like a gentleman to boot? Admittedly it comes off so distasteful partly because of the actress. If a role like Lise was played by, say, Judy Garland, she would shower Jerry with indignant insults and glares. If she was played by Cyd Charisse, one would admire his guts. But when she's played by first-timer Leslie Caron she looks and acts like a shy, vulnerable teenager, and as a result Jerry just seems like a creep. And why DID they choose these other actors (though personally I'd rather they'd solved things by changing the lead) when the whole story hinges on the romance of these two young poor sweethearts disentangling themselves from their loveless commitments to older rich people? Not only is Gene Kelly a few years above Guetary and Foch, he's old enough to be Caron's father. In short I think it all would have been improved by casting some young comedic-relief type dancer as Jerry, the kind that usually turned up in musical supporting roles... e.g. Ray MacDonald in GOOD NEWS or Bobby Van in SMALL TOWN GIRL. Maybe not them necessarily but someone LIKE them. Someone who could have chased Lise and made it seem harmlessly playful; someone who would have appeared genuinely happy living in that Chaplinesque hole-in-the-wall; someone whose humor and naivete would have contrasted better with Oscar Levant's sarcastic grumpiness. It probably also would have made the ballet seem less ponderous. And it might have provided a voice that could sing Gershwin better. All this may give the impression that I don't like Gene Kelly. I do like him. He was terrific in most of his films, just not this one (well, and a few others. I don't despise AAIP itself, either; it has good points, like the art direction. And Leslie Caron, who despite her inexperience is rather charming, and really does look like she just stepped out of a painting. Georges Guetary does a fine job and his "Stairway to Paradise" is my favorite number in the movie. Nina Foch is beautiful and touching and should have ended up with SOMEBODY. But not Jerry Mulligan. I wouldn't wish that on her.
This Minnelli musical won the Oscar as the year's Best Picture, much to everyone's surprise; A Streetcar Named Desire" or "A Place in the Sun" had been tipped to win. It's a highly colourful entertainment and it has a Gershwin score, and it has that ballet) but it's not Minnelli's best musical, even with the Gershwin score. As the leads, Gene Kelly and that toothsome gamin Leslie Caron are much too lightweight and it lays on the faux-Gallic charm with a trowel; no, not a trowel, a spade. On the plus side there is that much under-valued and under-used actress Nina Foch as the rich American who takes Kelly under her wing. (She's his 'benefactoress' please, don't even think it. Otherwise it's pleasant enough, though the sugar content could rot your teeth) but Best Picture? It must have been that ballet.
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En amerikaner i Paris watchers. Oh yeah! But look at him giggling at his mistake after the event. En amerikaner i Paris. This is my new favorite recording of this piece! I have never in 50 years seen an orchestra swaying to this music and smiling as they played as these fine professionals do. As for Maestro, just WOW. Not only one of the best in the world, he is also the most enthusiastic and happy and charismatic conductor in the world. I'm going to be laughing for a week just thinking of this. Thank you.

