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Release date=2020 review=An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green Actor=Bruce Dern, Kat Graham Mark Amin. To preface: I haven't seen TLJ since I saw it once in theaters (I've only seen each Sequel once, on opening day) so this is just to frame the fact that I don't know all the fuck ups from within the movie, I didn't follow its development, I didn't hear about why people were pissed beforehand or why Hamill was mad, until well after seeing the movie and I never heard about Johnson and Twitter stuff or whatever until finding this sub last month. I never heard about "subverting expectations" or "Jake Skywalker" or "fuel was never a thing in the series. With all that said one more explanation of what I didn't like before seeing TLJ: I hated Kylo in TFA. Hated him to the point I thought he was a fucking joke and we got the wrong cut in the theater. Him literally throwing a tantrum while cosplaying as Grampa Hitler was just. so frustrating. I couldn't believe he was the Big Bad. Snoke was boring and uninteresting and not in any way as cool or mysterious as The Emperor. And the way Han was killed off during a hug with his evil son after being turned into a deadbeat dad between movies really irked me at the time when everyone was fawning over TFA. Now, onto TLJ: I thought that opening with Luke throwing away the light saber right away was awesome. It felt like he was going "We are more than this old, supposedly sacred thing, the power isn't in that, even I'll throw it away after all that age and wisdom has taught me. It also reminded me of how he chose not to strike down his father, Vader. He didn't actually need his saber in the end of his previous arc. Luke's saber was broken and several times before that it was lost or out of reach, plus Anakin loses his once or twice and I felt like TLJ reminding people that sabers aren't what define Jedi from the start of the movie was a great thing to show in a movie called "The Last Jedi" especially when the Prequels went overboard with flashy and highly choreographed saber battles. The much-reviled "Not by destroying what we hate but by saving what we love" line felt cyclical in that same vein - reminding people that it's the characters we save and not the characters that get killed that are what keep us going through the years with this universe. I felt like this was an interesting contrast to the Prequels which focused a lot on killing. Killing sandman and women and children, killing Dooku, killing Grievous, killing all the Jedi, killing the younglings, killing Padme, killing" Anakin. We loved ANH because of the saving of the princess, Leia, not because we wanted to see Luke kill Vader (though, that's still a small part of the fun, of course) I felt like it was a strong statement the movie was making that we think of our heroes not just in terms of who they kill but who they save, and that that's not just what makes Star Wars but that that's what makes any compelling narrative. See also - Rogue One where everyone is killed but the Rebellion is saved. We see this same statement from the movie actually play out with Leia in the film. As I watched her "die" I was just. not ready. I don't know how else to describe it but I just wasn't ready to say goodbye. I wanted more time with her. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Carrie or her character. And I didn't want another enemy getting a win for killing off an OT character (because I was fucking furious with the character Han was portrayed as becoming AND how he was killed off. Just then. as I'm coming to terms with the fact I need to let go sometime. SHE LIVES! And in that moment I see the same thing: it's not about who gets killed, it's about who's saved by our heroes. Then, the Holdo Maneuver just was so awesome. I wasn't expecting it, i didn't really think about how it affected the lore or anything, it was just a spectacular way to save the day. Then Luke saves the day so everyone can escape and he doesn't kill anyone doing it and the other team doesn't get to say they killed him either. He goes out trying to save the day, after passing on as much of his wisdom as he could. I also really liked the way it showed Rey in that dark tunnel place as she was meditating on the Force with Luke guiding her. I read a lot of Consciousness Studies and teach meditation in real life so I loved that scene being in a main stream blockbuster (I also LOVED what Jeff Bridges did in Tron Legacy for similar reasons. Finally, the big thing: I had fun with my kid and nephew. We were laughing together during the, admittedly cheesy, Holding for Hux" gag at the beginning and I felt like it was doing more character development for Poe in a short time than the entire previous movie did for him. Me and my kid and nephew and wife all wanted to ride the cute creatures in Canto, and especially to that scene as income inequality had been a household topic since Occupy in '12. We were all turning to each other and going "wooooooah" when the Holdo Maneuver destroyed shit, and we were loving the fight scene in the red room of Snoke as the choreography was fun. I hated Snoke and I was glad to see his boring ass character killed instead of being as just being used as a Emperor 2. 0 and Ren was less of a whiny bitch as well. And the little kid Force grabbing the broom reminded me - hey, Star Wars is about the next generation now, it's time for the Younglings to think of being Jedi and let us older folks remember that we parents are "What they grow beyond. my teenager was 14 and very much demonstrating that fact to me as a parent at that time, so that put a literal tear in my eye honestly. Then TROS removes the fun for boring "they fly now" jokes that don't expand any character traits and without trying at even a simulacra of actual humor, then they go TO LITERALLY EMPEROR 2. 0, Luke decides Jedi ARE actually defined by their sabers, and there's no visually cool moments in the whole movie even half as cool as Holdo Maneuver. So there you have it, my most complete understanding of why I liked the movie, and now I get to join you all in shitting on how bad TROS was and finally get to discuss how bad TFA before it was as well. Love the community.
