The Body
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246 Votes 101 minutes India 7,1 / 10 Creators Oriol Paulo Jeethu Joseph. Watch the bodyguard movie online. Anyone wanting this song in December 2019. Watch The body piercing. Watch The body.
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Watch the body full movie online. Watch the bodyguard film. Imagine playing this song while falling asleep on the subway That type of mood is emitted from the instrumental. Body Systems Definition Body systems are groups of organs and tissues that work together to perform important jobs for the body. Some organs may be part of more than one body system if they serve more than one function. Other organs and tissues serve a purpose in only one body system. Body Systems Overview All body systems are necessary for an organism to be able to survive and reproduce. In this article we’ll focus on the systems of the human body ? similar systems are required by all animals, but the details of how they accomplish their tasks may vary. Functions that must be performed by an animal to stay alive include: Qxygen for use in cellular respiration, and excrete waste carbon dioxide. Must be able to ingest and process food to obtain sugars and other nutrients. The body must transport necessary substances, such as oxygen and nutrients, to all cells. Clear toxic waste products from the body. Respond to the environment. Protect the body’s organs from the environment. Must be able to fight infections. For a species to survive, its individuals must be able to reproduce. Below, we’ll see how our organs and tissues work together as body systems to accomplish these tasks. List of Body Systems and Functions Organ Systems 1. Respiratory System ? Allows gas exchange between cells and the environment. Includes trachea and lungs. Respiratory System Function The respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment and converts it into a form that cells can use. In humans, that means that our lungs take in oxygen, and rapidly diffuse it into the blood. The lungs accomplish this by passing large amounts of blood over gas exchange membranes; the body’s whole blood volume passes over these membranes about once per minute! It could be argued that the respiratory system is one of the body’s most important. Without oxygen to fuel cellular respiration, cells begin to die within minutes. This is the real reason why heart attacks are deadly; although the heart is part of the circulatory system, not the respiratory system, it is responsible for transporting oxygen from lungs to our cells. When the circulatory system stops working, our tissues begin to die from lack of oxygen. The lungs also expel carbon dioxide ? a waste product of cellular respiration which could otherwise build up to toxic levels. 2. Digestive System/Excretory System ? Ingests food and breaks it down into usable nutrients. Excretes solid waste products. Includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Digestive System/Excretory System Function The digestive system takes in food and processes it to obtain useful nutrients. One of the most important purposes of food is to serve as cellular fuel; carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can all be used by our cells to as sources of the energy they need to stay alive. We can also get other important nutrients from food, such as essential amino acids (amino acids our bodies can’t make themselves), good fats, and vitamins and minerals that our cells need to keep their machinery in good working order. When food enters the body, it is first chewed by the mouth to break it down into a mush that stomach acids can penetrate. In the stomach, it is treated with acids and special enzymes that break the food’s components down into more useful forms. Finally, it passes through the intestines: being squeezed through the huge surface area of the intestines’ narrow tubes ensures that as many useful nutrients are extracted from the food as possible. The liver helps by releasing substances that assist the stomach and intestines in breaking down food, and by breaking down toxic substances in the blood. Once these nutrients have been extracted from foods, they are distributed to the body’s cells by the circulatory system. The digestive/ excretory system also expels solid waste components of our food that our body can’t use in the form of fecal matter. 3. Cardiovascular/Circulatory System ? Moves materials between body systems, including oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products. Includes the heart, arteries, and veins. Cardiovascular/Circulatory System Function The cardiovascular system is a highly efficient system for moving substances around the body. The body’s entire blood volume takes about a minute to circulate ? making this a truly high-speed expressway for distributing oxygen, nutrients, messages, and removing waste. The heart is the central pump of the circulatory system, sending blood to throughout the body at very high speeds. To ensure that we get enough oxygen, the heart even pumps blood through a special circuit to send large amounts of blood through the lungs quickly. The arteries are the