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I read a few of these reviews and got tricked into wasting my time on this one. It's not disturbing or a horror the few scenes it does have are childs play. Definitely not good it wastes an hour on trivial nonsense with two characters in the beginning and then shoots off like a rocket as you speed date with a bunch of uninteresting under developed characters with stupid dialogue accompanying this lucid trip. Yes it's a comedy and I giggled a few times but those moments were spread so wide and thin I can't even remember what was funny. So no I wouldn't recommend this film theres a reason why it didn't get much exposure this film isn't good and the premise has been done too many times but this may be the worst of it's kind.
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Dođi tati download torrent gratis. Dođi tati download torrent hd. I have no idea why Hollywood keeps making such movies, but obviously there is a market for them, most likely a growing one, thus I expect to see more and more of this genre.
On the other hand how did Elijah got here is beyond me, I'm guessing it might have something to do with productions like Maniac and Cooties, also I've noticed he produced others such as Mandy, The colour of space, so all in all, perhaps it's a choice and not a downhill slip for him. Come to Daddy is clearly not my coup of tea, I do get the appeal it has, the dark humor managed to make me smile a few times, but jumping from one extremity to another didn't quite did it for me. I do like some consistency, sure, after a first slower half I did not mind one bit seeing some action but it came in a rather disturbing hilarious way, where I didn't quite know how to take it all in. You see, I am a big fan of productions such as The Visit, where you also see a nice blend of comedy with some disturbing elements, but that one stayed away from torture porn or gore, and it managed to have quite a nice impact on me. All in all definitely not a bad movie, as I mentioned already, I'm sure it will be a blast for many, but not for me. I recommend it only if you're a fan of the genre. Cheers.
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I need Elijah and Daniel Radcliffe to make a weird, dark comedy together as soon as possible.

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Come to Daddy - by Glenn,
March 24, 2020

9.8/ 10stars









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