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Coauthor - Elijah Sherman

Klaus Menzel; Two young lovers change the lives of their parents forever when the parents learn from the joyful experience of their kids, and allow themselves to again find their love; Iain Glen; runtime: 1 Hours 54 minute; genre: Romance, Drama. Hvad med kÃüürlighed Watch. The harmonizing is sick ???. Cant wait till he gets to 1 mill. Why is Nancy telling her guitar that she wants to make love to it?? Anyway they had some of the best songs in the 80s. I still attend their concerts today?. Hvad med kærlighed watch free stream. Hvad med kærlighed watch free download.
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But they¡Çre already deep into reinventing him, so that¡Çs not going to happen for a long time. I think with those films you have to be careful because they are about communicating with as big an audience as you possibly can. Audiences who go to see those films expect a certain type of movie. (CinePop, 2017) Gemma Arterton I¡Çm not really into superheroes and stuff like that. But you never know. (HeyUGuys, 2015) Olivier Assayas I mean, I enjoy it as a viewer. I don¡Çt think I would touch it as a filmmaker, but I can certainly understand the fun one has with that material, not to mention the admiration I¡Çve always had for the writers and artists of the comic books. Once in a while, I still do read X-Men comics. I¡Çm just fascinated by the complexity of the narratives and the ambition of the storytelling, which is way beyond whatever they¡Çre doing in the movies. (AV Club, 2015) Ari Aster I¡Çve received some really enticing and cool offers, and I certainly want to hear what the offers are, but I am self-generating. I have so many films I want to make that I¡Çve written that are so vivid in my head.... Never say never, I definitely want to look at everything that comes my way, but it¡Çll take a lot to pull me away from these projects that are sort of on the tip of my tongue and that I¡Çm ready to make. (Happy Sad Confused, 2019) Michael Bay I wouldn¡Çt want to, it¡Çs not my thing, it¡Çs just not my gig. (Collider, 2016) Orlando Bloom I do read [the Marvel comics] a little bit. Who¡Çs the British one? Captain Britain! There you go. Terrible costume, though. (BBC Radio 2, 2018) Emily Blunt Not particularly. (Variety, 2018) Bong Joon-ho I don¡Çt think Marvel would ever want a director like me. I don¡Çt expect any offers from them anytime soon. Of their movies, I did enjoy the films by James Gunn and James Mangold¡Çs Logan, and I think there are great directors who can handle great projects like that. (Variety, 2020) John Boyega I sat down with Marvel years ago, but that¡Çs not the direction I want to go at all. (ComicBook, 2019) Danny Boyle I wouldn¡Çt be very good at it. I saw the Spider-Man movie, the animation, and I thought it was wonderful, but out of my league. Normally when you see a movie like that, you think, ¡ÈI could maybe do that. ¡É I didn¡Çt think ¡ÈMaybe¡É with this. It had a sensibility that felt truthful to its origins. Whoever made this, it is part of their bloodstream. You¡Çve got to recognise that you have no idea how to get there. I don¡Çt think you should attempt one unless it¡Çs in your bloodstream... Comics really aren¡Çt in my bloodstream. (Empire, 2019) Alison Brie I would love to. I think especially after working on GLOW, where we all felt like we were superheroes, in a way it has satisfied my desire to do something like that. But in some ways it¡Çs only whet my appetite. (Business Insider, 2017) James Cameron I¡Çm not the slightest bit interested in laboring in someone else¡Çs house. (Daily Beast, 2017) Timothée Chalamet I want to work with good storytellers and good directors on projects that are fresh, and on roles that feel challenging. Like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, or Christian Bale in that film, or Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises. If it was something of that caliber, then that¡Çs awesome. (Variety, 2018) Toni Collette It¡Çd be super-fun to be a superhero. I¡Çm not averse to any particular budget. I¡Çm just averse to a shitty story. (Metro, 2015) Olivia Colman I¡Çve always wanted to play a Marvel baddie. I¡Çm not sure I fit the mould, though. Like a powerful, extraordinary woman. Somebody with superpowers would be really fun, but I¡Çm not sure how many middle-aged women they have in Marvel. (Vulture, 2016) Sofia Coppola I love