oxygen-delivery system that carry oxygenated blood through the body at high speeds and pressures. Arteries don’t merely contain the blood; they have walls of smooth muscle which contract to help the blood keep going, even far away from the heart. This is why injuries to arteries are so dangerous; if an artery is injured, the body’s whole blood volume can drain out through it very fast! The veins return blood to the heart after its oxygen has been removed. The blood in veins moves a bit slower and at lower pressures. At the finest level of the circulatory system, tiny blood vessels called capillaries carry blood all throughout the tissues. By passing blood flow close to every cell, the capillaries ensure efficient delivery of needed substances. Most bleeding from superficial cuts comes from blood seeping from these tiny, often microscopic, blood vessels. In addition to oxygen and nutrients, the circulatory system also transports chemical messages, such as hormones, around the body. This allows the adrenal glands, for example, to send messages that cause our whole body to prepare for fight or flight. Lastly, of course, the circulatory system performs the vital task of carrying waste products away from our cells. It delivers carbon dioxide to the lungs, and other toxins to the liver and kidneys to be destroyed or excreted. 4. Renal System/Urinary System ? Cleans dissolved waste products from the blood and excretes them. Includes kidneys and bladder. Renal System/Urinary System Function The renal/ urinary system keeps our body healthy by removing dangerous waste products from our blood and expelling them from our body in the form of urine. All blood is passed through the kidneys, where special filters allow dangerous substances to pass out of the bloodstream while keeping helpful substances in. The waste liquid that’s filtered out by the kidneys is stored in the bladder until the body expels it. 5. Endocrine System ? Secrets chemical signals that allow body systems to act cooperatively as needed. Includes hormone -producing tissues of the pineal gland and pituitary gland in the brain; the thyroid gland; the adrenal glands; the pancreas; and the ovaries and testes. Endocrine System Function The endocrine system consists of a number of tissues that send out chemical messages ? called ‘hormones’ ? to the rest of the body. Each of these messages has its own unique purpose, to which the body’s other systems respond accordingly. The endocrine system allows the body to respond to environmental changes, and to other types of survival changes, such as the need to reproduce. Some examples of messages sent by the endocrine system are: Fight or flight ? When a threat appears in the environment, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline. In answer to this chemical message, the heart pumps blood faster, breathing deepens to take in more oxygen, and the nervous system sharpens perception and memory formation. Other changes also occur to make the body ready to fight or flee from a potential threat. Reproductive signals ? When the body is ready to reproduce, the ovaries or testes send chemical messages that affect other organs, including the brain. For the female reproductive system, preparing the uterus for pregnancy involves a complex cascade of chemical messages that repeat on a monthly cycle. Hungry or full ? When the body is hungry, your stomach releases a hormone that tells the brain and other organ systems to start seeking food. When the body is full, on the other hand, another set of hormone messengers go out telling the body it can stop eating. 6. Nervous System ? Allows perception, emotion, thought, and rapid response to the environment. Includes brain and nerves. Nervous System Function The nervous system allows us to sense stimuli such as light, sound, smell, and touch from our environment. It also allows rapid communication of stimuli within our body, such as sensations of pain, illness, and wellness. It also gives us the brain ? a huge central processing unit that combines these stimuli into unified experiences and performs tasks such as recording memories, producing emotional responses, and thinking. The last important function of the nervous system is to allow our brain to send signals to back to our body, enabling us to respond to environmental stimuli. The brain can be thought of as the control center that receives data, analyzes it, and then commands the body to respond. The nervous system accomplishes all of this using highly specialized cells called neurons, which can transmit signals extremely fast by firing electrochemical potentials. In order to fire these signals, neurons must use huge amounts of energy ? as much as 25% of the calories we eat are used by the nervous system to allow us to perceive, feel, think, and respond! Some scientists believe that human ancestors were not able to become smart until we were able to meet the huge energy needs of a big brain. Our ancestors were able to meet these needs by becoming good hunters, good cooks ? which makes food easier to digest ? and eventually developing agriculture. 7. Musculoskeletal s
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