Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle Mojo

  1. Published by - Annette Bell
  2. Biography: Disciple of Jesus. Berean. Passionate about the Word of God and the Church. “Let us hold fast.”

genre - Documentary
rating - 20 Vote
Release year - 2020
runtime - 2 H 30minutes
??????? ??????? Country - USA; Duration - 2 H 30Minutes; One of the greatest miracles in the Bible; Moses and the Israelites trapped at the sea by Pharaoh's army when God miraculously parts the waters. But is there any evidence that it really happened and if so, where? This documentary has stayed with me. Is some one see UFO at the beginning. Apparently, there was once a city in the north of Sweden called Korona, but somehow we’ve all forgotten about it. I’m a police officer working in Kalix, a municipality close to where the lost city of Korona is supposed to have been. At that place, there are no signs of the city ? only a dense forest ? but certain details related to my own family makes me certain this place was indeed real. The entire world just forgot about it… I can’t imagine how or why, but it’s the only conclusion I’ve been able to reach. For me, this all started when two Romanian blueberry pickers came into my small office to report something they had found deep in the dense forest. They didn’t know enough Swedish or English to explain exactly what it was that they had found, but it was immediately clear to me that it had terrified them completely. From what I understood, it seemed to involve a human corpse. Eventually, after having brought in an interpreter from the town next to mine, it was revealed that they had stumble upon a dead child, no more than ten years old. They led me and two of my colleagues ? followed by an ambulance ? to the location where they had found the child. The sun was setting behind a thick mist when we got there. I lit a cigarette while we left the main road and walked into the forest, to where the child was supposed to be. I felt a bit uncomfortable having to deal with a dead child, but I had handled cases like this before ? some car accidents ? and didn’t feel too affected by it now. It was just another job, or so I thought. The Romanians stopped when we got close and refused to go any further. There was panic in their eyes, more than I expected even given these extreme circumstances. One of my colleagues stayed with them while the rest of us continued. We soon came upon a huge boulder that had been placed there by the ice sheet that covered Europe during the ice age. My colleague walked around it and a few moments later he came running back, pale as if he had seen the Devil himself. He bent down and puked right in front of me. “It…” he said. “It’s on the other side… Holy shit. ” I didn’t ask him any questions, I only proceeded to check it out for myself with the medics following behind me. What we found on the other side of the boulder… It wasn’t natural. Half the child ? a blond little girl ? was fused with the boulder just as if she had been passing through it as a ghost and then suddenly turned into a human before she had time to exit the rock. Or, as my colleague later remarked, it was as if she had been teleported into the rock. The girls sorrowful, dead gaze into the forest seemed to tell a story of a tragedy unknown to the living. The medics quickly shied away from her eyes in silence, horrified by the fate she must have suffered, but I couldn’t look away. I’ve never been a religious man, but this experience made me doubt everything I’d believed before. And I don’t just mean the bizarre way the poor girl had lost her life, half engulfed by the boulder… There was something else about the girl as well. Something that made me feel completely empty inside, just as if a piece of my own soul was ripped out of me leaving an empty hole in my heart that quickly filled up with a sorrow I had never felt before. It was a dreadful feeling, only made worse by the strange fact that a small part of me recognized the girl. I couldn’t tell from where… Her face was like the vague memory of a dream recently forgotten. We collected ourselves and started talking, trying to make sense of the situation without any success, while the medics approached the body. I tried to focus on the hard facts while we investigated the scene. The girl was wearing a pink jacket. In one of the pockets, we found an odd looking flower ? it’s colors were exotic and resembled the wings of a beetle ? and a yellow library card with a text that puzzled us. “The library of Korona, ” it said. The girl had written her name on the card as well. When I saw it, my world started spinning. “Isabella Lexelius”, it said in the girls childish handwriting. “Isn’t that your last name, sir? ” my colleague said. “It… it is…” I didn’t know what to say or think. “Well, do you know her? ” “I… I don’t know… No… No, I’ve never seen her before in my entire life. It must be a coincidence. ” “That’s a pretty big coincidence, sir. ” I didn’t respond to that. “There’s something on the ground as well”, one of the medics said. On the bloodstained moss beneath the girl, there was a notebook. It must have fallen out of her hand, the one that was hanging limply above the book. I picked it up and opened it. The pages were covered with small text, written with a different handwriting than the girl’s. “Sir! ” one of the medics said. “We will have to bring some tools to cut her down. ” “Yes”, I said absently. “There’s one more thing”, the medic said. I put the book in a plastic evidence bag. “What? ” “There’s too much blood. ” The medic pointed at the ground. “What do you mean there’s too much blood? ” I asked. “Beneath the boulder, sir”, the medic explained. “It’s impossible for all that blood to come from a child. ” A