making small low-budget films where I am really allowed to do it the way I want, and I think when you have those huge franchises there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen and meetings in conference rooms. But I¡Çd never say never. (The Independent, 2017) Bryan Cranston I don¡Çt want to do a character that has been done several times before. I don¡Çt want to be compared, like, ¡ÈWell, his Commissioner Gordon was yada yada yada. ¡É I don¡Çt want to do that. I want to take something that hasn¡Çt been done. (ScreenGreek, 2018) Tom Cruise I¡Çll never say no if I find something that¡Çs interesting, and I think an audience would like to see it, and they¡Çre going to be entertained by it, and I feel like I can contribute something. (MTV, 2018) Guillermo del Toro Well, I co-wrote a whole screenplay on Justice League Dark for Warner Bros., so that¡Çs your answer. I love Deadman, I love Demon, I love Swamp Thing, Zatanna. That¡Çs a universe, is one thing. I¡Çm very attracted to that side of the DC universe. But I¡Çm not a superhero guy. For me to like a superhero, the superhero needs to be a monster. (ComicBook, 2019) Leonardo DiCaprio You never know. They¡Çre getting better and better as far as complex characters in these movies. I haven¡Çt yet. But no, I don¡Çt rule out anything. (ShortList, 2015) Zac Efron I would do it in a second. I¡Çm just waiting for the right opportunity. (Elle, 2017) Taron Egerton I love Marvel and I love the movies and I¡Çd love the excuse to get in shape. (Variety, 2019) Robert Eggers Absolutely not. (Bloody Disgusting, 2019) Cynthia Erivo Yes. My body is suited to it. And I¡Çd love to see what that experience is like. I think I could have a good time doing it. (Hollywood Reporter, 2020) Giancarlo Esposito I love those guys at Marvel. We¡Çve been trying to figure out how to collaborate on something. (ComicBook, 2016) Rebecca Ferguson I don¡Çt think my goal is to throw myself into Marvel university. I love their stories, some of their characters are great, but I do it for the stories, for the people you work with, for the directors. We¡Çll see. (Metro, 2016) David Fincher Maybe. I was open to doing a zombie movie. I think in terms of stories ? I don¡Çt want to have to go and they say, ¡ÈOkay, you have to dream up something for Meteor Man. ¡É Or whatever. I don¡Çt want to have to cobble together something around a pre-existing mask or uniform or cape or idea. (SXSW, 2019) Jodie Foster No, not interested in the franchise hero, superhero movie at all. It¡Çs just not what I do. I¡Çm glad other people do it and there¡Çs always been those kinds of films, and there will always be those kinds of movies. It¡Çs just now there¡Çs been kind of, there¡Çs a word for it in business where features as a business model have been more keen on, 95 percent of what they do is $200 million plus action films that appeal to all four quadrants that are these high-risk action films. (ScreenCrush, 2018) Cary Fukunaga No, not really. I feel like they¡Çve all been taken... I do think there¡Çs a place to make intelligent, big films. It depends on sensibility, too. I loved Guardians of the Galaxy. (Vulture, 2015) Greta Gerwig I would be open to doing a bigger film but at the same time I think, for me, one of the guiding principles of what I try to do to make my career as I have tried to make it, I always have a sense of what I would drop everything for and I think the thing that I would drop everything for is my own work that I write and that I make. It¡Çs not that I¡Çm not interested in those things, it¡Çs just that they don¡Çt come first. (Silver Screen Riot, 2015) Hugh Grant [I was recently offered one, but] there was a scheduling and family issue. Otherwise, I was absolutely up for it. It was a juicy role. It was a baddie. I love a good baddie. (Variety, 2019) James Gray I have no problem with Marvel. I¡Çve taken my children to Marvel movies and it¡Çs a great experience ? a bonding experience. It¡Çs beautiful, and those films are brilliantly made. I loved the first Captain America. Terrific movie. So it¡Çs not about shitting on them. The problem is not that ? the problem is only that. It¡Çs like if you went to the supermarket and you saw only one brand of cereal. Special K is all they had. Special K is not a bad-tasting cereal, but if that¡Çs the only one you could get it would be awfully frustrating. If the movie business starts catering to smaller and smaller groups, it¡Çs going to start hurting