First Cow Solarmovie


duration=122 min
Audience Score=435 votes
stars=Toby Jones
Kelly Reichardt
Release date=2019
writers=Jonathan Raymond, Kelly Reichardt
I imagine jo just going into the water then coming out and face planting back in. ??. First cowcotland.

It actually makes sense because he died and now his soul is actually in the doll

7:53 that hop is so cute. First cow movie review. So glad I'm a vegetarian (and I dont drink cows milk. First cow. First cowboy in washington state. First cow cloned. Came here immediately after watching james's departure video and hearing james sound so happy here makes me really hope that he'll be happy again with his new endeavors. First cow clip. Sorry for this being a week later than I promised, but it's here now. I'll be bringing up the survey from last year to compare. Alright, let's get started! GENERAL Age Age Range Total Percentage <16 226 4. 6% 16-20 1491 30. 6% 21-25 1509 30. 9% 26-30 846 17. 4% 31-35 441 9. 0% 36-40 209 4. 3% 41|154|3. 2%| So, this is embarrassing, but I had actually compiled the ages incorrectly in last year's survey. Messed up the formula. It SHOULD have been this: Age Range Total Percentage <16 290 5. 3% 16-20 2022 37. 0% 21-25 1672 30. 6% 26-30 820 15. 0% 31-35 385 3. 1% 36-40 171 4. 3% 41|102|1. 9%| Which means that compared to last year, the age of users on her have gotten slightly older? Huge drop for 16-20 year old users by just under 7% and a big increase in users between the ages of 31-35 by just under 6%. Gender Gender Total Percentage Male 4167 85. 5% Female 652 13. 4% Other 57 1. 2% Oh hey, we got another 1. 4% bump in female users! Neat. Not nearly as large an increase as last year, which was 4%, but the fact that it is increasing each year at all is encouraging. Sexual Orientation Total Percentage Heterosexual 3871 Bisexual 502 Homosexual 248 Pansexual 103 Asexual 95 Other 57 The subreddit got a little more LGBTQ with heterosexual users decreasing by 3. 6% and Pansexual being added as an additional option seems to have been a cause, since every other option has remained relatively the same from last year. Marital Status Total Percentage Single 3965 Married 650 Other 221 Divorced 30 Widowed 10 Oh hey, 2. 3% more of you folks are married now! Congrats! In the future, I think I'll be adding a "Dating" option. Country Total Percentage United States of America 2546 England 338 Canada 325 Australia 190 India 132 Netherlands 77 Brazil 65 Germany 63 Poland 58 Philippines 54 Not too much different from last year's poll other than Poland jumping up a few slots. To see the full breakdown, please see the Google Sheet for yourself under the "Country" tab at the bottom. Language Total Percentage English 3522 Spanish 245 Portuguese 90 Dutch 84 German 77 French 69 Polish 60 Hindi 54 Tagalog 47 Swedish 35 No surprise with over 70% of you having English as your first-language. To see the full breakdown, please see the Google Sheet for yourself under the "Language" tab at the bottom. Race Total Percentage White 3117 Asian 807 Hispanic or Latino 484 Mixed Race 223 Black or African American 209 American Indians or Alaska Native 22 Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander 14 Huh. I thought using this new formatting to ask this question would cause it to be drastically different, but, it's actually almost the same? White users is almost identical Asian is also very similar (if you combine the Asian (10%) and South Asian (5%) options). So, might be sticking with this formatting for next year's survey. Employment Status Total Percentage Student 2267 Employed 2029 Unemployed, looking for job 225 Self-Employed 159 Unemployed, NOT looking for job 63 Unable to work 49 Other 38 Military 35 Retired 11 Oh wow! A lot of you got employed over the last year! Congrats for 5. 6% of you joining the workforce! COMIC BOOKS "Do you read comics? " Total Percentage Yes 2749 No 2127 Pretty much exactly the same result as last year. COMIC BOOK READERS "Which Comics Do You Read? " Total Percentage Marvel Comics 2661 DC Comics 1606 Dark Horse Comics 696 Image Comics 608 IDW Publishing 343 Valiant Comics 128 Top Cow 63 The number of users who read Marvel Comics has increased a tiny bit from last year. "Were you familiar with who the Guardians of the Galaxy were before their movie was announced? " Total Percentage No 1439 Vaguely 924 Yes 386 I honestly thought this would be higher, since this is being asked for comic book readers, but only 14. 