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NOTE: This post is not about which is better Given some releases of the Lion King stream/edit, there's still a couple of misconceptions about the Simba/Kimba controversy, so here's a guide for anyone interested. I take the side that the Lion King die take inspiration from Kima, but hopefully there's enough primary source evidence to support this, and dispute it. If I've got anything wrong, or have any misinformation, let me know. THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT QUALITY OR WHICH IS BETTER, JUST THE FACTS OF THE CASE. I don't think the claims deserve to be dismissed as "completely bonkers" however overenthusiastic some Kimba fans might be (and they have exaggerated a bit. More importantly, this deals with company ethics and a wider view of the truth - if you want to have an opinion on this, here's the info you need. What is the allegation about? The allegation is that specific character design, and relationship and certain plot points from Kimba the White Lion / Jungle Emperor Leo were lifted for use without acknowledgment in Disney's The Lion King. The allegation has NEVER been that the entire plot was lifted (the Tezuka estate themselves said that they considered The Lion King a different story entirely, and would have been flattered by Disney's imitation - Tezuka was a Disney fan - if they had acknowledged it) and it has NOTHING to do with the name similarity (he was named Leo in the manga, while the name Kimba was a neologism of the Swahili word for Lion, simba" and either KNBC who licensed the show, or the daughter of a producer named Kim. The fact that Kimba has wildly divergent plot elements not included in The Lion King - the dead dad's skin, the interaction with humans, delightful trips to Paris - are chalked down to the fact that Kimba is a series, TLK an 84 minute movie. As per Machiko Sakanata, who headed up a petition among Japanese ARTISTS for Disney to acknowledge similarities: Nobody is claiming the stories are identical. However, when my observations first reached Disney, I was told abruptly that Disney had never heard of Kimba the White Lion. At least a subtitle paying homage to Tezuka, or a few lines paying respect to the origin of the story should be included" The Tezuka estate acknowledged the similarities, but refused to litigate due to the power of Disney's attorneys, as well as that Tezuka would have been honoured by inspiration (sure. The key similarities disputed are: The plot point of an exiled lion, with a dead father, must come of age to reclaim the throne from a usurper. During the childhood, he has a close relationship with a lioness cub. Said usurper being a dark furred, black maned lion with a scar over his left eye, and his control over the females of the tribe (named Claw in Kimba) The usurper's henchmen being comedy relief hyenas (two in Kimba, three in The Lion King) The young lion's advisers including a bird (a parrot in Kimba, a hornbill in TLK) a mandrill who performs sacerdotal duties, and a comedic warthog. A confrontation between Kimba and the usurper which leads to the hero dangling off a clip The hero's departed father's form appearing in a cloud to give advice. The design of pride rock and the elephant's graveyard, as well as the gathering of animals towards a rock and a benevolent king. What the hell even is Kimba? Kimba the White Lion begun as a manga by the undisputed father of Japanese animation, Osamu Tezuka, whose pioneering Astro Boy was the first anime broadcast in the USA. Kimba was the first colour anime ever broadcast, and was imported to the US to solid ratings success by KNBC in 1964-65. Portions of the show were cut to make a movie that premiered in Japan in 1966 and showed at the 1967 Venice film festival. The show was remade for Japanese in 1989, the same year a Jungle Emperor Leo film began production. In the interrim, a 50 minute OVA film came out in 1991. The dispute is generally over the inspiration of the TV show and the OVA. What is the evidence for inspiration? Various visual similarities between the two, going as far as shot choices, and as early as the development stage (notice in particular how Scar originally looked. (shows similar poses and shots, though annoyingly it doesn't date it or indicate which works its derived from) The fact that Simba was originally WHITE in conception Roger Allers year in Tokyo during a time where Kimba's father was a mascot for a prominent Tokyo baseball team, and Kimba himself appeared in various televised advertisements. He was NOT in Tokyo by the time the remake series aired, however) Roy Disney accidentally referring to Simba as Kimba in a memo Two of the lead animators on the film admitted to familiarity with Kimba, and Fred Ladd (who imported Kimba to the US) alleged at least one other animator was a known Kimba superfan, and there were Kimba masks in the Disney studio. Matthew Broderick's statement that he always thought he was signed on to do a Kimba remake of the show he knew as a kid (this point and the previous point catch Disney in a lie - they officially claimed nobody in production Disney sent a cease and desist letter for a showing of the 1997 film Jungle Emperor Leo at the 1997 Fantasia film festival - not only a disgusting move on their part, but it incriminates - IF THEY CLAIMED NO SIMILARITIES, WHY SEND A CEASE AND DESIST LETTER? That's basically an admission of guilt, in addition to sheer rotten will. But wait, would Disney ever do anything like this? Yes, they did it before and after - and either Katzenberg or Eisner was involved every single time. Aladdin took visual and character inspiration from a key character in The Thief and the Cobbler (Richard Williams and shown them footage as an audition reel for Who Framed Roger Rabbit) and later with the Nadia/Atlantis controversy. And when Katzenberg and Eisner split in one of the most acrimonious battles in Hollywood, Katzenberg made Antz, a move John Lasseter has always claimed was based on a meeting he had about A bug's life, which Katzenberg denies. A pattern, eh? Is there a similarity between Kimba and Disney's works? Yes, for several reasons - Osamu Tezuka was a massive Disney fan who watched Bambi over 50 times and wrote officially sanctioned manga versions of Bambi and Pinocchio. He partially wrote Kimba as a philosophical argument against elements of Bambi that he disagreed with. Osamu Tezuka in fact personally met his idol in the 50's. Hence the elements mentioned in the video relating it to Dumbo, The Jungle Book et al. What is Disney's defense? Disney has consistently maintained that it had no knowledge of Kimba the White Lion in any of its iterations, and that it formed no inspiration for The Lion King. They have also been open about its roots in Bambi, Hamlet and the book of Exodus (how this squares with Eisner's public announcement that it was a completely original work is up to you. Rob Minkoff has made the reasonable claim that if you're making an animal movie set in Africa, of course your character's will include baboons and hyenas - they're the inhabitants of the Savannah. The biggest piece of legal action Disney took was the cease and desist letter. To this day, Jungle Emperor Leo has not had a North American release. Sources NOTE: If you're gonna claim the videos are manipulative, you have to state your case, otherwise I have to take it on faith alone. It's okay to love The Lion King (I do. but it's not fair to laugh off these claims when one company is essentially bullying another, and I think in the interests of intellectual honesty, all the evidence has to be taken into consideration. I hope this is a fair enough overview to consult (a very fair video which take Disney's defense into serious account and talks about Kimba's unique qualities) goes into fascinating detail about the behind the scenes process) very crucially, it DATES the images) details the story similaties) shows similar poses and shots, though annoyingly it doesn't date it or indicate which works its derived from.