moment of silence, then I said: “We will have to come back here with better tools. ” A day later, we successfully removed the upper body of the girl and brought it back to the morgue where it was examined. We also tried to lift the boulder with the help of a crane, but it wouldn’t budge. Instead, we dug a hole under it but we didn’t find any new body parts. All we could do this day was to sample as much of the blood as possible. During the examination of the body, I read the notebook. It contained the story of the city of Korona. I was convinced it was fiction ? a deranged story written by the man I thought must have killed the girl ? until a few weeks ago when the forensic lab called me. I still have a hard time believing it, but they told me there’s no other way. They had tested the DNA of the girl and compared it to mine because of her last name. It was my idea, since I didn’t want anyone to suspect anything. We didn’t think it would reveal anything, but it did… The ten or so years old girl, Isabella, was my daughter. I was sure it wasn’t possible. Ten years earlier I lived with my ex-wife and I never cheated on her and certainly didn’t have any children with her. We stayed together for five more years, so I would’ve known if she had a baby during that time. And yet, there was nothing wrong with the test. Below is a transcript of the notebook. I’ve typed it out here in the hopes that someone will remember the city of Korona or someone who might have lived in it. Please contact me if you have any information. This is what was inside the notebook: My name is Helena Fredriksson. Five years ago I was a different person. I was younger back then, not just in the ordinary sense but in spirit too. There was joy in my life and I had hopes and dreams. That’s all gone now… I don’t have that much time to write this down, but I will try and explain what happened to us ? to our entire community ? as well as I can. The event, as we have come to call it, occurred on July 9, 2013. I was only visiting Korona over the day to take my niece ? Isabella ? to the grand opening of The Red Grove, the cities new amusement park. It was supposed to be the biggest one in Sweden and Isabella had begged her parents to go to the grand opening, but neither of them had been able to due to work. So they called me and asked me to do it for them. I was their go-to person for when they needed help with Isabella, the only one they trusted. How I wish that hadn’t been the case now, considering what happened. We arrived pretty early, a few hours before the opening, so that we wouldn’t need to stay in line the whole day to get inside. The weather was amazing. It had rained earlier in the morning, so we had been a bit worried, but when we got to the city there wasn’t a cloud in sight. Isabella couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we would have, and it warmed my heart to see her so happy. It took us a bit longer than expected to get to the amusement park since one of the main streets had been closed off for a military parade. This didn’t bother us that much, it rather increased the feeling of celebration in the air. To avoid the parade, we had to take a bus to the city center, the Freyja square, and from there we had to take the subway to the Yellow Neutral business cluster ? the tallest skyscrapers in Sweden. It was possible for us to walk to The Red Grove from there. There were people everywhere. It turned out that a lot of them had taken a ferry down the river that I didn’t know about. This meant we had to stand in line after all. Isabella didn’t mind, but I knew she would get hungry soon, and I worried that it would ruin her mood. Luckily, there was a man selling hot dogs from a cart that he was pushing down the line. I bought a hot dog and a soda for Isabella. Her parents didn’t really like when I bought her junk food, but a day like this I thought they would understand. The man was also selling red balloons to the children. Isabella said she wanted one. I tried to tell her that she would have to carry it around all day and that there would be more balloons inside the amusement park, but she wouldn’t listen. Reluctantly, I bought her a balloon as well. At this point, no one knew that their entire lives were about to change in a matter of minutes. Isabella accidentally let go of the balloon. I feared it would make her sad, but it didn’t seem to bother her that mu
The evidence is overwhelming! I can't help to feel pain for the world that dont want to recognize there is a God, even when they can find the evidence if they wanted to, in that day there will be no excuses and that thought makes feel pain and sadness for those who make all efforts possible to deny this things and keep all of this concealed to people. I'd like to know if I can find this material in spanish so I can be able to share it with all of my friends. Download full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle video. Download full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle sea miracle movie.
Awesome God. Download full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle reviews. Good job, great video, you can't deny bible truth. Very interesting. something to ponder upon. Download Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle de la grossesse. Download full patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle season. Science ignores the evidence cause it might prove the Bible is true and we can't have that But the world will know when God decides it's time. Download Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracles:pdf. Download full patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle tool.
I have watched several of Ron Whites Documentaries He was blessed and gifted.