0% of users, who read comic books, were familiar with this property. Really showed how much faith Marvel Studios had in Nicole Perlman to green light the original Guardians of the Galaxy and James Gunn to bring it to life. "Were you familiar with who Shang-Chi was before his movie was announced? " Total Percentage No 1464 Vaguely 720 Yes 565 The heck? More of you folks who read comics were more familiar with Shang-Chi than Guardians of the Galaxy? They had an entire cosmic event that lasted for years. Surprised by this one. "Were you familiar with who The Eternals were before their movie was announced? " Total Percentage No 1148 Vaguely 966 Yes 635 Nope! I refuse to believe this. But, I think I have an explanation for this result and it's on me I think. This was because of the very early leaks and rumor of The Eternals being made into a movie, right? This is on me for not being more specific with the question. Just can't think of another reason how people who read comic books are more familiar with The Eternals than Guardians of the freakin' Galaxy. "Which team movie would you like to see most? " Total Percentage Dark Avengers 748 The New Avengers 605 Young Avengers 623 The Thunderbolts 560 The Ultimates (2015) 213 Was happy to see this REALLY evenly spread with Dark Avengers taking a clear lead. But, personal bias, I'm happy to see The Ultimates get as many votes as it did. "How do you feel about Jane Foster wielding Mjolnir as The Mighty Thor? " Total Percentage Strongly Approve 1068 Approve 925 Indifferent 581 Disapprove 120 Strongly Disapprove 55 Whoa, what's this? 72. 5% approve of Jane Foster becoming The Mighty Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder? Although, I did dread it to be a lot lower, considering the discourse surrounding the character on the internet, but I guess people who dislike Jane Foster as Mighty Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder are a very small minority of 6. 4%. "Who do you think should take up the mantle of Captain America? " Total Percentage Sam Wilson 1673 Bucky Barnes 499 No Preference 380 Neither 197 Man, overwhelmingly for Sam. Expected comic readers to lean more on Bucky. "Who is the most powerful character? " Total Percentage Doctor Strange 800 Wanda Maximoff 782 Captain Marvel 778 Thor 389 This was, by far, the most shocking result in the entire survey. I was thinking there was going to be a VERY clear tier of power between characters. Expected it to be Doctor Strange in the clear lead, Wanda taking second, and maybe Thor and Captain Marvel fighting for third place. But the entire time I ran the survey, Doctor Strange, Wanda Maximoff, and Captain Marvel were neck and neck the entire time. It was crazy. And sad, cause poor Thor was just dead last by a pretty huge 14% gap the entire time. Which in retrospect makes sense, since Thor never put up much of a fight against Thanos besides the one time he blindsided the titan with Stormbreaker. Then I guess users seeing Thor get his ass kicked by a stoneless Thanos in Endgame, while duel wielding Mjölnir and Stormbreaker, wasn't a great impression either. Everyone else on the list just put up a better fight against him. NON-COMIC BOOK READERS "Were you familiar with who the Guardians of the Galaxy were before their movie was announced? " Total Percentage No 1773 Vaguely 297 Yes 57 Huh, surprised that even 14% were vaguely familiar with the characters before they had a movie announced while not reading comics. "Were you familiar with who Shang-Chi was before his movie was announced? " Total Percentage No 1779 Vaguely 280 Yes 68 Really? Hm. I feel like a lot of you like to do a bit of research to see what other characters Marvel Studios might adapt. "Were you familiar with who The Eternals were before their movie was announced? " Total Percentage No 1495 Vaguely 511 Yes 121 OK, yeah, this question was definitely skewed because of that leak from last year, wasn't it? You saw that leak and looked up who The Eternals were, didn't you? "Which team movie would you like to see most? " Total Percentage Dark Avengers 699 The New Avengers 697 Young Avengers 392 The Thunderbolts 259 The Ultimates (2015) 80 This question really differed from comic and non-comic readers with The Thunderbolts being especially lower for non-comic book readers. (If they make that into a movie, you folks are in for a treat. ) "How do you feel about Jane Foster wielding Mjolnir as The Mighty Thor? " Total Percentage Approve 737 Indifferent 612 Strongly Approve 571 Disapprove 146 Strongly Disapprove 61 What suprised me about the difference between comic and non-comic book readers are that comic book readers were A LOT more enthusiastic about Might Thor being in the MCU. Which surprised me, again, because of the discourse online about her comics supposedly being bad (they're actually pretty good). "Who do you think should take up the mantle of Captain America? " Total Percentage Sam Wilson 1205 Bucky Barnes 448 No Preference 263 Neither 211 Man, this is like, the opposite of how I thought comic and non-comic readers would answer this, with the latter leaning a lot more on Bucky inheriting the mantle. Maybe it's because comic book readers have seen Sam wield the shield in the comics and are excited to see some of that adapted? "Who is the most powerful character? " Total Percentage Captain Marvel 677 Doctor Strange 602 Wanda Maximoff 517 Thor 331 Not nearly as even as the votes for comic readers. Much clearer here with who places where with Captain Marvel taking the lead by a healthy margin. With Thor still way behind. Maybe he'll show his stuff in Thor: Love and Thunder and have more impressive feats under his belt. CONTINUITY Netflix Properties Total Percentage Partially 2062 Yes 1537 No 1214 Ah, yes, the set of questions that I put in her to deliberately cause chaos among users, haha. But, for real, it was mostly just to gauge if t
Ummmm. NO THANKS. First cow film trailer. First commonwealth bank. First com. First cow director. First cow review.

