Meet Me in St. Louis (Free)

  1. Correspondent - Melinda Kinnaird
  2. Info Love music, movies and TV. Give me a night at home with favorite TV and movies or a night with dear friends and I am one happy girl!
Rating: 8 of 10 runtime: 1 h 53 min
19299 vote star: Lucille Bremer Vincente Minnelli
Love love love. The older you get ?the deeper of it meaning hits hard. Lmfao 3:05-3:16. Gene kelly imitaba a tin tan o tin tan imitaba a gene kelly.
This simple and charming musical centers around the life of the Smith family of St. Louis, in 1903-1904. There are the parents, 4 daughters, 1 son, the grandfather, and the family maid (hilariously played by Marjorie Main. We watch the Smith family throughout their adventures: the two eldest daughters have romances, and the youngest two go through childhood traditions such as Halloween. But then, the father gets a job in New York, which threatens the family's peaceful existence in St. Louis. Fortunately, everything turns out for the better, and the family heads out to the World's Fair.
One interesting point to this film is that the plot is relatively simple. This allows for multiple opportunities for the family to be developed. This film had multiple problems in its production: multiple scripts with rather silly plot points, and the majority of the cast took sick at one point or another. The fact that this film turned out as well as it did is a miracle, for none of the problems showed up on screen. What makes the film work is the relationship between the family members. Everyone looks like they could have been a real family at one point, thanks to Vincente Minnelli's superb direction. Although all the performances are excellent, the two standouts are the adorable Margaret O'Brien and the one and only Judy Garland. O'Brien naturally steals every scene, and Garland proves why she was (and still is) the beloved performer she is today, with that marvelous voice and expressive face. Another standout to the production is George Folsey's warm Technicolor cinematography, which captures the lushness of the sets and Irene Sharaff's costumes (Minnelli films depend on their visuals. Let's not forget those songs, which make this film the classic it is today ( The Trolley Song" and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, among others. Quaint and simple fun. HIGHLY recommended. 10/10.
Nice one for this upload! Easily one of the best albums ever. She was IT! Beautiful, talented, dynamic, sensitive, energetic, classy, wonderful musical taste & projection... I could go on, but all you have to do is watch & listen. She was magnificent. I am fortunate to have been born during her lifetime, to have watched so many of her movies, and recently reread one of her biographies that seems, to me, to have been well researched & extensive, not glorifying or idolizing, but presenting Judy in all her glory, warts & all. Yes, she was fallible, yes, she was flawed, but man oh man: what a gal! Gutsy, witty, able to mock herself & did what she could & more during her all too short stay on this planet. She left us with a cinematic & musical legacy to be enjoyed forever.
Very nice... This show was part of my family's weekly I was about 3, I used to put bubbles on my chin in the bathtub and pretend to be Mitch Miller conducting the gang. Wow! So glad I stumbled upon this gem! What a great movie. And Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Yul Brynner was absolutely incredible in everything he did. ?. This guy projecting his issues on her hard af. @me323 Yes, both voices are dubbed. Arthur Freed is singing for Leon Ames, whose voice was considered to be to proffessional for this role. and Denny Markas is singing for Mary Astor. Bless Mitch Miller for NOT censoring Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech. And this was recorded in 1959! Wonder if he got any flack over it. I wish movies were like this again.
If they had a moment at the graveyard scene where she said if you truly loved me, you would run away with us and then have him go with her to it and then the movie would leave off even more special because he changed BUT make him like that A heartless asshole who's to naive to think of what's right. Gaston found his dream Girl. Thanks h&M. I will have myself a merry little Christmas. Simply lovely. Listening to this in the waiting room @ St. Joe's before I get my stress test. I just watched this with my Grandmother at her place and boy is it good. I really love Bing Crosby's voice, speaking as much as singing! So this movie is circa 1945? Hmm, well done.
Watch free die große liebe nebenang. She looks like Carrie Fisher. Theyre truly stars ???. "Meet Me in St. Louis" 1944) depicts a beautiful life where everything is vibrant and pristine while everyone depicted is as happy as can be, without a serious care in the world. This is an aesthetically attractive feel-good movie with surprisingly like-able characters (the fact that they all have porcelain complexions and glossy hair, doesn't hurt either.) They are like-able because though the girls (actresses Lucille Bremer and Judy Garland) spend inordinate amounts of the movie scheming for husbands and perfecting their looks they do so in the most innocent and modest of ways. Though their consumption with attaining a husband may be looked down in this day and age, the movie succeeds in capturing a picture of what life may have been like if you were white, rich and Midwestern during the epoch of the 1900s.
The scenery in the movie is also enjoyable with bright colors, a plethora of starched taffeta gowns, lush green plants, everything is captured beautifully on screen. It's actually quite impressive considering the movie was made in the forties.
Does somebody would be kind enough to right me the lyrics? I love so much this song, i use to make my housework on it ?thank you. I love the bit with the cat in the hat starting at 8:38. Soooooo cute. She sounds like she has bad fitting dentures. ?????????????????????????.
I love seeing them in a movie together! i was always confused how cathy picked don instead of cosmo. Such an electrifying, charged scene. The sexual tension is brilliantly captured by the director and the two stars' perfect judgement. He is a an untouchable revered king, she a commoner but he is not white and she is English, Christian and of the British Empire when interracial relations were utterly taboo for a white lady. He is a warm blooded bare footed bare chested sexual animal, she is cool, corseted and bound by formal English reservation. All they do is dance a little but because we know the context they are playing with fire and everything explodes just for a fleeting moment. Superb. They don't make them like this anymore, more's the pity.

9.2/ 10stars









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