itself in a major way. I would argue that it already has. It¡Çs my job as a director to try and push back against that a little bit. (IndieWire, 2019) Eva Green I really like physical stuff, actually. Even 300, I loved doing the training. It was thrilling to play that very strong woman. You get out of your head as an actor and you find the character through physical training. I¡Çd love to do more of the superhero stuff. (ComingSoon, 2019) Jon Hamm It depends on the script, what the story is. I am a huge comic book fan, always have been. I have read comic books since I was nine or younger. And I am pretty knowledgeable about a lot of them. And I like the genre, and I like when they are done well. (Hollywood Reporter, 2018) Armie Hammer I haven¡Çt seen
Hvad med kærlighed watch free hd. Hvad med kærlighed watch free live. Hvad med kærlighed watch free trial. Hvad med kærlighed watch free play. Hvad med kærlighed watch free 2017. Of late, you might have come across posts such as this one, this one, this one, and also this one ? wherein people are indicating a growing feeling (not to mention a persistent feeling of pure unease) that something extremely unusual and/or unprecedented is going on, all across the world. I mean, you know shit¡Çs hit the fan for real when kids on TikTok (of all people) start saying the exact same stuff. Like, seriously, when did TikTok get ahead of us? Just kidding, it didn¡Çt. As salty as this is going to make many of the (uninvited) guests that frequent this delightful sub of ours, Mainstream Reddit ? which loves to think of us folks over here at r/conspiracy as outright delusional and shit ? is apparently having second thoughts about the (sur)real-ness of their own damned ¡Èreality. ¡É Ouuuuuuuuuchhh. You are possibly confused, or afraid, or shocked ? and rightly so. After all, it¡Çs not every day that you see TV channels ¡Èaccidentally¡É displaying pre-decided election results (hooray ¡Èdemocracy! ¡É); extremely fishy election debates (¡Èdemocracy¡É you sly devil, you); a shitload of CEOs simultaneously stepping down like some kind of a ¡Èresignation pandemic¡É (mamma mia! ); and last but outright fucking miraculous ? our honourable techie friends over at Google Inc actually joining the righteous cause of fighting against internet censorship! (get real, who the hell ever saw that one coming? ). Not even the good old rat. Still not convinced something¡Çs up? How about the incredibly ¡Èsurprising¡É revelation that our rich ol' friend totally DIGS IT when people get themselves some of his swanky new GPS tattoos (Aww! He¡Çs such a fashionista! ); or candidates starting to (suddenly! ) support people they barely agree ideologically with (how open-minded! ); or Reddit censoring anti-paedophile content (must be a mistake I swear! ); or Reddit banning the very user who exposed Joe Biden¡Çs many paedophilic traits (Aww! Must be an unintentional side effect of their charitably inclusive policies to employ blind people as admins and mods! ); or the British Royals¡Ç child abuse being protected by cops with documentary evidence (must be a misunderstanding of royal proportions, I assure you! ). Still want more? Here¡Çs the heroic mayor of Illinois using the Coronavirus epidemic as the perfect guise and cover for secretly banning gun sales in his state (checkmate, quarantined citizens! ); or even better, the US fucking government using it as an excuse to take away your privacy forever (what are you doing, big bro-ther? ). And I¡Çm not really sure whether all of this stuff here ought to be leaking out either. Okay. Let¡Çs get real here for a second folks ? none ? and I mean absolutely NONE of this shit is by ANY MEANS normal to be happening all at once in but a matter of a mere few weeks. And there¡Çs only so many ¡Èco-incidences¡É that can take place in any given time period all at once. Hell at this point in time here, you don¡Çt even have to be a ¡Èpsycho-looking tinfoil hatter conspiracy theorist madman¡É to see it. Downright everyone can see it ? and dare I say, even those who are actually fucking blind. After all, it¡Çs not everyday that you see people referencing George Orwell¡Çs 1984, or Black Mirror for that matter. Who am I kidding. You see that shit being referenced all the damn time on Reddit ? which means that the events contained within those works of ¡Èfiction¡É must indeed be happening ? well ? all the time. (Oops! ) And yet, people continue to mock us conspiracy folks to the