I think I enjoyed that nearly as much as you. First country nine gun salute. First community bank login page. First cowboys in usa. 2:02 that first cow looks beautiful. First cow movie trailer 2020.

Mon' the coos! ????????

First college student. First cow the movie trailer. First cow the movie. Why did I come here after James recent video. Ive held off on crying until now ?. I love this! My grandfather had a dairy farm and when it was time for the cows to come into the barn at night for milking, he would walk out a little way and holler, bossy, bossy! Come in! And pretty soon a procession of cows would appear. Always in the same order.????. First cow sanctuary. Lady Ghostbusters failed miserably, I kinda hope Kid Ghostbusters does better. First cow movie trailer.
First cow movie 2020. First cowboy hats. Oh come on, the first one had at least a decent explanation and ending. First cow girl. First cow milk. Mérycisme traitement. I have been waiting for a update. Thanks so much. I am 51 and have started with chickens. I would like to ad cows to my farm. I find your videos very interesting. Shout out from Canada brother. First com www. First cow usa by kelly reichardt. First cow rotten tomatoes. Honestly if they didnt use Godspeed in the trailer I probably wouldnt have watched the movie. I feel like the music just makes it wayyy better.
First cow cast. Thats a nice what was up with them bein in the barn for so long.
First cow trailer song. First cow trailer reaction. First cow movie showtimes. First cow trailer. First cow music.

First cow to fly in an airplane

First citizens. I lived in Oakland, but went to elementary school in the Fillmore in an old Victorian house like that, went to SAIC (formerly St. Anthony's) on Cesar Chavez street, then Roosevelt Middle School on Arguello and then went to Danny Glover's high school (GWHS) in the Richmond. I dunno if I can watch this now that I live in Oregon, I will cry too much and no one around me will know why.
First com favicon. Omg they are so happy ???. A abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness
First community bank batesville ar. First watch coupons. First cow creek. First cow release date. First cow chicago. First cow trailer music. RDJ channeling Gene Wilder x Charlie Chaplin.