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My favorite part of Moses. Amen Amen hallelujah. Tim, the thing that irritates me?is that?you are?about the 3rd generation of figures who have piggy backed off Ron Wyatt's work.? If you consider Ron as first gen., after this came Dr. Leonard Moller, who wrote, The Exodus Case, and Jim & Penny Caldwell.? Jim Caldwell worked at an oil refinery in Saudi Arabia in the 80's and they actually went to the mount of Moses and filmed it.?? Moller even found the remains of chariots at the bottom of the Gulf of Aqaba.? Another one would be Bob Cornuke.?? Also, the Egyptians make reference to the Hyksos (Israel) or foreigners living in the land, in their writings.? Here is the video, of one such interview.
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I gave my life to Christ after watching this video thankyou so much for sharing this with the wirld. Download full patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle lyrics. We Muslim believe in Moses morethan any one and don't worry this site Will remain protected Can't u see its still as it is.

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Download full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle day. Download Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle:2. God u are wonderful. The story of Ron finding the Ark of the Covenant It touched me to the very bottom of my soul. I cried for hours. The thought that the blood of Jesus had run down through that crack in the rock and through Jeremiah's grave to the Ark below and landing on the left side of the Ark. The having the blood tested and finding it still alive just blew me away. It took me weeks to get straight with it. That blood still being alive means Jesus is still alive and having only one chromesone. Only our Lord could do something like that. It still haunts me but has boosted my spirit to the clouds.
Download full patterns of evidence the red sea miracles. A miracle is just a rare and unfamiliar event of physics that occurs at an incredibly convinent time and place. Just as magic is just advanced technology we are yet unaware of. Download Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle league. Download full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle 2017. Jehovah God called them enemies They wasn't victims It would be awsome if they was able to fine the ark of covenant So many stories on who has it. These people need to look up Ron Wyatt and his archeological evidence he found regarding the Exodus. But as always the skeptic will always be a skeptic even when presented with facts.
I can teach you the mystery hidden in the heart of God that the world knows little, THE MYSTERY OF THE THREE TREES. GENESIS 2: 9 And from the earth the Lord God made to cultivate every tree that is pleasing to the eye, and good to eat; the tree of life also in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Has anyone thought about that Egyptology may have gotten their beginning wrong. Praise the lord. I came to watch ads. But this naked archaeologist guy keeps getting in the middle of my ads.

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YouTube. The biggest mistake made here is the proof they try to make with the Ark of the covenant > If they want to proof everything is as the Bible tells why they say the Ark is made by peoples who couldn't have been there. Secondly if they had done some real scientific research then they would have discovered the Ark is a religious artifact that already was used in Egypt itself and exactly as depicted as the Bible tells and not an object with two birds. Then they also would know for what that object was used and what it represented and then they would know why Moses had it made and the relationship it had with the goddess Maät, goddess of justice and law and why they always depicted Moses with two stone tablets. They are the symbols above the head of Maät symbolizing peace and justice. Finally they ignore the mere fact that also Egypt had a period that they had a monotheistic worship under the rule of the late descended of Ahmose called Echnaton. That is still a hard historical fact they ignore. Because that is almost presumably the starting point of an event that is called created a start of monotheism that was exported by peoples to the Middle East. The whole story of the Exodus is written down in the retrospect view of the Biblical writers who finally assembled these stories in the 6 century BC in Babylon.
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