point that this shit needs to be posted to wake people the fuck up. Bummer. So, what is it really? A war with a hidden enemy? A full blown global massacre? A total and complete lockdown? A total and complete takeover of every single one of your fundamental human rights? How about Prediction 1 by 4Chan, Prediction 2 by 4Chan, or Prediction 3 by 4Chan for that matter? What if those turned out to be true? If you too find yourself in a quagmire wherein things just don¡Çt seem to add up or something feels a tad too much like impending mass-imprisonment doom or a full blown prep for implementing Martial Law; relax. For all is not necessarily what it seems. In fact, I suggest that you take heart in the fact that what is coming, is so much more incredible and amazing beyond your wildest dreams. Here¡Çs what it really is: The short version: Humanity is now ¡Èofficially¡É in the process of its long-prophesized spiritual awakening. Right from the Mayans tellingly ending their calendar in the year 2012 to ideas such as ¡ÈThe second coming of the Christ¡É (in Christianity), Qiyāmah in Islam and Satya Yuga in Hinduism and the like (in other religions), it has been foretold that humanity will one day be freed from those very forces of darkness that have enslaved and occupied their beautiful world for millennia. While the religious books and descriptions mentioned above have been corrupted (by the powers-that-be) to indicate things other than those of the TRUTH ? it nevertheless stands that the time for humanity¡Çs mass awakening, is just about NOW. The long version: Ask yourself ? does humanity seem like a happy species to you by any means? What part of living in democracy (or communism or whatever) do you really like? The education? The financial freedom? The fundamental human rights? The safety? The warmth? The peace? The love? Alas! You have absolutely none of that good shit here! You are ? and have been made ? slaves to a system that seeks to exploit you day in and day out. Your hard earned money is funnelled into wars ? that¡Çs murdering people by the way ? and those who declare those wars live in great wealth, prosperity and joy. And supporting those murders makes you all patriotic and honourable and all that shit. Everything and everyone from your cops and your politicians -- to your media, pharma industry, petroleum industry, justice system, corporates, military, religion, educational system and absolutely everything else there is seeks only and ONLY to ENSLAVE you, EXPLOIT you, RAPE you, PLUNDER you, and DESTROY AND TAKE AWAY every single thing that your heart truly yearns for and stands for. Hate takes the place of love. Fear takes the place of joy. Mediocrity replaces creativity and anger replaces compassion. THIS is NOT who YOU are. In fact, what you are is a CREATOR BEING. A being that is powerful enough to create ENTIRE UNIVERSES AT WILL ? even though such seems to be a ridiculous statement to hear at this moment. Nevertheless, most of humanity has long been asleep to the existence of the chains that have been wrapped around its neck for millennia ? and that have recently been getting tightened day by day ? because your masters have been forewarned of something that may cause them something of a headache. Alas, TRUTH cannot be stopped just because it is inconvenient to one, and therefore, both ? humanity as well as those who have enslaved it ? are in for something of a rude shock. And the ONE AND ONLY ONE way for humanity to make it through this crisis is by TRAINING THEIR MINDS to make them more peaceful, more loving, more compassionate, more forgiving, more wise, more blissful and more POWERFUL. And time¡Çs running out a little too fast for all of that, folks. What some of you are experiencing as reality ¡Èpopping out¡É or looking clearer, sharper and in better colour is basically the same effect as that which one experiences during an acid trip. It is the effect that is caused when ALL FILTERS placed upon every human being¡Çs mind (by the powers-that-be) begin to come off. And reality is seen for what it TRULY IS. Much like the dream and the dreamer are ONE (all lucid dreamers will get this) ? in much the same way, YOU and your EXTERNAL REALITY are ONE. You are one and the same thing ? and joined at the root ? much like different fingers belonging to the same hand are all joined to the same SINGULAR body. That body is what some have called God. What you are experiencing now, is your return to that very