Who is here after the final video

Sooooooo excited to have seen such an amazingly touching movie trailer!!!. This truly reminded me of how I lived in West VA, my mom would struggle finding a job and would hustle to help provide me with happiness... the ending brought me to tears. Must watch! It's also funny. 2:56 Truly, this is only real Minecraft game I've even seen. First cow reaction. First cowboys game. Examples of old comments of mine that the mods tracked down & deleted: this, this, and this Mods have also deleted similar list posted by others. Last Edited: Nov 6, 2019 Hall of Bootlickers Activision / Blizzard: banned player for supporting HK democracy protest. Confiscated all his winnings. Fired his interviewers. Apologized to China: condemned incident, swore to defend China's national dignity Activision / Blizzard: censor words related to HK protest in WoW Activision / Blizzard: cut livestream when American U team held up pro-HK sign Activision / Blizzard: censor "Free Hong Kong" in twitch chat of PlayHearthstone Activision / Blizzard: ban users in its Hearthstone Twitch chat for pro-Hong Kong statements American Express: changed "Taiwan" to "Taiwan, China" on its website EA DICE: censor "Tiananmen" in Battlefield V chat ESL: warn staff not to discuss HK protests TikTok: censor videos that mention Tiananmen Square, Tibetan independence, Falun Gong TikTok refuses to testify to US Congress about its business in China ZLONGAME: removed guilds with any reference to HK in Second Galaxy M Apple: censor Taiwan flag emoji in iOS in HK Apple: banned HK protest map in App Store. Approved app after backlash. Banned app once again after China hissy fit Apple: banned in Chinese App Store news app that covered HK protest Apple: minimized the seriousness of iOS exploits that enabled China to track Uyghurs, when 1M+ of them are rounded up by China in concentration camps Apple: handed over iCloud data & encryption keys to China Apple: told Apple TV+ creators to avoid portraying China "in a poor light" Apple: Safari browser sends some user IP addresses to Tencent by default Apple refuses to testify to US Congress about its business in China Vans: censor pro-HK democracy design in its shoe design competition NBA (partial entry): rebuked Rockets manager for his pro-HK tweet, saying NBA was " extremely disappointed with Morey's inappropriate comment. " Backpedalled after backlash, now saying they support Morey's freedom of speech. Brooklyn Nets: owner decried Rockets GM's pro-HK freedom tweet Houston Rockets: censored journalist who asked question about freedom of speech after China debacle James Harden: apologized to China on behalf of his GM's pro-freedom tweet Lebron James: attacked Morey for supporting HK democracy. Wanted Morey punished for it. Philly Sixers: ejected fans for supporting HK Washington Wizards: confiscated "Free Hong Kong" sign Christian Dior: apologize for using "incorrect" China map Disney / ESPN: forbid mention of Chinese politics when discussing Rockets manager's HK tweet Disney / ESPN: showed map of China on SportsCenter that acknowledged CCP's claims to nearly entire South China Sea Disney / Marvel: censored Tibetan monk from "Doctor Strange" & turned him into white woman. Movie screenwriter: " if you acknowledge that Tibet is a place & that he’s Tibetan, you risk alienating one billion people who think that that’s bullshit ". Disney: removed non-white characters from Chinese poster of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Disney / ESPN: told reporter to stand down on covering the NBA-China story the way he wanted Comcast / DreamWorks: movie "Abominable" shows 9 dash line in China map Viacom / Paramount: censor Taiwan flag from the jacket worn by Tom Cruise in new "Top Gun" movie ASICS, Calvin Klein, Coach, Fresh, Givenchy, Pocari Sweat, Valentino, Versace, Swarovski: details here Marriott: apologized & changed "Taiwan" to "Taiwan, China" after China threw a hissy fit Marriott: fired employee who liked tweet from Tibetan group Nike: removed Houston Rockets products from China webstore Cathay Pacific: fired employees for FB posts supporting HK protests. Google: censored pro-HK game " The Revolution of Our Times " from Google Play because it was about a " sensitive event ". Gap: apologized for selling T-shirts IN CANADA that didn't include Taiwan as part of China Tiffany: removed tweet showing model covering 1 eye after China accused it of supporting HK Mercedes: apologized for quoting Dalai Lama on Instagram American, Delta, United: deleted mention of Taiwan as a country from websites Audi: apologized for using "incorrect" map of China that left off Taiwan Muji: destroyed store catalogs that contain "incorrect" map of China Zara: apologized for listing Taiwan as country Medtronic: apologized for publishing "illegal content" that listed "Republic of China (Taiwan)" as country Ray-Ban: changed "Taiwan" & "Hongkong" to "China Taiwan" & "China Hongkong" Qantas, Air France, Air Canada, British Airways, Malaysia Airlines, Japan Airlines, ANA: changed "Taiwan" to "Taiwan China" Sheraton: banned Taiwan National Day event due to China pressure Shutterstock: censors search for any topics China doesn't approve: “Taiwan flag, ” “dictator, ” “yellow umbrella” US universities: don't talk about 3 Ts: Tibet, Tiananmen, Taiwan US universities: welcome China infiltrations with open arms Leica: released ad on Tiananmen protest. Apologized & distanced itself from ad Reddit: took $150M from Tencent. Removed thread like this Rockhampton, Queensland: censored Taiwan flag in student project Cisco: helped build Great Firewall including module to persecute Falun Gong MGM: changed Red Dawn's villain from China to N Korea to placate China Global Blue: fired staff for calling Taiwan a country L'Oréal / Lancôme: canceled HK artist concert for her pro-democracy activism US universities: self-censor in fear of offending China Disney: block Winnie the Pooh website in HK After decades of opening up Western market to China while turning a blind eye to rampant Chinese IP thefts, forced tech transfers, & protectionism, we are looking at widespread control of Western firms by China. Firms that are not under outright Chinese control still kowtow to China out of fear of China's retaliation. This is a very incomplete list of what we're seeing publicly. Imagine how bad it is behind closed doors. Hall of Backbones Daryl Morey: tweeted "Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong" Shaq: said Morey "was right" to openly support pro-democracy protesters in HK despite China's pressure Matt Stone & Trey Parker: South Park "Band in China" Ubisoft: listened to fans, said no to China after initially saying they would tone down game content to be China-compliant. Prague: cancel partnership with Beijing over 1-China principle Immutable: offer to repay banned gamer's winnings that was confiscated by Blizzard, got cyber attacked as a result Epic: won’t ban players for political speech Paradox Development: game banned by China in 2004 for using historically accurate maps that China deemed "incorrect". Refuse to bootlick: latest edition of game still using "incorrect" map Yubico: donated 500 hardware security keys to HK protesters & journalists to defend against cyber attacks China's never-ending human rights abuses Hundreds of human rights lawyers (not even dissidents, just the LAWYERS who defended people) were snatched by gestapo all over China in what is known as the 709 Crackdown. One of those lawyers, Wang Quanzhang was sentenced to 4. 5 years for "subversion of state power". But that's not enough. China actually went after Wang's 6-year-old son, forcing him out of his school and banning any other school from taking him in. A dissident, [Wang Bingzhang]( (dissident)) was kidnapped by Chinese agents in Vietnam and sentenced to life in prison after a closed trial that lasted 1 day. A man wore a t-shirt with the word "Xitler" on it and was disappeared. Eventually he was tried for "subversion of state power" while barred from meeting with lawyers Another man, Wang Meiyu hold up a placard calling for Xi’s resignation & democracy. He was arrested for "picking quarrels”. He ended up dead in custody. A woman live streamed herself splashing ink on a Xi poster. She was disappeared. Her last social media update: "Right now there are a group of people wearing uniforms outside my door. I’ll go out after I change my clothes. I did not commit a crime. The people and groups that hurt me are the ones who are guilty". Later on there was report of her being sent to a psychiatric hospital After the ink-splash woman's disappearance her father made a series of broadcast to call attention to her plight. He ended up getting taken away by the police in the middle of a live stream 5 people associated with a Hong Kong bookstore that sold titles such as " Xi Jinping and His Six Women " were disappeared. Only one managed to escape back to HK. He held a press briefing to tell the world about his kidnapping by China. He's now in exile in Taiwan. The other 4 are still somewhere in China. And, of course 1. 5 million Uyghurs rounded up in concentration camps Leaked footage of a large number of blindfolded Uyghurs shackled together Genocide through forced abortions & sterilizations on Uyghur women Sexual torture of Uyghur women such as rape & rubbing intimate parts with chili paste. A Canadian journalist wanted to debunk reports of Chinese anti-Muslim repression so he went on a stage-managed show tour put on by China. That means he only saw a fake Potemkin village that China actually thought was acceptable by Western standard. But the brutality of even this fake Potemkin village stunned him. Now imagine what's really happening in the real concentration camps where millions of Uyghurs are being held. Imagine how bad the true situation is. Using minorities & political prisoners as free organ farms. Call for retraction of 400 Chinese scientific
First cow ever. First cowboys documentary. Give Noah his damn Oscar. First credit card. First cow horse.

First Cow
7.4 (83%) 580 votes
First Cow









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