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" #IRAK L'Elysée adresse "sa gratitude aux autorités irakiennes" pour leur "coopération" qui a permis la libération des trois Français et de l'Irakien enlevés le 20 janvier. #FOOT L'Equipe rend hommage à l'ancien sélectionneur des Bleus, Michel Hidalgo, mort à 87 ans. Voici la une de demain. "Aucun pays au monde ne peut dire que, face à une épidémie de cette ampleur, il dispose de tous les équipements dont il aimerait disposer. " #CORONAVIRUS #VALP " Aucun pays n'arrive à faire face à la demande de masques et à l'occupation des lits de réanimation dès lors qu'il est frappé par l'épidémie", assure Olivier Véran, interrogé sur le manque de matériel en France. #IRAK Trois Français et un Irakien, membres de l'ONG française SOS Chrétiens d'Orient, ont été libérés en Irak. Ils avaient été enlevés, à Bagdad, il y a un peu plus de deux mois. #IRAK L'Elysée annonce la libération de trois otages français et d'un Irakien enlevés à Bagdad le 20 janvier. #CORONAVIRUS #VALP Olivier Véran affirme avoir " demandé à ce qu'un autre train, peut-être dès demain, soit affrété" pour soulager les hôpitaux du Grand Est et transporter des patients vers d'autres régions. "On nous a demandé de venir aider les infirmières. C'est ça qui est extraordinaire, on inverse les rôles. " #CORONAVIRUS #VALP Sur le plateau de France 2, Michel Cymès raconte sa mobilisation dans la lutte contre le Covid-19. Il sera, demain matin, dans le service de réanimation d'un hôpital parisien. Il appelle d'autres médecins à se porter volontaires à leur tour. #CORONAVIRUS #VALP Interrogé sur le bilan total des victimes en France - et non seulement en milieu hospitalier, comme c'est actuellement le cas - le ministre de la Santé, Olivier Véran, assure que "ce sont des données que je présenterai à partir des tous prochains jours". #CORONAVIRUS #ONVOUSREPOND Il est temps pour moi de vous quitter. Je vous laisse avec mon collègue Yann Thompson, qui va tenir bon jusqu'à minuit. Quant à moi, je vous retrouve demain à 14 heures. Bonne soirée! #CORONAVIRUS #VALP C'est parti pour l'émission spéciale de "Vous avez la parole", que vous pouvez regarder sur France 2 ou en cliquant sur ce lien. Certaines de vos questions seront diffusées à l'antenne. #ONVOUSREPOND #CORONAVIRUS #ONVOUSREPOND Bonsoir @josie. En France, contrairement à d'autres pays comme la Chine, on ne désinfecte pas les rues et le mobilier urbain. Comme l'explique Le Parisien, rien ne prouve que cette pratique serait efficace pour lutter contre la propagation du virus, selon les autorités. Elles n'ont pas choisi pour le moment de recourir à ce type de mesures. #CORONAVIRUS #ONVOUSREPOND On voit un grand nombre de pays désinfecter les rues, les trottoirs, ou certains lieux publics. Est-ce efficace? Pourquoi ne le fait-on pas En France? #CORONAVIRUS #ONVOUSREPOND Bonsoir @APLU. C'est une question sur laquelle travaillent encore les scientifiques. D'ordinaire, les personnes infectées par un virus développent des anticorps leur permettant d'éviter une nouvelle infection. Mais la durée de cette immunité peut être plus ou moins longue. Dans le cas du coronavirus, elle demeure inconnue. Ainsi, au Japon et en Chine, plusieurs patients considérés comme guéris ont été à nouveau porteurs du Covid-19 à l'occasion de tests ultérieurs. Mais cela ne suffit pas pour assurer que la maladie peut s'attraper plusieurs fois, comme on vous l'explique dans cet article. #CORONAVIRUS #ONVOUSREPOND Bonjour, Est-ce que l'on sait si une personne qui a guérie du Covid peut retomber malade? Devient elle simplement porteur sain? Ou est-elle totalement protéger du Covid? "C'était une opération qui était potentiellement prévue suite aux attentats qui ont touché le pays il y a quelques années. Ce moyen de transport avait été prévu dans ce cadre-là. " #CORONAVIRUS Après ce premier trajet d'un TGV médicalisé, inédit en Europe, la SNCF affirme que "tout s'est bien passé". #CORONAVIRUS Les images à bord du TGV médicalisé montrent des patients en réanimation portés au-dessus des sièges. "On a beaucoup plus d'espace que dans une ambulance ou un hélicoptère", assure un urgentiste.