UNITY consciousness. A consciousness, in which you CAN AND WILL (ultimately) experience ONENESS/UNITY with ALL of that reality that you deem to be "outside" of yourself. For everyone you meet, is indeed, an aspect of YOU. Kind of like what they said in The Egg ? its video version can be found here. Now obviously, those who represented darkness aren¡Çt gonna give up here without a fight. The Coronavirus was their final and very last weapon (aimed at destroying all of humanity) in retaliation. Needless to say ? it¡Çs not working as damn well as they intended it to. And it¡Çs too late now for them to prevent their own impending demise now. (And yes, we've indeed had some help here from, "high places" etc. * wink wink *). So in the months and the years to come ? EVERY SINGLE LIE told by them will be exposed. ALL corrupt people and individuals and agencies working against mankind will be exposed and ousted. Humanity will once again begin coming together in love, peace, co-operation, abundance, joy and harmony. It is our destiny to experience this. INCREDIBLE hidden technologies will be revealed that will make ALL of life a cakewalk for ALL of us. People will live longer and healthier and happier lives. Lack of money and/or poverty won¡Çt EVER be a problem ever again. ALL pollution will be erased. ALL THINGS that are fucked up within our worlds from shitty education systems to shitty religious structures and shitty what-have-yous would be erased for good ? once and for all. There will be NO MORE human exploitation. It will be our "happily ever after" ? this time for good. And, oh yes, it will AT LAST be revealed to the public that we aren¡Çt really all alone in this endless AF universe after all. And that we never really were alone in
Brings me back to the 80s. Wow, even better than before. Thank you Anne and Nancy, still showing the young ens how it should be done. Superb there are no other words for that performance ladies. God bless you both. Hvad med k c3 a6rlighed watch free review. Hvad med kærlighed Watch free download. Happy birthday. Who else who didnt grew up to this song feeling nostalgic. Hvad med kærlighed Watch freelance. I love this song. You're an excellent singer. Thanks a lot. I am in Seoul, south Korea. Can't believe the singer is over 60 years old. Holy shit she has amazing voice.
In the summer of 1992, I took my 8th grade daughter and 2 of her friends to see a Heart concert. Of course, the 3 girls went directly to the mosh pit and started waving their their arms and dancing with each other. This was so different from my youth when we'd go to a Stones' concert & say stuff like way cool man. I'm now in my 70s & am just another old hippie but I'd like to know how it is today. How do Kids react to whatever groups are popular today? Do they dance with each other and smoke dope like we did in the 60s? Or do they just sit & listen like good citizens? I'd like to know from my brother & sister boomers. Like Marvin Gaye said, What's going on.
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Hvad med kærlighed watch free movie. The band took a break, Nancy sat on the front of the stage and began to play her guitar. A massive stadium stopped and took their seats, not a sound except one very gifted performer. I saw a lot of bands back in the day and that one night stands out as exceptional. Hvad med kærlighed Watch. Hvad med kærlighed watch free pc.
If you have ever had the chance to watch a basketball game on TNT, you might have caught yourself as glued to the half-time show as the actual game. NBA on TNT is one of the best sports broadcasts hosted by some of the boldest personalities on TV: Shaquille O¡ÇNeil, Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, and of course¡Ä Charles Barkley. There are no subjects off limits and no quarter is given. But there is one topic that never fails to elicit strong consternation from Ernie despite roars of laughter from Shaq? Charles Barkley¡Çs bit about the Big ol Women™ of San Antonio. If you haven¡Çt seen it, here¡Çs one of the best supercuts to catch you up: As you can see, Chuck is fascinated with San Antonio???well, with the women and churros of San Antonio at least. He brings up the subject so often that simply googling ¡ÈSan Antonio Women¡É yields almost exclusively articles and clips of Barkley & Co. discussing the virtues of San Antonio churros, the Big ¡Æol Women™ who eat them, and the city¡Çs curious lack of Victoria¡Çs Secret stores. google