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Documentary. directors: Brent Gudgel. Writers: Brent Gudgel. 2020. Full history watch video free burma rangers game. Full history watch video free burma rangers video.

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(explosion) - Well, you have one life and might as well go for it 'cause what are you gonna hold onto? (epic music) I grew up as a missionary kid in Thailand. I remember thinking, "I think I'm more of a soldier. " I felt God had something else for me to do. (epic music) I turned to Karen and I said, "I'm going to Burma, will you come with me? Will you marry me? " - I felt in my heart, "Say no and let it go, or you say yes and you get in. " (gunfire) (explosion) (helicopters) - I have no other plan, just go. Go to the sound of the guns, go to the sound of need and trust God to show you how you can be useful. (army chanting) - [Man] David Eubank, a former Special Forces Captain has gone on to found the relief group called the Free Burma Rangers. - [Woman] Helping those fleeing front lines of war. - [Woman] His wife and three children go with him into the conflict areas. (epic music) - As we do these relief missions, more and more ethnic people began to join us. - I want to go and help my people as I can. - [Group] Never surrender! Rangers! (explosions) - We hope these things will change the world. (epic music) - We're here on the border of Iran and these are all refugees that have been fleeing ISIS. - [Man] Sniper! Sniper! (gunfire) - This is the craziest thing in the world to do and yet we knew we had to respond. - I felt God's voice, "Get on your knees and pray. " Get on my knees. I look like a Christian nutcase, man. (epic music) ISIS just opened up on three sides. (gunfire) Bullets are pinging of the Humvee like crazy. (epic music) - [Karen] Everything is just right there on the edge. How far is that gonna take Dave? - Alive! (epic music) (gunfire) What's happening to you is wrong, we're gonna help you even if we die trying. We're not gonna leave. 'Cause you count. Jesus, help me. (intense music).

Published on Oct 10, 2019 ??: Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U. S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real-life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world.
Full history watch video free burma rangers songs. Our new Film Free Burma Rangers was in over 650 theaters on February 24 & 25, 2020. Join our email list to receive updates on future screenings, dvd, and online releases. “ Whatever your religious beliefs, you will find [The Free Burma Rangers] courage and idealism inspiring… “ ? The BOSTON GLOBE “ An extremely well-made documentary. The interviews are beautifully woven together with onscreen action. “ ? MOVIEGUIDE “ When following Jesus turns into an action movie! Just WOW! “ ? STEPHEN KENDRICK, Producer “Overcomer” “ It’s a fascinating, moving portrait of how the gospel of Jesus Christ motivates believers to flee comfort and run toward danger?dodging bullets and bombs to be conduits of healing and hope. “ ? GOSPEL COALITION “ You’ll find yourself shaking your head in amazement when you see the story of the Free Burma Rangers! “ KEVIN EZELL, President North American Mission Board, SBC “ The most harrowing faith-based movie ever made… a Real-Life ‘Action-Adventure’ Film. “ ? CROSSWALK “ Not Standard Christian Fare… it transcends the limitations of the genre and deserves to be seen by a wider audience… amazing in its humanity and graphic honesty… Nothing is reenacted. “ ? Blogcritics “ One of the most Inspiring films you will see. “ ? Docsology. “ The raw and inspiring movie truly illustrates Christianity in action. ” ? The Christian Post “ The film is a real-life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world. ” ? Deidox is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your donations are tax deductible. To avoid any processing fees, consider donating by check. Your tax deductible donation can be sent to: Deidox Films 10900 Research Blvd, Suite 160-C Austin, TX 78759 GET UPDATES Join our email list to receive updates on future screenings, dvd, and online releases