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Watch"Emperor"Movie. How Emperor Download Tube Putlocker Emperor Read here Emperor Putlocker Available in HD Streaming Online Free. Movie stream emperor full. Movie stream emperor film. Movie stream emperor movies. Movie stream emperor one. Source: This week at Bungie, we revealed Season of Dawn.? There has been a lot to learn. Did you miss any of it? On Tuesday, we released a new trailer to showcase the new stories set into motion by your victories over the Vex. Time is broken on Mercury. Its up to you to use the Sundial to prevent the Cabal from rewriting history. Along the way, youll have the chance to rescue an old friend. Video Link We followed that up with a livestream packed with additional details on what to expect from Season of Dawn. Didnt get a chance to watch it live? Its OK, we taped it on VHS for you. You can watch it here if you dont have a VCR: Video Link We know you want to plan your best gameplay sessions, so we condensed the big beats for Season of Dawn into this handy-dandy calendar. Image Link imgur For some more quick details about what to expect next season, check out this Season of Dawn page right here on There have also been some spicy videos showing off solar subclass changes coming to Hunters next week. It's a trap! Gunslinger: Way of the Sharpshooter updates coming in Season of Dawn. ? Destiny 2 ( DestinyTheGame) December 5, 2019 Line 'em up, knock 'em down. Gunslinger: Way of the Sharpshooter updates coming in Season of Dawn. ? Destiny 2 ( DestinyTheGame) December 5, 2019 Bet you can't stick 'em. ? Destiny 2 ( DestinyTheGame) December 5, 2019 Well show off some of the changes to Warlocks and Titans in the days to come.? Here Come the Bullets Heres a preview of some changes arriving with Season of Dawn. We previously discussed some upcoming subclass changes to solar subclasses here, but we have a few extra tuning notes below. We also have some notes on Exotic Engram changes, powerful rewards caps, bounties, Crucible maps, and more! Rewards Increased the drop rate of the “Scourge of the Past” raid Exotic weapon Anarchy from 5% to 10% The Exotic Engram and the Fated Engram have been collapsed into a single new Exotic Engram item? When opened, it awards a new Exotic if any remain to be collected; otherwise, it contains a random piece of Exotic armor Note: Contents are still class-specific Powerful and Pinnacle Reward Caps Powerful Cap: 960, up from 950 Pinnacle Cap: 970, up from 960 Escalation Protocol Escalation Protocol wave 7 chest no longer requires a key to open Chest can be opened upon every successful completion of wave 7 Each time opening the chest awards one piece of EP armor for your character class until you have the full set After full set is acquired, subsequent opening of the chest awards a random piece of armor Charged Decryption Keys and Key Fragments are being removed from the game; these items will be removed from player inventories Armory keys to spawn Valkyrie Javelins are unchanged and will remain EP weapon drops were not touched and are still cumulative-stream boss drops Weapon Mods The cost of slotting a weapon mod has been reduced from 5, 000 Glimmer to 500 Glimmer Fixed an issue where Ada-1 could grant duplicate weapon mods Bounties Repeatable bounties have been added to the Gunsmith Merged strike/Crucible/Gambit objectives on the Gunsmith weekly bounty "Field Calibration" into a single objective that shares progress from all sources Removed Valor/Infamy and Vanguard tokens from "Field Calibration" as there is no longer a requirement for any of these linked activities Added new mode-specific daily Crucible bounties (one per day, selected from full-time playlists and active rotators) Reduced the completion requirements of several daily and repeatable Crucible bounties Removed grenade and melee bounties from the Crucible bounty repeatable pool Striker Code of the Missile (Middle Path) Thundercrash Increased base damage from 2, 700 to 3, 200 Increased in-flight damage from 100 to 200 Slightly increased the amount of time you have in the air after activation Nightstalker Way of the Pathfinder (Bottom Path) Vanish in Smoke Added a short period (0. 8 seconds) after the invisibility is applied where firing weapons or performing other actions will not break invisibility This should help prevent allies from accidentally breaking invisibility the moment its granted to them if unexpected Voidwalker Attunement of Fission (Middle Path) Handheld Supernova Adjusted grenade charge time so it lines up with the animations and FX; this should make it feel more consistent to activate Crucible Maps Added Rusted Lands to appropriate playlists Added The Dead Cliffs, Legions Gulch, Retribution, and Solitude to appropriate playlists Removed Emperors Respite, Equinox, Firebase Echo, and Vostok from all Crucible playlists These maps are still available for play in private matches Whats in Store? The past couple seasons of Destiny have brought a lot of change to the Eververse as we