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VisualuRuby by stunning seo guys


   arr.pack ( aTemplateString ) -> aBinaryString

Packs the contents of <i>arr</i> into a binary sequence according to
the directives in <i>aTemplateString</i> (see the table below)
Directives ``A,'' ``a,'' and ``Z'' may be followed by a count,
which gives the width of the resulting field. The remaining
directives also may take a count, indicating the number of array
elements to convert. If the count is an asterisk
(``<code>*</code>''), all remaining array elements will be
converted. Any of the directives ``<code>sSiIlL</code>'' may be
followed by an underscore (``<code>_</code>'') to use the underlying
platform's native size for the specified type; otherwise, they use a
platform-independent size. Spaces are ignored in the template
string. See also <code>String#unpack</code>.

   a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
   n = [ 65, 66, 67 ]
   a.pack("A3A3A3")   #=> "a  b  c  "
   a.pack("a3a3a3")   #=> "a\000\000b\000\000c\000\000"
   n.pack("ccc")      #=> "ABC"

Directives for +pack+.

 Directive    Meaning
     @     |  Moves to absolute position
     A     |  arbitrary binary string (space padded, count is width)
     a     |  arbitrary binary string (null padded, count is width)
     B     |  Bit string (descending bit order)
     b     |  Bit string (ascending bit order)
     C     |  Unsigned byte (C unsigned char)
     c     |  Byte (C char)
     D, d  |  Double-precision float, native format
     E     |  Double-precision float, little-endian byte order
     e     |  Single-precision float, little-endian byte order
     F, f  |  Single-precision float, native format
     G     |  Double-precision float, network (big-endian) byte order
     g     |  Single-precision float, network (big-endian) byte order
     H     |  Hex string (high nibble first)
     h     |  Hex string (low nibble first)
     I     |  Unsigned integer
     i     |  Integer
     L     |  Unsigned long
     l     |  Long
     M     |  Quoted printable, MIME encoding (see RFC2045)
     m     |  Base64 encoded string
     N     |  Long, network (big-endian) byte order
     n     |  Short, network (big-endian) byte-order
     P     |  Pointer to a structure (fixed-length string)
     p     |  Pointer to a null-terminated string
     Q, q  |  64-bit number
     S     |  Unsigned short
     s     |  Short
     U     |  UTF-8
     u     |  UU-encoded string
     V     |  Long, little-endian byte order
     v     |  Short, little-endian byte order
     w     |  BER-compressed integer\fnm
     X     |  Back up a byte
     x     |  Null byte
     Z     |  Same as ``a'', except that null is added with *

   str.unpack(format)   => anArray

Decodes <i>str</i> (which may contain binary data) according to the
format string, returning an array of each value extracted. The
format string consists of a sequence of single-character directives,
summarized in the table at the end of this entry.
Each directive may be followed
by a number, indicating the number of times to repeat with this
directive. An asterisk (``<code>*</code>'') will use up all
remaining elements. The directives <code>sSiIlL</code> may each be
followed by an underscore (``<code>_</code>'') to use the underlying
platform's native size for the specified type; otherwise, it uses a
platform-independent consistent size. Spaces are ignored in the
format string. See also <code>Array#pack</code>.

   "abc \0\0abc \0\0".unpack('A6Z6')   #=> ["abc", "abc "]
   "abc \0\0".unpack('a3a3')           #=> ["abc", " \000\000"]
   "abc \0abc \0".unpack('Z*Z*')       #=> ["abc ", "abc "]
   "aa".unpack('b8B8')                 #=> ["10000110", "01100001"]
   "aaa".unpack('h2H2c')               #=> ["16", "61", 97]
   "\xfe\xff\xfe\xff".unpack('sS')     #=> [-2, 65534]
   "now=20is".unpack('M*')             #=> ["now is"]
   "whole".unpack('xax2aX2aX1aX2a')    #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]

This table summarizes the various formats and the Ruby classes
returned by each.

   Format | Returns | Function
     A    | String  | arbitrary binary string with trailing
          |         | nulls and ASCII spaces removed
     a    | String  | arbitrary binary string
     B    | String  | extract bits from each character (msb first)
     b    | String  | extract bits from each character (lsb first)
     C    | Fixnum  | extract a byte (C char) as an unsigned integer
     c    | Fixnum  | extract a byte (C char) as an integer
     d,D  | Float   | treat sizeof(double) characters as
          |         | a native double
     E    | Float   | treat sizeof(double) characters as
          |         | a double in little-endian byte order
     e    | Float   | treat sizeof(float) characters as
          |         | a float in little-endian byte order
     f,F  | Float   | treat sizeof(float) characters as
          |         | a native float
     G    | Float   | treat sizeof(double) characters as
          |         | a double in network byte order
     g    | Float   | treat sizeof(float) characters as a
          |         | float in network byte order
     H    | String  | extract hex nibbles from each character
          |         | (most significant first)
     h    | String  | extract hex nibbles from each character
          |         | (least significant first)
     I    | Integer | treat sizeof(int) (modified by _)
          |         | successive characters as an unsigned
          |         | native integer
     i    | Integer | treat sizeof(int) (modified by _)
          |         | successive characters as a signed
          |         | native integer
     L    | Integer | treat four (modified by _) successive
          |         | characters as an unsigned native
          |         | long integer
     l    | Integer | treat four (modified by _) successive
          |         | characters as a signed native
          |         | long integer
     M    | String  | quoted-printable
     m    | String  | base64-encoded
     N    | Integer | treat four characters as an unsigned
          |         | long in network byte order
     n    | Fixnum  | treat two characters as an unsigned
          |         | short in network byte order
     P    | String  | treat sizeof(char *) characters as a
          |         | pointer, and  return \emph{len} characters
          |         | from the referenced location
     p    | String  | treat sizeof(char *) characters as a
          |         | pointer to a  null-terminated string
     Q    | Integer | treat 8 characters as an unsigned
          |         | quad word (64 bits)
     q    | Integer | treat 8 characters as a signed
          |         | quad word (64 bits)
     S    | Fixnum  | treat two (different if _ used)
          |         | successive characters as an unsigned
          |         | short in native byte order
     s    | Fixnum  | Treat two (different if _ used)
          |         | successive characters as a signed short
          |         | in native byte order
     U    | Integer | UTF-8 characters as unsigned integers
     u    | String  | UU-encoded
     V    | Fixnum  | treat four characters as an unsigned
          |         | long in little-endian byte order
     v    | Fixnum  | treat two characters as an unsigned
          |         | short in little-endian byte order
     w    | Integer | BER-compressed integer (see Array.pack)
     X    | ---     | skip backward one character
     x    | ---     | skip forward one character
     Z    | String  | with trailing nulls removed
          |         | upto first null with *
     @    | ---     | skip to the offset given by the
          |         | length argument
2008年06月16日(月) 04:46:49 Modified by aqualung