of all Deidox documentaries, including announcements about Free Burma Rangers. Enter your email below and click subscribe. THE TEAM Deidox Films is a 501(c)(3) non-profit documentary production company creating content from a Christian perspective. Brent Gudgel (Director/Producer/Writer): Brent is a writer/director who has helmed over 300 documentary productions in 20+ countries. He directed the documentary Dear Francis about the battle to stop HIV/AIDS in Africa (Showtime television) and the The Ordinance ( Amazon). His footage was also featured in the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics. Find him on instagram. Chris Sinclair (Director/Cinematographer): Chris is a world-traveling director, by way of photojournalism. He spent eight years in Asia as an overseas correspondent. Chris holds an M. A. in Visual Communication from Ohio University (2012). He has since run filmed for a variety of media outlets and organizations, including BBC, CNN, Vox Media, DJI, Salvation Army, and more. Dave Mahanes (Producer): David has overseen the production of documentaries, promotional videos, and short films for the last 14 years, including the award-winning documentary Dear Francis (Showtime) and the film series Deidox Shorts. He has worked with Saddleback Church, Goodwill, Union Rescue Mission, the US State Department, IJM and World Relief, among others. Find him on instagram @csinclair. THE STORY Free Burma Rangers is an epic adventure-doc exploring the extraordinary journey of Dave Eubank ? who with his wife Karen and three young children have spent the last two decades living in war zones like Myanmar (formerly Burma), Iraq and Syria, fighting to bring hope through the humanitarian work of the Free Burma Rangers. A former U. S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary, Dave Eubank is an unlikely hero in the war zones where he serves ? a husband and father who has chosen a path few American families would consider. Free Burma Rangers shows the Eubank’s mix of grit, determination and faith providing a peaceful disposition in places that are anything but. And amidst firefights, heroic rescues, and the brokenness embedded in these war-torn countries, the Eubanks are undoubtedly one of the most inspiring families in the world. Filmmakers Brent Gudgel ( Dear Francis, The Ordinance) & Chris Sinclair guide viewers through this emotional and ultimately exhilarating feature documentary by combining footage from the earliest days of the Free Burma Rangers (including adorable scenes of the Eubank children growing up in the jungles of Burma) with their more recent peace-keeping missions in Iraq and Syria ? some of the same stories we’re witnessing in the news today. The Free Burma Rangers were officially founded more than 20 years ago by Dave Eubank, in response to conflict in the nation then known as Burma, and now offers help, hope and love to internally displaced people around the world. In reading through their core principles of loving one another, forgiveness, praying with faith, and acting with courage, Dave Eubank is undoubtedly the toughest missionary you’ll likely ever encounter. Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film experience that challenges the very notion of what it means to be a global citizen and demonstrates how one family has taken “love thy neighbor” to an inspiring new level.
Full history watch video free burma rangers 2017. Full history watch video free burma rangers 1. Full history watch video free burma rangers 2. Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U. S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world. The Free Burma Rangers was founded over 20 years ago by Eubank, in response to conflict in Burma, and now offer help, hope and love to internally displaced people around the world. They live by six principles: Love One Another Unite for Freedom, Justice, and Peace Forgive and do not hate each other Pray with faith Act with Courage Never Surrender Viewer Discretion Advised ? Includes Intense, Graphic Sequences of War Violence THE FILM IS PRODUCED BY DEIDOX FILMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH LIFEWAY FILMS.