International 07:01 26. 03. 2020 (mis à jour 07:07 26. 2020) URL courte Il est probable que le Covid-19 puisse revenir selon des cycles saisonniers, a prévenu un expert américain, soulignant le besoin urgent de trouver un vaccin et des traitements efficaces. Le directeur de l'institut national des maladies infectieuses, Anthony Fauci a relevé lors du point-presse quotidien de la ?task force? de la Maison-Blanche que le coronavirus commençait à se répandre dans les pays de l'hémisphère Sud, où l'hiver arrive. ?S'ils connaissent une épidémie importante, il nous sera indispensable d'être prêts à faire face à un deuxième cycle?, a mis en garde l'expert. ?Cela rend encore plus importante la nécessité de développer un vaccin, de le tester rapidement et de faire en sorte qu'il soit prêt et disponible pour ce prochain cycle?, a-t-il ajouté, cité par l'AFP. Des traitements à l'étude Deux essais cliniques sont actuellement en cours en Chine et aux États-Unis pour des vaccins qui pourraient ne pas être sur le marché avant un an ou un an et demi. Des traitements sont également à l'étude: de nouveaux médicaments et d'autres déjà existants, comme les antipaludéens chloroquine et hydroxychloroquine. Le Dr Fauci a laissé entendre que le Covid-19 se portait mieux par temps froid que dans un climat chaud et humide, faisant écho à une étude préliminaire chinoise allant dans ce sens. Cela s'expliquerait par le fait que les gouttelettes expulsées par les malades subsistent plus longtemps à l'air libre dans le froid, et que les défenses immunitaires sont affaiblies en hiver. Autre explication potentielle: les virus se dégradent plus rapidement sur des surfaces chaudes, la couche de gras protectrice qui les enveloppe séchant plus rapidement. Des taux d'infection réduits ne sont pas pour autant synonymes d'éradication du virus. Près de 2. 500 cas de coronavirus ont ainsi été recensés en Australie, qui a déploré 8 morts jusqu'ici.
Beautiful song and video! Thanks ? ¢ö. This is how it goes to me: 0:00 to 2:57 - New York City being built and growing 2:57 to 3:33 - walking down 5th Ave. in NYC 3:33 to 4:48 - evening rush hour 4:48 to 4:57 - a bag floating on all the wind currents around the building of NYC 4:57 to 5:56 - a train coming into a city from the country side, and driving next to the interstate full of cars 5:56 to 6:03 - a person riding their bike up a hill 6:03 to 6:12 - a person running to work 6:12 to 7:44 - a lovely elderly couple walking through central park, with a person walking past them every so often 7:44 to 7:54 - a taxi being hailed 7:54 to 8:23 - a family band playing in the subway 8:23 to 8:48 - a pair of birds fluttering around 8:48 to 9:02 - a group of friends stumbling around after a night out 9:02 to 9:32 - a lonely car on the street driving out of town 9:32 to 10:12 - morning rush hour 10:12 to 10:37 - a car accident with an ambulance saving the people 10:37 to 11:23 - all the flowers opening to the sunshine 11:23 to 12:26 - someone leaving the city on the train while crying and waiving goodbye to all their friends 12:26 to 12:36 - a light rain over the town before the train leaves 12:36 to 13:40 - the train leaving and the crying person seeing the realizing that they had made the right decision and seeing the beauty of the country side 13:40 to 14:12 - the lover of the person who left chasing the train because they love that person 14:12 to 14:20 - the lover proposes 14:20 to 14:34 - the couple (engaged now) racing back home 14:34 to 15:02 - the couple gets married 15:02 to 15:29 - the couple rushing to jobs and having a child 15:29 to 16:04 - the child's first parade 16:04 to 16:26 - the family playing in the park at the end of a spectacular day. Sorry this was so long, I hope you liked my interpretation of this piece. Also, kudos to you for reading all of this.
En amerikaner i paris match. A rich, lonely woman helps a struggling artist in Paris. In the title role of a reluctant gigolo, Kelly is in top dancing form, displaying a remarkable combination of grace and athleticism. Caron makes her film debut as the love interest while Foch is touching as the woman who sponsors Kelly. Levant is hilarious as a pianist who dreams of making it big on the concert stage. It is amazing that Kelly made "On the Town. Singin' in the Rain, and this Oscar winner in a four-year span. While this one ranks behind the other two, it, s wonderful, thanks mostly to the music of Gershwin, including the long, lavish concluding ballet. Minnelli infuses the film with charm.
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