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Genre - Adventure; Release Year - 2019; 7,5 / 10; The surviving members of the resistance face the First Order once again, and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the Skywalker saga to its end; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDljNTQ5ODItZmQwMy00M2ExLTljOTQtZTVjNGE2NTg0NGIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODkzNTgxMDg@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg); Actor - Mark Hamill.

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Æ??ç??å§æ??9ï??åè?è??å´?è? download free vector. I loved the movie. First of all, all of you who give a 1/10 rating, you should rethink your action. A 1/10 movie means that the movie was garbage, that you couldn't finish it etc. If you watched the movie, and enjoyed a few scenes you should give it at least a 5 or 6. JJ made miracle with Carrie Fisher scenes. I thought it would just be a cameo, but Princess Leia is in the whole movie and in decisive scenes. Impressive. 星球大?9:天行者崛起 download free download. Don't know y'all are hating, this is the best Star Wars movie I've seen so far. Great story, epic fights and battles, amazing acting. Home News (Image credit: Lucasfilm / Disney) When Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ends and Rey defeats Emperor Palpatine, her, er… grandfather, she hears Jedi voices from Star Wars' past. You likely recognized a few of them, like Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi or Frank Oz's Yoda ? but there are so many Jedi talking at once that you're unlikely to appreciate all these cameos on the first viewing. In a movie that's overstuffed with fan service, this is one of the best touches by director JJ Abrams. Luckily, since the film was released, eagle-eye viewers have snapped the credits, and we now know who they all are. Below, we'll explain who all the Jedi voices are in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and they include some pretty deep cuts from Star Wars lore. It's a treat if you're a fan of the animated Star Wars TV series in particular. Here's a quick run-down: Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker Frank Oz as Yoda Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu Freddie Prinze Jr as Kanan Jarrus (from Star Wars: Rebels) Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano (from Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Rebels) Angelique Perrin as Adi Gallia (from The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars and, er, Jedi Power Battles on PSone) Jennifer Hale as Aayla Secura (from Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: The Clone Wars) Olivia D'Abo as Luminara Unduli (from Attack of the Clones and The Clone Wars) Note that some of these characters were portrayed by other actors in live-action. Adi Gallia was played by Gin Clarke, for example, and Aayla Secura was played by Amy Allen. This sequence is one of the most detailed bits of fan service in the movies to date. While, for example, the animated series Rebels was alluded to heavily in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ? you can see the crew's ship Ghost at the Battle of Scarif ? here we're treated to more direct references. Ahsoka Tano is dead, according to The Rise of Skywalker It's caused some debate among Star Wars fans. Ahsoka Tano, a fan favorite character from both The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series, is confirmed dead by The Rise of Skywalker, assuming that all these voices are Force ghosts (the rest are, so there's no reason to assume Ahsoka wouldn't be as well). Perhaps the end of her story is being saved for a future Star Wars project. Still, it's nice that she got a little moment in the live-action movies. How to watch the Star Wars movies in order.
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What the hell Happened here? Why did they kiss ? How in Stars is Rey Papeline granddaughter? Perhaps I should reconsider judging Game of thrones ending ?. What an absolute waste of time and money. This new trilogy of films has ruined the legacy of Star Wars beyond repair. Uninteresting characters who's motives seem to change every 10 minutes, lazy plots that could be written by an infant, terrible and needless jokes, and above all, a lead female actor who should've stayed on British daytime TV. This film is a fitting end to a trilogy that was made not by people who love and respect Star Wars, but by a corporation who want to squeeze as much money out of the franchise as possible. The only reason I'm giving 2 stars instead of one is because it's visually stunning, but it has to be when it has Mickey Mouse billions being pumped into it. If you haven't seen this film, or any of the new trilogy, don't bother, don't put yourself through it. Shocking effort.
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Second, my expectations where pretty high because of the plot holes the 7th and the 8th left. Because of that the movie seems a bit rushed and/or fast paced, but that's normal, Abrams needed to explain everything and I mean EVERYTHING and give a proper end to a 11 movie saga which expands over 4 decades. I can say that the movie managed to satisfy all my expectations and to explain all the plot holes. Æ??ç??å§æ??9ï??åè?è??å´?è? download free wallpaper.
Columnist Jesse Cai
Resume So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.









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