search results for generic query "San Antonio Women" From his time as a player, to his current career as a broadcaster, Barkley is infamous for never minding his tongue. When it comes to making Shaq and the production crew keel over with laughter, it¡Çs clear he has no plans to change his humorous tone, no matter how much Ernie scorns him. But did you ever wonder?why¡Ä Why is Chuck so fixated on the Big ol Women ™ of San Antonio and their unique pastry/ lingerie inclinations? Is there something more behind the man¡Çs obsession? So began my search to understand the enigma that is Charles Wade Barkley¡Ä The Research I started out by attempting to confirm or refute Barkley¡Çs suspicions¡Ä Does San Antonio have a lot of Big ol Women™? Is Victoria really a ¡ÈSecret¡É in San Antonio?, and How do fried Spanish pastries play into this whole thing? Well let¡Çs break it down one-by-one¡Ä San Antonio¡Çs Big ol Women™ I compared obesity rates for every NBA city to determine if there is any merit to Chuck¡Çs claim that San Antonio has an abundance of plus-sized ladies¡Ä NBA cities ranked by Obesity Rates As it turns out, he is right on point. According to my analysis of a 2018 CDC report, San Antonio is the 4th chunkiest city in the NBA with more than 37% of adults registering as ¡Èclinically obese¡É. And with over half of San Antonians identifying as female, it¡Çs safe to say the city does have a lot of Big ol Women™. Interesting side note: San Antonio isn¡Çt just one of the fattest cities in the nation, they also have a distinct love for the rolls (pun intended). Per my research, San Antonio ranks #2 in the country for most google searches for ¡ÈBBW¡É, which is of course the porn abbreviation for Big Beautiful Women. Not sure the significance of this fact, or how I came upon this information, but thought it was worth mentioning. google trend statistics for search term "bbw" How many of these searches belong to Chuck himself? No small amount, I can assure you. ¡ÈWho¡Çs Victoria? ¡É???San?Antonio Using Victoria¡Çs Secret store locator, I compiled the total number of store locations in each NBA city. Then, using 2016 U. S. Census Bureau statistics, I appended the populations for each city and calculated the amount of Victoria¡Çs Secret stores per capita. NBA cities ranked by Victoria's Secret stores per capita Again, Chuck¡Çs intuition was spot-on! The city of San Antonio has the 4th fewest number of Victoria¡Çs Secret stores per capita of all NBA cities (bottom 89th percentile). I guess it¡Çs safe to conclude, Victoria really is a secret in San Antonio. The author contacted Victoria¡Çs Secret Public Relations prior to publishing this article but they chose not to comment on this story. How do fried Spanish pastries play into?this? Tremendously, that¡Çs how. I literally spent over three hours immersed in ¡Èchurro data¡É. Admittedly, one of those hours was a lunchtime run to ¡ÈAngel¡Çs Churros & Chocolates¡É in Houston, TX???shout out to Maria for hooking it up with the Nutella on the side! Using cutting-edge scientific research tools, I determined the number of churro vendors per capita in each NBA city. Okay, I googled that shit. I figured counting Mexican restaurants in general would be super misleading so I quantified specifically the number of churro vendors in each NBA city using the following criteria: Performed the google search ¡È[CITY] Churros¡É (e. g., ¡ÈSan Antonio Churros¡É) and counted the amount of vendors with explicit references to ¡ÈChurro¡É in the name. I accepted various spellings and puns (e. g., ¡Èxurros¡É, or ¡ÈChurroholic¡É, etc). NBA cities ranked by churro-vendors per capita Well Mr. Barkley¡Çs hunch was right again¡Ä San Antonio has the 4th most Churro-Vendors per capita in the NBA (top ~90th percentile). Have to admit, though, I did not expect to see Salt Lake City rank so high on this list. Considering the strip club rankings, I might actually have to make a trip to the ¡Ægreat white west¡Ç¡Ä We have to give credit to Chuck here; he certainly knows his stuff! But for a man who disavows data science, it begs the question, how does he know so much about the Alamo city? The Analysis With my suspicions on the rise, I dug deeper into the data. And the more I dug, the more it smelled¡Ä *sniff* and I love the smell of cinnamon and projection in the morning. So what is Mr. Barkley hiding? Well, I analyzed his career performance in San Antonio to see if there is more to the story. Charles Barkley has an impressive resume: two-time Olympic gold medalist, 11-time NBA All Star, 1993 Most Valuable Player, and an esteemed member of the NBA hall of fame. He went by the intimidating moniker, Round Mound of Rebound. He is, indubitably, one of the greatest ballers of all time. But, just like all the greats, he had a weakness¡Ä ¡ÆThe Biggest?Loser¡Ç Between the years 1983?1998, Barkley played 19 games in San Antonio. He won just 4 of them. With his career road-win percentage at nearly. 