Full history watch video free burma rangers music. Full history watch video free burma rangers 2016. Full history watch video free burma rangers full. Full history watch video free burma rangers videos. When he sent an email to the Free Burma Rangers in early 2004, filmmaker Chris Sinclair didn’t expect that in a few short months he’d be hiking across Thailand taking photos of displaced individuals. And he certainly didn’t expect that years later, he’d create a documentary telling the story of the FBR and their founder, David Eubank. “I think what it does is, it lifts the veil of the headlines of what we’re familiar with, ” Sinclair says of his film, Free Burma Rangers. “Whatever little or distorted view of Iraq or Burma we have, I think those places become real and human, and I think we can be a lot more nuanced in our conversations about the topics of war and displacement and migrants when you see and understand their stories. ” Sinclair is a Dallas-based documentarian whose Free Burma Rangers will be screened as a nationwide Fathom Event on Monday-Tuesday, Feb. 24-25. The film tells the story of Eubank, who spent 10 years as a U. S. Special Forces officer and who's led hundreds of rescue and relief missions in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Mosul, Iraq. Using both his military training and his Christian faith, Eubank founded the Free Burma Rangers in 1997 and has raised his family in Burma. Eubank’s wife, Karen, has developed educational and rehabilitation programs for children of war-torn countries, and their children, Sahale, Suzanne and Peter, have participated in relief missions. The Free Burma Rangers have trained over 4, 500 members, undertaken over 800 humanitarian missions, treated over 500, 000 patients and served as many as 1. 5 million civilians. The documentary aims to shed light on the groundbreaking work done by the group and its founder, exploring how Eubank’s military training and faith led him to save countless lives. “He is just a very, very uniquely qualified individual with a very unique history, on both the faith side, being the son of a missionary, and on the military side, being able to operate competently in combat zones, ” Sinclair says. “He’s former special forces; I don’t think anyone else would be the right fit for this kind of work. ” Eubank made national headlines in 2017 when a video of him saving a young girl from ISIS gunfire in Mosul went viral. Sinclair says Eubank’s willingness to put his life on the line for others was inspiring throughout the course of their journey together. EXPAND The combat zone in Mosul, Iraq courtesy LifeWay Films and Deidox Films “He’s putting his money where his mouth is, he’s putting his life on the line, ” Sinclair says. “He’s very bold and he’s also very humble, and I think other local leaders of resistance groups who control these territories... all love him because they can see eye to eye with him. ” Sinclair began filming in 2012 in Burma and joined the Free Burma Rangers on multiple missions that spanned several months, with an average hike length of 300 miles per trip.?Sinclair also tagged along when the Eubank family ventured into Iraq in 2016. It was often a dangerous and emotionally grueling task: Sinclair was shot at three times and witnessed many wartime atrocities. What kept Sinclair inspired was his belief in Eubank’s teachings and getting the chance to raise awareness of his message of faith and forgiveness. “I think the common denominator is that whatever faith you ascribe to, love can do powerful things, ” he says of Eubank’s character. “One of my favorite lines is in the baptism scene, he says, ‘Forgiveness is a counter warfare that has eternal energy to it. ’ That’s one of those phrases that I just keep going back to and thinking about???when we can forgive even our enemies. ” Sinclair says that because of his long trips and extensive interviews, some powerful footage had to be cut for the sake of time. One instance, in which a young boy who was found brutally burned made a miraculous recovery in a hospital in Thailand, was among the most emotionally affecting moments for Sinclair. “It was a great kind of beginning, middle and end that we had on tape that easily could’ve been a great hook to set people up and pay it off with this magnificent recovery, ” he says. “It was one of those things where you clearly see the impact, and it’s definitely part of the story. ” Sinclair graduated with a degree in visual communication from Ohio University and lived for many years among the Shan people in China. He says his experience being the only English-speaking person in his community helped him relate to Eubank’s passion for helping marginalized people. “I definitely related on the level of a strong sense of injustice for people that are close to us, ” he says. “I felt like the Shan were my friends, and if I met new Shan people experiencing injustice in Thailand or in Burma, I aligned with Dave in that I wanted to help them and advocate for their experiences and greater sense of justice. ” Eubank had been approached about making a documentary about his work several times by networks, including HBO and National Geographic, but he resisted because he didn’t want to outshine the experiences of those who were suffering. When Eubank agreed to Sinclair’s request to make the film, it was important to Sinclair to use Eubank’s story to shine a light on the people of Burma and Iraq. “He thought that the more compelling story was the people who were enduring suffering, ” Sinclair says of his subject and friend. “He always wanted to highlight the locals that were living displaced or the ethnic teams that were doing the work. He always said to focus on them, that they’re the real story. ” Free Burma Rangers was produced by LifeWay Films and Deidox Films. Tickets are available through. Film Reviews.

Author: Mike Jasinski
Info: Author: "Examining Genocides" and "Social Trust, Anarchy, and International Conflict". ??????









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