look to how we support Destiny on our own as an evolving world. Today wed like to talk about some of what weve heard from you about Season of the Undying, and outline how your feedback is going to impact Season of Dawn.? Silver-Only Content Offering some amount of Eververse content for Silver only is part of ensuring we are able to fund our ability to keep creating and maintaining Destiny and supporting the team that makes Destiny. That said, we agree with you that wed also like to see a higher ratio of items that will also be available for Bright Dust. By the end of Season of the Undying, around 50% of Eververse content will have been offered for Bright Dust. In Season of Dawn, were going to make around 80% of Eververse content available for Bright Dust at some point during the season. Weve also heard you say that you want to know what will be offered for Silver only so you can plan what you are interested in buying.? We agree that providing transparency is vital to making informed decisions. We plan to share on social every week what items will be for Silver only during the season as they appear on the Eververse store. Bright Dust Economy In Season of the Undying, we changed Bright Dust from a pay-and/or-play-to-earn currency to a play-to-earn reward. We want all players to be able to acquire a selection of their favorite Eververse content every season just by playing the game, and weve been keeping an eye on the Bright Dust economy in Season of the Undying with this in mind. In Season of Dawn, all Dawning Weekly and Repeatable bounties will award Bright Dust in quantities equal to the amount awarded from strike, Crucible, and Gambit bounties (200 per weekly and 10 per repeatable. Crimson Days will do the same for Weekly bounties only, as this event does not include Repeatable bounties.? Duplicate Purchase Prevention The Eververse store no longer permits purchasing an item that is already in your Collection. Hopefully this makes it much more clear which items you have already purchased and will keep you from spending Silver or Bright Dust on an item you already have.? Looking Ahead Were always looking at your feedback, and were going to keep being open with you on how that feedback is woven into our overall goals for Destiny and for Bungie. As were planning for future seasons, were also thinking about the types and themes of content offered through Eververse as well as the role of cosmetic content as a reward for achievement. Were committed to continually and thoughtfully adjusting the Eververse store to ensure its a balanced and optional part of the Destiny player experience while also ensuring that we can support the team creating and evolving Destiny. Please keep the feedback coming, and thanks for all you do to support the team. Get It Before Its Gone Its shopping season. You might be thinking about whats on your own wish list. Heres a fact that might help you make an informed purchasing decision when it comes to Destiny … On December 10, the Digital Deluxe Edition of Shadowkeep will no longer be available. Season of the Undying is almost over. Season of Dawn begins soon. The longer time progresses, the less value youll be able to derive from the offering that includes all the Seasons were deploying this year?so were going to stop selling the bundle. If you still want it, you have a few days left to grab it for 25% off. retail participation may vary Ghost of Exos Passed Image Link imgur As we prepare for the changing of the seasons, Player Support has the info you need to know before you go.? This is their report. Seasons Fleeting Currently, were in the final week for Season of the Undying in Destiny 2. All players should be aware that after this Season comes to an end, some activities and loot sources will become unavailable. Here are some notable callouts: Undyings free and premium Season rewards?including acquisition for Erianas Vow * Erianas Vow catalyst quest* Vex Offensive matchmade activity Vex Invasions on the Moon Vex Weapon Data Seeds from Ikora The Gatelords Eye Seasonal Artifact Power bonuses granted from the Seasonal Artifact Season-specific Triumphs, seals, and titles *Please note that Erianas Vow and its catalyst quest will become obtainable through alternative acquisition paths in a future release. Players who have already obtained and begun this quest may complete it after the season ends. Stay tuned for updates. For an extensive list of tracked items, players should visit this help article. Destiny 2 Update 2. 7. 0 Next week, Season of the Undying ends and Season of Dawn kicks off with the release of Destiny 2 Update 2. 0. Please see below for the rollout timeline. 8 AM PST (1600 UTC) Destiny service maintenance begins 8 AM PST (1645 UTC) Destiny 1 and 2 are taken offline on all platforms 9 AM PST (1700 UTC) Destiny 2 Update 2. 0 begins rolling out across all platforms and regions 10 AM PST (1800 UTC) Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 are back online on all platforms; Season of Dawn begins 11
Movie stream emperor 3.
