忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - ルイジアナ州での反進化論教育(2015)


Writing in Slate (April 21, 2015), Zack Kopplin reports, "I have evidence that religion, not science, is what's being taught systematically in some Louisiana school systems. I have obtained emails from creationist teachers and school administrators, as well as a letter signed by more than 20 current and former Louisiana science teachers in Ouachita Parish in which they say they challenge evolution in the classroom without legal 'tension or fear' because of pro-creationism policies."

In his article, Kopplin explains that he recently obtained material from various Louisiana school districts via public records requests. The result suggests that the Louisiana Science Education Act is widely regarded in the state as affording license for teachers to present scientifically unwarranted critiques of evolution. ...

Zack KopplinがSalte Magazineに書いているように「ルイジアナ州の幾つかの学校で、科学ではなく宗教が体系的に教えられている証拠を、私は持っている。ルイジアナ州Ouachita Parish学区の創造論者な教師や学校管理者からのメールや、20名以上の現職及び元職の理科教師たちからの手紙を受け取っており、それらには、創造論支持ポリシーがあって、法的な緊張や脅威を感じることなく、教室で進化論への疑問が教えられていると書かれている。」


[ "Creationism revealed in Louisiana schools" (2015/04/21) on ncse ]
"We will read in Genesis and them [sic] some supplemental material debunking various aspects of evolution from which the student will present." So wrote a Louisiana science teacher to her principal, as quoted by Zack Kopplin, writing in Slate (June 2, 2015).

「我々は創世記を読み、生徒たちが提示する、進化論の多様な面をデバンクする副読本を読むことになっている」と、ルイジアナ州の理科教師が校長に書いた手紙を、Zack Kopplinが引用している。

[ "Creationism revealed in Louisiana schools, continued" (2015/06/02) on ncse ]