500, and considering the other damning stats laid out below, his. 211 win rate in San Antonio falls soundly in the " curious" column. Career Road W/L Record: 259?276 (. 484 win%) San Antonio W/L Record: 4?15 (. 211 win%) W/L split, Career Away vs in San Antonio Now I don¡Çt want to mislead you, San Antonio were no schmucks during this period and, obviously, basketball is a team sport. But Barkley carries most of the water: he was a generational talent and the stand-out star on most of his teams (aside from a couple years with a washed up Julius Erving and an aging Moses Malone in Philly and a couple with near-retirement Hakeem in Houston). But the following analysis should help further make my case. ¡ÆMy -25%?Life¡Ç San Antonio proved to be a blight on Barkley¡Çs esteemed career. My analysis showed significant declines in almost every statistical category examined: GmSc ???Averaged a -25% variance in Game Score in SA compared to career avg ORB ???Averaged a - 11% variance in Offensive Rebounds in SA as compared to career avg FT% ???Averaged a -9% variance in FT shooting efficiency in SA as compared to career avg FG% ???Averaged a -2% variance in shooting efficiency in SA as compared to career avg AST ???Averaged a -6% variance in Assists in SA as compared to career avg Note: GmSc (Game Score) is a John Hollinger-created stat that gives a comprehensive measure of a player¡Çs productivity. Formula: GmSc=PTS+(0. 4*FG)?(0. 7*FGA)?[0. 4*(FTA-FT)]+(0. 7*ORB)+(0. 3*DRB)+STL+(0. 7*AST)+(0. 7*BLK)?(0. 4*PF)-TOV Here¡Çs what the analysis looks like: Barkley performance analysis via heat mapping You can see the heat map to the left is covered in red. Red cells indicate negative variances, meaning: for that year, Barkley¡Çs average in San Antonio was below his Season Average. Of the 112 total data points examined (8 stats x 14 seasons), Barkley under-performed against the season average 62% of the time. Heat maps are great but I needed to visualize the data in a way that better depicts the scale of Chuck¡Çs drop in performance. I used a clustered column chart because it gives the best visual representation of relative performance, as you can easily identify the +/- trends ( Graphs for Dummies: larger/more frequent lines on BOTTOM = BAD; larger/more frequent lines on TOP = GOOD). Barkley GmSc Variance in SA vs Season Avg Barkley Shooting Eff. Variances in SA vs Season Avg These huge performance declines are damning. But what do they truly tell us? Conclusion Well, if you¡Çve been following along, things should be starting to make sense. A picture has formed¡Ä how could a man who so ardently rebukes data science, know things about San Antonio that only the data can tell us? Every Great had their weakness. MJ couldn¡Çt stop gambling. Shaq couldn¡Çt hit free throws. Magic couldn¡Çt keep it in his pants. Kobe never saw a shot he didn¡Çt like. LeBron, hairline. For Charles Barkley, it was an entire city. The plus-sized women of San Antonio and their delectable Spanish pastries were the Round Mound¡Çs kryptonite. And it appears he never got over it. A career of indulgence in the Alamo City has left him bitter with regret. The Chuckster has used his platform on TNT to???not very credibly???disguise his own predilections for the amenities of San Antonio. Without stretching the facts too far, we can paint a vivid picture of Barkley¡Çs own struggle. Imagine: a perpetual Big-and-Tall man since roughly the age of 12 (guessing) and a basketball phenom would have become accustomed to night-after-night by himself with nothing but his appetite and a sense that???thanks to his coaches???he deserved to be rewarded. That he was a good boy. Another city, another game, another 4-star hotel room to himself (another sold-out show, as it were). The excitement of seeing San Antonio on the schedule brings tears to the man¡Çs eyes. He knows what awaits him and purposefully forgets what happened before¡Ä Ba
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