3.1/ 5stars


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  • Columnist - Serban Nichifor
  • Biography: Composer. Prof.Dr. at the National Music University Bucharest (Romania)

Musical. 2019. After having seen multiple dancers and versions, i always come back to watch this interpretation. The final round, the small fairy like subtle and soft movements, the playful attitude has made this my favourite sugarplum fairy of them all. This is so much like the movie its almost impossible to tell the difference.
Im doing my first solo en pointe this year, Arabian, and im super excited. EEEEPIIIIIC youre so dam right. goosebumps everytime i watch it. B.O.R.N in Europe. beautiful coreography. Fantastique. I live with Miami City Ballet and the Balanchine choreography. It's a great company. RIchard. Απλα υπέροχο και μαγευτικό.
Thank you for uploading this video. This is truly a magnificent performance. And the conductor is great; so lively. ARGH! I want to do some house chores with this music playing in the background but can't get away from the screen! It's too good.

Great performance! This conductor's joy is contagious! He makes it even more enjoyable to watch and listen. Half conducting, half dancing. love it. Wonderful. Not even 2 minutes in and I feel fancy. Absolutely wonderful performance of the `Nutcracker`? ballet. Every aspect of this presentation was perfect for me; the dancing, the orchestra, the scenery, the costumes and the beautiful pastel colours. Everything one would expect from? The Kremlin Ballet. Omg finally?.

I love part 39:09 Waltz the of snowflakes ??

邪教退散しろや人騙すんじゃねーよHERESY. You know you are a professional when what you do looks easy to others but it's actually not. That guy had too much fun playing Rothbart ? This is my third time watching this video I swear it's my favourite.

I particularly dislike the Nutcracker's and Mouse King's descent into a sulphurous hell and the long wait of the dancers.? At least the Mouse King left finally for gosh sake's. didn't like this version. It's incredible how seemingly all the productions have serious flaws for well.

  1. https://seesaawiki.jp/fumimoto/d/%26%2312695%3bStr...









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