Movie stream emperor khan. Warning: Mild Spoilers for Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor, as well as its second season Against All Odds. In a Discord server I mod, one of the bots has an option to gamble with a virtual currency. You gain coins by scoring in a coveted top-three spot for any given artist. The gambling is limited to a single channel, fittingly called #gambling-den, and while at the start I have observed people gambling some of this fake currency, lately its full of users simply gambling “all”. I dont have the channel muted, even though I should have, and I like to gamble all as well - just to see myself lose. Every time I return to the channel - not that this happens worryingly often, simply once in a while - I gamble with the intent of losing everything I got. Maybe this time, I tell myself, I will quit for good. Maybe this time, I will learn my lesson. After all, everything should be in moderation, and I always lose with these things (I was thinking of the gambling moments in the designated city in Pokémon games) and anyway, gambling is haram. Yet I never mute the channel, and I feel a low current in myself, the tip of a dynamite ready to spark: a sliver of a hope to raise the white numbers on a black background. A fuse kicks off when I do, and a cold wind blows out my flame when I dont. Tough luck, I tell myself. Maybe next time. Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor, and its successor Kaiji: Against All Odds tap into this vague rush of luck and unfold it into its extremes: innocuous games develop to sprawling plans of strategy and a deathly corrosion of empathy and selfishness; debt-riddled characters, beginning from the protagonist Itou Kaiji, that put their hope into said games, regardless what happens to their minds and bodies; and lastly, the owners of the devious games that enjoy the sight that presents itself. You could watch Kaiji and thank God your sense of gambling isnt as severe as his. but you could also watch Kaiji and see a millennial suffering through the uncaring systems of this world. The first thing we know of twenty-one-year old Kaiji is that hes just lost a gamble among friends. “The future is in our hands”, doubling both as opening title and poster in Kaijis single-room apartment, quickly unhinges on one side as if it sensed the viewers presence or realized the sheer crookedness of this statement. The narrator quickly adds with a grave voiceover that Kaiji lives in Tokyo for three years, hasnt been employed since New Years, and that he is a bum. He spends his money on beer and gambles and likes to hang stolen emblems of foreign cars like trophies to be won in order to release the pent-up resentment. “Anyone who drives this car cant be a good person, anyway, ” Kaiji says with a petty smile on his face, but moments later, the reality of his situation crushes him: “Its all about money, ” he mutters, lying on the ground while a silent tear runs over his cheeks. Seasoned loan shark Endou pays Kaiji a visit moments to remind him of a debt he cosigned, its crushing interest raising it to unmanageable levels, all of which Kaiji has to pay for alone now. The only way out of it is to enter a ship named Espoir (French for “hope”) alongside an accompanying game: it will either clear his debt or put him into underground work for a year or two. Kaiji seems against it - he wont pay the debt, and to hell with the ship. But Endou is quick to remind him that the worst possible outcome is to continue living like he does. The cruise could be a great opportunity to rid of this “loser” mentality that Kaiji has: his resignation to this life, as unhappy as it is. After all, the things Kaiji wants are always behind display cases, and could he ever think of buying the foreign cars he likes to mutilate? “Youve given up from the beginning and are satisfied by the little pranks you play, ” Endou says as a choir and organs wail dramatically behind him. “If you had ten million, would you do shit like that? Of course you wouldnt! ” Kaiji grunts, all too aware that Endou is right. Must be funny in the rich mans world, ABBA have aptly sung in Money Money Money. almost four decades ago. Kaiji spends two seasons proving them right. Early on in the first arc and in the game provided in the ship. an adult mens card game involving stars, money, a ticking clock, and rock-paper-scissors. Kaiji mentions the desire to be better multiple times. “Once we get out of here, ” he says, “lets turn our life around. Lets really try our best. ” The game itself requires a hand of luck or the confidence to make his own choice, but as Kaiji fails to have either. his cunning is reserved for self-interest at the morally purest level, and hed rather have someone else choose for him. hes quickly scammed by the sly Funai. Kaiji finds himself two new friends to survive the game with, convinced that they wouldnt betray him, and determined to get all three out of the ship hell or high water. The early winners enjoy the game from above with champagne flutes and stars pinned on their chest; the early losers find themselves doomed behind the game room, stripped bare both literally and mentally, dubbed as “hell” by both Kaiji and the narrator. As the four-hour time and card counters tick down ominously, an uneasy, tense electricity passes through the viewer and Kaijis face, which usually alternates between a worried face slick with sweat or wet with tears. To win three stars each for the three with a limited amount of cards and money proves itself a tightrope act, requiring Kaiji to plan on the fly as they are thwarted over and over. It comes as little surprise that the visual metaphors in this show usually revolve around abysses, darknesses, lighthouses, and bridges; red, violet, and blue swirls of dark thoughts and evil intent; monstrous hands that claw and pull at the characters; stretches of zawa, translated as “uneasy atmosphere”. Kaiji stops mentioning this elusive better life in progressing episodes, more focused on friendships and winning for their sake, but he doesnt deny others of their dreams: in the climax of the first arc as well as one of its tensest moments, Kaiji hears the calls of a teary-eyed man and saves him from the literal hell that awaits him. Ironically, it is preceded by a betrayal of the earlier mentioned friends. The show is about as subtle about its observations on capitalism as a sledgehammer flying your way. The ultimate antagonist is Hyoudou, an old and rich conglomerate head who admits he likes to see poor people like Kaiji struggle, that the only form of sincerity is in the face of crushing debt and pain; two henchmen act as players opposite Kaiji, both in season one and season two; the second seasons first game plays out in a prison for debtors, its second in a casino run by the conglomerate, while the Espoir is a sponsored affair. The second card game involves slaves that can win against emperors; a character aptly surmises that the poor dont care about overthrowing the system, simply about being rich themselves. Kaiji has a difficult relationship with society, leading him to unemployment, but he needs to have money somehow. Unsurprisingly, he circles back to gambling, and back into the conglomerates hands. But theres also Kaijis fellow debtors that work against him, equal in Kaiji in every way barring their moral stance: while Kaiji will think of a collective - two losers that could help him out on a ship, say, or a group of workers that owe the local kingpin money - these debtors are driven by a selfish sense of survival. Empathy, kindness, and respect: these are the coordinates that Kaiji operates in such high-risk situations, rewarded by men that believe in Kaijis good graces and help him the best they can. However, these virtues are juxtaposed with Kaijis vice to simply win: a gamble involving tissues that he thinks of on the fly; an accusation of theft that Kaiji seizes as opportunity to offer a gamble; the pachinko game that nobody can beat. “The fucking pigs that thought of this system, where everyone is taken advantage of, are laughing their asses off. The more we think about loss and gain, the more obsessed we become, the more we play into these fuckers hands! ” Kaiji shouts; the next episode, he regrets that hes helped out anyone to begin with; the episode after that, he starts crying at the prospect of (literally) pushing aside someone to win. By the second season, he actively begs for a new gamble, anything to rid of his broke state and clear his debts as swiftly as possible. Hes led by vague beliefs of reaching for the stars, but a moment later the narrator flips around the hopeful image: “Kaiji is back into the darkness of gambling, where the light of stars never reach. ” But in the darkness, he finds the light of fellow men, ultimately able to dispel the fog for even a single moment. “Kaiji, fated to lose, loses; Hyoudou, fated to win, wins, ” recaps the narrator in the second season. Its crucial that only Hyoudou is mentioned here; as much as capitalism favors companies that own as much as possible as fast as possible, there is always a single man behind the company, the ruler over the rulers. We like to think of this singular owner in order to relay it to us, to give ourselves motivation and despair both; this trick involving carrots and sticks is one frequently brought up in the show as well, by the people that think they can claim a part of capitalisms cake. Tonegawa admonishes Kaiji until the game turns in on him, calling him trash and belittling his ability to strategize. He berates another character, Sahara, for even asking more than a fake ticket meaning nothing: “Whether youre a salaryman or a bureaucrat, everyone is risking their lives for money! ” The show makes no illusions on ordinary life: to work up, suck up to people they dislike, and barely save with money - that the characters that are racked up with debt have no way to mingle with that league. In one of t
Movie stream emperor youtube. Watch Emperor movie watch online in hindi, watch Emperor online tvfanatic movie Emperor tamil dubbed download. Movie stream emperor 2. Emperor After Emperor Hirohito's World War II surrender, The Japanese worry about the fate of the Japanese Emperor who they worship and love is accused of crime because of General MacArthur's decision. HD Genres: History, Drama Actors: Matthew Fox,Colin Moy,Tommy Lee Jones Directors: Peter Webber Country: Japan,United States Duration: 105 min Quality: HD Release: 2012 IMDb: 6. 5.
After Emperor Hirohito's World War II surrender, The Japanese worry about the fate of the Japanese Emperor who they worship and love is accused of crime because of General MacArthur's decision. Duration: 105 min Release: 2012 IMDb: 6. 5. Urshocc Uiphein, Sector B, Squadron 4 Toksh Special Forces Regiment First month, 5th day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior The hologram meeting had come to an end, but the Cooperative Galactic Council was now in a separate meeting with the Human Authority Council. Gale and I had been dismissed. "I'm tired- can we just get off our feet. Gale asked me, his tone hinting his irritation. I sat down on the grass within the dome- if we went outside, we were likely to be hounded by my comrades. They were not currently pleased with Gale. Gale sat down across from me, the only part of his armor he had removed was his helmet. He did not look pleased with me, either, it seemed. "What. He asked me impatiently. I gave him an expression of disliking at that, and he waited this time for me to speak. to apologize. For ignoring you. He raised a brow, but waited for me to continue. "I did not know how to respond to your actions. You painted an enemy craft in his own blood and stole it, then took down an entire command ship on your own! I have been shielding you from nightmares, Gale, nightmares about the horrors you've seen, but you still fight and even after that absolute INSANITY you committed you are still alive and still ready to fight- what does it take- how much suffering can you endure- before you are lost to me. I demanded. Gale's expression had softened, his lips parted to say something, then closed while he thought better of it. "And I was just supposed to let you run off into the thick of it without me. He asked quietly. "At least you could've stayed by my side. I stated more bluntly. This hurt him, and seeing it in his face stung me. "Gale. I asked, and he looked up to me again. "How do you fight two wars, on your own, at once. Gale shifted, considering the answer. "I'm not supposed to. Then don't. I said softly. Gale looked up at my eyes and sighed, giving it up. I could trust that he wouldn't go rogue again. Sgt. Derren H. Gale, Delta Company USMC Force Reconnaissance First month, 5th day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior I knew now that Urshocc had been distant because he was upset. I hadn't seen him do this before, I hadn't known him long enough I guess. Even after our conversation, he was still quiet. We had barely made it from the meeting dome back to Urshocc's home through the sea of pissed off Toksh and Dquet-Obnious warriors. When we got there, Inkitex was sitting on my bed sharpening a knife of some kind. She glared at me, her feathers puffing up, but she didn't growl at least. She shook her head, which I still didn't understand, but she did not look happy anyway. "And the Toksh think we're idiots. she complained. I rolled my eyes. I thought I was going to get another lecture. She looked at me and tilted her head. "So, Marine- are you proud of yourself? First day on an alien world and you break a War Pact in the most epic way possible, of course. Urshocc and I exchanged glances- we had begun removing our armor for the night. Urshocc spoke up for me this time. "Tell no one until the Council does- the Pact has been thrown out. We will be annihilating the Guingëk forces with the help of more Humans. he explained. I guess they were closer friends than I had initially presumed. Inkitex shook her head a lot at the news. "Are you SERIOUS. Keep your voice down. We hushed her. "Igek! Alright- you have my word, but I need a favor of you two before 'shit hits the fan. as you say it. she said, hopping over to me. She handed me the knife and a diamond-shaped capsule from between the two biggest muscles of her chest, concealed by feathers. "Hide that, and don't break it. I guess I know what I'm bringing home to show my sister's kids. That night, several more Guingëk ships moved in. Big ones. No destroyers yet, but we feared them. I stared up at them as they blotted out the star-filled sky. I had barely left, but already I missed the white, violet, and navy swaths of the Milky Way. Urshocc sat up again, agitated by the sight above. "What does the expression 'when shit hits the fan' mean. He asked me. I rolled over onto my stomach lazily to take my tired eyes off of the view-screen ceiling. "It means when everything goes wrong or when the war really starts. I explained. "But it is used as a noun in the phrase- does it have an origin. I blinked. ~Did it. I. I think it came from a movie or something. It was probably hilarious. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, but it really had only been today, Urshocc chuckled. It was nice to hear it. Urshocc Uiphein, Sector B, Squadron 4 Toksh Special Forces Regiment First month, sixth day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior Quite early this morning I recieved a standardized hologram message. I had to confirm that I was in a secure area with a quick thermal and technological scan of my surroundings before I got to view the coded script. I decoded it to find that it was the official breaking of the War Pact, but that we were not to engage until Human reinforcements arrived. Our engineers were also instructed to build a new type of craft that incorporated the Humans' advanced armor and the Etweishtet's agile and maneuverable design. They were known for manufacturing fun, fast vessels with smooth handling and loud audio systems. That reminded me. Inkitex had no idea what an electric guitar was yet, and neither did any of my crew. Are you sure this is a good idea. Gale asked me again, speaking very quietly as we moved into the open field with our gear. "Absolutely. Our most popular music right now tries to convey these sounds, but I've never heard of any instrument that sounded this damn close to it. I explained. "It's like we were meant to be your allies all along. Gale grinned at that comment. He had to agree- this was too perfect to be a coincidence. All set up, we stood side by side, guitars slung over our shoulders. "Cage The Elephant. Back Against The Wall, baby. We nodded the count of three and struck the chords at full volume. Instantly, all the lights in the domes came on and our comrades stumbled out of their nests. The hologram message had just been broadcast a good twenty minutes ago, so no one had likely been doing anything important. They clambered over one another down the grassy slopes towards us, mumbling in confusion, but their excitement grew when they got to the nose-bleeds. It was the perfect song, too, and we had just gotten to the solo- the sea of Toksh and Dquet-Obnious went insane, flaring their colors and feathers, a rippling mass of excited warriors screaming at the top of their lungs and pounding their fists in the air, jumping to the beat. It was phenomenal! Gale gleamed, having broken a sweat in his rock-out efforts, but he smiled so bit- it was just awesome, all of it: the crowd, the noise, the cool summer night air against the perspiration of the skin, the head-banging, hearts beating fast, the strings alive under our fingertips- not to mention how perfectly the instrument used all four of my hands. This was exactly what a good idea entailed. Inkitex hopped over the shoulders of the crowd to get to us once we'd finished five more songs. They swarmed us, exhilarated. The sun was barely rising overhead. "WHAT WAS THAT. WHERE DID YOU GET THESE. WHEN DID YOU LEARN IT. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME. Inkitex barked, scrambling to get close to the guitars. Gale chuckled. "THEY'RE CALLED ELECTRIC GUITARS. THEY'RE FROM EARTH, I TAUGHT HIM HOW TO PLAY IT. Gale answered for me and I nodded. "YEAH- IT'S PRETTY GREAT, RIGHT. We all shuffled back to our respective domes, though Gale and I were still crowded by our new fans. Inkitex and my crew eventually pried them off of us, but not before a female gave Gale the equivalent of what Humans would call a 'kiss. He seemed worried for a moment until his biotech healed up the gash for him. I patted his shoulder, doubled-over in laughter, and my comrades congratulated him and teased him too. Inkitex shook her head much more, her feathers particularly bright. A male in the distance 'cat-called' him for added effect- it was hilarious. Gale couldn't help himself. It was funny! Who can blame them? You're snort^ you're fuckin' irresistible. I joked, and we all burst into laughter again, Gale included. We still had the equipment on our backs, the cords wound up neatly in our arms, guitars slung over our shoulders still. Our recklessness made us forget the battles both behind us and above us- it seemed like we were going to be alright after all. We had begun the long day of manufacturing with the resilient energy of our 'concert' that morning, and by mealtime we were sitting in the skeletons of the ships the Humans would be using in the upcoming final stand. I had been answering a stream of Gale's questions about Dquet-Obnious' when I got a notification on my com-pad from Gale's psychiatrist back on Eart. Gale became quiet and I answered it. "Urshocc! What do you have to say for yourself? First, you lie and say you're going to a peaceful planet with my patient, then I hear on the news that your position has been attacked, AND TWO HOURS LATER GALE IS ON THE FRONT P-PAGE OF STARS AND STRIP-PES AND BBC NEWS, WITH A LOVELY LITTLE P-PICTURE OF HIS HAPP-PPY ASS P-PARACHUTING FROM THE SKY AMIDST THE FLAMING DEBRIS OF A GUINGËK COMMAND SHIP. She hollered, incredibly furious. Her face was pink, and she had stuttered a lot. I was very frightened. WELL. She demanded. Gale took the com-pad from me and replied instead. "I'm fine, the treatment's working great. Love you, bye. he said shortly, ending the call. "If she calls again, don't answer. Is she your romantic interest. I inquired, recoveringfrom the initial terror. Gale looked at me. "What? No- she helped my niece with her lisp. Friend of the fam

Movie stream emperor season. The Last Emperor Trailer Like and Share our website to support us. The film depicts the life of Pu Yi (John Lone) the last emperor of China, from his ascent to the throne as a small boy to his imprisonment and political rehabilitation by the Communist Party of China. Genre: Biography, Drama, History Actor: Joan Chen, John Lone, Peter O'Toole Director: Country: United Kingdom Duration: 163 min Quality: HD Release: 1987 IMDb: 7. 8.
Emperor (2012) 23, 970 6. 5 105m, Full HD, 14 September 2012, Japan, USA, Drama, History, War Directors: Peter Webber Actors: Matthew Fox, Tommy Lee Jones, Eriko Hatsune, Masayoshi Haneda, Kaori Momoi Productions: Fellers Film, Krasnoff Foster Productions, United Performers\ Studio As the Japanese surrender at the end of WWII, Gen. Fellers is tasked with deciding if Emperor Hirohito will be hanged as a war criminal. Influencing his ruling is his quest to find Aya, an exchange student he met years earlier in the U. S.
Movie Stream emperor's new. Movie stream emperor online. Movie stream emperor vs. Level 1 Following the hype train nowadays is a sure way to disappointment. level 1 I'm hoping Dune is only 2 films. If they want to do the rest of the series, I won't complain. Forcing things into a trilogy is a great way to mess them up. The Hobbit for example. level 2 The first two movies would have to do pretty well for that. I think it's pretty unlikely, I'm still afraid we won't get the second part of the first book. level 2 Im really hoping one of the streaming services decides to film at least Messiah. I think that Amazon Prime, Netflix, or Hulu might be inclined to step in if they see that both parts of DVs Dune can turn a profit. level 2 I don't know, I think that Dune provides a unique opportunity to make a two part film, see the audience reaction and then claim that Messiah was part three all along. level 2 We need a movie of God Emperor to truly complete the arc.
Movie stream emperor game. Movie stream emperor live. Movie stream emperor free. Emperor Auf Befehl von General Douglas MacArthur wird Japan-Experte General Bonner Fellers in das zerstörte Tokio der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit geschickt. Dort soll er nach Japans Hauptkriegsverbrechern fahnden und die Lage des Kaisers von Japan untersuchen. Obwohl Kaiser Hirohito von seinem Volk sehr geschätzt wird, werden ihm schwere Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen. Fellers soll dabei helfen, eine Entscheidung von besonderem Ausmaß zu treffen: Soll der Kaiser vor Gericht gestellt und zum Tode verurteilt werden? Nebenbei will Fellers seine alte Liebe Aya wiederfinden, eine Austauschstudentin, die er Jahre zuvor in den USA getroffen hat. Bei seiner Ergründung der japanischen Geschichte und der Suche nach seiner großen Liebe stellt sich Fellers grundlegende Fragen der Humanität und Weisheit, um am Ende eine Entscheidung zu treffen, die beide Nationen für immer verändern wird. Genre: Drama, Geschichte Regisseur: Peter Webber Schauspieler: Matthew Fox, Tommy Lee Jones, Eriko Hatsune, Toshiyuki Nishida, Masayoshi Haneda, Kaori Momoi, Colin Moy, Masatoshi Nakamura, Masatô Ibu, Isao Natsuyagi, Takatarô Kataoka, Aaron Jackson, Nic Sampson, Shôhei Hino, Will Wallace Dauer: 105 min Qualität: HD Erschienen: 27. Jul. 2013 IMDb: 6. 5.
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